949 research outputs found

    Épouses des hommes et Ă©pouses de l’art

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    Dans les annĂ©es 1860, la question d’un statut social et lĂ©gal appropriĂ© aux femmes est vivement dĂ©battue au Parlement et discutĂ©e dans les pages de la presse populaire. En aplanissant dans ses portraits les diffĂ©rences physiques et affectives entre hommes et femmes, Julia Margaret Cameron livre une vision modĂ©rĂ©e des rĂŽles de chaque sexe correspondant aux positions de ses amis Annie Thackeray, Alfred Tennyson, Henry Taylor et Benjamin Jowett. Partisans de l’éducation des femmes sans pour autant encourager le suffrage fĂ©minin, les membres du cercle de Cameron renvoient par leurs choix Ă  la conclusion du poĂšme de Tennyson The Princess, dans laquelle un couple idĂ©al fonctionne de façon symbiotique. La conception qu’a Cameron de son travail comme photographe professionnelle s’accorde aussi avec des positions dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans les pages de nouveaux magazines “fĂ©ministes” dont le English Woman’s Journal qui incite les jeunes filles Ă  s’engager dans des Ɠuvres sociales utiles et Ă  imiter les hĂ©roĂŻnes du passĂ© qui ont amĂ©liorĂ© l’état du monde extĂ©rieur autant que celui de leurs sphĂšres domestiques.During the 1860s, the question of the appropriate legal and social status of women was hotly debated in parliament and argued on the pages of the popular press. Julia Margaret Cameron, by flattening out the physical and affective differences between men and women in her portraits, reflects a moderate view of the roles of both sexes that is consistent with the positions of her friends Annie Thackeray, Alfred Tennyson, Henry Taylor, and Benjamin Jowett. Advocating education for women but stopping short of supporting female suffrage, members of Cameron’s circle echoed Tennyson’s conclusion in The Princess, in which an ideal couple functioned symbiotically. Cameron’s conception of her work as a photographer also was consistent with positions elaborated on the pages of new ‘feminist’ magazines such as The English Woman’s Journal, which encouraged girls to engage in useful social work and emulate heroic women of the past who improved the condition of the outside world as well as their domestic spheres

    Brides of Men and Brides of Art

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    During the 1860s, the question of the appropriate legal and social status of women was hotly debated in parliament and argued on the pages of the popular press. Julia Margaret Cameron, by flattening out the physical and affective differences between men and women in her portraits, reflects a moderate view of the roles of both sexes that is consistent with the positions of her friends Annie Thackeray, Alfred Tennyson, Henry Taylor, and Benjamin Jowett. Advocating education for women but stopping short of supporting female suffrage, members of Cameron’s circle echoed Tennyson’s conclusion in The Princess, in which an ideal couple functioned symbiotically. Cameron’s conception of her work as a photographer also was consistent with positions elaborated on the pages of new ‘feminist’ magazines such as The English Woman’s Journal, which encouraged girls to engage in useful social work and emulate heroic women of the past who improved the condition of the outside world as well as their domestic spheres

    En-dehors de l’art

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    À chaque gĂ©nĂ©ration, la production photographique affĂ»te les questions que les historiens de l’art posent aux images du passĂ©. MĂȘme si, dĂšs les annĂ©es 1950, les prĂ©curseurs du pop art emploient photographies de presse, publicitĂ©s et pin-up dans leurs collages et leurs sĂ©rigraphies, mĂȘme si, dans les annĂ©es 1960, les Ă©tudiants en photographie recyclent les instantanĂ©s familiaux sous la forme de sculptures ou de tissages faits main, c’est surtout depuis les annĂ©es 1980 que l’on peut constater u..

    Arago, l’invention de la photographie et le politique

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    “ On verra que la plupart des machines ne se bornent pas Ă  supplĂ©er simplement le travail de l’homme, et qu’elles donnent un produit rĂ©ellement nouveau en donnant une perfection nouvelle. ” Jean-Baptiste Say, TraitĂ© d’économie politique (1803). “ En gĂ©nĂ©ral, on commet une bien grave erreur lorsque l’on s’imagine que les thĂ©ories des savants sont indĂ©pendantes des principes communs qui rĂ©gissent les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines. ” L. C., “VariĂ©tĂ©s...”, Le National, 18 avril 1839. Le 6 janvier 1839, un lo..

    The Art Historian as Ethnographer: Ananda Coomaraswamy's Photographic Archives

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    Conference paper presented March 25-26, 2011.The difficulty of reading the extant photographic archive of any individual or institution as an intentional and consistent creation is readily apparent in the case of Ananda Coomaraswamy. A self-taught art historian with a Ph.D. in geology, Coomaraswamy has been celebrated for his contributions to the study of Indian art and civilization in the United States and his career as the first curator (and source) of the collection in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. His use of photography originated with the remarkable photographs taken by his wife, Ethel, between 1903-06 that were used to illustrate his first book, 'Medieval Sinhalese Art' (1908), which undoubtedly sensitized him to the demands of printing, cropping, and masking. Like most art historians, he continued to amass commercial photographs of Indian sculpture, wall painting, and architecture, but also took up the medium himself after his divorce from Ethel in 1910, which allowed him to make copies of the prints he purchased as well as shoot his own images during subsequent travels to Asia. After characterizing the ways that Coomaraswamy's publications were indebted to his photographic archive, this talk will focus more specifically on the presence of ethnographic photographs of Indian craftsmen (taken by Ethel) and the large number of images of dancers, musicians and entertainers that distinguish the archive from those of other art historians in the early twentieth century. Coomaraswamy's belief in the racial continuities between contemporary folk practices and traditional Indian sculpture and his ideas about the sources of sculptural poses in dance informed his collection as well as his field research. Parallel to but quite different from Aby Warburg's 'Bilderatlas' and concept of 'Pathosformel', Coomaraswamy's use of popular photographs ranging from tourist postcards to dance programs become the visible equivalents of his early political support for Indian nationalism and Guild Socialism.Conference supported by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the NYU Humanities Initiative, the IFA Visual Resources Collections, and Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology, Visual Resources Collection

    Revisiting Prejudiced Polygons: Adapting a Familiar Activity During a Time of Unknowns

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    This article describes the design process behind various iterations of Prejudiced Polygons, a Math Circles activity about segregation. In particular, we frame our discussion around two guiding principles from User Experience (UX) Design in thinking about the interconnected components of a Math Circles session, which includes all the people, the physical or virtual setting, the technology, and the world context. Additionally, we describe how we think about developing a “low floor and “high ceiling for math content, social issues content, as well as technology and access

    A Technical Assistance Model to Facilitate Use of the School Health Index to Assess Chronic Health Condition Management in Schools

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    Introduction: Chronic health conditions, such as asthma and food allergies, affect a substantial proportion of school-aged children in New Mexico (NM). School health services, policies, programs, and practices can affect daily management of chronic pediatric health conditions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s School Health Index (SHI) is a self-assessment and planning guide that evaluates school services, policies, and programs for promoting health and safety. Our aim was to determine if a technical assistance (TA) model could effectively support school districts in using the SHI to complete a chronic disease needs assessment (CDNA). Methods: Seven public and one charter school participated in the pilot. We used a TA model to guide service and systems change. We evaluated the context in which the school teams were functioning, built a partnership with key contacts, and worked through the three phases of the model. Results: SHI questions were limited to only those related to chronic disease management. To complete the planning for improvement section, we held a group training in which school teams participated in an action-planning exercise to choose next steps. Seven of eight schools completed the questions during the four-week pilot period. School teams said that they needed more time to accurately complete the assessments and had difficulty choosing next steps during the action planning activity because of lack of stakeholder presence. Conclusions: The SHI is a complex and lengthy assessment for schools to undertake. We effectively used a TA model to provide structured assistance for implementing a multi-district CDNA. Sufficient time and stakeholder involvement are required for accurate assessments and action planning

    Implementing a Coordinated Care Model for Sex Trafficked Minors in Smaller Cities

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    Background Addressing the social and clinical service needs of minors who have been sexually exploited remains a challenge across the United States. While larger metropolitan centers have established shelters and service provision specific for trafficked persons, in smaller cities and more rural settings, survivors of trafficking (especially minors) are usually served by multiple, disparate social service and health providers working across different systems. Sexually exploited minors present an even greater challenge due to intersections with child welfare and juvenile justice systems, histories of abuse by family that limit placement options, and limited services that address the complex medical, mental health, and psychosocial needs of these youth. Major health organizations have recommended a coordinated care model that integrates the therapeutic and social service needs of trafficked persons including housing and education; implementation of such service provision requires intensive, multi-sectoral collaboration. Methods We present two case studies from an anti-trafficking coalition established in a smaller urban area. Findings/Conclusions Multi-sector collaboration requires the development of policies and protocols for addressing the diverse needs (acute and ongoing) of trafficked minors who are often “dual jurisdiction,” involved in both the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. Principles of care including autonomy, empowerment, protection, and safety may be at odds as systems may approach these youth differently. A clearly identified care coordinator can help navigate across these systems and facilitate communication among service providers while protecting client privacy, confidentiality, and autonomy. Assessing the quality of services provided and accountability among service providers remain significant challenges, especially in resource limited settings

    The factors contributing to missed care and non-compliance in infection prevention and control practices of nurses: a scoping review

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    Background: There is growing concern about missed nursing care and its negative impacts on patient care and nursing and organisational outcomes. Research in the area continues to grow, with a greater focus on reliable measurement, evidence-based interventions and sensitive outcomes. The relationship between missed care and adverse patient outcomes is undeniable, including increased mortality levels, and hospital acquired infections. The link between hospital acquired infections and non-compliance with infection prevention and control guidelines is also widely acknowledged. The idea of non-compliance as an element of missed nursing care has not been closely examined and this relationship is explored in this review. Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify the shared factors related to both nurse non- compliance with infection prevention and control practices and the recognised research field of missed nursing care, here in relation to infection prevention and control. Methods: A scoping review methodology was selected to help explore and map the research evidence on non-compliance with infection prevention and control practices, and missed nursing care in relation to infection prevention and control. Results: Five key themes were identified which impact on both missed nursing care and non- compliance in the area of infection prevention and control. These included (1) Organisation of Nursing Staff and Resources; (2) Workplace Environment; (3) Nursing Care Context; (4) Managerial and Inter-Professional Relationships; and (5) Individual Nurse Factors. These shared themes underline the relationship between the concepts and suggest a shared research area. Conclusion: Missed nursing care in the area of infection prevention and control, overlaps significantly with the research area of infection prevention and control non-compliance. This suggests that rather than being approached as separate or distinct entities, these research areas should be acknowledged as related or overlapping, enabling more focused attention to reducing levels of both
