590 research outputs found

    Aspects of parallel processing and control engineering

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    The concept of parallel processing is not a new one, but the application of it to control engineering tasks is a relatively recent development, made possible by contemporary hardware and software innovation. It has long been accepted that, if properly orchestrated several processors/CPUs when combined can form a powerful processing entity. What prevented this from being implemented in commercial systems was the adequacy of the microprocessor for most tasks and hence the expense of a multi-processor system was not justified. With the advent of high demand systems, such as highly fault tolerant flight controllers and fast robotic controllers, parallel processing became a viable option. Nonetheless, the software interfacing of control laws onto parallel systems has remained somewhat of an impasse. There are no software compilers at present which allow a programmer to specify a control law in pure mathematical terminology and then decompose it into a flow diagram of concurrent processes which may then be implemented on, say, a target Transputer system, liiere are several parallel programming languages with which a programmer can generate parallel processes but, generally, in order to realise a control algorithm in parallel the programmer must have intimate knowledge of the algorithm. Therefore, efficiency is based on the ability of the programmer to recognise inherent parellelism. Some attempts are being made to create intelligent partition and scheduling compilers but this usually means significantly extra overheads on the multiprocessor system. In the absence of an automated technique control algorithms must be decomposed by inspection. The research presented in this thesis is founded upon the application of both parallel and pipelining techniques to particular control strategies. Parallelism is tackled objectively and by creating a tailored terminology it is defined mathematically, and consequently related concepts, such as bounded parallelism and algorithm speedup, are also quantified in a numerical sense. A pipelined explicit Self Tuning Regulator (STR) controller is developed and tested on systems of different order. Under the governance of the parallelism terminology the effectiveness of the parallel STR is evaluated and numerically quantified in terms of relevant performance indices. A parallel simulator is presented for the Puma 560 robotic manipulator. By exploiting parallelism and pipelinability in the robot model a significant increase in execution speed is achieved over the sequential model. The use of Transputers is examined and graphical results obtained for several performance indices, including speedup, processor efficiency and bounded parallelism. By the same analytical technique a parallel computed torque feedforward controller incorporating proportional derivative feedback control for the Puma 560 manipulator is developed and appraised. The performance of a Transputer system in hosting the controller is graphically analysed and as in the case of the parallel simulator the more important performance indices are examined under both optimal conditions and conditions of varying hardware constraints

    A pilot study of respiratory rate derived from a wearable biosensor compared with capnography in emergency department patients

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    © 2019 Li et al. Purpose: Respiratory rate is assessed less frequently than other vital signs, and documented respiratory rates are often erroneous. This pilot study compared respiratory rates derived from a wearable biosensor to those derived from capnography. Methods: Emergency department patients with respiratory complaints were enrolled and had capnography via nasal cannula and a wireless, wearable biosensor from Philips applied for approximately one hour. Respiratory rates were obtained from both of these methods. We determined the difference between median respiratory rates obtained from the biosensor and capnography and the proportion of biosensor-derived respiratory rates that were within three breaths/minute of the capnography-derived respiratory rates for each patient. A Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the strength of the correlation between mean respiratory rates derived from both methods. Plots of minute-by-minute respiratory rates, per patient, for each monitoring method were shown to two physicians. The physicians identified time periods in which the respiratory rates appeared invalid. The proportion of time with invalid respiratory rates for each patient, for each method, was calculated and averaged. Results: We analyzed data for 17 patients. Median biosensor-derived respiratory rate was 20 breaths/minute (range: 7-40 breaths/minute) and median capnography-derived respiratory rate was 25 breaths/minute (range: 0-58 breaths/minute). Overall, 72.8% of biosensorderived respiratory rates were within three breaths per minute of the capnography-derived respiratory rates. Overall mean difference was 3.5 breaths/minute (±5.2 breaths/minute). Respiratory rates appeared invalid 0.7% of the time for the biosensor and 5.0% of the time for capnography. Conclusion: Our pilot study suggests that the Philips wearable biosensor can continuously obtain respiratory rates that are comparable to capnography-derived respiratory rates among emergency department patients with respiratory complaints


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    ABSTRACT Yttrium silicate activated with Ce 3+ , (Y 1-x Ce x ) 2 SiO 5 , has been found to be an efficient phosphor that can potentially be used as the blue-emitting component in field emission flat panel displays. This highly refractory powder can be synthesized by combustion synthesis, a low cost technique used to fabricate multicomponent oxide powders in a single step process. The effect of activator concentration and post-synthesis annealing was examined on the fluorescent properties. The powders were found to be monoclinic space group P2 1 /c in the as-synthesized state, and transformed to monoclinic space group C2/c after annealing. The maximum luminous emission intensity was reached after a one hour anneal at 1350 C for x=0.0075, with the peak Ce 3+ emission wavelength between 420 and 450 nm. When co-doped with Gd 3+ , no increase in the emission intensity was observed

    Development of a bioactive polymeric drug eluting coronary stent coating using electrospraying

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    Drug-eluting stents are now routinely used in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes caused by coronary artery disease. Whilst the sustained release of anti-proliferative drugs from these devices has greatly reduced the need for repeat revascularisation procedures, this approach is not suitable for all patients and appears to delay regrowth of the endothelium, necessitating the use of prolonged dual anti-platelet therapy. Although the development of more advanced stent platforms and drug coatings has produced modest improvements in performance, these devices have not fully addressed the limitations experienced with their first-generation counterparts. In the present study, we developed a novel stent coating that provides controlled sirolimus release from a bioactive polymer (accelerateℱ AT) that has previously been shown to support endothelial cell growth in vitro. A bespoke electrospray deposition process provided control over the coating thickness, surface roughness, drug load, and release kinetics. The resultant optimised coating combines rapid release of an anti-proliferative agent from a bioactive polymer coating that promotes re-endothelialisation, thereby offering potential protection against in-stent restenosis and thrombosis. This novel, dual-action coating therefore has significant therapeutic potential, with the enhanced control of drug load and release kinetics offered by electrospray deposition also opening up opportunities for more personalised treatment approaches. Further development and evaluation of these technologies in vitro and in vivo is therefore warranted

    An Exploratory Initiative for Improving Low-Cost Housing in Texas

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    In 1996 the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University released a report indicating that the population of Texas would double in the next 30 years and that a majority of the 18 million new Texans would be have low to very-low incomes. In order to house that many low income persons, it is apparent that a significant number of affordable housing units must be built in a relatively short time frame. Based on these predictions, our interdisciplinary team made a proposal in the Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Strategic Initiatives Program to explore technologies related to the production of affordable housing. The purpose of the work is to identify opportunities for research into systems, materials, and processes that might contribute to the development of a low-cost housing industry in Texas that could meet state housing needs and might create export possibilities. The proposal was funded by the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, the Center for Housing and Urban Development, and the College of Architecture Research Fund. This report summarizes the results of the effort

    Acute Renal Failure in Association with Community-Acquired Clostridium difficile Infection and McKittrick-Wheelock Syndrome

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    We report the case of a 65-year-old Caucasian woman who experienced two separate episodes of acute renal failure within an 18-month period, both requiring emergency admission and complicated treatment. Each episode was precipitated by hypovolaemia from intestinal fluid losses, but from two rare and independent pathologies. Her first admission was attributed to community-acquired Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea (CDAD) and was treated in the intensive therapy unit. She returned 18 months later with volume depletion and electrolyte disturbances, but on this occasion a giant hypersecretory villous adenoma of the rectum (McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome) was diagnosed following initial abnormal findings on digital rectal examination by a junior physician. Unlike hospital-acquired C. difficile, community-acquired infection is not common, although increasing numbers are being reported. Whilst community-acquired CDAD can be severe, it rarely causes acute renal failure. This case report highlights the pathological mechanisms whereby C. difficile toxin and hypersecretory villous adenoma of the rectum can predispose to acute renal failure, as well as the values of thorough clinical examination in the emergency room, and early communication with intensivist colleagues in dire situations

    Counter-Insurgency against ‘kith and kin’?: the British Army in Northern Ireland, 1970–76

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    This article argues that state violence in Northern Ireland during the period 1970–1976—when violence during the Troubles was at its height and before the re-introduction of the policy of police primacy in 1976—was on a greatly reduced scale from that seen in British counterinsurgency campaigns in the colonies after the Second World War. When the army attempted to introduce measures used in the colonies—curfews, internment without trial—these proved to be extremely damaging to London's political aims in Northern Ireland, namely the conciliation of the Catholic minority within the United Kingdom and the defeat of the IRA. However, the insistence by William Whitelaw, secretary of state for Northern Ireland (1972–73), on ‘throttling back'—the release of internees and the imposition of unprecedented restrictions on the use of violence by the army—put a serious strain on civil-military relations in Northern Ireland. The relatively stagnant nature of the conflict—with units taking casualties in the same small ‘patch’ of territory without opportunities for the types of ‘positive actions’ seen in the colonies—led to some deviancy on the part of small infantry units who sought informal, unsanctioned ways of taking revenge upon the local population. Meanwhile, a disbelieving and defensive attitude at senior levels of command in Northern Ireland meant that informal punitive actions against the local population were often not properly investigated during 1970–72, until more thorough civilian and military investigative procedures were put in place. Finally, a separation of ethnic and cultural identity between the soldiers and the local population—despite their being citizens of the same state—became professionally desirable in order for soldiers to carry out difficult, occasionally distasteful work
