2,119 research outputs found

    Turning it inside out: The organization of human septin heterooligomers.

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    Septin family proteins are quite similar to each other both within and between eukaryotic species. Typically, multiple discrete septins co-assemble into linear heterooligomers (usually hexameric or octameric rods) with a variety of cellular functions. We know little about how incorporation of different septins confers different properties to such complexes. This issue is especially acute in human cells where 13 separate septin gene products (often produced in multiple forms arising from alternative start codons and differential splicing) are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Based on sequence alignments and phylogenetic criteria, human septins fall into four distinct groups predictive of their interactions, that is, members of the same group appear to occupy the same position within oligomeric septin protomers, which are "palindromic" (have twofold rotational symmetry about a central homodimeric pair). Many such protomers are capable of end-to-end polymerization, generating filaments. Over a decade ago, a study using X-ray crystallography and single-particle electron microscopy deduced the arrangement within recombinant heterohexamers comprising representatives of three human septin groups-SEPT2, SEPT6, and SEPT7. This model greatly influenced subsequent studies of human and other septin complexes, including how incorporating a septin from a fourth group forms heterooctamers, as first observed in budding yeast. Two recent studies, including one in this issue of Cytoskeleton, provide clear evidence that, in fact, the organization of subunits within human septin heterohexamers and heterooctamers is inverted relative to the original model. These findings are discussed here in a broader context, including possible causes for the initial confusion

    Entanglement versus Quantum Discord in Two Coupled Double Quantum Dots

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    We study the dynamics of quantum correlations of two coupled double quantum dots containing two excess electrons. The dissipation is included through the contact with an oscillator bath. We solve the Redfield master equation in order to determine the dynamics of the quantum discord and the entanglement of formation. Based on our results, we find that the quantum discord is more resistant to dissipation than the entanglement of formation for such a system. We observe that this characteristic is related to whether the oscillator bath is common to both qubits or not and to the form of the interaction Hamiltonian. Moreover, our results show that the quantum discord might be finite even for higher temperatures in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (new version is the final version to appear in NJP

    Synaptotagmin 1 oligomers clamp and regulate different modes of neurotransmitter release

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    Release of neurotransmitters relies on submillisecond coupling of synaptic vesicle fusion to the triggering signal: AP-evoked presynaptic Ca2+ influx. The key player that controls exocytosis of the synaptic vesicle is the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin 1 (Syt1). While the Ca2+ activation of Syt1 has been extensively characterized, how Syt1 reversibly clamps vesicular fusion remains enigmatic. Here, using a targeted mutation combined with fluorescence imaging and electrophysiology, we show that the structural feature of Syt1 to self-oligomerize provides the molecular basis for clamping of spontaneous and asynchronous release but is not required for triggering of synchronous release. Our findings propose a mechanistic model that explains how Syt1 oligomers regulate different modes of transmitter release in neuronal synapses

    Avaliação directa da toxicidade de águas residuais: um caso de estudo

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    A avaliação global das águas residuais deve integrar ensaios ecotoxicológicos complementando a caracterização química, especialmente no caso de águas residuais complexas. O projecto ECORIVER, que decorreu na Bacia do Rio Trancão, integrou o estudo ecotoxicológico e físico-químico de águas residuais de empresas de vários sectores industriais. Apresentam-se resultados relativos à avaliação ecotoxicológica de águas residuais de 17 empresas através da utilização de ensaios agudos e crónicos, com diferentes espécies: a bactéria Vibrio fischeri, a alga Pseudokircheneriella subcapitata, os crustáceos Thamnocephalus platyurus e Daphnia magna, e a planta Lemna minor. A análise dos resultados permitiu concluir que uma bateria de ensaios com uma bactéria, um crustáceo e uma alga, é representativa. Concluiu-se ainda que a utilização da abordagem ecotoxicológica é uma mais-valia para a avaliação do perigo e do risco de descargas para o meio hídrico e pode contribuir para um mais correcto estabelecimento de condições de descarga, com o objectivo de atingir a boa qualidade ecológica das massas de água. A monitorização e a gestão ambiental podem utilizar esta ferramenta com vantagens

    Fertilidade do solo em sistemas agroflorestais.

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    Discussão sobre o tema desenvolvimento sustentável ocupa grande espaço na sociedade devido ao declínio na qualidade de vida no meio rural e urbano. A perda de qualidade de vida associa-se à intensa degradação dos recursos naturais atrelada à modernização da agricultura e ao aumento populacional das cidades. A agricultura é função da interação de fatores socioambientais e naturais, englobando dimensões sociais, culturais, políticas e econômicas. O desafio para uma agricultura sustentável passa pelo ajuste das relações socioeconômicas que governam o que é produzido, como é produzido e para quem é produzido. Isto necessita de uma abordagem que integra os princípios agronômicos, ecológicos e socioeconômicos à compreensão e avaliação do efeito das tecnologias sobre os sistemas agrícolas e a sociedade como um todo.Palestra