2,433 research outputs found

    Surface spin-flop transition in a uniaxial antiferromagnetic Fe/Cr superlattice induced by a magnetic field of arbitrary direction

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    We studied the transition between the antiferromagnetic and the surface spin-flop phases of a uniaxial antiferromagnetic [Fe(14 \AA)/Cr(11 \AA]x20_{\rm x20} superlattice. For external fields applied parallel to the in-plane easy axis, the layer-by-layer configuration, calculated in the framework of a mean-field one-dimensional model, was benchmarked against published polarized neutron reflectivity data. For an in-plane field HH applied at an angle ψ≠0\psi \ne 0 with the easy axis, magnetometry shows that the magnetization MM vanishes at H=0, then increases slowly with increasing HH. At a critical value of HH, a finite jump in M(H)M(H) is observed for ψ<5o\psi<5^{\rm o}, while a smooth increase of MM vsvs HH is found for ψ>5o\psi>5^{\rm o}. A dramatic increase in the full width at half maximum of the magnetic susceptibility is observed for ψ≄5o\psi \ge 5^{\rm o}. The phase diagram obtained from micromagnetic calculations displays a first-order transition to a surface spin-flop phase for low ψ\psi values, while the transition becomes continuous for ψ\psi greater than a critical angle, ψmax≈4.75o\psi_{\rm max} \approx 4.75^{\rm o}. This is in fair agreement with the experimentally observed results.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Role of Secondary Motifs in Fast Folding Polymers: A Dynamical Variational Principle

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    A fascinating and open question challenging biochemistry, physics and even geometry is the presence of highly regular motifs such as alpha-helices in the folded state of biopolymers and proteins. Stimulating explanations ranging from chemical propensity to simple geometrical reasoning have been invoked to rationalize the existence of such secondary structures. We formulate a dynamical variational principle for selection in conformation space based on the requirement that the backbone of the native state of biologically viable polymers be rapidly accessible from the denatured state. The variational principle is shown to result in the emergence of helical order in compact structures.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 4 eps figure

    What thermodynamic features characterize good and bad folders? Results from a simplified off-lattice protein model

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    The thermodynamics of the small SH3 protein domain is studied by means of a simplified model where each bead-like amino acid interacts with the others through a contact potential controlled by a 20x20 random matrix. Good folding sequences, characterized by a low native energy, display three main thermodynamical phases, namely a coil-like phase, an unfolded globule and a folded phase (plus other two phases, namely frozen and random coil, populated only at extremes temperatures). Interestingly, the unfolded globule has some regions already structured. Poorly designed sequences, on the other hand, display a wide transition from the random coil to a frozen state. The comparison with the analytic theory of heteropolymers is discussed

    2n Gamete formation in the genus Brachiaria (Poaceae: Paniceae).

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    Microsporogenesis of several Brachiaria species of the Brazilian collection at Embrapa Beef Cattle has been analyzed in detail. This paper reports abnormal cytokinesis in three accessions of three different species (Brachiaria humidicola, 2n = 4x = 36, Brachiaria decumbens, 2n = 4x = 36, and Brachiaria dura, 2n = 6x = 54). Chromosomes paired in bi-, tri-, and quadrivalents in these accessions, whereas chromosome segregation at meiosis I was characterized by exclusion of laggards as micronuclei. In a high number of meiocytes, the first sign of cytokinesis appeared only in metaphase II and did not divide the meiocyte into a dyad. Total absence of cytokinesis was also detected among meiocytes in the second division. Since in both cases the two metaphase plates were very close, they favored the rejoining of chromosome sets after anaphase II and formed a restitutional nucleus in telophase II. Second cytokinesis occurred after telophase II in most meiocytes. Monads, dyads, and triads with n or 2n nuclei were observed among meiotic products. The 2n gametes observed correspond to the first division restitution (FDR). The number of affected cells in each accession was variable, but the number of microspores with restitutional nucleus, including those scored in tetrads and the released ones, did not exceed 9%. Although polyploidy is common in the genus Brachiaria, its origin is still unclear. Current results suggest that 2n gametes may have contributed to the evolutionary history of the genus.CNPGC

    Inferring the effective thickness of polyelectrolytes from stretching measurements at various ionic strengths: applications to DNA and RNA

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    By resorting to the thick-chain model we discuss how the stretching response of a polymer is influenced by the self-avoidance entailed by its finite thickness. The characterization of the force versus extension curve for a thick chain is carried out through extensive stochastic simulations. The computational results are captured by an analytic expression that is used to fit experimental stretching measurements carried out on DNA and single-stranded RNA (poly-U) in various solutions. This strategy allows us to infer the apparent diameter of two biologically-relevant polyelectrolytes, namely DNA and poly-U, for different ionic strengths. Due to the very different degree of flexibility of the two molecules, the results provide insight into how the apparent diameter is influenced by the interplay between the (solution-dependent) Debye screening length and the polymers' ``bare'' thickness. For DNA, the electrostatic contribution to the effective radius, Δ\Delta, is found to be about 5 times larger than the Debye screening length, consistently with previous theoretical predictions for highly-charged stiff rods. For the more flexible poly-U chains the electrostatic contribution to Δ\Delta is found to be significantly smaller than the Debye screening length.Comment: iopart, 14 pages, 13 figures, to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Conformations of Proteins in Equilibrium

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    We introduce a simple theoretical approach for an equilibrium study of proteins with known native state structures. We test our approach with results on well-studied globular proteins, Chymotrypsin Inhibitor (2ci2), Barnase and the alpha spectrin SH3 domain and present evidence for a hierarchical onset of order on lowering the temperature with significant organization at the local level even at high temperatures. A further application to the folding process of HIV-1 protease shows that the model can be reliably used to identify key folding sites that are responsible for the development of drug resistance .Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figure

    Complete wetting in the three-dimensional transverse Ising model

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    We consider a three-dimensional Ising model in a transverse magnetic field, hh and a bulk field HH. An interface is introduced by an appropriate choice of boundary conditions. At the point (H=0,h=0)(H=0,h=0) spin configurations corresponding to different positions of the interface are degenerate. By studying the phase diagram near this multiphase point using quantum-mechanical perturbation theory we show that that quantum fluctuations, controlled by hh, split the multiphase degeneracy giving rise to an infinite sequence of layering transitions.Comment: 16 pages (revtex) including 8 figs; to appear in J. Stat. Phy
