11,111 research outputs found

    Collapse of Primordial Clouds

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    We present here studies of collapse of purely baryonic Population III objects with masses ranging from 10M10M_\odot to 106M10^6M_\odot. A spherical Lagrangian hydrodynamic code has been written to study the formation and evolution of the primordial clouds, from the beginning of the recombination era (zrec1500z_{rec} \sim 1500) until the redshift when the collapse occurs. All the relevant processes are included in the calculations, as well as, the expansion of the Universe. As initial condition we take different values for the Hubble constant and for the baryonic density parameter (considering however a purely baryonic Universe), as well as different density perturbation spectra, in order to see their influence on the behavior of the Population III objects evolution. We find, for example, that the first mass that collapses is 8.5×104M8.5\times10^4M_\odot for h=1h=1, Ω=0.1\Omega=0.1 and δi=δρ/ρ=(M/Mo)1/3(1+zrec)1\delta_i={\delta\rho / \rho}=(M / M_o)^{-1/3}(1+z_{rec})^{-1} with the mass scale Mo=1015MM_o=10^{15}M_\odot. For Mo=4×1017MM_o=4\times10^{17}M_\odot we obtain 4.4×104M4.4\times10^{4}M_\odot for the first mass that collapses. The cooling-heating and photon drag processes have a key role in the collapse of the clouds and in their thermal history. Our results show, for example, that when we disregard the Compton cooling-heating, the collapse of the objects with masses >8.5×104M>8.5\times10^4M_\odot occurs earlier. On the other hand, disregarding the photon drag process, the collapse occurs at a higher redshift.Comment: 10 pages, MN plain TeX macros v1.6 file, 9 PS figures. Also available at http://www.iagusp.usp.br/~oswaldo (click "OPTIONS" and then "ARTICLES"). MNRAS in pres

    Collapse of Primordial Clouds II. The Role of Dark Matter

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    In this article we extend the study performed in our previous article on the collapse of primordial objects. We here analyze the behavior of the physical parameters for clouds ranging from 107M10^7M_\odot to 1015M10^{15}M_\odot. We studied the dynamical evolution of these clouds in two ways: purely baryonic clouds and clouds with non-baryonic dark matter included. We start the calculations at the beginning of the recombination era, following the evolution of the structure until the collapse (that we defined as the time when the density contrast of the baryonic matter is greater than 10410^4). We analyze the behavior of the several physical parameters of the clouds (as, e.g., the density contrast and the velocities of the baryonic matter and the dark matter) as a function of time and radial position in the cloud. In this study all physical processes that are relevant to the dynamical evolution of the primordial clouds, as for example photon-drag (due to the cosmic background radiation), hydrogen molecular production, besides the expansion of the Universe, are included in the calculations. In particular we find that the clouds, with dark matter, collapse at higher redshift when we compare the results with the purely baryonic models. As a general result we find that the distribution of the non-baryonic dark matter is more concentrated than the baryonic one. It is important to stress that we do not take into account the putative virialization of the non-baryonic dark matter, we just follow the time and spatial evolution of the cloud solving its hydrodynamical equations. We studied also the role of the cooling-heating processes in the purely baryonic clouds.Comment: 8 pages, MN plain TeX macros v1.6 file, 13 PS figures. Also available at http://www.iagusp.usp.br/~oswaldo (click "OPTIONS" and then "ARTICLES"). MNRAS in pres

    Multipartite Entanglement Signature of Quantum Phase Transitions

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    We derive a general relation between the non-analyticities of the ground state energy and those of a subclass of the multipartite generalized global entanglement (GGE) measure defined by T. R. de Oliveira et al. [Phys. Rev. A 73, 010305(R) (2006)] for many-particle systems. We show that GGE signals both a critical point location and the order of a quantum phase transition (QPT). We also show that GGE allows us to study the relation between multipartite entanglement and QPTs, suggesting that multipartite but not bipartite entanglement is favored at the critical point. Finally, using GGE we were able, at a second order QPT, to define a diverging entanglement length (EL) in terms of the usual correlation length. We exemplify this with the XY spin-1/2 chain and show that the EL is half the correlation length.Comment: Published version. Incorporates correction made in erratu

    Eficiencia na irrigaçao para a produçao integrada do meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.)

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    Análise econômica da bananeira "Pacovan Ken" em função de diferentes tensões de água do solo.

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    O trabalho avaliou economicamente a bananeira ?Pacovan Ken? sob diferentes tensões de água no solo, relacionando os custos de produção obtidos pela aplicação de água e as receitas alcançadas através da produtividade para cada tratamento. O experimento foi realizado em um solo tipo Cambissolo, em Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, utilizando a cultivar Pacovan Ken irrigada por microaspersão. Os tratamentos consistiram em iniciar as irrigações quando a tensão da água na zona radicular da cultura (0-0,4 m) atingisse -15, -30, -45 e -60 kPa. Três sensores de resistência elétrica tipo matriz granular (modelo Watermark) foram instalados em cada parcela (0,15; 0,30 e 0,50 m). Nas avaliações de produção foram utilizadas quatro plantas situadas na fileira dupla central de cada parcela. Para cálculo do custo da irrigação (Ci) foi adotado apenas o custo de aplicação da água, considerando uma situação hipotética padrão para irrigação de uma área de 5,0 ha. A melhor relação custo/benefício encontrada para a cultivar de banana Pacovan Ken na região estudada foi obtida quando as irrigações eram iniciadas na tensão de água no solo de -15 kPa, apresentando uma menor sensibilidade à variação de preço do produto, além do maior índice de lucratividade