427 research outputs found

    Pediatricians and nutritionists knowledge about treatment of cow milk allergy in infants

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the knowledge of pediatricians and nutritionists regarding the exclusion diet of cow milk and derivates, with emphasis on questions related to the nutrition of children submitted to such diet. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that enrolled pediatricians (n=53) and nutritionists (n=29) from public hospitals in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2005. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: The age of the professionals varied from 21 to 50 years old. Regarding professional experience, 41.2% were graduated for less than five years and 91.6% had a specialization course, masters and/or PhD degree. The vast majority of professionals (97.5%) confirmed that they regularly evaluated the diet of children that needed exclusion of cow milk. However, only 48% of the professionals conducted a more detailed evaluation of the diet, including calculations of food ingestion. Only 38.7% of the professionals compared child s food ingestion with some recommended pattern. Recommendations for daily ingestion of calcium by children up to the age of 36 months were properly mentioned by 22% of the pediatricians and 60.7% of the nutritionists (p=0.001). Inadequate cow milk substitute products were recommended by 66% of the pediatricians and by 48.3% of the nutritionists. Regarding labels of industrialized products, 81.6% of the pediatricians and 96.4% of the nutritionists advised the parents to look for all terms that could indicate the presence of cow milk protein. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatricians and nutritionists made conceptual errors in their main recommendations regarding the treatment of cow milk protein allergy.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento de pediatras e nutricionistas sobre a dieta de exclusão do leite de vaca e seus derivados, com ênfase em questões relacionadas à nutrição da criança. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo, do qual participaram pediatras (n=53) e nutricionistas (n=29), vinculados a hospitais públicos do Município de São Paulo, no ano de 2005. Os dados foram coletados por questionário auto-administrado. RESULTADOS: A idade dos profissionais variou de 21 a 50 anos. Quanto ao tempo de graduação, 41,2% eram formados a menos de cinco anos e 91,6% possuíam especialização, mestrado e/ou doutorado. A maioria (97,5%) afirmou avaliar a dieta de crianças submetidas à exclusão do leite de vaca, entretanto, somente 48% o faziam de forma mais detalhadas, incluindo o cálculo da ingestão alimentar. Apenas 38,7% comparam a ingestão alimentar da criança com algum padrão de recomendação. A recomendação diária da ingestão de cálcio para crianças com até 36 meses foi corretamente assinalada por 22% dos pediatras e 60,7% dos nutricionistas (p=0,001). Produtos não adequados como substitutos do leite de vaca seriam recomendados por 66% dos pediatras e 48,3% dos nutricionistas. Com relação à leitura de rótulos de produtos industrializados, 81,6% dos pediatras e 96,4% dos nutricionistas orientam os pais a ler todos os termos que indicam a presença das proteínas do leite de vaca. CONCLUSÕES: Os pediatras e nutricionista demonstraram erro conceitual no que se refere às principais recomendações terapêuticas na alergia às proteínas do leite de vaca.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPUNIFESPSciEL

    Exotic particles below the TeV from low scale flavour theories

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    A flavour gauge theory is observable only if the symmetry is broken at relatively low energies. The intrinsic parity-violation of the fermion representations in a flavour theory describing quark, lepton and higgsino masses and mixings generically requires anomaly cancellation by new fermions. Benchmark supersymmetric flavour models are built and studied to argue that: i) the flavour symmetry breaking should be about three orders of magnitude above the higgsino mass, enough also to efficiently suppress FCNC and CP violations coming from higher-dimensional operators; ii) new fermions with exotic decays into lighter particles are typically required at scales of the order of the higgsino mass.Comment: 19 pages, references added, one comment and one footnote added, results unchange

    Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a High-Speed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014

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    Energy coupling between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere can affect the electron population in the outer radiation belt. However, the precise role of different internal and external mechanisms that leads to changes of the relativistic electron population is not entirely known. This paper describes how ultralow frequency (ULF) wave activity during the passage of Alfvénic solar wind streams contributes to the global recovery of the relativistic electron population in the outer radiation belt. To investigate the contribution of the ULF waves, we searched the Van Allen Probes data for a period in which we can clearly distinguish the enhancement of electron fluxes from the background. We found that the global recovery that started on 22 September 2014, which coincides with the corotating interaction region preceding a high-speed stream and the occurrence of persistent substorm activity, provides an excellent scenario to explore the contribution of ULF waves. To support our analyses, we employed ground- and space-based observational data and global magnetohydrodynamic simulations and calculated the ULF wave radial diffusion coefficients employing an empirical model. Observations show a gradual increase of electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt and a concomitant enhancement of ULF activity that spreads from higher to lower L-shells. Magnetohydrodynamic simulation results agree with observed ULF wave activity in the magnetotail, which leads to both fast and Alfvén modes in the magnetospheric nightside sector. The observations agree with the empirical model and are confirmed by phase space density calculations for this global recovery period

    No evidence for an association between the -36A>C phospholamban gene polymorphism and a worse prognosis in heart failure

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    Background: In Brazil, heart failure leads to approximately 25,000 deaths per year. Abnormal calcium handling is a hallmark of heart failure and changes in genes encoding for proteins involved in the re-uptake of calcium might harbor mutations leading to inherited cardiomyopathies. Phospholamban (PLN) plays a prime role in cardiac contractility and relaxation and mutations in the gene encoding PLN have been associated with dilated cardiomyopathy. In this study, our objective was to determine the presence of the -36A>C alteration in PLN gene in a Brazilian population of individuals with HF and to test whether this alteration is associated with heart failure or with a worse prognosis of patients with HF. Methods: We genotyped a cohort of 881 patients with HF and 1259 individuals from a cohort of individuals from the general population for the alteration -36A>C in the PLN gene. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between groups (patients and control). In addition, frequencies or mean values of different phenotypes associated with cardiovascular disease were compared between genotypic groups. Finally, patients were prospectively followed-up for death incidence and genotypes for the -36A>C were compared regarding mortality incidence in HF patients. Results: No significant association was found between the study polymorphism and HF in our population. In addition, no association between PLN -36A>C polymorphism and demographic, clinical and functional characteristics and mortality incidence in this sample of HF patients was observed. Conclusion: Our data do not support a role for the PLN -36A>C alteration in modulating the heart failure phenotype, including its clinical course, in humans


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    SUMMARY The municipality of Cantagalo is an area with sustained transmission of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). Monthly sand fly collections were performed for three years (June 2012 - May 2015) using a CDC light trap. A total of 3,310 specimens belonging to 12 species were trapped: Nyssomyia intermedia, Nyssomyia whitmani, Migonemyia migonei, Evandromyia lenti, Evandromyia cortelezzii, Micropygomyia quinquefer, Brumptomyia brumpti, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Micropygomyia schreiberi, Pintomyia fischeri, Sciopemyia sordellii, and Evandromyia edwardsi. The last seven species have not been previously recorded in this area. The highest abundance of species occurred between October and March. October was the month with the highest number of captured sand flies, one month before the peak in the summer rainfall. In October the highest number of Ny. intermedia, Ny. whitmani and Mg. migonei, were also collected, the three epidemiologically most important species. The high abundance of species with epidemiological importance for ACL transmission might explain the sporadic occurrence of the disease in the area

    Higher-Spin Interactions: four-point functions and beyond

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    In this work we construct an infinite class of four-point functions for massless higher-spin fields in flat space that are consistent with the gauge symmetry. In the Lagrangian picture, these reflect themselves in a peculiar non-local nature of the corresponding non-abelian higher-spin couplings implied by the Noether procedure that starts from the fourth order. We also comment on the nature of the colored spin-2 excitation present both in the open string spectrum and in the Vasiliev system, highlighting how some aspects of String Theory appear to reflect key properties of Field Theory that go beyond its low energy limit. A generalization of these results to n-point functions, fermions and mixed-symmetry fields is also addressed.Comment: 66 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, LaTex. Several statements clarified. Final version to appear in JHE

    Cervical, Anal and Oral HPV in an Adolescent Inner-City Health Clinic Providing Free Vaccinations

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    Published human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine trials indicate efficacy is strongest for those naive to the vaccine-types. However, few high-risk young women have been followed and cervical HPV has been the predominant outcome measure.We collected cervical and anal swabs, as well as oral rinse specimens from 645 sexually active inner-city young females attending a large adolescent health-clinic in New York City that offers free care and HPV vaccination. Specimens were tested for HPV-DNA using a MY09/MY11-PCR system. Type-specific prevalence of HPV at each anatomic site was compared for individuals by vaccination dose using generalized estimating equation logistic regression models.The majority of subjects reported being of non-Caucasian (92%) and/or Hispanic ethnicity (61%). Median age was 18 years (range:14-20). All had practiced vaginal sex, a third (33%) practiced anal sex, and most (77%) had also engaged in oral sex. At enrollment, 21% had not received the vaccine and 51% had received three doses. Prevalent HPV infection at enrollment was detected in 54% of cervical, 42% of anal and 20% of oral specimens, with vaccine types present in 7%, 6% and 1% of specimens, respectively. Comparing prevalence for vaccine types, the detection of HPV in the cervix of vaccinated compared to unvaccinated adolescents was significantly reduced: HPV6/11 (odds ratio [OR] = 0.19, 95%CI:0.06-0.75), HPV16 (OR = 0.31, 95%CI:0.11-0.88) and HPV18 (OR = 0.14, 95%CI:0.03-0.75). For anal HPV, the risk of detecting vaccine types HPV6/11 (OR = 0.27, 95%CI:0.10-0.72) and HPV18(OR = 0.12, 95%CI:0.01-1.16) were significantly reduced for vaccinated adolescents however, the risk for HPV16 was not significantly decreased (OR = 0.63, 95%CI:0.18-2.20).HPV Prevalence is extremely high in inner-city female adolescents. Administration of the HPV vaccine reduced the risk for cervical HPV; however continued follow-up is required to assess the protection for HPV at all sites in young women with high exposure
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