249 research outputs found

    Geochemical characteristics and mantle sources of the Oligo-Miocene primitive basalts from Sardinia: The role of subduction components.

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    During the Oligo-Miocene, the Island of Sardinia was covered by the products of voluminous magmatic activity, with a typical subduction-related signature. The mafic rocks of the Montresta (north) and Arcuentu (south) volcanic districts include primitive high MgO basalts whose trace element and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotope compositions constrain the nature and role of subduction-related components in the Tertiary Sardinian volcanism. The geochemical and isotopic data require an approximate degree of partial melting of 15% of a MORB-like depleted mantle prior to enrichment, and the input of two subduction components in the mantle wedge consisting of fluids from subducted oceanic crust (altered MORB) and fluids from subducted sediments. Ratios among trace elements which are variably compatible with fluid and melt phases (i.e. Th/Pb, Th/Nd and Sr/Nd) exclude the contribution of melts from the subducted slab. Models based on isotopic ratios indicate that the pre-subduction depleted mantle source of Sardinia magmas was enriched by 0.1-0.5% MORB fluid and less than 0.1% sediment fluid. The geochemical and isotopic compositions of the Montresta volcanic rocks are homogeneous, whereas those of the Arcuentu show quite heterogeneous characters, suggesting variations in mantle source over the long time-span (about 13 Ma) of volcanic activity in this district

    40Ar–39Ar ages and isotope geochemistry of Cretaceous basalts in northern Madagascar: Refining eruption ages, extent of crustal contamination and parental magmas in a flood basalt province

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    The Madagascar Cretaceous igneous province exposed in the Mahajanga basin is represented by basalt and basaltic andesite lavas. New 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages (92.3 ± 2.0 Ma and 91.5 ± 1.3 Ma) indicate that the magmatism in the Mahajanga basin started about 92 Ma ago. Four geochemically distinct magma types (Groups A–D) are present. Group A and C rocks have low to moderate TiO2 (1.2–2.6 wt%), Nb (3–9 μg g−1) and Zr (82–200 μg g−1), and show large variations in ɛNdi (+0.1 to −10.8), 206Pb/204Pb (15.28 to 16.33) and γOs (+11.4 to +7378). The large isotopic variations, particularly in Os, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions, are likely due to crustal contamination. The low Pb isotope ratios observed in the Group A and C rocks suggest involvement of continental crust with low μ (238U/204Pb). Group B and D rocks have moderate to high TiO2 (2.2–4.9 wt%), Nb (8–24 μg g−1) and Zr (120–327 μg g−1). Age-corrected isotopes of Group B and D lavas show a small range in ɛNdi (+1.0 to +4.0) and a wide range in γOs (+128 to +1182). Values of 207Pb/204Pb are within the range for Groups A and C, but the Group D 206Pb/204Pb (16.52–17.08) and 208Pb/204Pb (37.51–38.01) values are higher, indicating a different crustal contaminant. Pb isotopic values of the Group B rocks seem to reflect the isotopic features of their mantle source. The magma groups of Mahajanga display a wide range of trace element and isotopic compositions that cannot be explained only by open-system crystallization processes but, rather, by distinct mantle sources

    Constraints on the mantle sources of the Deccan traps from the petrology and geochemistry of the basalts of Gujarat state (Western India)

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    The late Cretaceous-early Tertiary flood basalts in the Gujarat area of the northwestern Deccan Traps (Kathiawar peninsula, Pavagadh hills and Rajpipla) exhibit a wide range of compositions, from picrite basalts to rhyolites; moreover, the basaltic rocks have clearly distinct TiO2 contents at any given degree of differentiation and strongly resemble the low-titanium and hightitanium basalts found in most of the Gondwana continental flood basalt (CFB) suites. Four magma groups are petrologically and geochemically distinguished: (1) A low-Ti group, characterized by rocks with varying SiO2 saturation, and with TiO2 <1.8 wt%, extremely low incompatible trace element abundances, low Zr/γ (av- 3.8), Ti/ V (av. 27), and a very slight large ion lithophile element (LJLE) enrichment over high field strength elements (HFSE). These rocks share some features with the Bushe Formation of the Western Ghats farther south, but have distinct geochemical characters, in particular the strong depletion in most incompatible trace elements. (2) A high-Ti group, characterized by a more K-rich character than the low-Ti rocks, and with a strong enrichment in incompatible elements, similar to average ocean island basalt (OIB), e.g. high TiO2 (>1.8 wt% in picrites), Nb (>19 p.p.m.) Zr/γ (av. 6.5) and Tt/V (av. 47). (3) An intermediate-Ti group, with TiO2 contents slightly lower than the high-Ti rocks at the same degree of evolution, and with correspondingly lower incompatible trace element contents and ratios, in particular K2O, Nb, Ba and Zr/Y (av. 5.2). (4) A potassium-rich group (KT), broadly similar in geochemical character to the high-Ti group but showing more extreme K, Rb and Ba enrichment (av. K20/Na20~l; Ba/Y~20). The most primitive low-Ti and high-Ti picrites, when corrected for low-pressure olivine fractionation, show distinct major (and trace) element geochemistry, in particular for CaO/AI2O3, CaO/TiO2 and Al2O3/TiO2, and moderate but significant variations in their SiO2 and Fe2Ost contents; these characteristics strongly suggest the involvement of different mantle sources, more depleted for the low-Ti picrites, and richer in cpxfor the high-Ti picrites, but with broadly the same pressures of equilibration (27-14 kbar). This, in turn, suggests a strong lateral heterogeneity in the Gujarat Trap mantle. Low-Ti picrites and related differentiates in Kathiawar are reported systematically for the first time here, and suggest the existence of HFSE-depleted mantle in the northwestern Deccan Traps, with extension at least to the Seychelles Islands and to the area of the Bushe Formation near Bombay in the pre-drift position, before the development of the Carlsberg Ridge. The absence of correlations between LILE/HFSE ratios and SiO2 argues against crustal contamination processes acting on the low-Ti picrites, possibly owing to their probably rapid uprise to the surface. Consequently, the mantle region of this rock group was probably re-enriched by small amounts of ULE-rich materials. The substantially higher, trace element enrichment of the least differentiated high-Ti picrites, relative to the basalts of the Ambe-noli and Mahableshwar Formations of the Western Ghats, testifies also to the presence of more incompatible element rich, OIB4ike mantle sources in northern and northwestern Gujarat. These sources were geochemicaily similar to the present-day Reunion mantle sources

    U-Pb ages, Pb-Os isotope ratios, and platinum-group element (PGE) composition of the west-central Madagascar flood basalt province

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    The Mailaka lava succession (central-western Madagascar) forms part of the Madagascar large igneous province and is characterized by basaltic to picritic basalt lava flows and minor evolved flows. In situ U-Pb dating of zircon in rhyodacites yields concordant ages of 89.7 \ub1 1.4 and 90.7 \ub1 1.1 Ma. Therefore, the capping rhyodacitic unit of the Mailaka lava succession was emplaced just after the underlying basalt sequence (dated paleontologically at Coniacian-Turonian). Two geochemically different lava series are present. A transitional series ranging from picritic basalts to basalts has incompatible element abundances and Pb, Os, and Nd isotope ratios within the range of mid-ocean ridge basalts. In addition, the concentrations of platinum-group elements (Ir<0.35 ng/g, Ru<0.17 ng/g, Pd p 1.0-1.6 ng/g) in the transitional basalts are generally lower than in basaltic lavas from oceanic plateaus (e.g., Ontong Java and Kerguelen) and other continental flood basalt provinces (e.g., Deccan and Etendeka). A tholeiitic series ranges from picritic basalts to rhyodacites and has relatively high concentrations of trace elements (e.g., Rb, Ba, Th, and light lanthanides) and the Pb-Sr-Nd and Os isotopic characteristic of magmas that have assimilated continental crust. The Pb isotope ratios of tholeiitic andesites indicate the involvement of a component highly depleted in radiogenic Pb, very likely old lower crust. Energy-constrained- assimilation-fractional-crystallization modeling indicates that the rhyodacites may be the result of 3c25% assimilation of upper continental crust, with a ratio between assimilated mass and subtracted solid of 3c0.35. An andesite with low Pb isotope ratios may be the result of 3c8% assimilation of lower continental crust with a mass assimilated/mass accumulated ratio of 3c0.1. Interaction of mantle-derived magmas with crustal lithologies of different age and evolutionary history thus occurred in this sector of the flood basalt province. Contamination of mantle-derived rocks by material of different crustal domains is a process also observed in other large igneous provinces, such as the Deccan Traps

    magma mixing history and dynamics of an eruption trigger

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    The most violent and catastrophic volcanic eruptions on Earth have been triggered by the refilling of a felsic volcanic magma chamber by a hotter more mafic magma. Examples include Vesuvius 79 AD, Krakatau 1883, Pinatubo 1991, and Eyjafjallajokull 2010. Since the first hypothesis, plenty of evidence of magma mixing processes, in all tectonic environments, has accumulated in the literature allowing this natural process to be defined as fundamental petrological processes playing a role in triggering volcanic eruptions, and in the generation of the compositional variability of igneous rocks. Combined with petrographic, mineral chemistry and geochemical investigations, isotopic analyses on volcanic rocks have revealed compositional variations at different length scales pointing to a complex interplay of fractional crystallization, mixing/mingling and crustal contamination during the evolution of several magmatic feeding systems. But to fully understand the dynamics of mixing and mingling processes, that are impossible to observe directly, at a realistically large scale, it is necessary to resort to numerical simulations of the complex interaction dynamics between chemically different magmas

    The Mount Pavagadh volcanic suite, Deccan Traps: Geochemical stratigraphy and magmatic evolution

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    The patterns of eruption and dispersal of flood basalt lavas on the surface, or as magmas in dykes and sills within the crust, determine the volcanological and stratigraphic development of flood basalt provinces. This is a geochemical and Sr-isotopic study of lavas of varied compositions that outcrop around Mount Pavagadh (829 m), Deccan Traps, an important outlier north of the main basalt outcrop. Most of the similar to 550-m thick exposed section at Pavagadh is made up of subalkalic basalts rich in the incompatible elements (particularly Nb, Ba, and Sr). Picrite and rhyolite-dacite flows also occur, the latter capping the sequence. The relatively high initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (up to 0.7083) and chemical characteristics of the rhyolitic rocks of Pavagadh are consistent with a small but significant involvement of the granitic basement crust in their genesis. An assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) model involving the picrite lava and either a southern Indian or a western Indian granite as the contaminant explains the geochemical and Sr-isotopic variation in the basalts and the rhyolites quite well. A systematic comparison of the basaltic lavas (with binary plots, normalized multielement patterns, and discriminant function analysis) to the well-established lava stratigraphy of the Western Ghats, 400-500 km to the south, precludes any chemical-genetic relationships between the two. Basalts exposed in sections closer to Pavagadh ((similar to) 150-200 km), in the Toranmal, Navagam, and Barwani-Mhow areas, have several flows with some similar chemical characteristics. However, the Pavagadh sequence is significantly different from all of these sequences geochemically, petrogenetically, and in magnetic polarity, to be considered independently built. This result is significant in terms of eruptive models for the Deccan Traps, as it is increasingly apparent that there were separate but possibly coeval eruptive centers with their own distinctive chemistries developed in various areas of this vast province. (C) 200

    Mineral compositions of the Deccan Trap volcanic rocks of India: an overview.

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    An overview of the mineral chemical variations observed in the Deccan Trap igneous rocks of western India indicates a very wide and continuous compositional range for olivine (Fo(92)-Fo(11)), pyroxene (augite to ferroaugite and pigeonite with rare orthopyroxene in the tholeiitic rocks; diopside to saute with no low-Ca clinopyroxene in slightly more alkaline basalts), spinel (from aluminous to chromiferous and to Ti-magnetite), ilmenite (Mg- to Mn-rich), feldspar (from An(83) to albite and anorthoclase to K-rich sanidine), and minor phases (biotite, amphibole, pseudobrookite, etc.). These compositions reflect a large variation in temperature and chemical composition of the host rocks (from about 1,200-1,300 degrees C in picritic basalts to 850-800 degrees C in the rhyolites or in the groundmass of basalts). The range of mineral compositions indicates parental magmas with varying degrees of silica saturation (mildly alkaline to tholeiitic), and very similar (low-pressure) crystallization environment for all the tholeiitic magmas throughout the Deccan, regardless of their widely different geochemical and isotopic compositions