95 research outputs found

    Interpretable task planning and learning for autonomous robotic surgery with logic programming

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    This thesis addresses the long-term goal of full (supervised) autonomy in surgery, characterized by dynamic environmental (anatomical) conditions, unpredictable workflow of execution and workspace constraints. The scope is to reach autonomy at the level of sub-tasks of a surgical procedure, i.e. repetitive, yet tedious operations (e.g., dexterous manipulation of small objects in a constrained environment, as needle and wire for suturing). This will help reducing time of execution, hospital costs and fatigue of surgeons during the whole procedure, while further improving the recovery time for the patients. A novel framework for autonomous surgical task execution is presented in the first part of this thesis, based on answer set programming (ASP), a logic programming paradigm, for task planning (i.e., coordination of elementary actions and motions). Logic programming allows to directly encode surgical task knowledge, representing emph{plan reasoning methodology} rather than a set of pre-defined plans. This solution introduces several key advantages, as reliable human-like interpretable plan generation, real-time monitoring of the environment and the workflow for ready adaptation and failure recovery. Moreover, an extended review of logic programming for robotics is presented, motivating the choice of ASP for surgery and providing an useful guide for robotic designers. In the second part of the thesis, a novel framework based on inductive logic programming (ILP) is presented for surgical task knowledge learning and refinement. ILP guarantees fast learning from very few examples, a common drawback of surgery. Also, a novel action identification algorithm is proposed based on automatic environmental feature extraction from videos, dealing for the first time with small and noisy datasets collecting different workflows of executions under environmental variations. This allows to define a systematic methodology for unsupervised ILP. All the results in this thesis are validated on a non-standard version of the benchmark training ring transfer task for surgeons, which mimics some of the challenges of real surgery, e.g. constrained bimanual motion in small space

    Logic programming for deliberative robotic task planning

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    Over the last decade, the use of robots in production and daily life has increased. With increasingly complex tasks and interaction in different environments including humans, robots are required a higher level of autonomy for efficient deliberation. Task planning is a key element of deliberation. It combines elementary operations into a structured plan to satisfy a prescribed goal, given specifications on the robot and the environment. In this manuscript, we present a survey on recent advances in the application of logic programming to the problem of task planning. Logic programming offers several advantages compared to other approaches, including greater expressivity and interpretability which may aid in the development of safe and reliable robots. We analyze different planners and their suitability for specific robotic applications, based on expressivity in domain representation, computational efficiency and software implementation. In this way, we support the robotic designer in choosing the best tool for his application

    Learning Logic Specifications for Policy Guidance in POMDPs: an Inductive Logic Programming Approach

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    Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) are a powerful framework for planning under uncertainty. They allow to model state uncertainty as a belief probability distribution. Approximate solvers based on Monte Carlo sampling show great success to relax the computational demand and perform online planning. However, scaling to complex realistic domains with many actions and long planning horizons is still a major challenge, and a key point to achieve good performance is guiding the action-selection process with domain-dependent policy heuristics which are tailored for the specific application domain. We propose to learn high-quality heuristics from POMDP traces of executions generated by any solver. We convert the belief-action pairs to a logical semantics, and exploit data- and time-efficient Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to generate interpretable belief-based policy specifications, which are then used as online heuristics. We evaluate thoroughly our methodology on two notoriously challenging POMDP problems, involving large action spaces and long planning horizons, namely, rocksample and pocman. Considering different state-of-the-art online POMDP solvers, including POMCP, DESPOT and AdaOPS, we show that learned heuristics expressed in Answer Set Programming (ASP) yield performance superior to neural networks and similar to optimal handcrafted task-specific heuristics within lower computational time. Moreover, they well generalize to more challenging scenarios not experienced in the training phase (e.g., increasing rocks and grid size in rocksample, incrementing the size of the map and the aggressivity of ghosts in pocman)

    Inductive learning of answer set programs for autonomous surgical task planning

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    The quality of robot-assisted surgery can be improved and the use of hospital resources can be optimized by enhancing autonomy and reliability in the robot’s operation. Logic programming is a good choice for task planning in robot-assisted surgery because it supports reliable reasoning with domain knowledge and increases transparency in the decision making. However, prior knowledge of the task and the domain is typically incomplete, and it often needs to be refined from executions of the surgical task(s) under consideration to avoid sub-optimal performance. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of inductive logic programming for learning previously unknown axioms governing domain dynamics. We do so under answer set semantics for a benchmark surgical training task, the ring transfer. We extend our previous work on learning the immediate preconditions of actions and constraints, to also learn axioms encoding arbitrary temporal delays between atoms that are effects of actions under the event calculus formalism. We propose a systematic approach for learning the specifications of a generic robotic task under the answer set semantics, allowing easy knowledge refinement with iterative learning. In the context of 1000 simulated scenarios, we demonstrate the significant improvement in performance obtained with the learned axioms compared with the hand-written ones; specifically, the learned axioms address some critical issues related to the plan computation time, which is promising for reliable real-time performance during surgery

    From POMDP executions to policy specifications

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    Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) allow modeling systems with uncertain state using probability distributions over states (called beliefs). However, in complex domains, POMDP solvers must explore large belief spaces, which is computationally intractable. One solution is to introduce domain knowledge to drive exploration, in the form of logic specifications. However, defining effective specifications may be challenging even for domain experts. We propose an approach based on inductive logic programming to learn specifications with confidence level from observed POMDP executions. We show that the learning approach converges to robust specifications as the number of examples increases

    Autonomous tissue retraction with a biomechanically informed logic based framework

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    Autonomy in robot-assisted surgery is essential to reduce surgeons\u2019 cognitive load and eventually improve the overall surgical outcome. A key requirement for autonomy in a safety-critical scenario as surgery lies in the generation of interpretable plans that rely on expert knowledge. Moreover, the Autonomous Robotic Surgical System (ARSS) must be able to reason on the dynamic and unpredictable anatomical environment, and quickly adapt the surgical plan in case of unexpected situations. In this paper, we present a modular Framework for Robot-Assisted Surgery (FRAS) in deformable anatomical environments. Our framework integrates a logic module for task-level interpretable reasoning, a biomechanical simulation that complements data from real sensors, and a situation awareness module for context interpretation. The framework performance is evaluated on simulated soft tissue retraction, a common surgical task to remove the tissue hiding a region of interest. Results show that the framework has the adaptability required to successfully accomplish the task, handling dynamic environmental conditions and possible failures, while guaranteeing the computational efficiency required in a real surgical scenario. The framework is made publicly available

    Autonomous tissue retraction with a biomechanically informed logic based framework

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    Autonomy in robot-assisted surgery is essential to reduce surgeons’ cognitive load and eventually improve the overall surgical outcome. A key requirement for autonomy in a safety-critical scenario as surgery lies in the generation of interpretable plans that rely on expert knowledge. Moreover, the Autonomous Robotic Surgical System (ARSS) must be able to reason on the dynamic and unpredictable anatomical environment, and quickly adapt the surgical plan in case of unexpected situations. In this paper, we present a modular Framework for Robot-Assisted Surgery (FRAS) in deformable anatomical environments. Our framework integrates a logic module for task-level interpretable reasoning, a biomechanical simulation that complements data from real sensors, and a situation awareness module for context interpretation. The framework performance is evaluated on simulated soft tissue retraction, a common surgical task to remove the tissue hiding a region of interest. Results show that the framework has the adaptability required to successfully accomplish the task, handling dynamic environmental conditions and possible failures, while guaranteeing the computational efficiency required in a real surgical scenario. The framework is made publicly available

    Learning logic specifications for soft policy guidance in POMCP

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    Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning (POMCP) is an effi- cient solver for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). It allows scaling to large state spaces by computing an approximation of the optimal policy locally and online, using a Monte Carlo Tree Search based strategy. However, POMCP suffers from sparse reward function, namely, rewards achieved only when the final goal is reached, particularly in environments with large state spaces and long horizons. Recently, logic specifications have been integrated into POMCP to guide exploration and to satisfy safety requirements. However, such policy-related rules require manual definition by domain experts, especially in real-world sce- narios. In this paper, we use inductive logic programming to learn logic specifications from traces of POMCP executions, i.e., sets of belief-action pairs generated by the planner. Specifically, we learn rules expressed in the paradigm of answer set programming. We then integrate them inside POMCP to provide soft policy bias toward promising actions. In the context of two benchmark sce- narios, rocksample and battery, we show that the integration of learned rules from small task instances can improve performance with fewer Monte Carlo simulations and in larger task instances. We make our modified version of POMCP publicly available at https://github.com/GiuMaz/pomcp_clingo.git

    Deliberation in autonomous robotic surgery: a framework for handling anatomical uncertainty

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    Autonomous robotic surgery requires deliberation, i.e. the ability to plan and execute a task adapting to uncertain and dynamic environments. Uncertainty in the surgical domain is mainly related to the partial pre-operative knowledge about patient-specific anatomical properties. In this paper, we introduce a logic-based framework for surgical tasks with deliberative functions of monitoring and learning. The DEliberative Framework for Robot-Assisted Surgery (DEFRAS) estimates a pre-operative patient-specific plan, and executes it while continuously measuring the applied force obtained from a biomechanical pre-operative model. Monitoring module compares this model with the actual situation reconstructed from sensors. In case of significant mismatch, the learning module is invoked to update the model, thus improving the estimate of the exerted force. DEFRAS is validated both in simulated and real environment with da Vinci Research Kit executing soft tissue retraction. Compared with state-of-the-art related works, the success rate of the task is improved while minimizing the interaction with the tissue to prevent unintentional damage

    Inductive learning of surgical task knowledge from intra-operative expert feedback

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    Knowledge-based and particularly logic-based systems for task planning and execution guarantee trustability and safety of robotic systems interacting with humans. However, domain knowledge is usually incomplete. This paper proposes a novel framework for task knowledge refinement from real-time user feedback, based on inductive logic programming
