2,607 research outputs found

    Far-ultraviolet imaging of the Hubble Deep Field-North: Star formation in normal galaxies at z < 1

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    We present far-ultraviolet (FUV) imaging of the Hubble Deep Field-North (HDF-N) taken with the Solar Blind Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS SBC) and the FUV MAMA detector of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The full WFPC2 deep field has been observed at 1600 Å. We detect 134 galaxies and one star down to a limit of FUV_(AB) ~ 29. All sources have counterparts in the WFPC2 image. Redshifts (spectroscopic or photometric) for the detected sources are in the range 0 < z < 1. We find that the FUV galaxy number counts are higher than those reported by GALEX, which we attribute at least in part to cosmic variance in the small HDF-N field of view. Six of the 13 Chandra sources at z < 0.85 in the HDF-N are detected in the FUV, and those are consistent with starbursts rather than active galactic nuclei. Cross-correlating with Spitzer sources in the field, we find that the FUV detections show general agreement with the expected L_(IR)/L_(UV) versus β relationship. We infer star formation rates (SFRs), corrected for extinction using the UV slope, and find a median value of 0.3 M_☉ yr^(-1) for FUV-detected galaxies, with 75% of detected sources having SFR < 1 M_☉ yr^(-1). Examining the morphological distribution of sources, we find that about half of all FUV-detected sources are identified as spiral galaxies. Half of morphologically selected spheroid galaxies at z < 0.85 are detected in the FUV, suggesting that such sources have had significant ongoing star formation in the epoch since z ~ 1

    Reflection of light from a disordered medium backed by a phase-conjugating mirror

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    This is a theoretical study of the interplay of optical phase-conjugation and multiple scattering. We calculate the intensity of light reflected by a phase-conjugating mirror when it is placed behind a disordered medium. We compare the results of a fully phase-coherent theory with those from the theory of radiative transfer. Both methods are equivalent if the dwell time \tau_{dwell} of a photon in the disordered medium is much larger than the inverse of the frequency shift 2\Delta\omega acquired at the phase-conjugating mirror. When \tau_{dwell} \Delta\omega < 1, in contrast, phase coherence drastically affects the reflected intensity. In particular, a minimum in the dependence of the reflectance on the disorder strength disappears when \Delta\omega is reduced below 1/\tau_{dwell}. The analogies and differences with Andreev reflection of electrons at the interface between a normal metal and a superconductor are discussed.Comment: 27 pages RevTeX with 11 figures included with psfi

    Random graph states, maximal flow and Fuss-Catalan distributions

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    For any graph consisting of kk vertices and mm edges we construct an ensemble of random pure quantum states which describe a system composed of 2m2m subsystems. Each edge of the graph represents a bi-partite, maximally entangled state. Each vertex represents a random unitary matrix generated according to the Haar measure, which describes the coupling between subsystems. Dividing all subsystems into two parts, one may study entanglement with respect to this partition. A general technique to derive an expression for the average entanglement entropy of random pure states associated to a given graph is presented. Our technique relies on Weingarten calculus and flow problems. We analyze statistical properties of spectra of such random density matrices and show for which cases they are described by the free Poissonian (Marchenko-Pastur) distribution. We derive a discrete family of generalized, Fuss-Catalan distributions and explicitly construct graphs which lead to ensembles of random states characterized by these novel distributions of eigenvalues.Comment: 37 pages, 24 figure

    Reflection Symmetric Ballistic Microstructures: Quantum Transport Properties

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    We show that reflection symmetry has a strong influence on quantum transport properties. Using a random S-matrix theory approach, we derive the weak-localization correction, the magnitude of the conductance fluctuations, and the distribution of the conductance for three classes of reflection symmetry relevant for experimental ballistic microstructures. The S-matrix ensembles used fall within the general classification scheme introduced by Dyson, but because the conductance couples blocks of the S-matrix of different parity, the resulting conductance properties are highly non-trivial.Comment: 4 pages, includes 3 postscript figs, uses revte


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    Classical diffusion in a random medium involves an exponential functional of Brownian motion. This functional also appears in the study of Brownian diffusion on a Riemann surface of constant negative curvature. We analyse in detail this relationship and study various distributions using stochastic calculus and functional integration.Comment: 18 page

    Conductance Fluctuations in a Disordered Double-Barrier Junction

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    We consider the effect of disorder on coherent tunneling through two barriers in series, in the regime of overlapping transmission resonances. We present analytical calculations (using random-matrix theory) and numerical simulations (on a lattice) to show that strong mode-mixing in the inter-barrier region induces mesoscopic fluctuations in the conductance GG of universal magnitude e2/he^2/h for a symmetric junction. For an asymmetric junction, the root-mean-square fluctuations depend on the ratio ν\nu of the two tunnel resistances according to rmsG=(4e2/h)β1/2ν(1+ν)2{rms} G = (4e^2/h)\beta^{-1/2} \nu(1+\nu)^{-2}, where β=1(2)\beta = 1 (2) in the presence (absence) of time-reversal symmetry.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX-3.0, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Effective Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for Studying Resonance Statistics in Open Disordered Systems

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    We briefly discuss construction of energy-dependent effective non-hermitian hamiltonians for studying resonances in open disordered systemsComment: Latex, 20 pages, 1 fig. Expanded version of a talk at the Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics IX, June 21-24 2010, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Accepted for publication in the Internationa Journal of Theoretical Physics (Springer Verlag

    Signatures of the correlation hole in total and partial cross sections

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    In a complex scattering system with few open channels, say a quantum dot with leads, the correlation properties of the poles of the scattering matrix are most directly related to the internal dynamics of the system. We may ask how to extract these properties from an analysis of cross sections. In general this is very difficult, if we leave the domain of isolated resonances. We propose to consider the cross correlation function of two different elastic or total cross sections. For these we can show numerically and to some extent also analytically a significant dependence on the correlations between the scattering poles. The difference between uncorrelated and strongly correlated poles is clearly visible, even for strongly overlapping resonances.Comment: 25 pages, 13 Postscript figures, typos corrected and references adde

    Fokker-Planck description of the transfer matrix limiting distribution in the scattering approach to quantum transport

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    The scattering approach to quantum transport through a disordered quasi-one-dimensional conductor in the insulating regime is discussed in terms of its transfer matrix \bbox{T}. A model of NN one-dimensional wires which are coupled by random hopping matrix elements is compared with the transfer matrix model of Mello and Tomsovic. We derive and discuss the complete Fokker-Planck equation which describes the evolution of the probability distribution of \bbox{TT}^{\dagger} with system length in the insulating regime. It is demonstrated that the eigenvalues of \ln\bbox{TT}^{\dagger} have a multivariate Gaussian limiting probability distribution. The parameters of the distribution are expressed in terms of averages over the stationary distribution of the eigenvectors of \bbox{TT}^{\dagger}. We compare the general form of the limiting distribution with results of random matrix theory and the Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar equation.Comment: 25 pages, revtex, no figure

    Vacuum Polarization of Massless Spinor Field in Global Monopole Spacetime

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    We calculate the renormalized vacuum average of the energy-momentum tensor of massless left-handed spinor field in the pointlike global monopole spacetime using point-separation approach. The general structure of the vacuum average of the energy-momentum tensor is obtained and expressed in terms of ren^{ren} component, explicit form of which is analyzed in great details for arbitrary solid angle deficit.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, print error was correcte