662 research outputs found

    Diversidade genética de Hemileia vastatrix utilizando marcador molecular AFLP.

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    Esse estudo teve como objetivo analisar a diversidade genética de 14 isolados de Hemileia vastatrix utilizando o marcador AFLP. Dentre eles, dois isolados do CIFC, Oeiras, Portugal biologicamente caracterizados como raça II, três do Brasil, caracterizados em 1986, como raça I, II e III, e nove provenientes de lavouras cafeeiras de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo coletadas em 2006. As amplificações seletivas dos DNAs foram feitas utilizando quatro combinações de oligonucleotídeos iniciadores contendo três bases adicionais na extremidade 3?. As 93 bandas polimórficas analisadas geraram um dendrograma que dividiu os isolados em seis grupos. No grupo I foram agrupados os isolados de Portugal, Brasil (caracterizados como raças em 1986) e um isolado do Triângulo Mineiro, e no grupo II, os isolados da Zona da Mata, Alto Paranaíba e Sul de Minas Gerais. Os demais isolados formaram os grupos individuais III (região central de MG), IV (Zona da Mata, MG), V (Região Serrana, Espírito Santo) e VI (Zona da Mata, MG). A diversidade genética total (Ht) dos isolados agrupados dentro das nove populações definidas pelas origens foi de 0,313 e a diferenciação genética entre populações (Gst) de 0,916. Baseado no agrupamento UPGMA os isolados foram agrupados em seis populações onde a diversidade genética total (Ht) foi de 0,285 e a diferenciação genética entre populações (Gst) de 0,886. Esses resultados indicam que a variabilidade genética de H. vastatrix entre os isolados é bastante elevada e que os isolados provenientes Do campo possuem baixa similaridade genética com as raças caracterizadas em 1986 e a raça II de Portugal. Um estudo mais amplo e detalhado envolvendo outros isolados, mais representativos da população atual no campo será necessário para definir os isolados prevalecentes em cada região

    Enhancing mechanical and surface properties of eucalyptus wood

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    Eucalyptus is one of the most fast-growing trees. Therefore, in the last decades it has been extensively planted and harvested so that nowadays Eucalyptus is one of the most popular trees of the planet. There are many genres of this plant and they are often treated as a large bunch of the same timber characterized by moderate mechanical and surface properties which hinder their usage for any sight application (e.g. flooring, cladding, ceiling). In this study four species of Eucalyptus: E. grandis, E. dunnii, E. cloeziana and E. tereticornis were undergone to densification through hydro-thermo-mechanical treatment (HTM) first and then to oil heat-treatment (OHT) in order to improve their mechanical properties and hydrophobicity. It was observed that low density species (E. grandis) reaches higher compression degrees while heavier species (E. tereticornis) reach densities over 800 kg/m³; however, HTM decrease the variability of the properties. Treatments at higher temperature (160 °C) involves higher compression degree, lower set-recovery and higher surface hydrophobization, but also weaker mechanical properties. The hot oil post- treatment helps to contain the springback effect and to reduce the wettability of each specimen. Densified samples present similar surface hardness. The tailored application of the two treatments improves the properties of every Eucalyptus which can gain market also for nobler end-usages

    Estimates of genetic parameters and prediction of additive genetic values in Pinus kesya progenies.

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    The objeetive ofthis study was to seleet Pinus kesya prog enies by lhe estimation of g enetic p arameters using lhe method of restricted maximum likelihood (Remi) and prediction of additive genetic values by the best linear unbiased prediction (Blup ). The Pinus kesya progeny tesl was installed in randomized b/oeks. which consist ed of 30 progenies and three replications. Tlze twenty-year-old trees were evaluated for lhe traits diameter at breast heiglit (DBH), height (HT) and st em form (FOR). The DBH, HT and FOR means \Vere, respectively, 21.89 em, 21.89111 and 1.56 and their respective mean herit ability estimares of progenies were 0.58, 0.39 and 0.66. DBH presented the highest coefficient of additive genetic variation (17.89%). Tlze selection ofthe 80 best t rees whicli belon ged 1021 progenies provided a gain 0/,9.62%for FOR witli a mean of 3.81 trees selected per prog eny, an effective population si:e 0/,30.86 and g enetic diverg ence ofO.37

    Wettability of plasma treated furfurylated solid pine wood.

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    Este estudo objetivou investigar o efeito do tratamento por plasma na molhabilidade da madeira furfurilada de pinus por meio da técnica de ângulo de contato. Amostras de Pinus taeda livres de defeitos foram imersas em pressão atmosférica em duas soluções de álcool furfurílico com o intuito de obter-se dois níveis de ganho percentual de massa, 15 e 40%. A superfície das amostras controle e furfuriladas foi modificada com tratamento por plasma em um reator alimentado por radiofrequência (RF). O tratamento por plasma de argônio foi realizado em baixa pressão com uma potência de 80 W durante 120 s. Os parâmetros de molhabilidade foram mensurados pela técnica não-destrutiva de ângulo de contato, utilizando-se o método de gota séssil. As mensurações foram realizadas após 1, 4, 8, 12 e 20 dias do tratamento por plasma. Determinou-se o ângulo de contato aparente, o trabalho de adesão e a energia livre de superfície. Tanto a molhabilidade da madeira não tratada como a molhabilidade da madeira furfurilada aumentaram após o tratamento por plasma. O ângulo de contato aparente diminuiu e a superfície da madeira de pinus tornou-se mais molhável. O tratamento por plasma converteu a superfície hidrofóbica da madeira furfurilada de pinus em uma superfície hidrofílica. A madeira furfurilada de pinus recuperou parcialmente a sua hidrofobicidade natural ao longo dos dias de exposição. No entanto, mesmo com os efeitos da exposição prolongada, o alto nível de molhabilidade obtido após o tratamento por plasma pode ser um importante fator para futuras aplicações em processos industriais

    Genetic characterization of an elite coffee germplasm assessed by gSSR and EST-SSR markers.

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    Coffee is one of the main agrifood commodities traded worldwide. In 2009, coffee accounted for 6.1% of the value of Brazilian agricultural production, generating a revenue of US$6 billion. Despite the importance of coffee production in Brazil, it is supported by a narrow genetic base, with few accessions. Molecular differentiation and diversity of a coffee breeding program were assessed with gSSR and EST-SSR markers. The study comprised 24 coffee accessions according to their genetic origin: arabica accessions (six traditional genotypes of C. arabica), resistant arabica (six leaf rust-resistant C. arabica genotypes with introgression of Híbrido de Timor), robusta (five C. canephora genotypes), Híbrido de Timor (three C. arabica x C. canephora), triploids (three C. arabica x C. racemosa), and racemosa (one C. racemosa). Allele and polymorphism analysis, AMOVA, the Student t-test, Jaccard?s dissimilarity coefficient, cluster analysis, correlation of genetic distances, and discriminant analysis, were performed. EST-SSR markers gave 25 exclusive alleles per genetic group, while gSSR showed 47, which will be useful for differentiating accessions and for fingerprinting varieties. The gSSR markers detected a higher percentage of polymorphism among (35% higher on average) and within (42.9% higher on average) the genetic groups, compared to EST-SSR markers. The highest percentage of polymorphism within the genetic groups was found with gSSR markers for robusta (89.2%) and for resistant arabica (39.5%). It was possible to differentiate all genotypes including the arabica-related accessions. Nevertheless, combined use of gSSR and EST-SSR markers is recommended for coffee molecular characterization, because EST-SSRs can provide complementary information

    Genetic evaluation of Jatropha curcas: an important oilseed for biodiesel production.

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    Jatropha curcas, internationally and locally known, respectively, as physic nut and pinhão manso, is a highly promising species for biodiesel production in Brazil and other countries in the tropics. It is rustic, grows in warm regions and is easily cultivated. These characteristics and high-quality oil yields from the seeds have made this plant a priority for biodiesel programs in Brazil. Consequently, this species merits genetic investigations aimed at improving yields. Some studies have detected genetic variability in accessions in Africa and Asia. We have made the first genetic evaluation of J. curcas collected from Brazil. Our objective was to quantify genetic diversity and to estimate genetic parameters for growth and production traits and seed oil content. We evaluated 75 J. curcas progenies collected from Brazil and three from Cambodia. The mean oil content in the seeds was 31%, ranging from 16 to 45%. No genetic correlation between growth traits and seed oil content was found. However, high coefficients of genetic variation were found for plant height, number of branches, height of branches, and stem diameter. The highest individual narrow-sense heritabilities were found for leaf length (0.35) and width (0.34), stem diameter (0.24) and height of branches (0.21). We used a clustering algorithm to genetically identify the closest and most distant progenies, to assist in the development of new cultivars. Geographical diversity did not necessarily represent the genetic diversity among the accessions collected. These results are important for the continuity of breeding programs, aimed at obtaining cultivars with high grain yield and high oil content in seeds