81 research outputs found

    Gabapentin for complex regional pain syndrome in Machado-Joseph disease: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chronic pain is a common problem for patients with Machado-Joseph disease. Most of the chronic pain in Machado-Joseph disease has been reported to be of musculoskeletal origin, but now there seems to be different chronic pain in patients with Machado-Joseph disease.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 29-year-old man (Han Chinese, Hoklo) with Machado-Joseph disease experienced severe chronic pain in both feet, cutaneous thermal change, thermal hypersensitivity, focal edema, and sweating and had a history of bone fracture. These symptoms were compatible with a diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome. After common analgesics failed to relieve his pain, gabapentin was added and titrated to 2000 mg/day (500 mg every six hours) in less than two weeks. This relieved 40% of his pain and led to significant clinical improvement.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The pathophysiology of complex regional pain syndrome includes peripheral and central sensitizations, the latter of which might be associated with the neurodegeneration in Machado-Joseph disease. In this report, we suggest that gabapentin could inhibit central sensitization as an adjunct for complex regional pain syndrome in patients with Machado-Joseph disease.</p

    Trasplante de hígado: estrategias de enseñanza utilizadas con pacientes que esperan por la cirugía

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    O objetivo deste estudo é descrever os resultados de aprendizagem da experiência de implementação de estratégias de ensino com os pacientes que serão submetidos a transplante de fígado. Uma delas é a entrega de um manual de orientação aos pacientes que entram no programa, com posterior aplicação de questionário relacionado ao conteúdo do manual. Analisou-se 13 pacientes em lista de espera para transplante de fígado, todos ocupando as primeiras posições no cadastro técnico. Em relação às respostas obtidas dos questionários aplicados, a média de acertos foi de 80,6%, sendo que apenas um paciente acertou todas as questões. Durante a correção e esclarecimento das dúvidas, concluiu-se que a leitura do manual de orientação e a aplicação do questionário proporcionam esclarecimento melhor dos pacientes e de seus familiares em relação aos aspectos mais importantes da cirurgia. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the learning results of the implementation of teaching strategies involving patients who will be submitted to liver transplantation. One of these strategies is to give the patients a manual with orientations and the subsequent application of a questionnaire related to the content of the manual. Authors analyzed 13 patients who were waiting for liver transplantation. With respect to the answers regarding the questionnaire, an average of 83.8% of correct responses was given and only one patient got all the questions right. During the correction and the time to clarify their doubts, authors concluded that the opportunity of reading the manual and applying the questionnaire allowed patients and families to get a better understanding about the surgery's most important aspects _________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN: Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de implementación de estrategias de enseñanza con pacientes que van a ser sometidos al trasplante de hígado. Una de ellas es la entrega de un manual de orientación a los pacientes que empiezan el programa, con la posterior aplicación de un cuestionario relacionado al contenido del manual. Fueron analizados 13 pacientes que estaban aguardando el trasplante de hígado, ocupando las primeras posiciones en el registro técnico. Con relación a las respuestas obtenidas de los cuestionarios aplicados, el promedio de respuestas correctas fue del 83.8%, siendo que solamente un paciente tuvo todas las respuestas correctas. Durante la revisión de las respuestas y aclaración de las dudas, los autores concluyeron que la lectura del manual de orientación y la aplicación del cuestionario proporcionan una aclaración a los pacientes y sus familiares con respecto a los aspectos más importantes de la cirugí

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research