344 research outputs found

    Abelian Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effects

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    It is shown that the high-energy expansion of the scattering amplitude calculated from Feynman diagrams factorizes in such a way that it can be reduced to the eikonalized form up to the terms of inverse power in energy in accordance with results obtained by solving the Klein-Gordon equation. Therefore the two approaches when applied to the suppression of the emission of soft photons by fast charged particles in dense matter should give rise to the same results. A particular limit of thin targets is briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, LATEX, 1 Fig. ps, submitted to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    On the influence of acoustic waves on coherent bremsstrahlung in crystals

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    We investigate the coherent bremsstrahlung by relativistic electrons in a single crystal excited by hypersonic vibrations. The formula for the corresponding differential cross-section is derived in the case of a sinusoidal wave. The conditions are specified under which the influence of the hypersound is essential. The case is considered in detail when the electron enters into the crystal at small angles with respect to a crystallographic axis. It is shown that in dependence of the parameters, the presence of hypersonic waves can either enhance or reduce the bremsstrahlung cross-section.Comment: 11 pages, 6 EPS figures, LaTe

    Coherent pair production in deformed crystals with a complex base

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    We investigate the coherent electron-positron pair creation by high-energy photons in a periodically deformed single crystal with a complex base. The formula for the corresponding differential cross-section is derived for an arbitrary deformation field. The conditions are specified under which the influence of the deformation is considerable. The case is considered in detail when the photon enters into the crystal at small angles with respect to a crystallographic axis. The results of the numerical calculations are presented for SiO2\mathrm{SiO}_{2} single crystal and Moliere parametrization of the screened atomic potentials in the case of the deformation field generated by the acoustic wave of SS type. In dependence of the parameters, the presence of deformation can either enhance or reduce the pair creation cross-section. This can be used to control the parameters of the positron sources for storage rings and colliders.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, misprint in the numerical coefficients in figure captions is correcte

    Multi-photon effects in energy losses spectra

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    Effect of radiation of many photons by a single electron traversing a target is discussed. When the summary energy of emitted photons (the energy losses spectrum) is measured only, the photon spectrum is distorted comparing with the photon spectrum in one interaction. Influence of this effect is discussed for the cases (1) bremsstrahlung (described by Bethe-Heitler formula), (2) the strong Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect and (3) transition radiation. Qualitative picture of the phenomenon is discussed in detail. Comparison with the recent SLAC experiment in relatively thick target (2.7% of the radiation length), where the effect of emission of many photons by a projectile is very essential, shows perfect agreement of the theory and data.Comment: LaTeX2.09, 19 pages, 5 PostScript figure

    Spectra from the shocked nebulae revealing turbulence near the Galactic Centre

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    The spectra emitted from clouds near the Galactic Centre are investigated calculating the UV-optical-IR lines using the physical parameters and the element abundances constrained by the fit of mid-IR observations. The characteristic line ratios are compared with those observed in active galaxies. We have found that the physical conditions in the nebulae near the GC are different from those of starburst galaxies and AGN, namely, gas velocities and densities as well as the photoionization fluxes are relatively low. The geometrical thickness of the emitting nebulae is particularly small suggesting that matter is strongly fragmented by instabilities leading to an underlying shock-generated turbulence.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 Tables. MNRAS, accepte

    Vector-meson magnetic dipole moment effects in radiative tau decays

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    We study the possibility that the magnetic dipole moment of light charged vector mesons could be measured from their effects in \tau^- --> V^-\nu_{\tau}\gamma decays. We conclude that the energy spectrum and angular distribution of photons emitted at small angles with respect to vector mesons is sensitive the effects of the magnetic dipole moment. Model-dependent contributions and photon radiation off other electromagnetic multipoles are small in this region. We also compute the effects of the magnetic dipole moment on the integrated rates and photon energy spectrum of these τ\tau lepton decays.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Coherent bremsstrahlung in periodically deformed crystals with a complex base

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    In the present paper we investigate coherent bremsstrahlung of high energy electrons moving in a periodically deformed single crystal with a complex base. The formula for corresponding differential cross-section is derived for an arbitrary deformation field. The conditions are discussed under which the influence of the deformation is important. The case is considered in detail when the electron enters into the crystal at small angles with respect to a crystallographic axis. It is shown that in dependence of the parameters, the presence of the deformation can either enhance or reduce the bremsstrahlung cross-section.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure