53 research outputs found

    Myocardial revascularization surgery in a patient with Situs Inversus Totalis: A case report

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    Dextrocardia with situs inversus totalis is a rare congenital abnormality. Most coronary artery bypass grafting surgeries in patients with dextrocardia were performed with anastomosis, using the right internal thoracic artery to revascularize the left anterior descending. It should be noted that in the literature there are few reports of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, in a patient with this abnormality, its anatomical complexity constitutes a challenge in planning the surgical technique and the grafts to be used. We present an unusual case of a patient with situs inversus totalis and coronary artery disease who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting surgery making it a more technically complex procedure for surgeons, in addition to the difficulty in choosing grafts.La dextrocardia con situs inversus totalis es una anomalĂ­a congĂ©nita poco frecuente. La mayorĂ­a de las cirugĂ­as de injerto de derivaciĂłn de arteria coronaria en pacientes con dextrocardia se realizaron con anastomosis, utilizando la arteria torĂĄcica interna derecha para revascularizar la descendente anterior izquierda. Cabe señalar que en la literatura existen pocos reportes de cirugĂ­a de injerto de bypass coronario, en un paciente con esta anomalĂ­a. Su complejidad anatĂłmica constituye un desafĂ­o en la planificaciĂłn de la tĂ©cnica quirĂșrgica y los injertos a utilizar. Presentamos un caso inusual de un paciente con situs inversus totalis y enfermedad arterial coronaria que se sometiĂł a una cirugĂ­a de revascularizaciĂłn coronaria, lo que lo convierte en un procedimiento tĂ©cnicamente mĂĄs complejo para los cirujanos, ademĂĄs de la dificultad para elegir los injertos

    Videogames as therapy: an updated selective review of the medical and psychological literature

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    There is a long history of using videogames in a therapeutic capacity including rehabilitation for stroke patients, people with traumatic brain injuries, burns victims, wheelchair users, Erb’s palsy sufferers, children undergoing chemotherapy, children with muscular dystrophy, autistic children and individuals looking to overcome real-life challenges (including symptoms of depression) and boost their wellbeing (including boosting life satisfaction, self-efficacy and social support). This paper briefly and selectively examines a number of areas including: (1) videogames as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, (2) videogames as distractors in the role of pain management, (3) videogames and cognitive rehabilitation, (4) videogames and the development of social and communication skills among the learning disabled, (5) videogames and impulsivity/attention deficit disorders, (6) videogames and therapeutic benefits in the elderly, (7) videogames in psychotherapeutic settings, (8) videogames and health care, (9) videogames and anxiety disorders, and (10) videogames and psychological wellbeing. It is concluded that there has been considerable success when games are specifically designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill. However, generalizability outside the game-playing situation remains an important consideration

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Trinta anos de sintaxe gerativa no Brasil

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