14,639 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistive Effects in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Multilayers

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    We consider a nanoscale system consisting of Manganite-ferromagnet and Cuprate-superconductor multilayers in a spin valve configuration. The magnetization of the bottom Manganite-ferromagnet is pinned by a Manganite-antiferromagnet. The magnetization of the top Manganite-ferromagnet is coupled to the bottom one via indirect exchange through the superconducting layers. We study the behavior of the critical temperature and the magnetoresistance as a function of an externally applied parallel magnetic field, when the number of Cuprate-superconductor layers are changed. There are two typical behaviors in the case of a few monolayers of the Cuprates: a) For small magnetic fields, the critical temperature and the magnetoresistance change abruptly when the flipping field of the top Manganite-ferromagnet is reached. b) For large magnetic fields, the multilayered system re-enters the zero-resistance (superconducting) state after having become resistive (normal).Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. 2004 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conferenc

    António António Aragão Aragão

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    Gestão ambiental do agronegócio hortifrutícola.

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    O conceito de sustentabilidade resgata a necessidade de um balanço entre fatores sociais, ambientais e econômicos.1 CD-ROM. Palestra

    Immature embryo rescue and in vitro development evaluation of intraspecific hybrids from Brazilian seedless grapevine Superior × Thompson clones.

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    The fruit production for export is an economically significant activity in the Valley of São Francisco River, especially in the irrigated lands of Petrolina-PE/Juazeiro-BA, Brazil. The development of new genetic material most suitable to the tropical climate and the demands of the consumer market have led to the selection of new seedless grapes cultivars. In this case, the use of the embryo rescue technique has produced satisfactory results for obtaining such materials, especially in the semiarid region. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro development of intraspecific hybrids of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), derived from the rescue of immature embryos resultant from the crossing of Superior Seedless and Thompson Seedless Brazilian clones. To establish and develop the cultivation, the culture media was supplemented with 30 g/L sucrose, 0.1 g/L myo-inositol, 0.002 g/L glycine, 0.1 mg/L indoleacetic acid (IAA), 6.5 g/L of agar, adjusted pH to 5.7. The experiment was evaluated after 90 days. The variables measured were: number of nodes, number of leaves, plant height (cm), number of roots and length (cm) of the root system and internodes. The period of 60 days of in vitro culture of ovules resulted in the highest values of embryos (about 50%), as well as better characterized developmental stages with higher germination (47.3%). The three types of hybrid grapes evaluated in micropropagation showed very similar values of the measured parameters, even having originated from embryos of different developmental stages

    Two-species fermion mixtures with population imbalance

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    We analyze the phase diagram of uniform superfluidity for two-species fermion mixtures from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) limit as a function of the scattering parameter and population imbalance. We find at zero temperature that the phase diagram of population imbalance versus scattering parameter is asymmetric for unequal masses, having a larger stability region for uniform superfluidity when the lighter fermions are in excess. In addition, we find topological quantum phase transitions associated with the disappearance or appearance of momentum space regions of zero quasiparticle energies. Lastly, near the critical temperature, we derive the Ginzburg-Landau equation, and show that it describes a dilute mixture of composite bosons and unpaired fermions in the BEC limit.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figures, accepted version to PR

    Insights into the quark-gluon vertex from lattice QCD and meson spectroscopy

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    By comparing successful quark-gluon vertex interaction models with the corresponding interaction extracted from lattice-QCD data on the quark's propagator, we identify common qualitative features which could be important to tune future interaction models beyond the rainbow ladder approximation. Clearly, a quantitative comparison is conceptually not simple, but qualitatively the results suggest that a realistic interaction should be relatively broad with a strong support at about 0.4−0.60.4-0.6~GeV and infrared-finite

    Topological phase transitions in ultra-cold Fermi superfluids: the evolution from BCS to BEC under artificial spin-orbit fields

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    We discuss topological phase transitions in ultra-cold Fermi superfluids induced by interactions and artificial spin orbit fields. We construct the phase diagram for population imbalanced systems at zero and finite temperatures, and analyze spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties to characterize various phase transitions. For balanced systems, the evolution from BCS to BEC superfluids in the presence of spin-orbit effects is only a crossover as the system remains fully gapped, even though a triplet component of the order parameter emerges. However, for imbalanced populations, spin-orbit fields induce a triplet component in the order parameter that produces nodes in the quasiparticle excitation spectrum leading to bulk topological phase transitions of the Lifshitz type. Additionally a fully gapped phase exists, where a crossover from indirect to direct gap occurs, but a topological transition to a gapped phase possessing Majorana fermions edge states does not occur.Comment: With no change in text, the labels in the figures are modifie

    Instruções para o cultivo do maracujá em Sergipe.

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    Botânica, clima e solo, produção de mudas, preparo do solo e plantio, condução e poda , adubação e tratos culturais, polinização artificial, pragas, doençaas, colheita e rendimento.bitstream/item/44457/1/CPATC-DOCUMENTOS-5-INSTRUCOES-PARA-O-CULTIVO-DO-MARACUJA-EM-SERGIPE-FL-13123A.pd
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