235 research outputs found

    Characterization of hair-follicle side population cells in mouse epidermis and skin tumors.

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    A subset of cells, termed side-population (SP), which have the ability to efflux Hoeschst 33342, have previously been demonstrated to act as a potential method to isolate stem cells. Numerous stem/progenitor cells have been localized in different regions of the mouse hair follicle (HF). The present study identified a SP in the mouse HF expressing the ABCG2 transporter and MTS24 surface marker. These cells are restricted to the upper isthmus of the HF and have previously been described as progenitor cells. Consistent with their SP characteristic, they demonstrated elevated expression of ABCG2 transporter, which participates in the dye efflux. Analysis of tumor epidermal cell lines revealed a correlation between the number of SP keratinocytes and the grade of malignancy, suggesting that the SP may play a role in malignant progression. Consistent with this idea, the present study observed an increased number of cells expressing ABCG2 and MTS24 in chemically induced skin tumors and skin tumor cell lines. This SP does not express the CD34 surface marker detected in the multipotent stem cells of the bulge region of the HF, which have been defined as tumor initiation cells. The present study concluded that a SP with properties of progenitor cells is localized in the upper isthmus of the HF and is important in mouse skin tumor progression

    Evaluating Pre-Trained Transformers on Italian Administrative Texts

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    In recent years, Transformer-based models have been widely used in NLP for various downstream tasks and in different domains. However, a language model explicitly built for the Italian administrative language is still lacking. Therefore, in this paper, we decided to compare the performance of five different Transformer models, pre-trained on general purpose texts, on two main tasks in the Italian administrative domain: Name Entity Recognition and multi-label document classification on Public Administration (PA) documents. We evaluate the performance of each model on both tasks to identify the best model in this particular domain. We also discuss the effect of model size and pre-training data on the performances on domain data. Our evaluation identifies UmBERTo as the best-performing model, with an accuracy of 0.71, an F1 score of 0.89 for multi-label document classification, and an F1 score of 0.87 for NER-PA

    BureauBERTo: adapting UmBERTo to the Italian bureaucratic language

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    In this work, we introduce BureauBERTo, the first transformer-based language model adapted to the Italian Public Administration (PA) and technical-bureaucratic domains. We further pre-trained the general-purpose Italian model UmBERTo on a corpus of PA, banking, and insurance documents, and we expanded UmBERTo’s vocabulary with domain-specific terms. We show that BureauBERTo benefitted from the adaptation by comparing it with UmBERTo in both an intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation. The intrinsic evaluation has been conducted through specific fill-mask experiments. The extrinsic one has been faced with a named entity recognition task on one of the sub-domains in BureauBERTo

    Disclosing Jackson Pollock's palette in Alchemy (1947) by non-invasive spectroscopies

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    Alchemy (1947, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice) is one of the most materic works by J. Pollock, whose palette is extensive, ranging from white to yellow, red, green, violet, blue, black, and silver. Each layer of color was laid on top of a previously dried one and effectively separated from the lower one forming a quite complex stratigraphy with colors intersecting each other. In this study, a non-invasive multi-technique method combining point analysis with Vis–NIR multispectral imaging has been exploited to give insights on the painting technique of the American abstract expressionist. The molecular identification of pigments, colorants and extenders contained in fifteen different paints has been achieved combining key spectral markers from elemental, electronic and vibrational spectroscopies. For those colors exhibiting similar hues but different chemical compositions, a mapping procedure based on false color rendering, obtained by properly mixing three spectral planes from the Vis–NIR multispectral imaging set, has been successfully applied. Relevant for the understanding of the evolution of Pollock's drip technique is the identification of both traditional oil-based paints and oil-modified alkyd media. Point analysis by reflection FTIR scattered throughout the painting enabled mapping the distinct use of traditional and new binding media among painted, squeezed and dripped paints

    Ancient encaustic: An experimental exploration of technology, ageing behaviour and approaches to analytical investigation

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    The composition of the ancient wax-based painting technique known as encaustic has long been the subject of debate. Ancient sources provide few details of the technology, and modern understanding of the medium is restricted to theoretical interpretation and experimental observation. In this multi-analytical collaborative study, a number of analytical approaches were used to investigate the physical and molecular properties of a range of experimentally prepared encaustic paints before and after ageing. Analysis using gas chromatography mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (invasive and non-invasive), X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis demonstrated how differences in the technology of production alter the properties and composition of the medium and showed how these are modified by the addition of pigment and the effects of ageing. Comparison of results from the different analytical techniques highlights the benefit of an integrated analytical approach to the analysis of ancient encaustic paints and the fundamental importance of insights from invasive study to evaluating the results of non-invasive analysis

    Global Regulation of Nucleotide Biosynthetic Genes by c-Myc

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    The c-Myc transcription factor is a master regulator and integrates cell proliferation, cell growth and metabolism through activating thousands of target genes. Our identification of direct c-Myc target genes by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) coupled with pair-end ditag sequencing analysis (ChIP-PET) revealed that nucleotide metabolic genes are enriched among c-Myc targets, but the role of Myc in regulating nucleotide metabolic genes has not been comprehensively delineated.Here, we report that the majority of genes in human purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway were induced and directly bound by c-Myc in the P493-6 human Burkitt's lymphoma model cell line. The majority of these genes were also responsive to the ligand-activated Myc-estrogen receptor fusion protein, Myc-ER, in a Myc null rat fibroblast cell line, HO.15 MYC-ER. Furthermore, these targets are also responsive to Myc activation in transgenic mouse livers in vivo. To determine the functional significance of c-Myc regulation of nucleotide metabolism, we sought to determine the effect of loss of function of direct Myc targets inosine monophosphate dehydrogenases (IMPDH1 and IMPDH2) on c-Myc-induced cell growth and proliferation. In this regard, we used a specific IMPDH inhibitor mycophenolic acid (MPA) and found that MPA dramatically inhibits c-Myc-induced P493-6 cell proliferation through S-phase arrest and apoptosis.Taken together, these results demonstrate the direct induction of nucleotide metabolic genes by c-Myc in multiple systems. Our finding of an S-phase arrest in cells with diminished IMPDH activity suggests that nucleotide pool balance is essential for c-Myc's orchestration of DNA replication, such that uncoupling of these two processes create DNA replication stress and apoptosis

    A Mitosis Block Links Active Cell Cycle with Human Epidermal Differentiation and Results in Endoreplication

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    How human self-renewal tissues co-ordinate proliferation with differentiation is unclear. Human epidermis undergoes continuous cell growth and differentiation and is permanently exposed to mutagenic hazard. Keratinocytes are thought to arrest cell growth and cell cycle prior to terminal differentiation. However, a growing body of evidence does not satisfy this model. For instance, it does not explain how skin maintains tissue structure in hyperproliferative benign lesions. We have developed and applied novel cell cycle techniques to human skin in situ and determined the dynamics of key cell cycle regulators of DNA replication or mitosis, such as cyclins E, A and B, or members of the anaphase promoting complex pathway: cdc14A, Ndc80/Hec1 and Aurora kinase B. The results show that actively cycling keratinocytes initiate terminal differentiation, arrest in mitosis, continue DNA replication in a special G2/M state, and become polyploid by mitotic slippage. They unambiguously demonstrate that cell cycle progression coexists with terminal differentiation, thus explaining how differentiating cells increase in size. Epidermal differentiating cells arrest in mitosis and a genotoxic-induced mitosis block rapidly pushes epidermal basal cells into differentiation and polyploidy. These observations unravel a novel mitosis-differentiation link that provides new insight into skin homeostasis and cancer. It might constitute a self-defence mechanism against oncogenic alterations such as Myc deregulation