12 research outputs found

    Cortical specialisation to social stimuli from the first days to the second year of life: A rural Gambian cohort.

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    Brain and nervous system development in human infants during the first 1000days (conception to two years of age) is critical, and compromised development during this time (such as from under nutrition or poverty) can have life-long effects on physical growth and cognitive function. Cortical mapping of cognitive function during infancy is poorly understood in resource-poor settings due to the lack of transportable and low-cost neuroimaging methods. Having established a signature cortical response to social versus non-social visual and auditory stimuli in infants from 4 to 6 months of age in the UK, here we apply this functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) paradigm to investigate social responses in infants from the first postnatal days to the second year of life in two contrasting environments: rural Gambian and urban UK. Results reveal robust, localized, socially selective brain responses from 9 to 24 months of life to both the visual and auditory stimuli. In contrast at 0-2 months of age infants exhibit non-social auditory selectivity, an effect that persists until 4-8 months when we observe a transition to greater social stimulus selectivity. These findings reveal a robust developmental curve of cortical specialisation over the first two years of life

    Crop Yield Gaps: Their Importance, Magnitudes, and Causes

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    Future trajectories of food prices, food security, and cropland expansion are closely linked to future average crop yields in the major agricultural regions of the world. Because the maximum possible yields achieved in farmers’ fields might level off or even decline in many regions over the next few decades, reducing the gap between average and potential yields is critical. In most major irrigated wheat, rice, and maize systems, yields appear to be at or near 80% of yield potential, with no evidence for yields having exceeded this threshold to date. A fundamental constraint in these systems appears to be uncertainty in growing season weather, thus tools to address this uncertainty would likely reduce gaps. Otherwise, short-term prospects for yield gains in irrigated agriculture appear grim without increased yield potential. Average yields in rain-fed systems are commonly 50% or less of yield potential, suggesting ample room for improvement, though estimation of yield gaps for rain-fed regions is subject to more errors than for irrigated regions. Several priorities for future research are identified

    Impacto financiero en la empresa Cerámicos Lambayeque SAC a través de la correlación de su economic value added y el crédito hipotecario del departamento de Lambayeque, en los periodos 2013-2012

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el impacto financiero a través de la correlación estadística del crédito hipotecario y el economic value added (EVA) de Cerámicos Lambayeque SAC en los periodos 2013 -2012, para lograr ello se estableció las siguientes etapas de planificación tales como : Etapa 1: Se ha recolectado datos estadísticos sobre la evolución de los créditos hipotecarios en el departamento de Lambayeque (2013-2012). Etapa 2: Se determinó la cuota en el mercado de Cerámicos Lambayeque SAC en la región a través del nivel de producción mensual con respecto a sus competidores. Etapa 3: Se estableció la participación de Cerámicos Lambayeque SAC en los créditos hipotecarios en los periodos de análisis, contando con el nivel promedio de incidencia de ladrillo en los fines del crédito hipotecario a través del informe de Fondo Mivienda. Etapa 4: Se solicitó la información económica-financiera al área de contabilidad de la empresa Cerámicos Lambayeque SAC de los periodos 2013-2012. Etapa 5: Se calculó el rendimiento económico (ROA), el costo promedio ponderado de capital, rendimiento financiero (ROE) y el valor económico agregado (EVA). Etapa 6: Se determinó y analizó la correlación estadística anexando las variables de estudio; y en la Etapa 7: Se evaluó resultados estadísticos y se procedió a enumerar las conclusiones significativas y recomendaciones Los resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones ha sido de beneficio para la junta de accionistas, gerente administrativo, contador y todos los demás stakeholders (partes interesadas) de la empresa. Asimismo tendrá una repercusión en el sector construcción, para las medidas financieras correspondientes.Tesi

    Moving towards effective therapeutic strategies for Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis

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