143 research outputs found

    Electric vehicles and urban noise control policies

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    "jats:p"Limited Traffic Zone (LTZ) is a planning strategy that is more and more adopted by municipalities in Europe to improve their environmental conditions. It consists in the prohibition for traditional vehicles to circulate in specific areas. Although the main aim is to tackle air pollution problems, positive effects are registered in terms of reduction of noise annoyance and in terms of improved “quality of life” if specific conditions are respected. On the other side under the drive of the global market, the number of circulating electric vehicles in urban sites is also increasing. In the next years we expect to experience a new and not well-known urban soundscape."/jats:p" "jats:p"In this paper is presented an overview of recent urban projects and policies that deal with noise control and how these experiences will match into the next years with the sound characteristics of new electric vehicles for private and public transportation. Document type: Articl

    Intercultural Differences in the Perception of HVAC Sound Quality in Car Cabins: From Conventional to Electric Vehicles

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    In electric-powered cars, the production of which is increasing, the HVAC system is responsible for most of the noise inside the car’s cabin, causing significant discomfort for passengers. Moreover, the noise produced by the HVAC affects the perceptible sound inside the car cabin, significantly impacting the perceived quality of the vehicle. It is thus essential to investigate and quantify people’s preferences concerning HVAC noise. Our previous research revealed differences in the HVAC noise between hybrid electric (HEV) and internal combustion engine (ICEV) vehicles. A subsequent factor analysis revealed that the adjectives used to describe the sounds can be grouped into two main dimensions: Aesthetic and Loudness. The present paper highlights the results of a listening test that aimed to identify possible differences in the perception of HVACs’ sound quality between Italian and Japanese subject groups, for ICEV and HEV, in different functioning conditions. Results revealed that the most remarkable difference emerges at high air flow rates, where the Japanese group perceived the quality of sound and annoyance, respectively, to be significantly lower and significantly higher than the Italian group

    On the Validity of Immersive Virtual Reality as tool for multisensory evaluation of urban spaces

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    The Europe2020 document indicates a new strategy to turn EU into a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. At local level urban planning policies may help to reach these aims. Several research works proposed the Immersive Virtual Reality as tool to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions. Nevertheless people's perception within virtual environments still needs to be verified. In this study, two groups of participants had to provide subjective measures related to the global, acoustic and visual quality of a real environment or of a multisensory reproduced version in Immersive Virtual Reality. Outcomes highlight the ecological effectiveness of this multisensory tool

    Healthy and Faulty Experimental Performance of a Typical HVAC System under Italian Climatic Conditions: Artificial Neural Network-Based Model and Fault Impact Assessment

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    The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system serving the test room of the SENS i-Lab of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Aversa, south of Italy) has been experimentally investigated through a series of tests performed during both summer and winter under both normal and faulty scenarios. In particular, five distinct typical faults have been artificially implemented in the HVAC system and analyzed during transient and steady-state operation. An optimal artificial neural network-based system model has been created in the MATLAB platform and verified by contrasting the experimental data with the predictions of twenty-two different neural network architectures. The selected artificial neural network architecture has been coupled with a dynamic simulation model developed by using the TRaNsient SYStems (TRNSYS) software platform with the main aims of (i) making available an experimental dataset characterized by labeled normal and faulty data covering a wide range of operating and climatic conditions; (ii) providing an accurate simulation tool able to generate operation data for assisting further research in fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC units; and (iii) evaluating the impact of selected faults on occupant indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort, temporal trends of key operating system parameters, and electric energy consumptions

    The Restorativeness of Outdoor Historical Sites in Urban Areas: Physical and Perceptual Correlations

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    Growing tourist flows, which crowd ancient city centres, have modified their liveability and threatened conservation. They have increased the need for quiet places, primarily where green parks are missing. While previous studies have highlighted the possibility of reusing hidden sites of historical buildings, it is not clear if this scheme can also be applied in other contexts, and which physical or perceptual dimensions are mainly related to the restoration of these sites. If greenery and water elements induce positive effects on people’s well-being, we want to understand if the historical–artistic component can be just as important for people’s restorativeness. To this end, the physical and perceptual characteristics of 20 different sites in Naples and Istanbul were investigated through objective and subjective surveys. The results show that the sound levels inside sites cannot consistently account for the perception of the restorativeness in Italy and Turkey, while some sound level differences caused by outside noise could. Moreover, soundscape, appreciation, maintenance/management, and importance/relevance were the main perceptual dimensions describing these places. The importance/relevance dimension was strongly correlated with all the components of the restorativeness, especially with the fascination. These findings are consistent between the Italian and Turkish groups

    Faulty Operation of Coils’ and Humidifier Valves in a Typical Air-Handling Unit: Experimental Impact Assessment of Indoor Comfort and Patterns of Operating Parameters under Mediterranean Climatic Conditions

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    Data-driven Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis (AFDD) are recognized as one of the most promising options to improve the efficiency of Air-Handling Units (AHUs). In this study, the field operation of a typical single-duct dual-fan constant air volume AHU is investigated through a series of experiments carried out under Mediterranean (southern Italy) climatic conditions considering both fault-free and faulty scenarios. The AHU performances are analyzed while artificially introducing the following five different typical faults: (1) post-heating coil valve stuck at 100% (always open); (2) post-heating coil valve stuck at 0% (always closed); (3) cooling coil valve stuck at 100% (always open); (4) cooling coil valve stuck at 0% (always closed); (5) humidifier valve stuck at 0% (always closed). The measured faulty data are compared against the corresponding fault-free performance measured under the same boundary conditions with the aim of assessing the faults’ impact on both thermal/hygrometric indoor conditions, as well as patterns of 16 different key operating parameters. The results of this study can help building operators and facility engineers in identifying faults’ symptoms in typical AHUs and facilitate the related development of new AFDD tools

    Virtual reality for smart urban lighting design: Review, applications and opportunities

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    More and more cities are evolving into smart cities, increasing their attractiveness, energy efficiency, and users satisfaction. Lighting systems play an important role in the evolution process, thanks to their ability to affect city life at night along with people s mood and behaviour. In this scenario, advanced lighting design methods such as virtual reality (VR) became essential to assess lighting systems from different points of view, especially those linked with the city users expectations. Initially, the review highlights a list of objective and subjective parameters to be considered for the lighting design of three main city areas/applications: roads, green areas and buildings. Besides, the state-of-Art in using VR for outdoor lighting design is established. Finally, the Unreal game engine is used to analyse the ability of VR to take into account the lighting parameters, not yet investigated in current literature and to highlight the VR potential for augmenting lighting design. The results confirm the benefit of using VR in lighting design, even if further investigations are needed to establish its reliability, especially from the photometrical point of view

    Oltre il Segno/OltreMare

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    La realizzazione di un volume contenente le incisioni scelte all’interno della Scuola di Grafica d’Arte dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, coordinata dai Proff. Giovanni D’Alessandro e Riccardo Mazzarino rappresenta motivo di orgoglio e di soddisfazione per la nostra Istituzione che costruisce i percorsi didattici dei propri corsi a partire dall’esperienza laboratoriale. L’incisione grafica è tra le tecniche artistiche più antiche ma nel contempo più contemporanee. La gestualità intrinseca al segno, che si manifesta nella carta, svela universi della visione inaspettati.(Mario Zito - Direttore dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo) Il segno è il risultato di un gesto a volte deciso, a volte contorto, a volte leggero, i cui risultati spesso sono inattesi e sorprendenti. Il volume contiene esemplari di incisioni fortemente caratterizzanti della scuola di Grafica d’Arte che vanta all’interno del proprio corso di studi docenti-artisti che consapevoli della ricchezza del loro bagaglio esperienziale offrono agli studenti gli strumenti necessari per far sì che l’arte del saper fare artigianale, si trasformi in mera poetica artistica
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