419 research outputs found

    Seed fates in crop–wild hybrid sunflower: crop allele and maternal effects

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    Domestication has resulted in selection upon seed traits found in wild populations, yet crop-wild hybrids retain some aspects of both parental phenotypes. Seed fates of germination, dormancy, and mortality can influence the success of crop allele introgression in crop-wild hybrid zones, especially if crop alleles or crop-imparted seed coverings result in out-of-season germination. We performed a seed burial experiment using crop, wild, and diverse hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cross types to test how a cross type's maternal parent and nuclear genetic composition might affect its fate under field conditions. We observed higher maladaptive fall germination in the crop- and F1- produced seeds than wild-produced seeds and, due to an interaction with percent crop alleles, fall germination was higher for cross types with more crop-like nuclear genetics. By spring, crop-produced cross types had the highest overwintering mortality, primarily due to higher fall germination. Early spring germination was identical across maternal types, but germination continued for F1-produced seeds. In conclusion, the more wild-like the maternal parent or the less proportion of the cross type's genome contributed by the crop, the greater likelihood a seed will remain ungerminated than die. Wild-like dormancy may facilitate introgression through future recruitment from the soil seed bank

    Role of the Hospitalist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician in Obstetrical Inpatient Care.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of hospitalists and Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) subspecialists in obstetrical inpatient care. STUDY DESIGN: This electronic survey study was offered to members of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ACOG; n = 1,039) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM; n = 1,813). RESULTS: Overall, 607 (21%) respondents completed the survey. Overall, 35% reported that hospitalists provided care in at least one of their hospitals. Compared with ACOG respondents, a higher frequency of SMFM respondents reported comfort with hospitalists providing care for all women on labor and delivery (74.4 vs. 43.5%, p = 0.005) and women with complex issues (56.4 vs. 43.5%, p = 0.004). The majority of ACOG respondents somewhat/completely agreed that hospitalists were associated with decreased adverse events (69%) and improved safety/safety culture (70%). Overall, 35% of ACOG respondents have MFM consultation available with 53% having inpatient coverage. Of these, 85% were satisfied with MFM availability. CONCLUSION: Over one-third of respondents work in units staffed with hospitalists and more than half have inpatient MFM coverage. It is important to evaluate if and how hospitalists can improve maternal and perinatal outcomes, and the types of hospitals that are best served by them

    Fitness of Crop-Wild Hybrid Sunflower under Competitive Conditions: Implications for Crop-to-Wild Introgression

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    Understanding the likelihood and extent of introgression of novel alleles in hybrid zones requires comparison of lifetime fitness of parents and hybrid progeny. However, fitness differences among cross types can vary depending on biotic conditions, thereby influencing introgression patterns. Based on past work, we predicted that increased competition would enhance introgression between cultivated and wild sunflower (Helianthus annuus) by reducing fitness advantages of wild plants. To test this prediction, we established a factorial field experiment in Kansas, USA where we monitored the fitness of four cross types (Wild, F1, F2, and BCw hybrids) under different levels of interspecific and intraspecific competition. Intraspecific manipulations consisted both of density of competitors and of frequency of crop-wild hybrids. We recorded emergence of overwintered seeds, survival to reproduction, and numbers of seeds produced per reproductive plant. We also calculated two compound fitness measures: seeds produced per emerged seedling and seeds produced per planted seed. Cross type and intraspecific competition affected emergence and survival to reproduction, respectively. Further, cross type interacted with competitive treatments to influence all other fitness traits. More intense competition treatments, especially related to density of intraspecific competitors, repeatedly reduced the fitness advantage of wild plants when considering seeds produced per reproductive plant and per emerged seedling, and F2 plants often became indistinguishable from the wilds. Wild fitness remained superior when seedling emergence was also considered as part of fitness, but the fitness of F2 hybrids relative to wild plants more than quadrupled with the addition of interspecific competitors and high densities of intraspecific competitors. Meanwhile, contrary to prediction, lower hybrid frequency reduced wild fitness advantage. These results emphasize the importance of taking a full life cycle perspective. Additionally, due to effects of exogenous selection, a given hybrid generation may be especially well-suited to hastening introgression under particular environmental conditions.The study was conducted at and partially supported by the University of Kansas Field Station, a research unit of the Kansas Biological Survey and the University of Kansas. It was also supported by Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grant Program competitive grant no. 2006-39454-17438 to AAS, KLM, and HMA from the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture; www.nifa.usda.gov. Salaries and research support also provided by State and Federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University: manuscript no. HCS-14-07. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Prescription and Other Medication Use in Pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize prescription and other medication use in a geographically and ethnically diverse cohort of women in their first pregnancy. METHODS: In a prospective, longitudinal cohort study of nulliparous women followed through pregnancy from the first trimester, medication use was chronicled longitudinally throughout pregnancy. Structured questions and aids were used to capture all medications taken as well as reasons they were taken. Total counts of all medications taken including number in each category and class were captured. Additionally, reasons the medications were taken were recorded. Trends in medications taken across pregnancy and in the first trimester were determined. RESULTS: Of the 9,546 study participants, 9,272 (97.1%) women took at least one medication during pregnancy with 9,139 (95.7%) taking a medication in the first trimester. Polypharmacy, defined as taking at least five medications, occurred in 2,915 (30.5%) women. Excluding vitamins, supplements, and vaccines, 73.4% of women took a medication during pregnancy with 55.1% taking one in the first trimester. The categories of drugs taken in pregnancy and in the first trimester include the following: gastrointestinal or antiemetic agents (34.3%, 19.5%), antibiotics (25.5%, 12.6%), and analgesics (23.7%, 15.6%, which includes 3.6%; 1.4% taking an opioid pain medication). CONCLUSION: In this geographically and ethnically diverse cohort of nulliparous pregnant women, medication use was nearly universal and polypharmacy was common

    Association of Cervical Effacement With the Rate of Cervical Change in Labor Among Nulliparous Women

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of cervical effacement with the rate of intrapartum cervical change among nulliparous women. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of a prospective trial of intrapartum fetal pulse oximetry. For women who had vaginal deliveries, interval-censored regression was used to estimate the time to dilate at 1-cm intervals. For each given centimeter of progressive cervical dilation, women were divided into those who had achieved 100% cervical effacement and those who had not. The analysis was performed separately for women in spontaneous labor and those who were given oxytocin. RESULTS: A total of 3,902 women were included in this analysis, 1,466 (38%) who underwent labor induction, 1,948 (50%) who underwent labor augmentation (combined for the analysis), and 488 (13%) who labored spontaneously. For women in spontaneous labor, the time to dilate 1 cm was shorter for those who were 100% effaced starting at 4 cm of cervical dilation (P=.01 to <.001). For women who received oxytocin, the time to dilate 1 cm was shorter for those who were 100% effaced throughout labor (P<.001). CONCLUSION: The rate of cervical dilation among nulliparous women is associated with not only the degree of cervical dilation, but also with cervical effacement. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00098709

    Prediction of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Among Nulliparous Women With a Short Cervix

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    To evaluate whether demographic and sonographic factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB) among nulliparous women with a cervical length (CL) < 30 mm could be combined into an accurate prediction model for sPTB

    Haptoglobin Phenotype, Preeclampsia Risk and the Efficacy of Vitamin C and E Supplementation to Prevent Preeclampsia in a Racially Diverse Population

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    Haptoglobin's (Hp) antioxidant and pro-angiogenic properties differ between the 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 phenotypes. Hp phenotype affects cardiovascular disease risk and treatment response to antioxidant vitamins in some non-pregnant populations. We previously demonstrated that preeclampsia risk was doubled in white Hp 2-1 women, compared to Hp 1-1 women. Our objectives were to determine whether we could reproduce this finding in a larger cohort, and to determine whether Hp phenotype influences lack of efficacy of antioxidant vitamins in preventing preeclampsia and serious complications of pregnancy-associated hypertension (PAH). This is a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial in which 10,154 low-risk women received daily vitamin C and E, or placebo, from 9-16 weeks gestation until delivery. Hp phenotype was determined in the study prediction cohort (n = 2,393) and a case-control cohort (703 cases, 1,406 controls). The primary outcome was severe PAH, or mild or severe PAH with elevated liver enzymes, elevated serum creatinine, thrombocytopenia, eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, medically indicated preterm birth or perinatal death. Preeclampsia was a secondary outcome. Odds ratios were estimated by logistic regression. Sampling weights were used to reduce bias from an overrepresentation of women with preeclampsia or the primary outcome. There was no relationship between Hp phenotype and the primary outcome or preeclampsia in Hispanic, white/other or black women. Vitamin supplementation did not reduce the risk of the primary outcome or preeclampsia in women of any phenotype. Supplementation increased preeclampsia risk (odds ratio 3.30; 95% confidence interval 1.61-6.82, p<0.01) in Hispanic Hp 2-2 women. Hp phenotype does not influence preeclampsia risk, or identify a subset of women who may benefit from vitamin C and E supplementation to prevent preeclampsia

    Racial or Ethnic and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Adherence to National Dietary Guidance in a Large Cohort of US Pregnant Women

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    BACKGROUND: The significance of periconceptional nutrition for optimizing offspring and maternal health and reducing social inequalities warrants greater understanding of diet quality among US women. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to evaluate racial or ethnic and education inequalities in periconceptional diet quality and sources of energy and micronutrients. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of data from the Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers-to-Be cohort. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Nulliparous women (N=7,511) were enrolled across eight US medical centers from 2010 to 2013. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: A semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire assessing usual dietary intake during the 3 months around conception was self-administered during the first trimester. Diet quality, measured using the Healthy Eating Index-2010 (HEI-2010), and sources of energy and micronutrients were the outcomes. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Differences in diet quality were tested across maternal racial or ethnic and education groups using F tests associated with analysis of variance and χ2 tests. RESULTS: HEI-2010 score increased with higher education, but the increase among non-Hispanic black women was smaller than among non-Hispanic whites and Hispanics (interaction P value <0.0001). For all groups, average scores for HEI-2010 components were below recommendations. Top sources of energy were sugar-sweetened beverages, pasta dishes, and grain desserts, but sources varied by race or ethnicity and education. Approximately 34% of energy consumed was from empty calories (the sum of energy from added sugars, solid fats, and alcohol beyond moderate levels). The primary sources of iron, folate, and vitamin C were juices and enriched breads. CONCLUSIONS: Diet quality is suboptimal around conception, particularly among women who are non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, or who had less than a college degree. Diet quality could be improved by substituting intakes of refined grains and foods empty in calories with vegetables, peas and beans (legumes), seafood, and whole grains

    A description of the methods of the Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: monitoring mothers-to-be (nuMoM2b)

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    OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the "Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: monitoring mothers-to-be" is to determine maternal characteristics, which include genetic, physiologic response to pregnancy, and environmental factors that predict adverse pregnancy outcomes. STUDY DESIGN: Nulliparous women in the first trimester of pregnancy were recruited into an observational cohort study. Participants were seen at 3 study visits during pregnancy and again at delivery. We collected data from in-clinic interviews, take-home surveys, clinical measurements, ultrasound studies, and chart abstractions. Maternal biospecimens (serum, plasma, urine, cervicovaginal fluid) at antepartum study visits and delivery specimens (placenta, umbilical cord, cord blood) were collected, processed, and stored. The primary outcome of the study was defined as pregnancy ending at <37+0 weeks' gestation. Key study hypotheses involve adverse pregnancy outcomes of spontaneous preterm birth, preeclampsia, and fetal growth restriction. RESULTS: We recruited 10,037 women to the study. Basic characteristics of the cohort at screening are reported. CONCLUSION: The "Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes Study: monitoring mothers-to-be" cohort study methods and procedures can help investigators when they plan future projects

    Role of early second-trimester uterine artery Doppler screening to predict small-for-gestational-age babies in nulliparous women

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    Background Trophoblastic invasion of the uterine spiral arteries substantially increases compliance to accommodate increased blood flow to the placenta. Failure of this process impedes uterine artery blood flow, and this may be detected by uterine artery Doppler flow studies. However, the clinical utility of uterine artery Doppler flow studies in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes in a general population remains largely unknown. Objective We sought to determine the utility of early second-trimester uterine artery Doppler studies as a predictor of small-for-gestational-age neonates. Study Design Nulliparous women with a viable singleton pregnancy were recruited during their first trimester into an observational prospective cohort study at 8 institutions across the United States. Participants were seen at 3 study visits during pregnancy and again at delivery. Three indices of uterine artery Doppler flow (resistance index, pulsatility index, and diastolic notching) were measured in the right and left uterine arteries between 16 weeks 0 days’ and 22 weeks 6 days’ gestation. Test characteristics for varying thresholds in the prediction of small for gestational age (defined as birthweight <5th percentile for gestational age [Alexander growth curve]) were evaluated. Results Uterine artery Doppler indices, birthweight, and gestational age at birth were available for 8024 women. Birthweight <5th percentile for gestational age occurred in 358 (4.5%) births. Typical thresholds for the uterine artery Doppler indices were all associated with birthweight <5th percentile for gestational age (P < .0001 for each), but the positive predictive values for these cutoffs were all <15% and areas under receiver operating characteristic curves ranged from 0.50-0.60. Across the continuous scales for these measures, the areas under receiver operating characteristic curves ranged from 0.56-0.62. Incorporating maternal age, early pregnancy body mass index, race/ethnicity, smoking status prior to pregnancy, chronic hypertension, and pregestational diabetes in the prediction model resulted in only modest improvements in the areas under receiver operating characteristic curves ranging from 0.63-0.66. Conclusion In this large prospective cohort, early second-trimester uterine artery Doppler studies were not a clinically useful test for predicting small-for-gestational-age babies
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