23,471 research outputs found

    Ethnobotany and Germplasm Collection of Two Genera of Cocoyam (Colocasia [Schott] and Xanthosoma [Schott], Araceae) in Edo State Nigeria

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    Ethnobotany describes the realm between human interactions with plant in their environment. Colocasia [Schott] and Xanthosoma [Schott] (Araceae) are important staples in Nigeria. This study aims to document the traditional knowledge base of these crops amongst tribes in Edo state. Using random stratified sampling technique, fifty respondents were selected and primary data obtained through semi structured questionnaire. Fifty-four cocoyam (61.11 % Xanthosomaand and 38.89 % Colocasia) germplasm were collected and documented. Respondents were mostly between 41-50 years (29.63 %) while farming (33.33 %) is the dominant occupation. The dominant ethnic groups encountered were Bini (22.22 %) and Esan (25.93 %). Status of cocoyam collected was 94.44 % and 5.55 % for cultivated and wild respectively. Local names were significant with over twenty recorded. Food use (94.26 %) is higher than non-food use (5.74 %). Use for medicine is the dominant non-food use. Preference is related to uses, adaptation and palatability. More study is recommended to characterize these germplasm.Keywords: Ethnobotany Colocasia and Xanthosoma Plant Germplasm Traditional Knowledge Plant Genetic Resources Edo stat

    Proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions of seeds of Allanblackia floribunda, Garcinia kola and Poga oleosa from Nigerian rainforest

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    Evaluation of the proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions of seeds of three tree species was carried out at the University of Agriculture, Umudike. Mature fruits of Allanblackia floribunda, Garcinia kola and Poga oleosa were collected from the rainforest at Umudike and Oban National Park. The seeds were extracted from the fruits and washed with distilled water. Plant seeds were put in a labeled and numbered envelope. The envelopes were put into an oven set at 60°C for 6 h. Seeds of each plant species were milled and separately put in air-tight numbered sterile bottles. The bottles were stored in a refrigerator set at 4.0°C. Samples for proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions were collected for the bottles. The moisture content ranged between 9.98 and 12.10% while the dry matter ranged between 87.80 and 90.44%. Of interest was the high percent oil content (>60.0%) of both A. floribunda and P. oleosa. Each seed had between 25.36 and 75.38% carbohydrate. The high concentration of carbohydrate in G. kola seeds justified the acceptability of the seeds as edible seeds by many people. However, the seeds contained some quantity of lead, cadmium and chromium. This research work recommends that little quantities of these seeds should be taken periodically to minimize the adverse effects arising from consuming large quantities of the seeds.Key words: Proximate, oil, Poga oleosa, Allanblackia floribunda, phytochemical

    Identificación de epítopes T citotóxicos restringidos a la molécula HLA-A2.1 en la proteína HSP70 de T. cruzi.

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    El análisis de la capacidad de unión a células T2 realizado con 31 péptidos correspondientes a distintas regiones dela proteína HSP70 de Trypanosoma cruzi, muestra que 14 de estos péptidos tienen una alta o media afinidad por lamolécula presentadora A2.1. Interesantemente, el presente manuscrito pone de manifiesto que la inmunización deratones transgénicos A2/Kb con la proteína recombinante HSP70 de T. cruzi induce CTLs que reconocen células EL4-A2/Kb cargadas de forma independiente con tres de los péptidos con afinidad de unión a moléculas A2. Estospéptidos presentan una homología menor del 65% con sus homólogos de la proteína HSP70 humana. Los resultadosobtenidos permiten sugerir la posibilidad de que la HSP70 de T. cruzi pueda ser usada como diana para induciractividad inmune citotóxica en humanos

    Dental Services and Attitudes towards its regular Utilization among Civil Servants in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Background: Regular utilization of dental services is key to the attainment of optimal oral health state, an integral component of general health and well being needed for effective productivity by working personnel.Objective: This study assessed the rate and pattern of dental service utilization among civil servants and their attitudes towards its regular use.Methodology: A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select participants from the Federal Secretariat in Ibadan, Nigeria. A structured, standardized, pretested and self-administered questionnaire was utilized to elicit responses on dental services and attitudes towards their regular utilization. Responses to knowledge and attitude questions were scored and categorized. Chi-squared test was used to test associations between variables at 5% level of significance.Results: A total of 400 civil servants participated in the study. Their mean age was 44.0 ±7.3years. Many 291(72.8%) were well informed about dental health care and services, but few 156 (39%) had ever utilized it. Of the utilizers, 32 (20.5%) visited within the previous one year period, while others last visited in more than one year period. Few 17 (10.9%) of the utilizers visited for routine dental checks, 103 (66%) for acute pain relief, while the rest had other dental health care needs. The majority 312 (78.0%) showed positive attitude towards regular dental service utilization and this improved with higher educational attainment, improved level of income, being aware of dental services and having ever utilized it (all p<0.05).Conclusion: Despite the awareness and positive attitude towards regular dental service use, their utilization rate was relatively low, episodic and problem driven. Appropriate oral health promotion strategies to enhance utilization of preventive dental services are strongly recommended for them.Keywords: Dental services, Attitude, Utilizatio

    Growth Responses of Two Cultivated Okra Species (Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev) Stevels and Abelmoschus esculentus (Linn.) Moench) in Crude Oil Contaminated Soil

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    The morphological distinctiveness of two cultivated Okra species- Abelmoschus caillei and Abelmoschus esculentus was investigated using six accessions; three for each species in crude oil contaminated soil. The seeds were collected from home gardens in Benin City and NIHORT. Morpho-agronomic characters such as numbers of days from sowing to germination, plant height, stem base diameter, stem color and pubescence, leaf shape and color, number of leaves produced, growth habit, branching, fruit and fruiting characters were determined. The growth response of the different accessions varied significantly (p< 0.05). Soil chemical analysis revealed decreased levels of pH, Phosphorus and Potassium in the contaminated soil. Generally, all the quantitative characters including number of flower buds and flowers produced, fruit length, height of plant and stem girth were reduced in plants (Okra) grown in the contaminated soil while most of the qualitative characters such as pigmentation and shape of plant organs were less affected. Thus, it can be suggested from the study that crude oil contamination of soil may lead to reduction in growth characteristics.Keywords: Crude oil, Soil, Morpho-agronomic characters, Abelmoschus caillei, A. esculentus

    Evaluation of two okra species [Abelmoschusesculentus (L.) Moench and Abelmoschuscaillei (A. Chev.) Stevels] exposed to crude oil contaminated soil in Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria

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    Six accessions of cultivated okra [Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev.) Stevels and Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] were evaluated for growth parameters in crude oil contaminated soil. Morpho-agronomic characters such as numbers of days from sowing to germination, dry and fresh weight of the accessions in both soil samples was determined. Others were copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) concentration in plant parts (leaves and fruits). The growth responses of the different accession varied considerably. Soil chemical analysis revealed decreased levels of pH, phosphorus and potassium in the contaminated soil. The chemical analysis of plants grown in these soils showed that heavy metals like Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd and Pb were present in all the organs of the accession.Keywords: Crude oil, soil, growth parameters, Abelmoschus esculentus, Abelmoschus caillei, heavy metalsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(9), pp. 1009-1018, 26 February, 201

    Biochemical characterization of some Nigerian Corchorus L. species

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    Corchorus (L) is an important vegetable, grown mainly for its leaves. It contributes to the dietary requirements of the local populace as well as local economy. Five accessions, three labeled NHCO3, NHCO25 and NHCO26 obtained from the Plant Genetic Resources Unit of Nigerian  Institute of Horticulture (NIHORT), Ibadan and two BN/OD/01 and  ON/OD/02 obtained from home gardens were evaluated for their  proximate: ash, moisture, carbohydrate, protein, lipid and fibre contents.Result showed that all biochemical parameters evaluated vary significantly (P0.05) among the accessions. Accession NHCO25 had the highest ash (8.82 ± 0.87), lipid (10.83 ± 1.27) and moisture content (11.31 ± 0.93). Accession NHCO26 had the highest carbohydratecontent (17.94 ± 0.17)but is low in crude fibre content. ON/OD/02 had the highest protein content (62.96 ± 4.80). The highest crude fibre content was obtained from  accession NHCO3. Data obtained were standardized and subjected to principal component analysis to determine which proximate parameter accounted most for the variation observed in the five accessions studied. PCA axes 1, 2, and 3 accounted for 96.25% of the total variation. At PCA I ash and lipid accounted for the variations, fibre in PCA II and moisture in PCA III. Single linkage cluster analysis was accessed to group accessions based on similarities and differences in characters. A resulting dendrogram from the data reflected a clustering pattern of three cluster groups. Cluster I contained accession NHCO26, cluster II contained accession NHCO3, BN/OD/01 and ON/OD/02; while cluster III contained accession NHCO25. Accession NHCO25 and NHCO26 were the most distinct and diverse of all the accessions and could serve as sources of variability in character for Corchorusgermplasm improvement. These results revealed that the  accessions of Corchorus evaluated contain appreciable amounts of lipids,ash, fibre and moisture contents and these components could account for the variability among these accessions. This study suggests proximate analysis as another window for determining variability among crop plants.Key words: Corchorus, leafy vegetable, biochemical characterization,  principal component analysis, single cluster analysis

    Morphological Assessment of the Genetic Variability among 53 Accessions of West African okra [Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev.) Stevels] from South Western Nigeria

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    Genetic variability in fifty three accessions of West African Okra [Abelmoschus caillei (A. Chev.) Stevels] were evaluated using morphological traits. These accessions were collected from home gardens, seed stores and distant farms in South Western Nigeria and trials carried out in the experimental garden, University of Benin, Nigeria. The primary data on quantitative and qualitative characters collected were subjected to multivariate analyses to determine their relationship and distinctiveness. At P < 0.05, 14 quantitative characters were significant. Two principal component analyses were conducted. Eighteen of the total characters accounted for 90.2 % of the total variability on Principal Component (PC) axes 1 - 5 and the other, sixteen characters showed 70.1 % as the minimum descriptor for distinguishing A. caillei. The traits expressed by these descriptors are reflected in pigmentation of various organs; fruit characteristics and plant architecture on the crop plants. The sixteen characters suggested for core determination of this species were used for cluster analysis. All accessions clustered into seven distinct groups at Euclidean distance 8 - 10. This suggests relatively high genetic variability among the germplasm. The clustering is ecologically independent and the number of accession(s) in each cluster suggests A. caillei as a continuous complex of varieties. This collection requires more evidence probably molecular evaluation for taxonomic treatment of thetaxon.Keywords: Okra, Genetic Variation, Multivariate Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysi