748 research outputs found

    Nesting preferences of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas L.) and the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata L.) in the SW of Mahe Island in the Seychelles

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    Nesting preferences of the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas L.) and the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata L.) in the SW of Mahe Island in the Seychelles. Data concerning 212 turtles emerging on the southwest beaches of Mahe Island in the Seychelles were collected in 2017 and 2018. These data were used to model the probability of eggs being laid in relation to several variables. The probability of successful laying after emergence was highest on certain beaches and in areas of short vegetation, between open sand and trees. We found successful laying was related to the physical properties of the soil, indicating that survivability of embryos and hatchlings is higher in certain areas. The turtles appeared to choose zones where soil had low salinity, good drainage but ability to retain water, and absence of spring tides and extreme temperatures.0F1A-358B-43B5 | Fernando Jorge Ribeiro da MataN/

    Religion Mix Growth in Canadian Cities: A Look at 2006-2031 Projections Data

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    Summary: Special tables from Statistics Canada microsimulation projections data 2006-2036 were used as data sources. The analysis found that the Non-Christian to Christian ratio will double between 2006 to 2031 (from 15 to 30 per 100) while the No religion to Religion ratio will remain stable at about 26 per100 by 2031. Non-Christian to Christian ratios will be equal or higher than 45 per 100 in cities such as Toronto, Abbotsford and Vancouver by 2031. No religion to Religion ratios will continue to be higher than average in most in British Columbia and other Western cities compared to others in the rest of Canada. To summarize findings latent class growth modeling and discriminant analysis were undertaken to classify cities in terms of prototypical patterns of growth and pinpoint characteristics of cities associated with these growth patterns. Overall, findings suggest that greater intra-Christian and intra-Non-Christian religious diversity will be seen across cities of various sizes and geographies and that they will coexist with the more secular pattern of the reporting No religion in the next two decades

    Linking epidemiology, biostatistics and animal welfare science

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    Different epidemiological techniques and bio-statistical approaches are put into an animal welfare scientific context, in a variety of species and settings, with reference to a variety of studies provided as examples for reference. Epidemiology is especially important in animal welfare science allowing the use of complex settings outside the laboratory environment using models that account for random factors. It is also important in the introduction of standardised techniques allowing evidence synthesis.0F1A-358B-43B5 | Fernando Jorge Ribeiro da MataN/

    A framework for using epidemiology in animal welfare Science

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    The potential advantages of using epidemiology in animal welfare research are substantial and are used with increased frequency. Collaboration between scientists of different fields, with different specific expertise is advantageous in the advancement of science. In this review, a framework to use epidemiology in animal welfare science is established. The different epidemiological study designs and analytical procedures are explored and put in an animal welfare scientific context. It is argued and demonstrated that epidemiology is used with advantage: in the identification of risk factors behind the development of maladaptation and abnormal behaviors; in the introduction of standardized procedures in research allowing comparisons between studies and facilitating the integration for evidence synthesis in systematic reviews and meta-analysis; by allowing animal welfare scientists to analyze complex settings such as farms or zoos. Mathematical modeling can also be used with advantage in risk assessment.0F1A-358B-43B5 | Fernando Jorge Ribeiro da MataN/

    The Multiculturalism Act and Refbgee Integration in Canada

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    From the scope of federal government work, this document sketches some legal, administrative and policy related aspects of the 1988 Multiculturalism Act with regard to their linkages to the refugee integration process in Canada

    Učinkovitost nutraceutika u ublažavanju simptoma osteoartritisa u pasa – metaanaliza istraživanja parova

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    Osteoarthritis is a common condition in dogs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are currently the most widely used treatment option; however, their chronic use is associated with numerous malefic side effects, including death. There has been increased interest in alternative treatments and nutraceuticals have assumed fundamental importance. A number of individual studies and systematic reviews have been done, but no meta-analysis has been produced to date. By conducting a meta-analysis, we aimed to fill this research gap. We combined the results of 13 case placebo controlled trials in a single major study, to determine the efficacy of nutraceuticals in alleviating symptoms of osteoarthritis. A population of 638 dogs was used, from which 327 were treated with nutraceuticals and 321 were used as controls. A successful random effects model was adjusted (P<0.001), with a risk ratio of 0.62 within a 95% CI of [0.47; 0.81], favouring the use of nutraceuticals. The nutraceuticals used in the trials were green-lipped mussel, chondroitin sulphate, an extract of India and Java turmeric (P54FP), a homeopathic combination preparation known as Zeel®, Ω-3 fatty acids, deep sea fish oil, a mix of glucosamine with chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid, and cannabidiol.Osteoartritis je često stanje u pasa. Trenutačno se u liječenju najčešće upotrebljavaju nesteroidni portuupalni lijekovi, no njihova kontinuirana primjena može uzrokovati brojne teške nuspojave, uključujući i smrt. Stoga se povećava zanimanje za alternativne načine liječenja, pri čemu su nutraceutici od temeljne važnosti. U navedenom području proveden je niz pojedinačnih istraživanja i sustavnih pregleda ali još uvijek nije provedena njihova metaanaliza. Ovim istraživanjem nastoji se popuniti ta praznina, pri čemu su kombinirani rezultati 13 istraživanja parova uz uporabu placeba. Uključeno je ukupno 638 pasa od kojih je 327 liječeno nutraceuticima, dok je 321 pas poslužio kao kontrola. Uspješno prilagođavanje modela slučajnih učinaka (P<0,001) provedeno je s omjerom rizika od 0,62 unutar 95 % CI od [0,47; 0,81] u korist nutraceutika. Nutraceutici upotrijebljeni u istraživanjima bili su zelena dagnja, hondroitin-sulfat, ekstrakt indijske i javanske kurkume (P54FP), homeopatska kombinacija preprarata poznatog kao Zeel®, omega-3 masne kiseline, ulje ribe iz dubokih mora, mješavina glukozamina s hondroitin-sulfatom i hijaluronskom kiselinom te kanabidiol

    Perceptions of farm animal sentience and suffering: evidence from the BRIC countries and the United States

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    In this study, we examined how beliefs about farm animal sentience and their suffering vary across culture and demographic characteristics. A total of N = 5027) questionnaires were administered in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and the USA. Brazilians showed higher and Chinese lower levels of perceived animal sentience. In Russia and India, the perception of suffering and sentience increases with age, with similar levels to those observed in the USA. In all the countries, more people agreed than disagreed that animals are sentient. Men in India show higher levels of agreement with the relation between eating meat and animal suffering, followed by women in Brazil and China. Lower levels of agreement are observed in Americans and Chinese. Women show higher levels of compassion than men. In Russia, there is a slightly higher level of agreement between men and in the USA younger men agree more. Young American men show higher levels of agreement, while in India and China age has the opposite effect. For fair trading competition, it is important to standardize procedures and respect the demand for both animal protein and its ethical production. Overall, our results showed that perceptions of farm animal sentience and suffering vary substantially across countries and demographic groups. These differences could have important consequences for the perceived ethicality of meat production and consumption, and for global trade in animal products

    Perceptions of farm animal sentience and suffering:Evidence from the BRIC countries and the United States

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: The relations between farm animals and humans vary across countries and cultures. It was the aim of this study to understand the position of the population in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and the USA. It was found that perceptions of farm animal sentience and suffering vary a lot with culture, country, gender, and age. This could have important consequences for the globalized trade of animal products does not find common grounds for standardization, and the risk of countries with more advanced animal welfare legislation imposing trade barriers increases. These trade barriers may be precepted as protectionism by exporting countries. ABSTRACT: In this study, we examined how beliefs about farm animal sentience and their suffering vary across culture and demographic characteristics. A total of N = 5027) questionnaires were administered in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and the USA. Brazilians showed higher and Chinese lower levels of perceived animal sentience. In Russia and India, the perception of suffering and sentience increases with age, with similar levels to those observed in the USA. In all the countries, more people agreed than disagreed that animals are sentient. Men in India show higher levels of agreement with the relation between eating meat and animal suffering, followed by women in Brazil and China. Lower levels of agreement are observed in Americans and Chinese. Women show higher levels of compassion than men. In Russia, there is a slightly higher level of agreement between men and in the USA younger men agree more. Young American men show higher levels of agreement, while in India and China age has the opposite effect. For fair trading competition, it is important to standardize procedures and respect the demand for both animal protein and its ethical production. Overall, our results showed that perceptions of farm animal sentience and suffering vary substantially across countries and demographic groups. These differences could have important consequences for the perceived ethicality of meat production and consumption, and for global trade in animal products

    Application of heuristic satellite plan synthesis algorithms to requirements of the WARC-88 allotment plan

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    Creation of an Allotment Plan for the Fixed Satellite Service at the 1988 Space World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) represented a complex satellite plan synthesis problem, involving a large number of planned and existing systems. Solutions to this problem at WARC-88 required the use of both automated and manual procedures to develop an acceptable set of system positions. Development of an Allotment Plan may also be attempted through solution of an optimization problem, known as the Satellite Location Problem (SLP). Three automated heuristic procedures, developed specifically to solve SLP, are presented. The heuristics are then applied to two specific WARC-88 scenarios. Solutions resulting from the fully automated heuristics are then compared with solutions obtained at WARC-88 through a combination of both automated and manual planning efforts