2,076 research outputs found

    Effect of material properties on ductility factor of singly rc beam sections

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    Ductility may be defined as the ability to undergo deformations without a substantial reduction in the flexural capacity of the member. The ductility of reinforced concrete beams depends mainly on the shape of the moment-curvature relationship of the sections. The constituents of reinforced concrete are very complex due to its mechanical properties. The stress-strain behavior of concrete is considered parabolic and that of the steel is elastic plastic. Concrete and reinforcing steel are represented by separate material models that are combined together to describe the behavior of the reinforced concrete sections. The end displacements of the steel element are assumed to be compatible with the boundary displacements of the concrete element which implied perfect bond between them. The curvature ductility factor of singly reinforced concrete rectangular beams is derived taking into account the possible nonlinear behavior of the unconfined compressed concrete and reinforcing steel. Effects of material properties such as concrete compressive strength, reinforcement ratio and yield strength of reinforcement on the curvature ductility factors are derived analytically. From the analyses it is observed that an increasing steel content decreases the curvature ductility of a singly reinforced concrete section and this pattern is valid for any concrete strength. On the other hand, for the same reinforcement content curvature ductility increases as the concrete strength is increased

    Prospects of economic cooperation in the Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar region: A quantitative assessment

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    This paper quantifies the economic impact of Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar (BCIM) economic cooperation and compares it with the alternative option of expanding South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) with China and Myanmar. The paper examines the macro-economic performance of the individual countries and the current level of trade among the BCIM member countries at the regional level.BCIM, SAFTA, Economic Impact

    How has religious freedom been affected by nationalism in India between 2014 and 2018?: A case study in Uttar Pradesh (UP) about the menace to human rights

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    This study discusses the religious freedom of an individual living in the country of India. It discusses human rights and the protection of human rights at the face of rising nationalism in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. It also has shed the light on the effect of nationalism on religious freedom affecting in UP. It has also described the various human rights that protect the religious beliefs of the people of UP and beyond. Probability sampling is discussed as the sampling method which was necessary for selecting the participants for collecting the data. The data collected required for the analysis to elaborately understand the topic. It highlighted the data collection process and ethical consideration of this topic to determine its reliability and validity. There is a discussion of the result of the important findings and analyses to meet the research objectives. Data has been collected through primary and secondary process and some themes have also been developed to improve the findings. It has illustrated different factors of nationalism that had impact on religious freedom in Uttar Pradesh. It demonstrates the full of information regarding this topic of previous analysis sectors. The recommendation provided the exact information for future complete sources of nationalism in India in the case study of Uttar Pradesh. There will be some recommendations at the end.Este estudo aborda a liberdade religiosa na Índia. Discute os direitos humanos e a proteção dos direitos humanos tendo em conta o nacionalismo crescente no Estado do Uttar Pradesh (UP), Índia. Também lança luz sobre o efeito do nacionalismo na liberdade religiosa que afeta a UP. Descreve ainda a legislação sobre os direitos humanos que protegem as crenças religiosas na Índia. Na metodologia explica-se como foram selecionados os participantes para a recolha de dados empíricos, importante para compreender melhor o tema em análise, bem como são referidas considerações éticas para essa mesma recolha ser confiável e válida. Procede com a discussão dos resultados, procurando responder aos objetivos da pesquisa. Além de entrevistas, procedeu-se a uma análise doutros dados, incluindo análise de conteúdo de artigos e dados estatísticos disponíveis. Desta forma ilustra-se como o nacionalismo impactou a liberdade religiosa no Uttar Pradesh. Há uma riqueza de informações muito diversificada anterior a este trabalho. O estudo presente procura aprofundar esta realidade. No final, são feitas algumas recomendações para combater os impactos do nacionalismo indiano na liberdade religiosa

    Antonio Gramsci’s Political Thought: An Analysis

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    This essay intended to demonstrate the greatest Neo-Marxist political theorist Antonio Gramsci’s political thought. In the very beginning it discussed about his primary socialization because of every man’s thinking depends on his early life and his surrounding environment and then tried to focuses on his political thought. At first I tried to concentrate on his idea of hegemony. According to him, hegemony is a cultural process by which one class dominates the other. Thus the dominators keep on practicing power and the ruled obey them. Simply it means to put something into the ear of the commoners and make them believe in it. After discussing about hegemony it delt with his concept of ‘Intellectual class’, ‘education’, ‘philosophy and history’ and lastly ‘philosopher’. All of these cocepts he gave for the sake of subaltern(proletariat) class and their freedom from bourgeois suppression. Keywords: Hegemony, Bourgeois, Proletariat, Subaltern, Praxis, Dominance, Political Society, Civil Society, Intellectual, Education, Philosophy, History and Philosophe

    Preliminary Antimicrobial Activity and Cytotoxicity of Leaf Extracts of Mesua nagassarium (Burm.f.).

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    En el presente estudio se evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana in vitro, incluyendo la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) y la concentración bactericida mínima (CBM), de diferentes extractos obtenidos de hojas de Mesua nagassarium en 13 microorganismos patógenos. El extracto metanólico y sus fracciones solubles en éter de petróleo y tetracloruro de carbono, mostraron la mayor actividad antimicrobiana. La fracción de compuestos solubles en tetracloruro de carbono mostró la zona de inhibición máxima de 24.33 mm en Bacillus megaterium con valores de CIM y and CBM de 7.81 μg/ml y 250 μg/ml, respectivamente. Como agente antimicrobiano estándar se utilizó ciprofloxacina (30 μg/disco). En el bioensayo de mortalidad de Brine shrimp el extracto metanólico y su fracción soluble en tetracloruro de carbono mostraron importante citotoxicidad con CL50 de 2.99 y 1.74 μg/ml, respectivamente, comparadas con el sulfato de vincristina (CL50 0.543 μg/ml).In the present study the in vitro antimicrobial activity, along with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), of different extracts of leaves of Mesua nagassarium were evaluated against 13 pathogenic microorganisms. The methanol extract and its pet-ether and carbon tetrachloride soluble fractions showed the highest antimicrobial activity. The carbon tetrachloride soluble fraction showed the maximum inhibition zone of 24.33 mm against Bacillus megaterium with MIC and MBC values of 7.81 μg/ml and 250 μg/ml, respectively. Ciprofloxacin (30 μg/disc) was used as standard antimicrobial agent. In the Brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the crude methanol extract and its carbon tetrachloride soluble fraction showed significant cytotoxicity with LC50 of 2.99 and 1.74 μg/ml, respectively as compared vincristine sulphate (LC50 value 0.543 μg/ml

    Cyber Deception for Critical Infrastructure Resiliency

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    The high connectivity of modern cyber networks and devices has brought many improvements to the functionality and efficiency of networked systems. Unfortunately, these benefits have come with many new entry points for attackers, making systems much more vulnerable to intrusions. Thus, it is critically important to protect cyber infrastructure against cyber attacks. The static nature of cyber infrastructure leads to adversaries performing reconnaissance activities and identifying potential threats. Threats related to software vulnerabilities can be mitigated upon discovering a vulnerability and-, developing and releasing a patch to remove the vulnerability. Unfortunately, the period between discovering a vulnerability and applying a patch is long, often lasting five months or more. These delays pose significant risks to the organization while many cyber networks are operational. This concern necessitates the development of an active defense system capable of thwarting cyber reconnaissance missions and mitigating the progression of the attacker through the network. Thus, my research investigates how to develop an efficient defense system to address these challenges. First, we proposed the framework to show how the defender can use the network of decoys along with the real network to introduce mistrust. However, another research problem, the defender’s choice of whether to save resources or spend more (number of decoys) resources in a resource-constrained system, needs to be addressed. We developed a Dynamic Deception System (DDS) that can assess various attacker types based on the attacker’s knowledge, aggression, and stealthiness level to decide whether the defender should spend or save resources. In our DDS, we leveraged Software Defined Networking (SDN) to differentiate the malicious traffic from the benign traffic to deter the cyber reconnaissance mission and redirect malicious traffic to the deception server. Experiments conducted on the prototype implementation of our DDS confirmed that the defender could decide whether to spend or save resources based on the attacker types and thwarted cyber reconnaissance mission. Next, we addressed the challenge of efficiently placing network decoys by predicting the most likely attack path in Multi-Stage Attacks (MSAs). MSAs are cyber security threats where the attack campaign is performed through several attack stages and adversarial lateral movement is one of the critical stages. Adversaries can laterally move into the network without raising an alert. To prevent lateral movement, we proposed an approach that combines reactive (graph analysis) and proactive (cyber deception technology) defense. The proposed approach is realized through two phases. The first phase predicts the most likely attack path based on Intrusion Detection System (IDS) alerts and network trace. The second phase determines the optimal deployment of decoy nodes along the predicted path. We employ transition probabilities in a Hidden Markov Model to predict the path. In the second phase, we utilize the predicted attack path to deploy decoy nodes. The evaluation results show that our approach can predict the most likely attack paths and thwart adversarial lateral movement