249 research outputs found

    The relationship between perseverative thinking, proactive control, and inhibition in psychological distress: a study in a women's cohort.

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    Cognitive control is a core feature of several mental disorders. A recent account poses that health problems may derive from proactive forms of cognitive control that maintain stress representation over time. The working hypothesis of the present study is that psychological distress is caused by the tendency to select a particular maladaptive self-regulation strategy over time, namely perseverative thinking, rather than by transient stimulus-response patterns. To test this hypothesis, we asked 84 women to carry out a battery of standardized questionnaires regarding their tendency to undertake perseverative thinking and their level of psychological distress, followed by cognitive tasks measuring the tendency to use proactive versus reactive control modality and disinhibition. Through a series of mediation analyses, we demonstrate that the tendency to use proactive control correlates with psychological distress and that this relation is mediated by perseverative thinking. Moreover, we show that the relation between low inhibitory control and psychological stress is more strongly mediated by perseverative thinking than impulsiveness, a classical construct that focuses on more transient reactions to stimuli. The present results underline the importance of considering psychological distress as the consequence of a maladaptive way of applying control over time, rather than the result of a general deficit in cognitive control abilities. [Abstract copyright: © 2023. The Author(s).

    Multiport sensor RFIDs for wireless passive sensing of objects - Basic theory and early results

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    A new family of passive sensor radio-frequency identification devices is here proposed for applications in the context of wireless sensor networks. The new tags, working in the ultra-high frequency band, are able to detect the value or the change of some features of the tagged body without using any specific sensor. Such tags are provided with multiple chips embedded either within a cluster of cooperating antennas or in a single multiport antenna, and exploit the natural mismatch of the antenna input impedance caused by the change of the tagged object. A basic theory of multiport sensor tags is formulated with the purpose to describe the possible classification and detection performances in a unitary context. Some numerical examples and a first experiment corroborate the feasibility of the idea

    Twisted memories: Addiction-related engrams are strengthened by desire thinking.

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    Associative learning plays a central role in addiction by reinforcing associations between environmental cues and addiction-related information. Unsupervised learning models posit that memories are adjusted based on how strongly these representations are coactivated during the retrieval process. From a different perspective, clinical models of addiction posit that the escalation and persistence of craving may depend on desire thinking, a thinking style orienting to prefigure information about positive addiction-related experiences. In the present work, we tested the main hypothesis that desire thinking is a key factor in the strengthening of addiction-related associations. A group of adult smoking volunteers (N = 26) engaged in a period of desire thinking before performing an associative learning task in which neutral words (cues) were shown along with images (smoking-related vs. neutral context) at different frequencies. Two retrieval tests were administered, one immediately after encoding and the other after 24 h, to test how the recall of associations changed as a function of retention interval. Two control groups, smokers (N = 21) and non-smokers (N = 22), performed a similar procedure, with a neutral imagination task replacing desire thinking. Participants who engaged in desire thinking increased their performance from the first to the second retrieval test only for the most frequent smoking-related associations. Crucially, this selective effect was not observed in the two control groups. These results provide behavioral evidence in support of the idea that desire thinking plays a role in strengthening addiction-related associations. Thus, this thinking process may be considered a target for reconsolidation-based conceptualizations of, and treatments for, addiction. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Monuments unveiled: Genetic characterization of large old chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) trees using comparative nuclear and chloroplast DNA analysis

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    Large old trees are extraordinary organisms. They not only represent a historical, landscape and environmental heritage of inestimable value, but they also witness a long history of environmental changes and human interventions, and constitute an as yet poorly known reserve of genetic variability which can be considered a great resource for management programs of forest species. This is the first genetic study on Italian, large, old chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.). Ninety-nine trees were surveyed and analysed. For each tree, more than one sample from canopy and root suckers was collected to test for the genetic integrity of the individuals. All samples were genotyped using nine nuclear microsatellite markers (nSSRs) and 106 unique genetic profiles were identified. A Bayesian analysis performed with the software STRUCTURE revealed the occurrence of two main gene pools and unveiled the genetic relationships existing among the genotyped individuals, and with the natural chestnut populations living in proximity. A phylogeographic structure of the plastid diversity was also obtained by the use of DNA sequence variation at two marker regions, revealing different origins and probable connections of the old trees with different glacial refugia. Our results contribute to an improved evaluation of the European chestnut genetic resources and provide useful insights into the species’ history and domestication in Italy. The importance of carefully targeted conservation strategies for these invaluable organisms is reaffirmed

    Faulting of a turbidite sandstone-siltstone successions: the case study of the Macigno Formation, Tuscany, Italy

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    Faults in siliciclastic rocks are characterized by a great variability of fault zone architecture and relative permeability properties. This is because siliciclastic rocks (i.e turbidites) are often represented by alternating beds of various thickness and grain size forming a succession of strata with contrasting mechanical properties. For example, the presence of sandstone and clay-rich layers is responsible for the simultaneous occurrence of brittle and ductile deformation, known as “clay smear structures”. Moreover, numerous studies have identified grain size as one of the main influencing factors for fault nucleation processes and fracture intensity in the damage zone. In this work, we present the results of field and laboratory analyses performed on the Macigno Formation cropping out along the coast of western Tuscany. Here, the Macigno Formation is represented by Late Oligocene foredeep siliciclastic succession dominated by turbiditic sandstones with minor siltstones, mudstones, marls and shales. Thin section and 3D analyses, performed by X-ray Synchrotron tomography, allowed us to characterize the grain size and grain and cement composition of studied rocks. Grain size varies from channelized fine-grained sandstones to granule-conglomerates beds (0.006 mm to 4 mm) alternating with heterolithic levee strata of siltstones to fine-grained sandstones (0.0035-0.008 mm). The lithic components consist of metamorphic rocks by 70-80%, magmatic rocks by 15-20% and sedimentary rocks by 5-15%. The turbidite beds are normally well-cemented (by quartz and calcite) and heavily faulted and fractured. Investigated faults show dip-, oblique- and and strike-slip motion and their displacement range from 10s of centimetres to 10s of metres. We documented how both the grain size and the mechanical properties of the alternating beds strongly control the fault zone architecture, in particular in terms of damage zone thickness and fracture frequency. The fault rock types (i.e. breccia vs. gauge) are strictly related to the amount of displacement as well as to the grain size and the cementation of the sandstone. Furthermore, the development of clay smear structures are enhanced by the presence of interbedded thin clay-rich layers

    A fast and cost-effective approach to develop and map EST-SSR markers: oak as a case study

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    Background: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are a source of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) that can be used to develop molecular markers for genetic studies. The availability of ESTs for Quercus robur and Quercus petraea provided a unique opportunity to develop microsatellite markers to accelerate research aimed at studying adaptation of these long-lived species to their environment. As a first step toward the construction of a SSR-based linkage map of oak for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, we describe the mining and survey of EST-SSRs as well as a fast and cost-effective approach (bin mapping) to assign these markers to an approximate map position. We also compared the level of polymorphism between genomic and EST-derived SSRs and address the transferability of EST-SSRs in Castanea sativa (chestnut). Results: A catalogue of 103,000 Sanger ESTs was assembled into 28,024 unigenes from which 18.6% presented one or more SSR motifs. More than 42% of these SSRs corresponded to trinucleotides. Primer pairs were designed for 748 putative unigenes. Overall 37.7% (283) were found to amplify a single polymorphic locus in a reference fullsib pedigree of Quercus robur. The usefulness of these loci for establishing a genetic map was assessed using a bin mapping approach. Bin maps were constructed for the male and female parental tree for which framework linkage maps based on AFLP markers were available. The bin set consisting of 14 highly informative offspring selected based on the number and position of crossover sites. The female and male maps comprised 44 and 37 bins, with an average bin length of 16.5 cM and 20.99 cM, respectively. A total of 256 EST-SSRs were assigned to bins and their map position was further validated by linkage mapping. EST-SSRs were found to be less polymorphic than genomic SSRs, but their transferability rate to chestnut, a phylogenetically related species to oak, was higher. Conclusion: We have generated a bin map for oak comprising 256 EST-SSRs. This resource constitutes a first step toward the establishment of a gene-based map for this genus that will facilitate the dissection of QTLs affecting complex traits of ecological importance

    Utilização de carboidratos difere marcadamente entre os onívoros de água doce jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) e tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus).

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    Neste estudo, avaliou-se a capacidade de juvenis de jundiá em digerir ingredientes ricos em carboidratos, em comparação a um onívoro típico, com intestino longo: a tilápia-do-Nilo. Coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente do amido contido no farelo de trigo, farelo de mandioca, milho moído e quirera de arroz foram determinados para jundiá e tilápia-do-Nilo.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    Velocidade de embebição de sementes de soja submetidas a diferentes recobrimentos.

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    O tratamento de sementes de soja é uma prática utilizada para aumentar o desempenho das sementes, especialmente durante as fases iniciais do ciclo. A utilização do tratamento de sementes com polímeros tem sido uma alternativa para os agricultores por permitir melhor fi xação dos princípios ativos utilizados no tratamento químico. Entretanto, esses produtos não devem afetar as propriedades fisiológicas e físicas das sementes, como a velocidade de embebição. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito de diferentes recobrimentos na velocidade de embebição das sementes de soja. Foram utilizados dois lotes de sementes de soja das cultivares SYN1263 RR e BMX Potência RR, as quais foram submetidas a seis diferentes recobrimentos: 1: Testemunha (ausência de fungicida, inseticida e polímero); 2: Fungicida + Inseticida; 3: Fungicida + Inseticida + Polímero A; 4: Fungicida + Inseticida + Polímero B; 5: Polímero A; 6: Polímero B. O fungicida e o inseticida utilizados foram Derosal Plus (carbendazim + thiram) e Cropstar FloRite 1197 (Nitral Urbana (imidacloprido + tiodicarbe), respectivamente, e os polímeros ) (A) e Laborsan (Laborsan) (B). Para a determinação da velocidade de embebição, as sementes foram dispostas sobre papel germitest umedecido 2,25 vezes o peso do papel seco e incubadas àtemperatura de 20°C, mensurando-se a massa das sementes em intervalos regularesde 1h, durante um período de 24h. De acordo com os resultados, o recobrimento das sementes de soja com os polímeros FloRite1197 (Nitral Urbana) e Laborsan (Laborsan) isolados ou em associação com o fungicida e inseticida não retardam a velocidade de absorção de água

    Desempenho inicial de sementes de milho tratadas com biorreguladores submetidas a déficit hídrico.

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    Edição Especial contendo os Anais do XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes, Florianópolis, set. 2013

    Distribuição espacial de danos de percevejo em campos de produção de sementes de soja.

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    RESUMO: Estudos tem demonstrado que a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja nos campos de produção apresenta variabilidade espacial. Uma das possíveis causas dessa variabilidade, pode ser o ataque localizado de pragas, principalmente percevejos. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a distribuição espacial dos danos de percevejos em sementes de soja nos campos de produção de sementes e o seu efeito na qualidade fisiológica. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em quatro campos de produção de sementes na safra 2011/12, na região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para a coleta das amostras, foi estabelecida uma malha de amostragem com densidade de 1:0,10; 1:0,25; 1:0,10 e 1:0,25 pontos/ha, sendo a área total dos campos de 4,3; 11,4; 5,9 e 12,7ha e as cultivares NA 5909 RG, BMX Turbo RR, NA 5909 RG e NA 4725 RG, respectivamente. Foram realizadas as seguintes determinações: produtividade, teste de germinação, primeira contagem, emergência de plântulas e teste de tetrazólio. Os dados gerados foram utilizados para a elaboração de modelos digitais (mapas) através do software ?Sistema Agropecuário CR - Campeiro 7?. Os danos causados por percevejos em sementes de soja apresentam variabilidade espacial nos campos de produção e os dados são correlacionados a uma distância mínima de 200m. Os ataques de percevejos reduzem a viabilidade e o vigor de sementes de soja em diferentes intensidades dentro dos campos de produção. ABSTRACT: Studies have shown that the physiological quality of soybean seed production fields presents spatial variability. One of the possible causes of this variability can be localized attack of pests, especially stink bugs. The goal of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of stink bug damage in soybean seeds in seed production fields and their effect on physiological quality. The study was conducted in four seed production fields in the 2011/12 season, in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For sample collection, a sampling grid with density of 1:0.10, 1:0.25, 1:0.10, 1:0.25 points/ ha was established, with total area of the fields of 4.3, 11.4, 5.9 and 12.7ha and cultivars NA 5909 RG, BMX Turbo RR, NA 5909 RG and NA 4725 RG, respectively. The following determinations were made: productivity, germination test, first count, seedling emergence and tetrazolium test. The generated data were used for the development of digital models (maps) using the ?System Agricultural CR - Campeiro 7? software. Damage caused by stink bugs in soybean seeds exhibit spatial variability in production fields and the data are correlated at a minimum distance of 200m. The attacks of stink bug reduce the viability and vigor of soybean seeds at different intensities within the fields of production. RESUMEN: Estudios anteriores han demostrado que la calidad fisiológica de las semillas de soya en los campos de producción presenta variabilidad espacial. Una de las causas posibles de tal variabilidad puede ser el ataque localizado de plagas, principalmente de chinches. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la distribución espacial de los daños por chinches en semillas de soya en los campos de producción de semillas y su efecto en la calidad fisiológica. El trabajo fue llevado a cabo en cuatro campos de producción de semillas en la zafra 2011/2012, en la región central del estado de Rio Grande del Sur, Brasil. Para la recolección de muestras se estableció una malla de muestreo con densidades de 1:0,10; 1:0,25; 1:0,10 y 1:0,25 puntos/ha, siendo el área total de los campos de 4,3; 11,4; 5,9 e 12,7ha y los cultivares NA 5909 RG, BMX Turbo RR, NA 5909 RG e NA 4725 RG, respectivamente. Fueron realizadas las siguientes determinaciones: productividad, prueba de germinación, primer contaje, emergencia de plántulas y test de tetrazolio. Los datos obtenidos fueron utilizados para la elaboración de modelos digitales (mapas) por medio del logicial ? Sistema Agropecuario CR - Campeiro 7?. Los daños causados por chinches en semillas de soya presentan variabilidad espacial en los campos de producción y los datos se correlacionan una distancia mínima de 200m. Los ataques de chinches reducen la viabilidad y el vigor de las semillas de soya en diversos grados en los campos de producción