15 research outputs found

    Teratogenicity of Antibacterial Agents

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    The aim of our study was to study the possible correlation between use of antibacterial drugs in pregnancy and occurrence of congenital malformations. Among 6099 investigated pregnant women, 392 (6.43%) used antibacterial drugs. The most frequently used antibacterials belonged to category B (75.77%), while 14.54% antibiotics belonged to category D and 1.02% to category X. The most often used antibiotics were cephalexin (22.19%), amoxicillin (20.66%) and ampicillin (14.29%). In 14 embryos exposed to effects of beta-lactams in utero, malformations were detected. The results of this study show possible teratogenic potential even with those antibacterials which are considered safe, but as those are usually minor malformations, they often pass undetected. Because of that and because of frequent use of antibacterials during pregnacy, detailed examinations concerning their safety should be made

    Morphometric Characteristics of Neuropeptide Y Immunoreactive Neurons in Cortex of Human Inferior Parietal Lobule

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate and precisely define the morphology of neurons immunoreactive to neuropeptide Y (NPY) in cortex of human inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Five human brains were used for immunohistochemical investigation of the shape and laminar distribution of NPY neurons in serial section in the supramarginal and angular gyrus. Immunoreactivity to NPY was detected in all six layers of the cortex of human IPL. However a great number of NPY immunoreactive neurons were found in the white matter under the IPL cortex. The following types of NPY immunoreactive neurons were found: Cajal-Retzius, pyramidal, inverted pyramidal, Ā»double bouquetĀ« (bitufted), rare type 6, multipolar nonspinous, bipolar, voluminous (Ā»basketĀ«), and chandelier cells. These informations about morphometric characteristics of NPY immunoreactive neurons in cortical layers, together with morphometric data taken from brains having schizophrenia or Alzheimerā€™s-type dementia may contribute to better understanding patogenesis of these neurological diseases. The finding of Cajal-Retzius neurons immunoreactive to NPY points to the need for further investigations because of great importance of these cells in neurogenesis and involment in mentioned diseases instead of their rarity


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    SAŽETAK. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost primjene alkohola, nikotina i opojnih droga u trudnoći, kao i učestalost kongenitalnih malformacija kod djece koja su in utero bila izložena djelovanju ovih ksenobiotika. Jedan dio istraživanja obavljen je u Novom Sadu u Klinici za ginekologiju i akuÅ”erstvo, Genetskom savetovaliÅ”tu i Zavodu za patologiju i histologiju. Drugi dio istraživanja obavljen je u četiri zagrebačka rodiliÅ”ta. Metode. Istraživanje je provođeno putem jednostavno strukturiranog standardiziranog upitnika koji se sastojao od dva dijela: intervjua majke i bolničkih podataka. Analizirane su samo one trudnice koje su koristile alkohol, nikotin i opojne droge tijekom trudnoće. Konačna analiza je obuhvatila 855 (707+148) trudnica. Nakon poroda ili pobačaja, novorođenčad i fetusi su detaljno pregledani te je praćena pojava minor ili major malformacija. Rezultati. Analizom podataka ustanovljeno je da je od 6992 (6099+893) ispitivanih trudnica 855 (12,2%) koristilo navedene ksenobiotike u trudnoći. Alkohol je koristila 21 (0,3%) trudnica, cigarete 829 (11,8%) i opojne droge 5 (0,1%) trudnica. Malformacije su nađene u 105 (12,3%) fetusa i novorođenčadi. Zaključak. Na osnovu ovih rezultata ne možemo sa sigurnoŔću tvrditi Å”to je pravi uzrok nađenih malformacija, ali primjenu alkohola, Ā¬nikotina i opojnih droga tijekom trudnoće u svakom slučaju treba izbjegavati.Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of alcohol, nicotine and opioid substance use in pregnancy, and the rate of congenital malformations in children at in utero exposure to these xenobiotics. Methods. One part of the study (one year study) was performed at University Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Genetic Counseling Unit, and Department of Pathology and Histology in Novi Sad, Serbia. The other part of the study (one month study) was performed at four maternity hospitals in Zagreb, Croatia. Only pregnant women using alcohol, nicotine and opioid substances during pregnancy were included in the study. Final analysis included data on 855 (707+148) pregnant women. Following delivery or abortion, the newborns and fetuses were thoroughly examined and followed-up for the occurrence of minor or major malformations. Pregnant women were studied by questionnaire at the moment of birth. Questionnaire was consisted by two types of data: interview of parturient woman and hospital records. Results. Data Ā¬analysis showed the use of studied xenobiotics during pregnancy in 855 (12,2%) of 6992 (6099+893) women: alcohol in 21 (0,3%), cigarette smoking in 829 (11,9%) and opioid substances in 5 (0,1%) women. Malformations were found in 105 (12,3%) fetuses and newborns. The rate of congenital malformations exceeded their prevalence in the general population. Conclusion. Based on these results, the true cause of these malformations could not be definitely identified; however, the use of alcohol, nicotine and opioid substances during pregnancy should be avoided

    Nedostatak dugog dlanskog miÅ”ića kod jedne od jednojajčanih blizankinja: prikaz slučaja

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    Palmaris longus is a very variable muscle in the human body, but it is often used as an applicable tendon graft. We report on differences between one pair of identical twins regarding the existence of the palmaris longus, which were detected accidentally during examination of the presence/absence of this muscle in Caucasian population. In one of the twins, the palmaris longus was present at both forearms, while the other twin was lacking this muscle at both forearms. On search of the available literature, we found no articles about distinctions in the presence or absence of the palmaris longus in twins.Dugi dlanski miÅ”ić je jedan od najvarijabilnijih miÅ”ića u tijelu, a često se koristi kao tetivni graft. Opisali smo razlike između jednog para jednojajčanih blizankinja u postojanju dugog dlanskog miÅ”ića, koje su slučajno identificirane tijekom ispitivanja prisustva/odsustva ovoga miÅ”ića u općoj populaciji. Kod jedne blizankinje dugi dlanski miÅ”ić je bio prisutan na obje podlaktice, dok je druga blizankinja bila bez ovoga miÅ”ića na objema podlakticama. Pretraživanjem dostupne literature nismo pronaÅ”li nijedan objavljen rad o razlikama u prisustvu ili odsustvu dugog dlanskog miÅ”ića kod blizanaca


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of life in females with primary osteoporosis and vertebral fractures as a consequence of the disease, and to compare it to people without vertebral fractures. Subjects and Methods: Our crosssectional study included 200 female patients with primary osteoporosis (100 with vertebral fractures and 100 without fractures), mean age 63.85Ā±8.52 years, who received treatment at the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Data were based on history, questionnaire, and measurements of bone mineral density by DXA method using the Lunar Prodigy Primo device. Quality of life assessment was done by use of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41). Vertebral deformities were established by lateral radiography of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions by an experienced radiologist. Statistically signifi cant differences were established between the two groups, in particular for pain (t=-2.72, p=0.01), daily activities (t=-3.67, p=0.01), performing housework (t=- 4.84, p=0.01), mobility (t=-3.40, p=0.01), leisure activities (t=-2.66, p=0.01) and perception of health status (t=2.48, p=0.05). Results: The results indicated that the quality of life in patients with vertebral fractures did not differ according to the level of fracture compared to the control group. Patients with vertebral fractures had a number of limitations due to pain and poorer physical functioning compared to those without fractures, while the quality of life dependence on the level of fracture was not recorded.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti kvalitetu života žena s primarnom osteoporozom i prisutnim vertebralnim prijelomima kao posljedicom bolesti u odnosu na osobe bez vertebralnih prijeloma. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 200 bolesnica s primarnom osteoporozom (100 s vertebralnim prijelomima, 100 bez vertebralnih prijeloma) srednje dobi 63,85Ā±8,52 godina, koje su provele terapiju u Klinici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Podatci su zasnovani na anamnezi, upitnicima, kao i mjerenjima mineralne koÅ”tane gustoće metodom DXA pomoću uređaja Lunar Prodigy Primo. Vertebralne frakture su potvrđene rendgenskim slikama cervikalne, torakalne i lumbalne kralježnice očitanim od iskusnog radiologa. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je primjenom upitnika QUALEFFO-41. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih skupina u intenzitetu boli (t=-2,72; p=0,01), svakodnevnim aktivnostima (t=-3,67; p=0,01), obavljanju kućanskih poslova (t=-4,84; p=0,01), pokretljivosti (t=-3,40; p=0,01), druÅ”tvenim aktivnostima (t=-2,66; p=0,01), percepciji zdravstvenog stanja (t=2,48; p=0,05). Rezultati ukazuju na to da se kvaliteta života u bolesnica s vertebralnim prijelomima ne razlikuje prema razini prijeloma u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Bolesnici s vertebralnim prijelomima imaju brojna ograničenja zbog boli i loÅ”ijeg fi zičkog funkcioniranja u odnosu na osobe bez osteoporotičnih prijeloma, dok zavisnost kvalitete života o razini prijeloma nije utvrđena


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of life in females with primary osteoporosis and vertebral fractures as a consequence of the disease, and to compare it to people without vertebral fractures. Subjects and Methods: Our crosssectional study included 200 female patients with primary osteoporosis (100 with vertebral fractures and 100 without fractures), mean age 63.85Ā±8.52 years, who received treatment at the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Data were based on history, questionnaire, and measurements of bone mineral density by DXA method using the Lunar Prodigy Primo device. Quality of life assessment was done by use of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41). Vertebral deformities were established by lateral radiography of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions by an experienced radiologist. Statistically signifi cant differences were established between the two groups, in particular for pain (t=-2.72, p=0.01), daily activities (t=-3.67, p=0.01), performing housework (t=- 4.84, p=0.01), mobility (t=-3.40, p=0.01), leisure activities (t=-2.66, p=0.01) and perception of health status (t=2.48, p=0.05). Results: The results indicated that the quality of life in patients with vertebral fractures did not differ according to the level of fracture compared to the control group. Patients with vertebral fractures had a number of limitations due to pain and poorer physical functioning compared to those without fractures, while the quality of life dependence on the level of fracture was not recorded.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti kvalitetu života žena s primarnom osteoporozom i prisutnim vertebralnim prijelomima kao posljedicom bolesti u odnosu na osobe bez vertebralnih prijeloma. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 200 bolesnica s primarnom osteoporozom (100 s vertebralnim prijelomima, 100 bez vertebralnih prijeloma) srednje dobi 63,85Ā±8,52 godina, koje su provele terapiju u Klinici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Podatci su zasnovani na anamnezi, upitnicima, kao i mjerenjima mineralne koÅ”tane gustoće metodom DXA pomoću uređaja Lunar Prodigy Primo. Vertebralne frakture su potvrđene rendgenskim slikama cervikalne, torakalne i lumbalne kralježnice očitanim od iskusnog radiologa. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je primjenom upitnika QUALEFFO-41. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih skupina u intenzitetu boli (t=-2,72; p=0,01), svakodnevnim aktivnostima (t=-3,67; p=0,01), obavljanju kućanskih poslova (t=-4,84; p=0,01), pokretljivosti (t=-3,40; p=0,01), druÅ”tvenim aktivnostima (t=-2,66; p=0,01), percepciji zdravstvenog stanja (t=2,48; p=0,05). Rezultati ukazuju na to da se kvaliteta života u bolesnica s vertebralnim prijelomima ne razlikuje prema razini prijeloma u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Bolesnici s vertebralnim prijelomima imaju brojna ograničenja zbog boli i loÅ”ijeg fi zičkog funkcioniranja u odnosu na osobe bez osteoporotičnih prijeloma, dok zavisnost kvalitete života o razini prijeloma nije utvrđena

    Sanitary Status of Pome and Stone Fruit Collection in Gene Bank in Republic of Srpska

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    Detection of viruses presence were carried out for the 225 a of pome and stone fruit trees from the collection of the Genetic Resources Institute of University of Banja Luka, located within the Botanical Garden of the University, tested by DAS-ELISA. The pome fruit trees were analyzed on presence of the following viruses: Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus (ACLSV), Apple Stem Grooving Virus (ASGV), Apple Stem Pitting Virus (ASPV) and Apple Mosaic Virus (ApMV). The stone fruits were analyzed on presence of Plum Pox Virus (PPV), Prune Dwarf Virus (PDV) and Prunus Necrotic Ring Spot Virus (PNRSV). All samples were tested serologically by DAS-ELISA. In addition to this, virus negative pear and apple accessions were tested for 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' and 'Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri' presence using nested-PCR/RFLP analyses

    How often absence of palmaris longus and functional deficiency of flexor digitorum superficialis occurs?

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    This study was designed to find a possible correlation between the presence of the palmaris longus and function of the fifth flexor digitorum superficialis. We examined 300 participants to assess the absence of palmaris longus and flexor digitorum superficialis function by several clinical tests. Overall absence of palmaris longus, was seen in 157 participants (52.3%). Overall deficiency of flexor digitorum superficialis was noted in 100 participants (33.3%). In 5% we noted bilateral absence of palmaris longus and flexor digitorum superficialis deficiency. Five participants (1.7%) had unilateral absence of palmaris longus and flexor digitorum superficialis deficiency on the same, left or right hand. Bilaterally presence of these muscles we noted in 95 participants (31.7%). We believe that there is no connection between absent palmaris longus and absent function of flexor digitorum superficialis. We found a much higher prevalence of muscles absence individually and jointly than in other studies

    Palmaris Longus Absent in One Identical Twin: a Case Report

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    Palmaris longus is a very variable muscle in the human body, but it is often used as an applicable tendon graft. We report on differences between one pair of identical twins regarding the existence of the palmaris longus, which were detected accidentally during examination of the presence/absence of this muscle in Caucasian population. In one of the twins, the palmaris longus was present at both forearms, while the other twin was lacking this muscle at both forearms. On search of the available literature, we found no articles about distinctions in the presence or absence of the palmaris longus in twins

    What Do We Find Attractive about the Face?: Survey Study with Application to Aesthetic Surgery

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    The appearance of the face is one of the most important factors influencing our perception of beauty. However, few studies have attempted to quantitate what one perceives as beauty. Therefore, this study was conducted with the goal of providing physicians with anatomical data that demonstrate which facial traits most influence our perception of one's attractiveness. In the first phase of the study, faces of 60 participants (30 males and 30 females) were photographed. Next, the photographs were shown to another group of 120 study members (60 males and 60 females), who evaluated the facial features using a Visual Analogue Scale. The highest rated facial parts were then measured using the ImageJ program. In men, the most attractive parts of the face were Type 1:2 lips, a Type IV nose of medium width, blue eyes, brown hair, and a very narrow face. Among females, the most attractive parts of the face were Type 2:1 lips, Type III and V noses of medium width, dark brown eyes, blonde hair, and a narrow face. This is the first study in which the most aesthetically important facial parts have been comprehensively examined. The results obtained in our study show a higher degree of representativeness compared to other studies due to a different methodological approach and can be used as an aesthetic guide and can help in the planning of aesthetic surgery such as lip augmentation and rhinoplasty