3,439 research outputs found

    Morphology of lymphoid nodules and aggregates in the lungs of calves at different ages

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    The present study was conducted with the aim of defining the morphology of lymphoid nodules and lymphoid aggregates in calves at different ages. A total of 9 calves, divided into 3 age groups (3-, 6- and 8-month-old) consisting of 3 calves in each group, was used in this study. Samples of the lungs were taken systematically and processed for histological examinations. The tissues were sectioned at 4, μm, stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin and examined under light microscope. The occurrence and structure of lymphoid nodules and lymphoid aggregates varied between the age groups. The number of lymphoid nodules and lymphoid aggregates in the lung of calves increased with age. The number of lymphoid nodules and lymphoid aggregates in the 8-month-old calves was significantly higher (P<0.05) than in the 3- and 6-month-old calves. Similarly, the size of lymphoid nodule and lymphoid aggregates increased with age and was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the 8-month-old calves as compared to the 3- and 6- month-old calves. The number of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) within the lymphoid nodules and lymphoid aggregates was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the 8-month-old calves compared to the 3- and 6-month-old calves

    Ultrastructural evaluation of bronchial lymphoid aggregates and lymphoid nodules in calves at different ages

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    This study was conducted with the aim of defining the ultrastructure of bronchial lymphoid aggregates and lymphoid nodules of the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) in 3-, 6- and 8-month-old calves. A total of 9 calves divided into 3 age groups of 3 calves in each group was used in this study. Samples of the lungs were taken systematically and processed for scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) examinations. The results revealed differences between the epithelium of lymphoid aggregates and lymphoid nodules. SEM showed the absence of cilia over the lymphoid nodules but not over aggregates. Flattened, non-ciliated epithelial cells which may be precursors of the M cells were found in lymphoepithelium (LPE) of 3-month-old calves over nodules. The non-ciliated epithelial cells over nodules in 6- and 8-month-old calves were columnar in bronchi, but in bronchioles they were cuboidal. However, in the 3-month-old calves, some were columnar and some flattened in bronchi and in bronchiole, they were cuboidal. Transmission electron microscopic examination showed the presence of two types of M cells found in the LPE. Type 2 M cells were found in 3- and 6-month-old calves while type I M cells predominated in the bronchi in 6- and 8-monthold calves. This work represents the first systematic investigation of the similarities and differences in the ultrastructure of lymphoid aggregates and lymphoid nodules in calves and changes therein as a function of age

    Enhanced quantum phase synchronization of a laser-driven qubit under non-Markovian dynamics

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    In this paper, we demonstrate transient dynamics of Husimi Q-representation to visualize and characterize the phase synchronization behavior of a two-level system (qubit) driven by a laser field in both the Markov and non-Markov regime. In the Markov regime, phase preference of the qubit goes away in the long time limit, whereas the long-time phase localization persists in the non-Markovian regime. We also plot the maximum of the shifted phase distribution in two different ways: (a) by varying the detuning and laser drive strength, and (b) by varying the system-bath coupling and laser drive strength. Signature of quantum phase synchronization viz. the Arnold tongue is demonstrated through the maximal value of the shifted phase distribution. The phase synchronization is observed inside the tongue region while the region outside the tongue is desynchronized. The synchronization regions are determined by various system-environment parameters and the qubit phase synchronization is shown to be enhanced in the non-Markov regime.Comment: 6 figure

    Distribution and histological structure of peyer's patches in the large intestine of three-month-old calves

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    Distribution and histological structure of aggregated lymphoid tissues (Peyer's patches) of the large intestine were evaluated in three-month-old calves. The first patch was situated in the ileocaecal entrance, second patch in the proximal colon and third in the rectum. The length ofPeyer's patches in the proximal colon varied from 4 to 8 cm. Macroscopically, the patches at ileocaecal entrance and proximal colon were clearly seen, whereas the rectal patch was inconspicuous. Histologically, the Peyer's patches of the large intestine consisted of lymphoglandular complex and lamina propria nodules. The lymphoglandular complex was located within the submucosa that contains epithelial diverticula, which extends from muscularis mucosae. The lamina propria nodules were located in the lamina propria. The propria nodules were surrounded by wide crypts, lined by distinct follicle-associated epithelium and lacked goblet cells. The lymphoglandular complexes were covered with distinct follicle-associated epithelium with numerous intraepithelial lymphocytes and lacked goblet cells. Intraepithelial lymphocytes were distributed in the epithelial layer of the large intestine and formed a unique lymphocyte population. Some Peyer's patches ofthe large intestine were similar to that of jejunal Peyer's patches as they contained broad follicles, distinct corona areas and wide interfollicular areas

    Marketing data: Has the rise of impact factor led to the fall of objective language in the scientific article?

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    The language of science should be objective and detached and should place data in the appropriate context. The aim of this commentary was to explore the notion that recent trends in the use of language have led to a loss of objectivity in the presentation of scientific data. The relationship between the value-laden vocabulary and impact factor among fundamental biomedical research and clinical journals has been explored. It appears that fundamental research journals of high impact factors have experienced a rise in value-laden terms in the past 25 years

    Decoherence-free subspace and disentanglement dynamics for two qubits in a common non-Markovian squeezed reservoir

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    We study the non-Markovian entanglement dynamics of two qubits in a common squeezed bath. We see remarkable difference between the non-Markovian entanglement dynamics with its Markovian counterpart. We show that a non-Markovian decoherence free state is also decoherence free in the Markovian regime, but all the Markovian decoherence free states are not necessarily decoherence free in the non-Markovian domain. We extend our calculation from squeezed vacuum bath to squeezed thermal bath, where we see the effect of finite bath temperatures on the entanglement dynamics.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. A (8 pages

    Causes of Higher Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models

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    Equilibrium climate sensitivity, the global surface temperature response to CO urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl60047:grl60047-math-0001 doubling, has been persistently uncertain. Recent consensus places it likely within 1.5–4.5 K. Global climate models (GCMs), which attempt to represent all relevant physical processes, provide the most direct means of estimating climate sensitivity via CO urn:x-wiley:grl:media:grl60047:grl60047-math-0002 quadrupling experiments. Here we show that the closely related effective climate sensitivity has increased substantially in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6), with values spanning 1.8–5.6 K across 27 GCMs and exceeding 4.5 K in 10 of them. This (statistically insignificant) increase is primarily due to stronger positive cloud feedbacks from decreasing extratropical low cloud coverage and albedo. Both of these are tied to the physical representation of clouds which in CMIP6 models lead to weaker responses of extratropical low cloud cover and water content to unforced variations in surface temperature. Establishing the plausibility of these higher sensitivity models is imperative given their implied societal ramifications