2,394 research outputs found

    STEM Education as “Trojan Horse”: Deconstructed and Reinvented for All

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    ‘STEM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education initiatives have grown significantly and, indeed, seem hegemonic — rallying a vast array of powerful actants to their causes. Although there is a certain amount to celebrate, we argue that — like subterfuge inherent to a ‘Trojan horse’ — many potential hazards to the wellbeing of individuals, societies and environments are hidden within STEM education programs. Many such programs, for instance, promise more STEM jobs and consequent material welfare. However, it seems that such jobs may become more precarious while differences between rich and poor increase. Moreover, with STEM education proponents’ apparent penchant for increased for-profit productivity, serious potential social and environmental problems — like those linked to catastrophic climate change — appear increasingly likely. Perhaps also misleadingly, while STEM education initiatives tout emphases on integration, we note exclusion of critical and activist perspectives that might contribute to a better world. Although we propose some alternatives that we feel can promote social justice and individual and environmental wellbeing, we also suggest that those promoting social justice and environmental sustainability through science education need to learn from neoliberals and focus on developing networks of mutually-supportive living, nonliving and symbolic entities

    Experimental modulation of capsule size in Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Experimental modulation of capsule size is an important technique for the study of the virulence of the encapsulated pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. In this paper, we summarize the techniques available for experimental modulation of capsule size in this yeast and describe improved methods to induce capsule size changes. The response of the yeast to the various stimuli is highly dependent on the cryptococcal strain. A high CO(2) atmosphere and a low iron concentration have been used classically to increase capsule size. Unfortunately, these stimuli are not reliable for inducing capsular enlargement in all strains. Recently we have identified new and simpler conditions for inducing capsule enlargement that consistently elicited this effect. Specifically, we noted that mammalian serum or diluted Sabouraud broth in MOPS buffer pH 7.3 efficiently induced capsule growth. Media that slowed the growth rate of the yeast correlated with an increase in capsule size. Finally, we summarize the most commonly used media that induce capsule growth in C. neoformans

    Does physical activity modify the risk of obesity for type 2 diabetes: a review of epidemiological data

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    Obesity and physical inactivity are both risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Since they are strongly associated, it has been suggested that they might interact. In this study, we summarized the evidence on this interaction by conducting a systematic review. Two types of interaction have been discerned, statistical and biological interaction, which could give different results. Therefore, we calculated both types of interaction for the studies in our review. Cohort studies, published between 1999 and 2008, that investigated the effects of obesity and physical activity on the risk of type 2 diabetes were included. We calculated both biological and statistical interaction in these studies. Eight studies were included of which five were suitable to calculate interaction. All studies showed positive biological interaction, meaning that the joint effect was more than the sum of the individual effects. However, there was inconsistent statistical interaction; in some studies the joint effect was more than the product of the individual effects, in other studies it was less. The results show that obesity and physical inactivity interact on an additive scale. This means that prevention of either obesity or physical inactivity, not only reduces the risk of diabetes by taking away the independent effect of this factor, but also by preventing the cases that were caused by the interaction between both factors. Furthermore, this review clearly showed that results can differ depending on what method is used to assess interaction

    The challenges faced in the design, conduct and analysis of surgical randomised controlled trials

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    Randomised evaluations of surgical interventions are rare; some interventions have been widely adopted without rigorous evaluation. Unlike other medical areas, the randomised controlled trial (RCT) design has not become the default study design for the evaluation of surgical interventions. Surgical trials are difficult to successfully undertake and pose particular practical and methodological challenges. However, RCTs have played a role in the assessment of surgical innovations and there is scope and need for greater use. This article will consider the design, conduct and analysis of an RCT of a surgical intervention. The issues will be reviewed under three headings: the timing of the evaluation, defining the research question and trial design issues. Recommendations on the conduct of future surgical RCTs are made. Collaboration between research and surgical communities is needed to address the distinct issues raised by the assessmentof surgical interventions and enable the conduct of appropriate and well-designed trials.The Health Services Research Unit is funded by the Scottish Government Health DirectoratesPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of adjuvant oral capecitabine vs intravenous 5-FU/LV in Dukes' C colon cancer: the X-ACT trial

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    Oral capecitabine (Xeloda<sup>®</sup>) is an effective drug with favourable safety in adjuvant and metastatic colorectal cancer. Oxaliplatin-based therapy is becoming standard for Dukes' C colon cancer in patients suitable for combination therapy, but is not yet approved by the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the adjuvant setting. Adjuvant capecitabine is at least as effective as 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin (5-FU/LV), with significant superiority in relapse-free survival and a trend towards improved disease-free and overall survival. We assessed the cost-effectiveness of adjuvant capecitabine from payer (UK National Health Service (NHS)) and societal perspectives. We used clinical trial data and published sources to estimate incremental direct and societal costs and gains in quality-adjusted life months (QALMs). Acquisition costs were higher for capecitabine than 5-FU/LV, but higher 5-FU/LV administration costs resulted in 57% lower chemotherapy costs for capecitabine. Capecitabine vs 5-FU/LV-associated adverse events required fewer medications and hospitalisations (cost savings £3653). Societal costs, including patient travel/time costs, were reduced by >75% with capecitabine vs 5-FU/LV (cost savings £1318), with lifetime gain in QALMs of 9 months. Medical resource utilisation is significantly decreased with capecitabine vs 5-FU/LV, with cost savings to the NHS and society. Capecitabine is also projected to increase life expectancy vs 5-FU/LV. Cost savings and better outcomes make capecitabine a preferred adjuvant therapy for Dukes' C colon cancer. This pharmacoeconomic analysis strongly supports replacing 5-FU/LV with capecitabine in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer in the UK

    Clinical Outcomes, Costs, and Cost-effectiveness of Strategies for Adults Experiencing Sheltered Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Importance: Approximately 356 000 people stay in homeless shelters nightly in the United States. They have high risk of contracting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). / Objective: To assess the estimated clinical outcomes, costs, and cost-effectiveness associated with strategies for COVID-19 management among adults experiencing sheltered homelessness. / Design, Setting, and Participants: This decision analytic model used a simulated cohort of 2258 adults residing in homeless shelters in Boston, Massachusetts. Cohort characteristics and costs were adapted from Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. Disease progression, transmission, and outcomes data were taken from published literature and national databases. Surging, growing, and slowing epidemics (effective reproduction numbers [Re], 2.6, 1.3, and 0.9, respectively) were examined. Costs were from a health care sector perspective, and the time horizon was 4 months, from April to August 2020. / Exposures: Daily symptom screening with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of individuals with positive symptom screening results, universal PCR testing every 2 weeks, hospital-based COVID-19 care, alternative care sites (ACSs) for mild or moderate COVID-19, and temporary housing were each compared with no intervention. / Main Outcomes and Measures: Cumulative infections and hospital-days, costs to the health care sector (US dollars), and cost-effectiveness, as incremental cost per case of COVID-19 prevented. / Results: The simulated population of 2258 sheltered homeless adults had a mean (SD) age of 42.6 (9.04) years. Compared with no intervention, daily symptom screening with ACSs for pending tests or confirmed COVID-19 and mild or moderate disease was associated with 37% fewer infections (1954 vs 1239) and 46% lower costs (6.10millionvs6.10 million vs 3.27 million) at an Re of 2.6, 75% fewer infections (538 vs 137) and 72% lower costs (1.46millionvs1.46 million vs 0.41 million) at an Re of 1.3, and 51% fewer infections (174 vs 85) and 51% lower costs (0.54millionvs0.54 million vs 0.26 million) at an Re of 0.9. Adding PCR testing every 2 weeks was associated with a further decrease in infections; incremental cost per case prevented was 1000atanReof2.6,1000 at an Re of 2.6, 27 000 at an Re of 1.3, and 71000atanReof0.9.TemporaryhousingwithPCRevery2weekswasmosteffectivebutsubstantiallymoreexpensivethanotheroptions.Comparedwithnointervention,temporaryhousingwithPCRevery2weekswasassociatedwith8171 000 at an Re of 0.9. Temporary housing with PCR every 2 weeks was most effective but substantially more expensive than other options. Compared with no intervention, temporary housing with PCR every 2 weeks was associated with 81% fewer infections (376) and 542% higher costs (39.12 million) at an Re of 2.6, 82% fewer infections (95) and 2568% higher costs (38.97million)atanReof1.3,and5938.97 million) at an Re of 1.3, and 59% fewer infections (71) and 7114% higher costs (38.94 million) at an Re of 0.9. Results were sensitive to cost and sensitivity of PCR and ACS efficacy in preventing transmission. / Conclusions and Relevance: In this modeling study of simulated adults living in homeless shelters, daily symptom screening and ACSs were associated with fewer severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections and decreased costs compared with no intervention. In a modeled surging epidemic, adding universal PCR testing every 2 weeks was associated with further decrease in SARS-CoV-2 infections at modest incremental cost and should be considered during future surges

    Stroke risk perception among participants of a stroke awareness campaign

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    BACKGROUND: Subjective risk factor perception is an important component of the motivation to change unhealthy life styles. While prior studies assessed cardiovascular risk factor knowledge, little is known about determinants of the individual perception of stroke risk. METHODS: Survey by mailed questionnaire among 1483 participants of a prior public stroke campaign in Germany. Participants had been informed about their individual stroke risk based on the Framingham stroke risk score. Stroke risk factor knowledge, perception of lifetime stroke risk and risk factor status were included in the questionnaire, and the determinants of good risk factor knowledge and high stroke risk perception were identified using logistic regression models. RESULTS: Overall stroke risk factor knowledge was good with 67–96% of the participants recognizing established risk factors. The two exceptions were diabetes (recognized by 49%) and myocardial infarction (57%). Knowledge of a specific factor was superior among those affected by it. 13% of all participants considered themselves of having a high stroke risk, 55% indicated a moderate risk. All major risk factors contributed significantly to the perception of being at high stroke risk, but the effects of age, sex and education were non-significant. Poor self-rated health was additionally associated with high individual stroke risk perception. CONCLUSION: Stroke risk factor knowledge was high in this study. The self perception of an increased stroke risk was associated with established risk factors as well as low perception of general health

    A new nail with a locking blade for complex proximal humeral fractures

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    INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to assess the clinical outcome of displaced proximal humerus fracture treated with a new locking blade nail. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study included a series of 92 patients with acute fracture of the proximal humerus treated in one hospital level I trauma centre with locking blade nail between December 2010 and December 2013. According to the Neer classification, all fractures were two- to four-part fractures. Age adopted Constant score, DASH and visual analogue scores were used as outcome measures. RESULTS: A total of 92 patients were enrolled in the study. However, 29 patients were excluded due to loss to follow-up and death. Ultimately, 63 patients were available for final follow-up and data analysis. The mean duration of follow-up was 22 months (range 16–48 months). On average at 1 year, all fractures had united. The mean weighted Constant score was 84.2 % and the median disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) score was 26, the range of elevation was 115 and range of abduction was 97. The head shaft angle was 130, and pain visual analogue was 1.6. We found that 5 of the 63 patients (8 %) demonstrated complications. Two patients (3 %) displayed secondary displacement and require device removal. Two patients (3 %) had impingement due to prominent metal work, and one patient had a superficial wound infection which was treated with a course of antibiotics. CONCLUSION: Our study shows excellent results with new locking blade nail for displaced proximal humerus fractures. We think the locking blade nail offers stiff triangular fixation of the head fragment and support of the medial calcar region to prevent secondary varus collapse. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III