15 research outputs found

    The impact of early life nutrition and housing on growth and reproduction in dairy cattle

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    Contentious issues in calf rearing include milk feeding practices and single versus group housing. The current study was performed on a high producing 170 Holstein cow dairy farm, to investigate the impact of nutrition and housing on growth and reproduction. Heifer calves (n = 100) were allocated in birth order to one of two commonly used management strategies. All calves received 3-4 litres of dam specific colostrum within 6 hours of birth. Group A calves were group housed from birth and fed milk replacer (MR) ad libitum via a computerised machine utilising a single teat, with weaning commencing at 63 days of age. Group R calves were initially housed in individual pens and received 2.5 litres of MR twice daily via a bucket until 21 days of age when they were group housed and fed 3 litres of MR twice daily via a group trough with weaning commencing at 56 days. From 12 weeks of age onwards, calves in both dietary groups were subject to common nutritional and husbandry protocols. All breeding of heifers was via artificial insemination with no hormonal intervention. Calves were weighed, body condition scored and morphometric measures recorded weekly up till 12 weeks of age then monthly until conception. Pre-weaning growth rates (kg/day) were significantly higher in Group A calves compared to Group R (0.89, 95% CI 0.86-0.93 vs 0.57, 95% CI 0.54-0.6 kg/day P 0.050) in any of the mean values of measured reproductive parameters, multivariable Cox regression suggested that there was a weak trend (P = 0.072) for Group A animals to achieve first service earlier than their Group R counterparts (62.6 weeks versus 65.3 weeks). Irrespective of dietary group, the hazard for achievement of all measured reproductive parameters, apart from time to puberty, was 20-40% less for heifers borne from multiparous dams compared to heifers from primiparous dams

    Estrogen-dependent responses of the mammary fat pad in prepubertal dairy heifers

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    Ovaries are absolutely required for development of the mammary parenchyma (PAR) in cattle, reflecting estrogen-dependent epithelial cell proliferation. However, the estrogen receptor (ER) that mediates the mammary estrogen effects, ER alpha, is absent in proliferating epithelial cells. In the mouse, this discrepancy is explained in part by the ability of the mammary fat pad (MFP) to synthesize epithelial cell mitogens such as IGF-I in response to estrogen. Consistent with a similar role for the bovine MFP 30% of its fibroblasts and adipocytes were immunoreactive for ER alpha in prepubertal dairy heifers. To assess estrogen-dependent gene expression in the MFF, 16 prepubertal dairy heifers were randomly assigned to a 2 X 2 factorial. The first factor was ovarian status, with heifers undergoing bilateral ovariectomy or left intact at 4.6 months of age. The second factor was applied 30 days after surgery and consisted of injection of estrogen or excipient. After 3 days of injection, heifers were administered an intrajugular bolus of bromodeoxyuricline (BrdU) and slaughtered 2 h later. The estrogen injection, but not ovarian status, caused significant increases in the fraction of epithelial cells labeled with BrdU and produced tissue-specific effects on gene expression. In the PAR, estrogen injection increased IGF-I gene expression by twofold despite reductions of 50% or more in ER alpha mRNA abundance and the fraction of epithelial cells immunoreactive for ER alpha. The estrogen-dependent increase in IGF-I mRNA was greater in the MFP presumably because estrogen failed to downregulate ER alpha expression in this mammary compartment. Finally, estrogen-responsiveness of the MFP appears unique among the bovine fat depots as estrogen injection did not induce IGF-I expression in its s.c. counterpart. Our data demonstrate that the bovine MFP is highly responsive to exogenous estrogen, consistent with a role for this tissue compartment in communicating its effects on epithelial cell proliferation

    Developmental and nutritional regulation of the prepubertal heifer mammary gland: I. Parenchyma and fat pad mass and composition

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    Prior to puberty, elevated nutrient intake has been shown to negatively affect prepubertal mammary development in the heifer. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of increased nutrient intake on mammary development in Holstein heifers at multiple body weights from birth through puberty. Specifically, this study evaluated the effects of nutrient intake and body weight at harvest on 1) total weight and DNA content of the parenchyma (PAR) and mammary fat pad (MFP) and 2) PAR and MFP composition. Starting at 45 kg of body weight, heifers (n = 78) were assigned to either a restricted (R) or elevated (E) level of nutrient intake supporting 650 (R) or 950 (E) g/d of body weight gain. Heifers were harvested at 50-kg increments from 100 to 350 kg of body weight. Mammary fat pad weight and DNA content were greater in E- than in R-heifers. Additionally, E- heifers had a greater fraction of lipids and a smaller fraction of protein in their MFP than did R-heifers. Parenchyma weight and DNA were lower in E- than in R-heifers; however, when analyzed with age as a covariate term, treatment was no longer a significant term in the model. Level of nutrient intake had no effect on the lipid, protein, or hydroxyproline composition of the PAR. Collectively, these data demonstrate that PAR is refractory to the level of nutrient intake whereas MFP is not. Furthermore, the covariate analysis demonstrated that age at harvest, not the level of nutrient intake, was the single greatest determinant of total PAR DNA content

    Developmental and nutritional regulation of the prepubertal bovine mammary gland: II. Epithelial cell proliferation, parenchymal accretion rate, and allometric growth

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    It is well documented that elevated nutrient intake prior to puberty reduces prepubertal mammary development in the bovine. The companion paper demonstrated that age at harvest is a primary determinant of parenchymal (PAR) mass and that any effects of elevated energy intake on mechanisms regulating mammary development are dwarfed by this effect of time. Therefore, it is hypothesized that while causing a decrease in prepubertal PAR mass, elevated nutrient intake will have no effect on growth characteristics of the mammary gland. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effects of increased nutrient intake from early in life on 1) mammary epithelial cell proliferation, 2) mammary PAR DNA accretion rates, and 3) the dynamics of prepubertal allometric PAR growth. Holstein heifers (n = 78) were fed from 45 kg of body weight either elevated (E) or restricted (R) levels of nutrients to support 950 (E) or 650 (R) g/d of body weight gain. Six heifers per treatment were harvested at 50- kg increments from 100 to 350 kg of body weight. Heifers on the E plane of nutrition had higher plasma leptin and less PAR DNA than their body weight-matched R- intake cohorts. Despite this reduction in PAR DNA, treatment did not negatively influence mammary epithelial cell proliferation or the PAR DNA accretion rate. Dynamics of allometric and isometric mammary growth were also unaffected by the level of nutrient intake, as was exit from allometric growth. This work represents the first demonstrating that the level of nutrient intake and the concomitant increase in plasma leptin have no measurable influence on 1) the rate of PAR DNA accretion, 2) mammary epithelial cell proliferation, or 3) total PAR mass and, by default, the local or systemic controls that coordinate these processes

    Regulation of gene expression in the bovine mammary gland by ovarian steroids

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    It is well established that estrogen is required for mammary epithelial cell proliferation and ductal development in the growing animal, and that lobuloalveolar development during gestation is dependent on progesterone. The effects of these steroid hormones on gene expression in the mammary gland are mediated primarily by their respective nuclear hormone receptors, which function as hormone-bound transcription factors. To gain insight into how estrogen and progesterone regulate mammary gland growth and function in cattle, we and others have characterized the expression patterns of their cognate nuclear hormone receptors in the bovine mammary gland throughout development, pregnancy, and lactation. This work has identified a lack of expression of estrogen receptor beta and a greater abundance of progesterone receptor during lactation in the bovine mammary gland, compared with the rodent gland. We speculate that interactions among the estrogen receptor isoforms that regulate progesterone receptor expression may contribute to these species differences. Further, demonstrated expression of substantial quantities of estrogen receptor within the prepubertal bovine mammary fat pad, along with coordinated insulin-like growth factor-I expression, suggests that this tissue may stimulate parenchymal growth via an estrogen-responsive paracrine mechanism. In addition, the recent availability of bovine genomic sequence information and microarray technologies has permitted the study of global gene expression in the mammary gland in response to the steroid environment. We have identified more than 100 estrogen-responsive genes, of which the majority are novel estrogen gene targets. Estrogen-induced changes in gene expression were consistent with increased mammary epithelial cell proliferation, increased extracellular matrix turnover in parenchyma, and increased extracellular matrix deposition in the fat pad. A comparison of estrogen-responsive genes in the mammary glands of humans, mice, and cattle suggests considerable variation among species, as well as potential differences in regulatory elements in common estrogen receptor gene targets. Continuing studies using advanced molecular techniques should assist in elucidating the complex regulation of mammary function at the transcript level

    Effects of increased milking frequency on metabolism and mammary cell proliferation in Holstein dairy cows

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    Results of previous studies have shown that increased milking frequency (IMF) during early lactation results in increased milk yield not only during the period of IMF but also after cows have returned to a decreased milking frequency. The cellular mechanisms underpinning this increased milk yield and the overall effects of IMF on metabolism have not been well characterized. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of IMF on metabolism and mammary epithelial cell proliferation in dairy cows. Thirty primiparous and 30 multiparous Holstein cows were assigned randomly at calving to I of 2 treatments. The control group was milked twice daily (2x) for 119 d, whereas the IMF group was milked 4 times daily (4x) from d 2 post-calving until d 21 and then 2x from d 22 until d 119. Overall milk yield did not differ between treatments throughout the 119 d monitored; however, the interaction of treatment by week was significant in that IMF cows yielded 4.8 kg/d more milk than control cows during wk 2 and 3 and had similar levels of milk yield during the remainder of the study period. Reanalysis of data excluding data from cows subjected to mammary biopsy suggested that the mammary biopsy procedure contributed to the lack of overall responses of milk yield, but that responses overall to IMF were greater in primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows. Plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations were elevated in multiparous cows subjected to IMF during the period of IMF, but were not influenced by treatment in primiparous cows. Plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were not affected by treatment. Mammary tissue was collected by biopsy in a subset of cows (n = 8 cows per parity and treatment) at calving and at d 21 and 75 postpartum and used for immunohistochemical localization of the cell proliferation antigen, Ki67. Effects of treatment on mammary epithelial cell proliferation were not significant, suggesting that other mechanisms must be responsible for carryover effects of IMF on lactational performance

    Effects of body weight and nutrition on histological mammary development in Holstein heifers

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    Our objective was to determine the effects of rate of gain and body weight (BW) on development of the mammary parenchyma. Mammary tissue samples were collected from heifers (n = 72) reared on 1 of 2 dietary treatments (restricted, 650 g/d of daily gain; or elevated, 950 g/d of daily gain) and slaughtered at 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, or 350 kg of BW. Mammary samples were excised, preserved, prepared for histology, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Digital images of tissue sections were captured for analysis. Tissue areas occupied by the interlobular and intralobular stroma, epithelium, and lumen were measured (mu m(2)). The numbers of epithelial and luminal structures per image were tabulated to measure the complexity of ductal development. Mean percentages of mammary parenchyma occupied by the interlobular stroma, epithelium, lumen, and intralobular stroma were 29, 20, 7, and 43%, respectively. Percentage of area occupied by the intralobular stroma was affected by BW and was lower for 100-kg heifers compared with heifers 200 kg and heavier (33 +/- 4 vs. 46 +/- 4), but the percentage of area occupied by other tissue elements did not differ by BW or treatment, nor was there an interaction. However, the numbers of both epithelial (8.3 +/- 4 vs. 47 +/- 4) and luminal-containing (6 +/- 4 vs. 38 +/- 4) structures per image increased markedly between 100 and 350 kg of BW, irrespective of diet. For heifers slaughtered between 100 and 350 kg of BW, alterations in the rate of gain between 650 and 950 g/d, accomplished by feeding varying amounts of the same diet, had no significant effect on tissue characteristics or the pattern of mammary parenchymal development. These data emphasize the importance of BW and age in determining developmental characteristics of the heifer mammary parenchyma and suggest that the rate of gain per se has a minimal impact on histological development, and thus do not support the hypothesis that rate of gain has a direct negative impact on ductal development

    Ontogenic and nutritional regulation of steroid receptor and IGF-I transcript abundance in the prepubertal heifer mammary gland

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    In prepubertal cattle, mammary development is characterized by the growth of an epithelial-rich parenchyma (PAR) into the mammary fiat pad (MFP). This proliferation and accumulation of mammary epithelial cells require estrogen. Paradoxically, both epithelial cell proliferation and PAR accumulation rate decline with rising plasma estrogen as puberty approaches. The possibility that variation in abundance of estrogen receptors (ERs) in PAR or MFP accounts for a portion of these effects has not been examined in cattle. Additionally, we recently demonstrated that MFP is highly responsive to exogenous estrogen, suggesting that this tissue may play a role in coordinating estrogen's. effects oil PAR; however, the developing bovine MFP has yet to be studied in detail. To address these hypotheses, Holstein heifers were assigned to planes of nutrition supporting body growth rates of 950 (E) or 650 (R) g/day and harvested every 50 kg from 100 to 350 kg body weight (BW). Post-harvest, their mammary glands were dissected into PAR and MFP compartments. Transcript abundance of genes encoding members of the ER family (ER alpha, ER beta, and estrogen-related receptor alpha-1 (ERR alpha)) and estrogen-responsive genes (IGF-I and progesterone receptor (PR)) were measured in both mammary compartments by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Significant expression was detected for all genes in both compartments, with the exception of the ER beta gene. Transcript abundance of both ER alpha and IGF-I decreased linearly with increasing BW within both compartments. ERR alpha and PR expressions decreased with increasing BW in PAR but not in MFP. Nutrition stimulated ERa and ERR(x expression in the PAR but had no effect on IGF-I or PR in either PAR or MFP. Overall, ERa and IGF-I transcript abundance are consistent with the drop in mammary epithelial cell proliferation and PAR accretion observed over development, but do not support a negative effect of nutrition on PAR growth