8 research outputs found

    Microporosity evolution and destruction in the Jurassic Arab D reservoir, Qatar

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    Core samples were collected from three wells, one onshore and two offshore, from Qatar’s Upper Jurassic Arab D reservoir. The samples were subjected to multiproxy petrographic and chemical analyses to identify their micro- and nanoporosity types and understand their evolution and destruction. Based on the petrographic and petrophysical properties of studied rocks, the Arab D succession was divided into seven rock types. Primary microporosity includes intergranular and interplanar, while secondary types include vuggy, intercrystalline, moldic, dissolution, pyrite displacement, microfracture, and microbial boring. Primary micropores were found mainly between the micrite grains in the lime mudstone facies, between the grains or the plates of clay minerals. Secondary micropores result from open and closed diagenetic systems. The open diagenetic system led to the development of dissolution and moldic micropores, while the closed system created pyrite displacement and boring porosity. Mechanical stress due to crystal growth or displacement generated microfractures. Micropores were destroyed either by cementation, clay minerals growth, dolomitization, or microbial pustular overgrowth. Microporosity was important in quantity and varied in nature in the mud-supported rocks. They are similar to macropores in grain-supported sediments but of less importance. The complex lithology of the studied rocks has significantly influenced the development and destruction of the porosity system of the Arab Formation.The chemical analyses were conducted at the Central Laboratory Unit, Qatar University. We are grateful for their continuous support and professionalism. We thank the management and technicians of the Gas Processing Center (GPC) and the Center for Advanced Materials (CAM), Qatar University for the XRF and XRD analyses. Thanks to Thomas Seers and Ibrahim Almaghrabi (Texas A&M, Doha Campus) for the thin section preparation. David Marioni read the original manuscript and made many valuable amendments. This research is supported by Qatar Foundation through Grant # NPRP11S-0109-180241

    Abordagem sistêmica do gerenciamento pelas diretrizes: conceituação e aplicação A systematic approach to policy deployment: concept and application

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    Este artigo apresenta um modelo teórico do Gerenciamento pelas Diretrizes (GD), organizando suas principais características sob uma ótica conceitual, explorando os seus aspectos orgânicos. Inicialmente, é estabelecido o seu processo característico para, em seguida, serem definidos quatro elementos que o complementam: (1) sistema de priorização; (2) dispositivos estruturais; (3) dispositivos conciliadores; e (4) sistema de informação. A partir desta referência e por meio da pesquisa-ação é articulada sua implementação numa empresa de serviços que atua como distribuidor de cerveja, atendendo uma grande região geográfica. Desta intervenção, surgem novas características que contribuem para o aprimoramento da proposta.<br>This article presents the theoretical model of policy deployment, exploring and organizing its organic features. At first, the featuring process is established, afterwards four complementary elements are defined: the priority system, the structural devices, the conciliatory devices and the information system. The test is done by research method, "research by intervention in one reality". The intervention was promoted in a beer retailer that operates covering a wide geographic area. New findings were gotten therefore leading condition to improve the model proposed

    Perfil dos compradores de tomate de mesa em supermercados da região de Campinas Market profile of fresh tomato consumers in the Campinas area

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    O acesso a informações e às mudanças tecnológicas fizeram com que consumidores se tornassem cada vez mais exigentes e preocupados com a saúde. Assim, procurou-se estabelecer o comportamento de compra dos consumidores de tomate de mesa (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) em supermercados de Campinas (SP), e a partir das respostas aos questionários traçou-se seu perfil destacando suas preferências, costumes, reclamações e exigências. Identificou-se que é a mulher que realiza as compras para casa, com preferência pelo consumo do tomate na forma "in natura". Encontrou-se insatisfação de 95,6% dos entrevistados quanto à qualidade do tomate, sendo a presença de danos físicos a maior reclamação. Assim, a qualidade do tomate que estava sendo apresentado nas gôndolas dos supermercados não correspondia àquela indicada pelos consumidores (frutos com coloração vermelha, uniformes e ausência de injúrias). Diante da insatisfação dos consumidores e considerando que o tomate preferencialmente é consumido "in natura" deve-se atentar para sua aparência externa, promovendo manuseio adequado nas etapas pós-colheita a fim de minimizar danos físicos. Os consumidores revelaram que pagariam uma quantia mais elevada pelo tomate caso este apresentasse melhor qualidade. A opinião do consumidor deve ser considerada para se encontrar soluções tecnológicas e/ou estratégicas que possam minimizar os danos pós-colheita do tomate, atingindo suas expectativas quanto à qualidade do produto.<br>Access to information together with technological developments have helped to make consumers more preocupied about their health. A study was made of the buying habits of tomato consumers in supermarkets in Campinas (São Paulo State, Brazil). With the answers to the questionnaire to hand it was possible to determine the preferences, the customs, the complaints and the demands of the customers. It was established that it is the woman of the house who does the buying and that tomatoes are consumed raw. 95,69% of those interviewed complained about the quality of the tomatoes, the presence of physical damage to the tomato being the main complaint. The quality of the tomatoes displayed do not live up to customers expectations (color, uniformity of size and mechanical injuries). Consumers disclosed that they would pay higher prices for tomatoes with better quality attributes. Ahead of the consumers' complaints and considering the preference for fresh tomatoes, special attention must be given to the appearance, promoting appropriate handling in the post-harvest stages, to minimize injuries. The opinion of the consumers must be considered in order to trace technological and/or strategical solutions that can minimize this problem, therefore reaching their expectations related to product quality

    Resultados econômicos da atividade leiteira na região de Lavras (MG) nos anos 2004 e 2005: um estudo multicasos Economical results of milk production systems in Lavras region (MG) throughout the years 2004 and 2005: a multicase study

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    Estudou-se a rentabilidade da atividade leiteira de 17 propriedades da região de Lavras/MG e identificaram-se os componentes que exerceram maior influência sobre os custos finais da atividade. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente durante o período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2005. Considerou-se a margem bruta, a margem líquida e o resultado (lucro ou prejuízo) como indicadores de eficiência econômica. Os itens componentes do custo operacional efetivo que exerceram maior influência sobre os custos da atividade leiteira foram, em ordem decrescente, alimentação (55,9%), mão-de-obra (19,1%), despesas diversas (11,3%), energia (7,1%), sanidade (4,9%), ordenha (0,74%), impostos (0,74%) e inseminação artificial (0,23%). A margem líquida e o resultado positivo indicam que os pecuaristas têm condições de produzir a médio e a longo prazo, com conseqüente capitalização. Os resultados do estudo não podem ser extrapolados por não se tratar de uma amostra probabilística.<br>It was studied the profitability of the milk production in 17 properties in the region of Lavras (MG), and the components that had the greatest influence on the final costs of the business were identified. The data were monthly collected from January 2004 to December 2005. The gross margin, net margin, and the result (profit or loss) were taken into consideration as indicators of economic efficiency. The component items of the effective operational cost that had the greatest influence upon the costs of dairy business were, in decreasing order, feeding (55.9%), labor (19.1%), different expenses (11.3%), energy (7.1%), health (4.9%), milking (0.74%), taxes (0.74%), and artificial insemination (0,23%). The net margin and the positive result show the farmers have conditions to produce in middle and long terms, with consequent capitalization. Although, the results of the study can not be extrapolated, since they do not represent a random sampling