26 research outputs found

    Ferredoxin containing bacteriocins suggest a novel mechanism of iron uptake in <i>Pectobacterium spp</i>

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    In order to kill competing strains of the same or closely related bacterial species, many bacteria produce potent narrow-spectrum protein antibiotics known as bacteriocins. Two sequenced strains of the phytopathogenic bacterium &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium carotovorum&lt;/i&gt; carry genes encoding putative bacteriocins which have seemingly evolved through a recombination event to encode proteins containing an N-terminal domain with extensive similarity to a [2Fe-2S] plant ferredoxin and a C-terminal colicin M-like catalytic domain. In this work, we show that these genes encode active bacteriocins, pectocin M1 and M2, which target strains of &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium carotovorum&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium atrosepticum&lt;/i&gt; with increased potency under iron limiting conditions. The activity of pectocin M1 and M2 can be inhibited by the addition of spinach ferredoxin, indicating that the ferredoxin domain of these proteins acts as a receptor binding domain. This effect is not observed with the mammalian ferredoxin protein adrenodoxin, indicating that &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium spp.&lt;/i&gt; carries a specific receptor for plant ferredoxins and that these plant pathogens may acquire iron from the host through the uptake of ferredoxin. In further support of this hypothesis we show that the growth of strains of &lt;i&gt;Pectobacterium carotovorum&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;atrosepticum&lt;/i&gt; that are not sensitive to the cytotoxic effects of pectocin M1 is enhanced in the presence of pectocin M1 and M2 under iron limiting conditions. A similar growth enhancement under iron limiting conditions is observed with spinach ferrodoxin, but not with adrenodoxin. Our data indicate that pectocin M1 and M2 have evolved to parasitise an existing iron uptake pathway by using a ferredoxin-containing receptor binding domain as a Trojan horse to gain entry into susceptible cells

    The Bacterium Endosymbiont of Crithidia deanei Undergoes Coordinated Division with the Host Cell Nucleus

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    In trypanosomatids, cell division involves morphological changes and requires coordinated replication and segregation of the nucleus, kinetoplast and flagellum. In endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatids, like Crithidia deanei, this process is more complex, as each daughter cell contains only a single symbiotic bacterium, indicating that the prokaryote must replicate synchronically with the host protozoan. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy combined with three-dimensional reconstruction approaches to observe the endosymbiont shape and division during C. deanei cell cycle. We found that the bacterium replicates before the basal body and kinetoplast segregations and that the nucleus is the last organelle to divide, before cytokinesis. In addition, the endosymbiont is usually found close to the host cell nucleus, presenting different shapes during the protozoan cell cycle. Considering that the endosymbiosis in trypanosomatids is a mutualistic relationship, which resembles organelle acquisition during evolution, these findings establish an excellent model for the understanding of mechanisms related with the establishment of organelles in eukaryotic cells

    Spatial gene expression quantification: a tool for analysis of <it>in situ </it>hybridizations in sea anemone <it>Nematostella vectensis</it>

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spatial gene expression quantification is required for modeling gene regulation in developing organisms. The fruit fly <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it> is the model system most widely applied for spatial gene expression analysis due to its unique embryonic properties: the shape does not change significantly during its early cleavage cycles and most genes are differentially expressed along a straight axis. This system of development is quite exceptional in the animal kingdom.</p> <p>In the sea anemone <it>Nematostella vectensis</it> the embryo changes its shape during early development; there are cell divisions and cell movement, like in most other metazoans. <it>Nematostella</it> is an attractive case study for spatial gene expression since its transparent body wall makes it accessible to various imaging techniques.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Our new quantification method produces standardized gene expression profiles from raw or annotated <it>Nematostella in situ</it> hybridizations by measuring the expression intensity along its cell layer. The procedure is based on digital morphologies derived from high-resolution fluorescence pictures. Additionally, complete descriptions of nonsymmetric expression patterns have been constructed by transforming the gene expression images into a three-dimensional representation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We created a standard format for gene expression data, which enables quantitative analysis of <it>in situ</it> hybridizations from embryos with various shapes in different developmental stages. The obtained expression profiles are suitable as input for optimization of gene regulatory network models, and for correlation analysis of genes from dissimilar <it>Nematostella</it> morphologies. This approach is potentially applicable to many other metazoan model organisms and may also be suitable for processing data from three-dimensional imaging techniques.</p