12,905 research outputs found


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    ResumenLa Fibrosis Quística (FQ) es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica recesiva. La detección precoz sumado a medidas de intervención temprana han modificado el curso de esta enfermedad con mejorías en su sobrevida, lo que ha llevado a una población creciente de pacientes de 18 años. La mutación genética determina una alteración en una Proteína Reguladora de Conductancia Transmembrana (CFTR) que afecta a numerosos órganos y sistemas, pero el compromiso pulmonar es el que causa mayor morbimortalidad. El germen más frecuente que infecta a adultos es Pseudomonas aeruginosa y si bien hay una serie de medidas para el manejo de la infección crónica por Pseudomonas las terapia dirigida a la restauración de la función de la proteína CFTRhatomadorelevancia. Cuando la falla respiratoria progresa, la única alternativa disponible es el trasplante pulmonar que mejora la sobrevida y la calidad de vida en estos pacientes.SummaryCystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive hereditary disease. Early detection combined with early intervention measures have changed the course of this disease with improvements in their survival which has led to a growing population of patients 18 years. The genetic mutation determines an alteration in Transmembrane Conductance Regulator protein (CFTR) that affects many organ systems, but the pulmonary involvement is causing increased morbidity and mortality. The most common pathogen that infects adults is Pseudomonas aeruginosa and while there are a number of measures for the management of chronic Pseudomonas infection of therapy aimed at restoring the function of the CFTR protein has gained importance. When respiratory failure progresses only alternative available is lung transplantation improves survival and quality of life in these patients

    Why pair production cures covariance in the light-front?

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    We show that the light-front vaccum is not trivial, and the Fock space for positive energy quanta solutions is not complete. As an example of this non triviality we have calculated the electromagnetic current for scalar bosons in the background field method were the covariance is restored through considering the complete Fock space of solutions. We also show thus that the method of "dislocating the integration pole" is nothing more than a particular case of this, so that such an "ad hoc" prescription can be dispensed altogether if we deal with the whole Fock space. In this work we construct the electromagnetic current operator for a system composed of two free bosons. The technique employed to deduce these operators is through the definition of global propagators in the light front when a background electromagnetic field acts on one of the particles.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Temperature scaling in a dense vibro-fluidised granular material

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    The leading order "temperature" of a dense two dimensional granular material fluidised by external vibrations is determined. An asymptotic solution is obtained where the particles are considered to be elastic in the leading approximation. The velocity distribution is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the leading approximation. The density profile is determined by solving the momentum balance equation in the vertical direction, where the relation between the pressure and density is provided by the virial equation of state. The predictions of the present analysis show good agreement with simulation results at higher densities where theories for a dilute vibrated granular material, with the pressure-density relation provided by the ideal gas law, are in error. The theory also predicts the scaling relations of the total dissipation in the bed reported by McNamara and Luding (PRE v 58, p 813).Comment: ReVTeX (psfrag), 5 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to PR

    Efeito de procedências de Eucalyptus camaldulensis sobre os teores de nutrientes e de carbono orgânico do solo no cerrado.

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    RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do plantio de eucalipto nos teores de nutrientes e de carbono orgânico do solo em comparação com uma área virgem de Cerrado. Foram coletadas e analisadas amostras de solo até 1 m de profundidade em um experimento de procedências de Eucalyptus camaldulensis e em uma área adjacente de Cerrado, na mesma posição topográfica, em Planaltina, Distrito Federal. O solo é Latossolo Vermelho, argiloso (55% de argila, 23% de silte, 2% de areia grossa e 20% de areia fina) e distrófico. Na ocasião do plantio, o eucalipto foi adubado com 40 g de sulfato de amônio, 60 g de superfosfato triplo, 20% decloreto de potássio, 2 g de sulfato de zinco, 3 g de bórax e 500 g de calcário dolomítico por cova. As procedências avaliadas foram: 10911 de Emu Creek, Queensland; 9856 de Agnew Road, West Australian; e 10557 de Kimberley Area, West Australian. O pH teve crescimento linear com o aumento da profundidade, porém, nas áreas reflorestadas com a procedência 9856, esse aumento foi proporcionalmente maior que o observado para as áreas com as outras procedências. O teor de magnésio foi menor na área com Cerrado nativo em comparação com as reflorestadas com as procedências 9856 e 10911. O plantio de eucalipto, comparado com o Cerrado, elevou os teores de potássio e de carbono orgânico, sobretudo, nas camadas superficiais do solo. Os teores de fósforo, de potássio, de cálcio, de magnésio e de carbono orgânico no solo diminuíram com o aumento da profundidade, tanto nas áreas reflorestadas como em áreas de Cerrado. ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation on soil carbon and nutrients contents in comparasion to virgin area of Cerrado. Soil samples of soil were collected down to 1 m depth in the soil profile in an experiment composed by three Eucalyptus camaldulensis provenances and an adjacent area of Cerrado. Soil was classified as dystrophic Claying Red Latossol composed by 52% of clay, 13% of silt, 3% of coarse sand and 25% of fine sand. At seedling time fertilizers were applied at the rate: 40 g of ammonium, 60 g of triple superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride, 2 g zinc sulphate, 3 g of borax and 500 g dolomitic lime for plant per planting pit. Provenances from Emu Creek, Queensland (10911); Agnew Road, West Australian, (9856) and Kimberley Area, West Australian (10557) were evaluated. The pH increased linearly as depth increased, however for provenace 9856 this increase was proportionally higher than the others. The magnesium content was lower in Cerrado than in reforested areas with provenances 9856 and 10911. Eucalypt plantation, compared with the Cerrado vegetation, increased organic carbon and potassium contents in the upper soil layers. Soil phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and organic carbon contents decreased as depth increased in both reforested ares and in the Cerrado.bitstream/CPAC-2009/26774/1/bolpd_142.pd

    Rho-meson form factors and QCD sum rules

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    We present predictions for rho-meson form factors obtained from the analysis of QCD sum rules in next-to-leading order of perturbation theory. The radiative corrections turn out to be sizeable and should be taken into account in rigorous theoretical analysis.Comment: LaTeX file, 14 pages, 7 figure

    Towards understanding quality-related characteristics in knowledge-intensive processes: A systematic literature review

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    Context: Contemporary process management systems have been supporting users during the execution of repetitive, predefined business processes. Many business processes are no longer limited to explicit business rules as processes can be unpredictable, knowledge-driven and emergent. In recent years, knowledge-intensive processes (KIPs) have become more important for many businesses. However, quality-related aspects of these processes are still scarce. Therefore, it is hard to evaluate these types of processes in terms of their quality. Objective: In this paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review aiming at investigating and reporting quality-related aspects of KIPs. Results: We identified in the selected studies the characteristics and methods related to KIPs. Although several papers present quality aspects of processes, literature still lacks directions on the quality-related approaches in KIPs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Genetic and molecular mechanisms of aluminum tolerance in plants.

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    Aluminum (Al) toxicity restricts root growth and agricultural yield in acid soils, which constitute approximately 40% of the potentially arable lands worldwide. The two main mechanisms of Al tolerance in plants are internal detoxification of Al and its exclusion from root cells. Genes encoding membrane transporters and accessory transcription factors, as well as cis-elements that enhance gene expression, are involved in Al tolerance in plants; thus studies of these genes and accessory factors should be the focus of molecular breeding efforts aimed at improving Al tolerance in crops. In this review, we describe the main genetic and molecular studies that led to the identification and cloning of genes associated with Al tolerance in plants. We include recent findings on the regulation of genes associated with Al tolerance. Understanding the genetic, molecular, and physiological aspects of Al tolerance in plants is important for generating cultivars adapted to acid soils, thereby contributing to food security worldwide

    Fermi systems with long scattering lengths

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    Ground state energies and superfluid gaps are calculated for degenerate Fermi systems interacting via long attractive scattering lengths such as cold atomic gases, neutron and nuclear matter. In the intermediate region of densities, where the interparticle spacing (1/kF)(\sim 1/k_F) is longer than the range of the interaction but shorter than the scattering length, the superfluid gaps and the energy per particle are found to be proportional to the Fermi energy and thus differs from the dilute and high density limits. The attractive potential increase linearly with the spin-isospin or hyperspin statistical factor such that, e.g., symmetric nuclear matter undergoes spinodal decomposition and collapses whereas neutron matter and Fermionic atomic gases with two hyperspin states are mechanically stable in the intermediate density region. The regions of spinodal instabilities in the resulting phase diagram are reduced and do not prevent a superfluid transition.Comment: extended and revised version, 7 pages including new phase diagra

    Board performance in strategic monitoring: Evidence from Portugal

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    Despite the growing interest in the performance of boards of directors, most studies in the field concentrate on board structure instead of the ways they actually work. Few studies have shed light on how the work practices of boards may influence their performance on strategic tasks. In particular, no studies have analysed the Portuguese context in this regard. This paper analyses the influence of non-structural factors that may affect the effectiveness of Portuguese boards in the task of strategic monitoring. To do so, a replication study was conducted with basis on the model developed by Amaral-Baptista (2013) in the context of Brazilian firms. To test the model in the Portuguese empirical setting, a survey with 105 non-executive directors of Portuguese companies was conducted in 2014. The results showed that 67% of the variance observed in Board Effectiveness in Strategic Monitoring was explained by the antecedents Chairperson Leadership, Attention to Strategic Monitoring and Work Dynamics. Although Access to Information had a significant and positive influence on Business Knowledge, the effects of these factors on Board Effectiveness in Strategic Monitoring were not confirmed. These findings were generally consistent with the results of Amaral-Baptista (2013). The study is concluded with implications for management practice and future studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio