9 research outputs found
Methods of preparation and the energy, protein and mineral values of three Cameroonian dishes: ″corn Chaff″, ″Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo″ and ″Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo″
This study analyses the different methods of preparation and the nutritional value of three Cameroonian dishes. These are: "Corn chaff", "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" and "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo". "Corn chaff" is a mixture of corn (Zea mays L.), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and palm oil (Elaeis guinensis). "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" is made up of groundnut paste (Arachis hypogaea) and cassava paste (Manihot utilisima). "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo" is made up of egusi paste (Cucumeropsis mannii) and cassava paste (Manihot utilisima). The moisture, ash, protein, lipid, fibre and carbohydrate contents were determined using standard methods. The mineral contents (magnesium, copper, iron and zinc) were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. A survey of these dishes in the market gave the quantity and the cost of each dish sold: A serving of "Corn chaff" which costs 200F CFA, weighs 641g; that of "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" which costs 150F CFA weighs 566g and that of "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo" which costs 150F CFA weighs 507g. The proximate analysis gave the following nutritive content: moisture (67.9; 49.5 and 53.4 g/100g F.W), ash (4.30; 1.77 and 1.54 g/100g D.W), protein (11.7; 8.96 and 7.36 g/100g D.W), lipid (17.6; 13.5 and 7.79 g/100g D.W), fibre (3.18; 1.86 and 0.84 g/100g D.W), carbohydrate (63.3; 73.8 and 82.5 g/100g D.W), magnesium (95; 108.9 and 97.9 mg/100g D.W), copper (0.57; 0.27 and 0.23 mg/100g D.W), iron (6.08; 2.97 and 3,87 mg/100g D.W) and zinc (3.74; 3,29 and 3,14 mg/100g D.W) for "Corn chaff", "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" and "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo" respectively. The content in nutrients shows that ″Corn chaff″ is balanced with respect to the proportions of protein, lipid and carbohydrate energy. On the other hand, "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" and "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo" have low proportions of protein and lipid energy. The contents in minerals (Mg, Cu, Fe, and Zn) are low. The quantities actually ingested enable the coverage of 64; 69 and 45 % of the protein allowances and 31; 42 and 33% of the energy allowances for the tree dishes respectively, for an averagely active adult. For a good nutritional balance, it is recommended to consume a greater quantity of "Nnam Owondo " and "Nnam Ngon with smaller quantities of "Ebobolo".Key words: Cameroonian dishes, preparation, nutritional value. Dans le cadre général de la valorisation des aliments camerounais prêts à la consommation, trois plats alimentaires sont étudiés du point de vue de leurs protocoles de cuisson, de leurs valeurs nutritionnelles et des quantités de protéine, d'énergie et de minéraux qu'ils apportent aux consommateurs. Le "Corn chaff" est un mélange de maïs (Zea mays L.), de haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris) et d’huile de palme (Elaeis guinensis). Le "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" est un plat composé à base de pâte d'arachide (Arachis hypogaea) et de pâte de tubercule de manioc (Manihot utilisima). Le "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo" est un plat composé à base de pâte de graines de courge (Cucumeropsis mannii) et de pâte de tubercule de manioc (Manihot utilissima). La teneur en eau, cendre, protéine, lipide, fibre et glucide est déterminée par les méthodes standards. Les minéraux (magnésium, cuivre, fer et zinc) par spectrophotométrie d’absorption atomique. L’enquête auprès des vendeuses a donné les quantités d’aliments vendues actuellement sur le marché pour chacun des plats : 641,7g (200F CFA); 566,7 g (150F CFA) et 507,8 g (150F CFA) respectivement pour le "Corn chaff", le "Nnam Owondo /Ebobolo" et le "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo". Les analyses ont donné les teneurs en principes nutritifs suivantes: eau (67,9; 49,5 et 53,4 g/100g M.F), cendre (4,30; 1,77 et 1,54 g/100g M.S), protide (11,7; 8,96 et 7,36 g/100g M.S), lipide (17,6; 13,5 et 7,79 g/100g M.S), fibre brute (3,18; 1,86 et 0,84 g/100g M.S), glucide (63,3; 73,9 et 82,5 g/100g M.S), magnésium (95,0; 108,1; 97,9 mg/100g M.S), cuivre (0,58; 0,27; 0,24 mg/100g M.S), fer (6,08; 2,99; 3,87 mg/100g M.S), zinc (3,74; 3,29; 3,14 mg/100g M.S) respectivement pour le "Corn chaff", le "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" et "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo". Les taux de couverture des apports journaliers pour les adultes modérément actifs sont les suivants: protides (64,8; 69,3 et 45,7 %), énergie (31,4; 42,9 et 33,8%), magnésium (16,3; 25,9; 19,3%), cuivre (11,8; 7,70; 5,50), fer (6,9; 4,7; 5,1), zinc (12,8; 15,7; 12,4) respectivement pour le "Corn chaff", le "Nnam Owondo/Ebobolo" et le "Nnam Ngon/Ebobolo".Mots clés : Plats camerounais, préparation, apports nutritionnels
Nutritive value of some Cucurbitaceae oilseeds from different regions in Cameroon
The nutritive value of five species of Cucurbitaceae (egusi) seeds from different bio-climatic regions in Cameroon was studied. These seeds are Cucumeropsis mannii, Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata, Lagenaria siceraria and Cucumis sativus. The results show that the nutritional value of these seeds does not depend on the climatic region but on the species. Theirmoisture, crude fibre and ash levels are similar to those of soybean, peanuts, sesame and sunflower seeds, but their carbohydrate levels are lower. The Cucurbitaceae seeds and their defatted cakes are rich in proteins (28 to 40.49 and 61 to 73.59% respectively). They also contain high lipid levels similar to those of the other oilseeds. These seeds can thus be considered as sources of proteins and oils
This study deals with the analyses of the quantity of moisture, crude proteins, total lipids, carbohydrates, ash, crude fibre and calcium. These analyses were carried out in five different species of egusi seeds, which belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. These seeds are: Cucumeropsis mannii (egusi melon), Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin or squash gourd), Cucurbita moschata (musk melon), Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd or calabash) and Cucumis sativus (“Ibo” egusi).
The moisture content was determined by drying in an oven to constant weight, crude protein content by Kjedahl method. Total lipids by Soxhlet, ash content by incinerating in a furnace and carbohydrates by the Bertrand's method. The crude fibre content was the residue obtained after sequential hot digestion of the defatted sample with dilute acid and alkaline solutions. The calcium content was determined by the complexiometric method.
From this study, it was noticed that the moisture levels (4.33 - 7.25% f.w) were similar to those of other oilseeds such as soybean and the fluted pumpkin seed. These egusi samples contained good levels of crude proteins (24.3 - 41.6% d.w), total lipids (42.9 - 57.3% d.w) and calcium (129.7 - 269.7 mg/100 g d.w). Their levels of crude proteins were similar to those of soybean and the fluted pumpkin but higher than that of groundnut (23% d.w), while the total lipid contents were similar to those of groundnut and the fluted pumpkin seed but higher than that of soybean (19.1% d.w). The carbohydrate contents of these seeds (4.56 – 10.2% d.w) are lower than those of groundnut (18.6% d.w) and the fluted pumpkin seed (14.5% d.w). The crude fibre levels (0.9 – 1.63% d.w) were lower than those of soybean (5.71% d.w) and groundnuts (5.15% d.w). The ash contents of these seeds (2.82 - 5.0% d.w) were similar to those of groundnuts (2.79% d.w), soybean (5.06% d.w) and the fluted pumpkin seed (3.4% d.w). Calcium levels compared well with that of soybean, higher than that of groundnut (49 mg/100 g d.w) and even higher than that of the fluted pumpkin seed (1.1 mg/100 g d.w).
These egusi seeds can therefore be considered as an important source of plant proteins, lipids and calcium, which could be used in the fight against malnutrition.
Key Words: nutritional potential, Cucurbitaceae, egusi seeds.
Cette étude analyse les potentiels nutritionnels de cinq espèces de courges de la famille de Cucurbitacées à savoir : Cucumeropsis mannii, Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata, Lagenaria siceraria et Cucumis sativus .Sept principes nutritifs ont été évalués : L'eau, les protides totaux, les lipides totaux, les glucides, les cendres, les fibres brutes et le calcium.
Les résultats obtenus montrent que les teneurs en eau et en cendres sont généralement semblables à celles des autres graines oléagineux tandis que les teneurs en glucides et en fibres brutes sont plus faibles. Les courges contiennent essentiellement les protides totaux (24.3 - 41.6%), les lipides totaux (42.9 - 57.3% m.s.) et le calcium (129.7 - 269.7 mg/100 m.s). Leurs teneurs en protéines sont presque les mêmes que celles de Glycine max (soja) et de Telfaria occidentalis mais supérieure à celle d'Arachis hypogyaea (arachide) (23% m.s.) Les teneurs en lipides sont semblables à celle de Telfaria occidentalis mais plus élevées que celle de soja (19% m.s). Les teneurs en calcium sont presque les mêmes que celle de soja, mais supérieur à celle d'arachide (49 mg/100 gm.s) et plus élevées que celle de Telfaria occidentalis (1.1 mg/100 gm.s.).
Au vu de tous ces résultats, nous sommes amenés à dire que ces espèces de courges constituent une source importante de protéines végétales, de lipides et de calcium qui sont indispensables pour la lutte contre la malnutrition.
Mots clés : potentiel nutritionnel, Cucurbitacées, graines de courges
AJFAND Vol.4(1) 200
Etude Nutritionnelle Preliminaire De 5 Especes De Courges De La Famille De Cucurbitacees Du Cameroun
This study deals with the analyses of the quantity of moisture, crude
proteins, total lipids, carbohydrates, ash, crude fibre and calcium.
These analyses were carried out in five different species of egusi
seeds, which belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. These seeds are:
Cucumeropsis mannii (egusi melon), Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin or
squash gourd), Cucurbita moschata (musk melon), Lagenaria siceraria
(bottle gourd or calabash) and Cucumis sativus ("Ibo" egusi). The
moisture content was determined by drying in an oven to constant
weight, crude protein content by Kjedahl method. Total lipids by
Soxhlet, ash content by incinerating in a furnace and carbohydrates by
the Bertrand's method. The crude fibre content was the residue obtained
after sequential hot digestion of the defatted sample with dilute acid
and alkaline solutions. The calcium content was determined by the
complexiometric method. From this study, it was noticed that the
moisture levels (4.33 - 7.25% f.w) were similar to those of other
oilseeds such as soybean and the fluted pumpkin seed. These egusi
samples contained good levels of crude proteins (24.3 - 41.6% d.w),
total lipids (42.9 - 57.3% d.w) and calcium (129.7 - 269.7 mg/100 g
d.w). Their levels of crude proteins were similar to those of soybean
and the fluted pumpkin but higher than that of groundnut (23% d.w),
while the total lipid contents were similar to those of groundnut and
the fluted pumpkin seed but higher than that of soybean (19.1% d.w).
The carbohydrate contents of these seeds (4.56 - 10.2% d.w) are lower
than those of groundnut (18.6% d.w) and the fluted pumpkin seed (14.5%
d.w). The crude fibre levels (0.9 - 1.63% d.w) were lower than those of
soybean (5.71% d.w) and groundnuts (5.15% d.w). The ash contents of
these seeds (2.82 - 5.0% d.w) were similar to those of groundnuts
(2.79% d.w), soybean (5.06% d.w) and the fluted pumpkin seed (3.4%
d.w). Calcium levels compared well with that of soybean, higher than
that of groundnut (49 mg/100 g d.w) and even higher than that of the
fluted pumpkin seed (1.1 mg/100 g d.w). These egusi seeds can therefore
be considered as an important source of plant proteins, lipids and
calcium, which could be used in the fight against malnutrition.Cette étude analyse les potentiels nutritionnels de cinq
espèces de courges de la famille de Cucurbitacées à
savoir : Cucumeropsis mannii, Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata,
Lagenaria siceraria et Cucumis sativus .Sept principes nutritifs ont
été évalués : L'eau, les protides totaux, les
lipides totaux, les glucides, les cendres, les fibres brutes et le
calcium. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les teneurs en eau et
en cendres sont généralement semblables à celles des
autres graines oléagineux tandis que les teneurs en glucides et en
fibres brutes sont plus faibles. Les courges contiennent
essentiellement les protides totaux (24.3 - 41.6%), les lipides totaux
(42.9 - 57.3% m.s.) et le calcium (129.7 - 269.7 mg/100 m.s). Leurs
teneurs en protéines sont presque les mêmes que celles de
Glycine max (soja) et de Telfaria occidentalis mais supérieure
à celle d'Arachis hypogyaea (arachide) (23% m.s.) Les teneurs en
lipides sont semblables à celle de Telfaria occidentalis mais plus
élevées que celle de soja (19% m.s). Les teneurs en calcium
sont presque les mêmes que celle de soja, mais supérieur
à celle d'arachide (49 mg/100 gm.s) et plus élevées que
celle de Telfaria occidentalis (1.1 mg/100 gm.s.). Au vu de tous ces
résultats, nous sommes amenés à dire que ces
espèces de courges constituent une source importante de
protéines végétales, de lipides et de calcium qui sont
indispensables pour la lutte contre la malnutrition
Efeito da farinha de semente de abóbora (Cucurbita maxima, L.) sobre o metabolismo glicídico e lipídico em ratos The pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima, L.) seed flour effect on the rat glucose and lipid metabolism
OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da farinha de semente de abóbora (Cucurbita maxima, L.) sobre o metabolismo glicídico e lipídico em ratos. MÉTODOS: Vinte ratos Wistar machos recém-desmamados, distribuídos em quatro grupos, receberam por 10 dias, rações controle e experimental com farinhas de semente de abóbora integral, peneirada ou residual substituindo 30% do valor total de amido e dextrina da dieta controle. As dietas foram isocalóricas. Foram determinados os macronutrientes e a fibra insolúvel nas farinhas. As dietas tiveram a composição química calculada a partir dos dados dos rótulos dos produtos, da tabela de composição de alimentos e da análise química das farinhas de semente de abóbora. O peso corporal e a ingestão dos animais foram tomados a cada 48 horas. O sangue, coletado por punção cardíaca, teve os níveis de triacilgliceróis, colesterol e glicose analisados por métodos enzimáticos. RESULTADOS: As farinhas de semente de abóbora foram boas fontes de proteínas, lipídeos e, especialmente, fibras alimentares. Os animais tiveram ganho ponderal e ingestão semelhante (p>0,05). Os níveis de glicose e triacilgliceróis foram reduzidos significantemente para os grupos que receberam dietas com farinhas de semente de abóbora integral e peneirada. CONCLUSÃO: Frente às suas propriedades química e funcional, concluiu-se que a farinha de semente de abóbora interferiu no metabolismo do rato diminuindo significantemente os níveis de glicose e triacilgliceróis séricos.<br>OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present research was to evaluate the pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima, L.) seed flour effect on the rat glucose and lipid metabolism. METHODS: Twenty recent weaned male Wistar rats, divided in four groups, received for 10 days control and experimental diets containing whole, sifted and residual pumpkin seed flour on the rate of 30% of the total starch and dextrin in the control diet. All diets were isocaloric. Macronutrients and insoluble fiber were determined in the flours. All diets had their chemical composition calculated based on data from product labels, of food composition table and of the chemical analysis of the pumpkin seed flours. The animals´ growth and ingestion had been evaluated in 48 hours intervals. Blood samples drawn by cardiac puncture had their triacilglycerides, cholesterol and glucose levels measured by enzymatic methods. RESULTS: The pumpkin seed flour are good protein, lipids and, specially, dietary fiber sources.The animals' growth and food ingestion were similar along all the experiment (p>0.05). Glucose and triacilglycerides were significantly decreased in the groups taking diets with whole- and sifted-pumpkin seed flour respectively. CONCLUSION: Taking into account their properties chemistry and functional, it can be concluded that the pumpkin seed flour interfered in the rat metabolism decreasing significantly the serum glucose and triacilglycerides levels