22 research outputs found

    Galaxy Groups Associated with Gravitational Lenses and H_0 from B1608+656

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    Compact groups of galaxies recently have been discovered in association with several strong gravitational lens systems. These groups provide additional convergence to the lensing potential and thus affect the value of H_0 derived from the systems. Lens system time delays are now being measured with uncertainties of only a few percent or better. Additionally, vast improvements are being made in incorporating observational constraints such as Einstein ring structures and stellar velocity dispersions into the lens models. These advances are reducing the uncertainties on H_0 to levels at which the the effects of associated galaxy groups may contribute significantly to the overall error budget. We describe a dedicated multiwavelength program, using Keck, HST, and Chandra, to find such groups and measure their properties. We present, as a case study, results obtained from observations of the CLASS lens system B1608+656 and discuss the implications for the value of H_0 derived from this system.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 225: Impact of Gravitational Lensing on Cosmology, 6 pages, 2 figure

    Telomeres and Genomic Instability from Precancerous Lesions to Advanced Cancer – Understanding Through Ovarian Cancer

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    Genetic instability plays an important role in ovarian carcinogenesis. Genetic instability is one of the characteristics shared by most human cancers and seems to exist (at various levels) at all stages of the disease, from precancerous lesions to advanced cancer. It is possible that this instability is one of the first trigger events, which would facilitate the subsequent establishment of all the other cancer hallmarks. Telomere shortening appears to take place in most human preinvasive epithelial lesions: short telomeres are found in up to 88% of early precancerous conditions of the bladder, cervix, colon, esophagus, or prostate. However, little is known about ovarian carcinogenesis and telomere shortening. Recent evidence has shown that the fallopian tube may be the origin of ovarian cancer. A new tubal carcinogenic sequence has been described with precancerous lesions that could metastasize to the ovary and result in invasive ovarian cancer. In this review, we will describe the degree of telomere shortening and genomic instability (estimated by the expression of DNA damage response proteins, such as H2AX, Chk2, ATM, 53BP1, p53, and TRF2, and by array comparative genomic hybridization) in early preinvasive stages of ovarian cancer (serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC)), ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma, and benign controls. Given that STICs have the shortest telomeres, they could be in a telomere crisis phase preceding genomic stabilization due to telomerase activation (see appended diagram). Concordant results were obtained in immunohistochemical and molecular studies. The expression of all DNA damage proteins increased from benign fallopian tubes to STICs suggesting an early activation of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathways in STICs and indicating that genomic instability may occur early in the precancerous lesions of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC). In this chapter, we propose to review current knowledge about the function of human telomeres and telomerase and their relevance in genomic instability in cancer and to focus on specific results for ovarian cancer

    DUNE: The Dark Universe Explorer

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    Understanding the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy is one of the most pressing issues in cosmology and fundamental physics. The purpose of the DUNE (Dark UNiverse Explorer) mission is to study these two cosmological components with high precision, using a space-based weak lensing survey as its primary science driver. Weak lensing provides a measure of the distribution of dark matter in the universe and of the impact of dark energy on the growth of structures. DUNE will also include a complementary supernovae survey to measure the expansion history of the universe, thus giving independent additional constraints on dark energy. The baseline concept consists of a 1.2m telescope with a 0.5 square degree optical CCD camera. It is designed to be fast with reduced risks and costs, and to take advantage of the synergy between ground-based and space observations. Stringent requirements for weak lensing systematics were shown to be achievable with the baseline concept. This will allow DUNE to place strong constraints on cosmological parameters, including the equation of state parameter of the dark energy and its evolution from redshift 0 to 1. DUNE is the subject of an ongoing study led by the French Space Agency (CNES), and is being proposed for ESA's Cosmic Vision programme


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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Appendicite aiguë et grossesse (à propos de 21 cas)

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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les Grossesses triples à la maternité de l'Hôpital Edouard Herriot (étude rétrospective des 172 dossiers de la période 1986-2002)

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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude randomisée évaluant l'efficacité d'une prothèse par voie transobturatrice pour la correction du prolapsus antérieur

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    Malgré la diminution du nombre de récidives après correction d'un prolapsus de l'étage antérieur, le recours aux prothèses synthétiques transvaginales fait l'objet d'une controverse en raison d'un taux élevé d'expositions prothétiques et de dyspareunies post opératoires. Nous avons mené une étude prospective randomisée monocentrique comparant l'efficacité des prothèses en polypropylène insérées par voie transobturatrice à la colpopérinéorraphie antérieure pour le traitement de la cystocèle de stade III ou IV selon la classification POPQ. Le critère de jugement principal était l'absence de récidive (stade~ 11) à 12 mois; les critères secondaires étaient l'absence de récidive à 24 mois, la survenue de complications peret post opératoires, l'évolution de la qualité de vie des patientes et de leur sexualité, la survenue ou l'aggravation d'une incontinence urinaire. Aucune récidive antérieure n'a été observée chez les 33 patientes randomisées dans le groupe chirurgie par prothèse à 12 mois, contre 4 dans le groupe chirurgie classique (soit 11% des 35 patientes); une cinquième récidive a été déclarée lors du suivi à 24 mois dans ce groupe. Deux expositions prothétiques (6%) ont été diagnostiquées dans le groupe chirurgie par prothèse, une seule a nécessité une reprise chirurgicale. Les patientes dysuriques sont nettement améliorées (100% groupe chirurgie classique, 83% groupe prothèse), et l'incontinence urinaire est corrigée chez 67 et 73% des patientes. Indépendamment du type de chirurgie, la qualité de vie ainsi que la sexualité sont améliorées, avec un cas de dyspareunie de nova dans chaque groupe (1/12 et 1/15 des patientes ayant des rapports sexuels). En comparaison à la chirurgie classique, les prothèses vaginales par voie transobturatrice diminuent le taux de récidive à moyen terme, avec d'aussi bons résultats en terme de qualité de vie et de sexualité, sans complication sévère. Elles doivent être conservées dans l'arsenal thérapeutique des chirurgiens spécialistes des troubles de la statique pelvienne.LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Early Preinvasive Lesions in Ovarian Cancer

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    Faced with the catastrophic prognosis for ovarian cancer due to the fact that it is most often diagnosed late at the peritoneal carcinomatosis stage, screening and early detection could probably reduce the mortality rate. A better understanding of the molecular characteristics of the different ovarian cancer subtypes and their specific molecular signatures is indispensable prior to development of new screening strategies. We discuss here the early natural history of ovarian cancer and its origins