66 research outputs found

    Bacteriostatic antibiotics promote CRISPR-Cas adaptive immunity by enabling increased spacer acquisition

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Cell Press via the DOI in this recordData and code availability: Source data are available at Mendeley Data: https://doi.org/10.17632/gbdfwg325y.1 This paper does not report original code. Any additional information required to reanalyse the data reported in this paper is available from the lead contact upon request.Phages impose strong selection on bacteria to evolve resistance against viral predation. Bacteria can rapidly evolve phage resistance via receptor mutation or using their CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems. Acquisition of CRISPR immunity relies on the insertion of a phage-derived sequence into CRISPR arrays in the bacterial genome. Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its phage DMS3vir as a model, we demonstrate that conditions that reduce bacterial growth rates, such as exposure to bacteriostatic antibiotics (which inhibit cell growth without killing), promote the evolution of CRISPR immunity. We demonstrate that this is due to slower phage development under these conditions, which provides more time for cells to acquire phage-derived sequences and mount an immune response. Our data reveal that the speed of phage development is a key determinant of the evolution of CRISPR immunity and suggest that use of bacteriostatic antibiotics can trigger elevated levels of CRISPR immunity in human-associated and natural environments.European Union Horizon 2020Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian FederationNational Institutes of Health (NIH)Russian Science Foundatio

    Motor step size and ATP coupling efficiency of the dsDNA translocase EcoR124I

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    The Type I restriction-modification enzyme EcoR124I is an archetypical helicase-based dsDNA translocase that moves unidirectionally along the 3′–5′ strand of intact duplex DNA. Using a combination of ensemble and single-molecule measurements, we provide estimates of two physicochemical constants that are fundamental to a full description of motor protein activity—the ATP coupling efficiency (the number of ATP consumed per base pair) and the step size (the number of base pairs transported per motor step). Our data indicate that EcoR124I makes small steps along the DNA of 1 bp in length with 1 ATP consumed per step, but with some uncoupling of the ATPase and translocase cycles occurring so that the average number of ATP consumed per base pair slightly exceeds unity. Our observations form a framework for understanding energy coupling in a great many other motors that translocate along dsDNA rather than ssDNA

    Structure of HsdS Subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Sheds Lights on Mechanism of Dynamic Opening and Closing of Type I Methyltransferase

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    Type I DNA methyltransferases contain one specificity subunit (HsdS) and two modification subunits (HsdM). The electron microscopy model of M.EcoKI-M2S1 methyltransferase shows a reasonable closed state of this clamp-like enzyme, but the structure of the open state is still unclear. The 1.95 Å crystal structure of the specificity subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TTE-HsdS) shows an unreported open form inter-domain orientation of this subunit. Based on the crystal structure of TTE-HsdS and the closed state model of M.EcoKI-M2S1, we constructed a potential open state model of type I methyltransferase. Mutational studies indicated that two α-helices (aa30-59 and aa466-495) of the TTE-HsdM subunit are important inter-subunit interaction sites in the TTE-M2S1 complex. DNA binding assays also highlighted the importance of the C-terminal region of TTE-HsdM for DNA binding by the TTE-M2S1 complex. On the basis of structural analysis, biochemical experiments and previous studies, we propose a dynamic opening and closing mechanism for type I methyltransferase

    Translocation-coupled DNA cleavage by the Type ISP restriction-modification enzymes

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    Endonucleolytic double-strand DNA break production requires separate strand cleavage events. Although catalytic mechanisms for simple dimeric endonucleases are available, there are many complex nuclease machines which are poorly understood in comparison. Here we studied the single polypeptide Type ISP restriction-modification (RM) enzymes, which cleave random DNA between distant target sites when two enzymes collide following convergent ATP-driven translocation. We report the 2.7 Angstroms resolution X-ray crystal structure of a Type ISP enzyme-DNA complex, revealing that both the helicase-like ATPase and nuclease are unexpectedly located upstream of the direction of translocation, inconsistent with simple nuclease domain-dimerization. Using single-molecule and biochemical techniques, we demonstrate that each ATPase remodels its DNA-protein complex and translocates along DNA without looping it, leading to a collision complex where the nuclease domains are distal. Sequencing of single cleavage events suggests a previously undescribed endonuclease model, where multiple, stochastic strand nicking events combine to produce DNA scission

    Cas3 is a limiting factor for CRISPR-Cas immunity in Escherichia coli cells lacking H-NS

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    Background: CRISPR-Cas systems provide adaptive immunity to mobile genetic elements in prokaryotes. In many bacteria, including E. coli, a specialized ribonucleoprotein complex called Cascade enacts immunity by “an interference reaction" between CRISPR encoded RNA (crRNA) and invader DNA sequences called “protospacers”. Cascade recognizes invader DNA via short “protospacer adjacent motif” (PAM) sequences and crRNA-DNA complementarity. This triggers degradation of invader DNA by Cas3 protein and in some circumstances stimulates capture of new invader DNA protospacers for incorporation into CRISPR as “spacers” by Cas1 and Cas2 proteins, thus enhancing immunity. Co-expression of Cascade, Cas3 and crRNA is effective at giving E. coli cells resistance to phage lysis, if a transcriptional repressor of Cascade and CRISPR, H-NS, is inactivated (Δhns). We present further genetic analyses of the regulation of CRISPR-Cas mediated phage resistance in Δhns E. coli cells. Results: We observed that E. coli Type I-E CRISPR-Cas mediated resistance to phage λ was strongly temperature dependent, when repeating previously published experimental procedures. Further genetic analyses highlighted the importance of culture conditions for controlling the extent of CRISPR immunity in E. coli. These data identified that expression levels of cas3 is an important limiting factor for successful resistance to phage. Significantly, we describe the new identification that cas3 is also under transcriptional control by H-NS but that this is exerted only in stationary phase cells. Conclusions: Regulation of cas3 is responsive to phase of growth, and to growth temperature in E. coli, impacting on the efficacy of CRISPR-Cas immunity in these experimental systems

    Multi-layered genome defences in bacteria

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData Availability: No data were used for the research described in the article.Bacteria have evolved a variety of defence mechanisms to protect against mobile genetic elements, including restriction-modification systems and CRISPR-Cas. In recent years, dozens of previously unknown defence systems (DSs) have been discovered. Notably, diverse DSs often coexist within the same genome, and some co-occur at frequencies significantly higher than would be expected by chance, implying potential synergistic interactions. Recent studies have provided evidence of defence mechanisms that enhance or complement one another. Here, we review the interactions between DSs at the mechanistic, regulatory, ecological and evolutionary levels.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)Medical Research Council (MRC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Kinetic models of translocation, head-on collision, and DNA cleavage by type I restriction endonucleases

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    ABSTRACT: Digestion of linear DNA by type I restriction endonucleases is generally activated following the head-on collision of two translocating enzymes. However, the resulting distributions of cleavage loci along the DNA vary with different enzymes; in some cases, cleavage is located in a discrete region midway between a pair of recognition sites while in other cases cleavage is broadly distributed and occurs at nearly every intervening locus. Statistical models for DNA translocation, collision, and cleavage are described that can account for these observations and that are generally applicable to other DNA-based motor proteins. If translocation is processive (stepping forward is significantly more likely than DNA dissociation), then the linear distribution of an ensemble of proteins can be described simply using a Poisson relationship. The pattern of cleavage sites resulting from collision between two processive type I enzymes over a distance d can then be described by a binomial distribution with a standard deviation 0.5âd1/2. Alternatively, if translocation is nonprocessive (stepping forward or dissociating become equally likely events), the linear distribution is described by a continuum of populated states and is thus extended. Comparisons of model data to the kinetics of DNA translocation and cleavage discount the nonprocessive model. Instead, the observed differences between enzymes are due to asynchronous events that occur upon collision. Therefore, type I restriction enzymes can be described as having processive DN