22 research outputs found

    Combined sedation with midazolam/propofol for gastrointestinal endoscopy in elderly patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although gastrointestinal endoscopy with sedation is increasingly performed in elderly patients, data on combined sedation with midazolam/propofol are very limited for this age group.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analyzed 454 endoscopic procedures in 347 hospitalized patients ≥ 70 years who had received combined sedation with midazolam/propofol. 513 endoscopic procedures in 397 hospitalized patients < 70 years during the observation period served as controls. Characteristics of endoscopic procedures, co-morbidity, complications and mortality were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Elderly patients had a higher level of co-morbidity and needed lower mean propofol doses for sedation. We observed no major complication and no difference in the number of minor complications. The procedure-associated mortality was 0%; the 28-day mortality was significantly higher in the elderly (2.9% vs. 1.0%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study on elderly patients with high level co-morbidity, a favourable safety profile was observed for a combined sedation with midazolam/propofol with a higher sensitivity to propofol in the elderly.</p

    Avaliação da lidocaína tópica como pré-medicação para a endoscopia digestiva alta em crianças Evaluation of topical lidocaine spray as premedication to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in children

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da lidocaína spray tópica como droga adjuvante na sedação e analgesia de crianças e adolescentes para endoscopia digestiva. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 80 pacientes (49 femininos e 31 masculinos, idade média 12±3 anos), 40 no grupo placebo e 40 no grupo lidocaína. Os pacientes foram alocados aleatoriamente e um paciente de cada grupo foi excluído. Lidocaína a 10% ou placebo (ácido tânico 0,5%) aerossol (dois jatos) foram aplicados na orofaringe antes da infusão de propofol. Os pacientes foram monitorizados durante o procedimento e após, sendo respondido questionário para avaliar odinofagia e a pré-medicação. O desfecho primário foi a dose de propofol empregada, enquanto os desfechos secundários foram incidência de complicações, tempo de sala e duração do procedimento. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto à idade, sexo e indicação da endoscopia. A dose de propofol empregada não foi diferente nos dois grupos (grupo placebo 3,1±1,1 e grupo lidocaína 2,9±1,3mg/kg; p=0,69), mesmo quando considerada a dose bruta (p=0,33). No entanto, o tempo de sala médio foi maior no grupo placebo do que no lidocaína (23±7 versus 20±5 minutos; IC95% da diferença: 0,47-5,89 minutos, p=0,02). Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto à duração do procedimento, incidência de complicações e aceitação pelo paciente. CONCLUSÕES: O emprego de medicação tópica anestésica em endoscopia reduz o tempo de sala sem aumentar a incidência de efeitos adversos (NCT00521703).<br>OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of topical lidocaine as an adjuvant drug to sedatives in children and adolescents undergoing digestive endoscopies. METHODS: 80 patients (49 females and 31 males, 12±3 years old) were randomly allocated into placebo (n=40) or lidocaine group (n=40). One patient was excluded from each group after allocation. Two puffs of either 10% lidocaine or placebo (tannic acid 0.5%) were sprayed into the oropharynx before the infusion of propofol. Patients were monitored during the procedure and answered a questionnaire after the procedure to evaluate sore throat and the medicine used as pre-medication. The primary outcome measure was propofol dose. Time spent in the procedure room, in the procedure and the incidence of complications were secondary outcome measures. RESULTS: Demographic data (age, sex and endoscopy indication) were evenly distributed in each group. The dose of propofol was not different between patients and controls (placebo group 3.1±1.1 and lidocaine group 2.9±1.3mg/kg; p=0.69), even considering the total dose (p=0.33). The time spent in the procedure room was longer for the placebo group than for the lidocaine group (23±7 versus 20±5 minutes; 95%CI of the difference: 0.47-5.89 minutes, p=0.02). There was no difference between groups regarding procedure duration, complications incidence and tolerability. CONCLUSIONS: Topic anesthetic medication reduces the time spent in the procedure room without increasing the incidence of side effects (NCT00521703)

    Gender difference in suicidal expressions and it's determinants among young people in Cambodia, a post-conflict country

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    BACKGROUND: Suicide among young people is a global public health problem, but adequate information on determinants of suicidal expression is lacking in middle and low income countries. Young people in transitional economies are vulnerable to psychosocial stressors and suicidal expressions. This study explores the suicidal expressions and their determinants among high school students in Cambodia, with specific focus on gender differences. METHODS: A sample of 320 young people, consisting of 153 boys and 167 girls between 15-18 years of age, was randomly selected from two high schools in Cambodia. Their self-reported suicidal expressions, mental health problems, life-skills dimensions, and exposure to suicidal behavior in others were measured using the Youth Self-Report (YSR), Life-Skills Development Scale (LSDS)-Adolescent Form, and Attitude Towards Suicide (ATTS) questionnaires. RESULTS: Suicidal plans were reported more often by teenage boys than teenage girls (M=17.3%, F=5.6%, p=0.001), whereas girls reported more attempts (M=0.6%, F=7.8%, p=0.012). Young men scored significantly higher on rule-breaking behavior than young women (p=0.001), whereas young women scored higher on anxious/depression (p=0.000), withdrawn/depression (p=0.002), somatic complaints (p=0.034), social problems (p=0.006), and internalizing syndrome (p=0.000). Young men exposed to suicide had significantly higher scores for internalizing syndrome compared to those unexposed (p=0.001), while young women exposed to suicide scored significantly higher on both internalizing (p=0.001) and externalizing syndromes (p=0.012). Any type of exposure to suicidal expressions increased the risk for own suicidal expressions in both genders (OR=2.04, 95% CI=1.06-3.91); among young women, however, those exposed to suicide among friends and partners were at greater risk for the serious suicidal expressions (OR=2.79, 95% CI=1.00-7.74). Life skills dimension scores inversely correlated with externalizing syndrome in young men (p=0.026) and internalizing syndrome in young women (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The significant gender differences in suicidal expressions and their determinants in Cambodian teenagers highlight the importance of culturally appropriate and gender-specific suicide prevention programs. School-based life skills promotion may indirectly influence the determinants for suicidal expressions, particularly among young women with internalizing syndrome in Cambodia