12 research outputs found

    Memory Self-Efficacy Beliefs Modulate Brain Activity when Encoding Real-World Future Intentions

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    Background: While the use of different cognitive strategies when encoding episodic memory information has been extensively investigated, modulation of brain activity by memory self-efficacy beliefs has not been studied yet. Methodology/Principal Findings: Sixteen young adults completed the prospective and retrospective metamemory questionnaire, providing individual subjective judgments of everyday memory function. The day after, using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the participants had to memorize real-world intentions (e. g., return a book to the library), which were performed later on in a virtual environment. Participants also performed offline cognitive tasks evaluating executive functions, working memory, and attention. During encoding, activity was found in medial temporal lobe, left prefrontal cortex, medial parietal regions, occipital areas, and regions involved in (pre) motor processes. Based on results from the questionnaire, the group was split into low and high memory self-efficacy believers. Comparison of encoding-related brain activity between the 2 groups revealed that the low memory self-efficacy believers activated more the hippocampus bilaterally, right posterior parahippocampal cortex, precuneus, and left lateral temporal cortex. By contrast, more activity was found in dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus for the high-memory believers. In addition, the low-memory believers performed more poorly at feature binding and (at trend) manipulating visuospatial information in working memory. Conclusion/Significance: Overall, these findings indicate that memory self-efficacy beliefs modulate brain activity during intentional encoding. Low memory self-efficacy believers activated more brain areas involved in visuospatial operations such as the hippocampus. Possibly, this increase reflects attempts to compensate for poor performance of certain neurocognitive processes, such as feature binding. By contrast, high-memory believers seemed to rely more on executive-like processes involved in cognitive control.This work was funded by the 2007 Goran Gustafsson Award in Medicine and a grant from the Swedish Research Council to Lars Nyberg. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</p

    Taking a hard look at the pathogenesis of childhood HIV-associated nephropathy

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    Childhood human immunodeficiency virus-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) is defined by the presence of proteinuria associated with mesangial hyperplasia and/or global-focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, in combination with the microcystic transformation of renal tubules. This review discusses the pathogenesis of childhood HIVAN and explores how the current pathological paradigm for HIVAN in adults can be applied to children. The Human Immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) induces renal epithelial injury in African American children with a genetic susceptibility to develop HIVAN. The mechanism is not well understood, since renal epithelial cells harvested from children with HIVAN do not appear to be productively infected. Children with HIVAN show a renal up-regulation of heparan sulphate proteoglycans and a recruitment of circulating heparin-binding growth factors, chemokines, and mononuclear cells. Macrophages appear to establish a renal HIV-reservoir and transfer viral particles to renal epithelial cells. All of these changes seem to trigger an aberrant and persistent renal epithelial proliferative response. The paradigm that viral products produced by infected renal epithelial cells per se induce the proliferation of these cells is not supported by data available in children with HIVAN. More research is needed to elucidate how HIV-1 induces renal epithelial injury and proliferation in HIV-infected children

    The cognitive map in humans: spatial navigation and beyond

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    The ‘cognitive map’ hypothesis proposes that brain builds a unified representation of the spatial environment to support memory and guide future action. Forty years of electrophysiological research in rodents suggests that cognitive maps are neurally instantiated by place, grid, border, and head direction cells in the hippocampal formation and related structures. Here we review recent work that suggests a similar functional organization in the human brain and reveals novel insights into how cognitive maps are used during spatial navigation. Specifically, these studies indicate that: (i) the human hippocampus and entorhinal cortex support map-like spatial codes; (ii) posterior brain regions such as parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortices provide critical inputs that allow cognitive maps to be anchored to fixed environmental landmarks; (iii) hippocampal and entorhinal spatial codes are used in conjunction with frontal lobe mechanisms to plan routes during navigation. We also discuss how these three basic elements of cognitive map based navigation—spatial coding, landmark anchoring, and route planning—might be applied to non-spatial domains to provide the building blocks for many core elements of human thought

    Phosphoinositides: Tiny Lipids With Giant Impact on Cell Regulation

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