146 research outputs found

    QualitĂ  della vita in chemioterapia ed implicazioni medico legali e medico sociali

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    La disabilità rappresenta un gravoso impegno per la macchina giudiziaria del nostro Paese per le difficoltà interpretative ed applicative della normativa da cui inevitabilmente soluzioni giurisprudenziali spesso non uniformi, che non è escluso che possano rappresentare un problema anche in termini di valutazione della condotta professionale del medico legale. E’ questo il caso del diritto al beneficio dell’indennità di accompagnamento nei pazienti oncologici sottoposti a chemioterapia. L’autore procede all’analisi di una casistica per verificare l’impiego della variabile considerata (chemioterapia) come criterio diagnostico per il riconoscimento del beneficio (indennità di accompagnamento). Il campione risulta composto da 63 pazienti (20/63 M e 43/63 F; età 18-87) selezionati sulla base di criteri di inclusione come malattia (tumore maligno), terapia (chemioterapia in atto) e domanda del beneficio inoltrata nel periodo 1 luglio 2013-30 giugno 2014. Il gruppo di controllo è composto da 58 pazienti oncologici (36/58 M e 22/58 F; età 30-85) non in chemioterapia. Dopo aver collezionato i dati dei verbali delle commissioni è stata calcolata l’associazione (Odds Ratio) tra chemioterapia e riconoscimento del beneficio, anche in funzione di variabili quali genere, età ed organo interessato. Lo studio conferma l’associazione statisticamente significativa (OR 5.28; CI 95%: 2.28-12.26; p 66 anni (OR 1.87; CI 95%: 0.60-5.85; p <0.5)] e non risulta condizionata dalla tipologia di organo interessato dalla neoplasia [es. K mammella (OR 12.38; CI 95%: 1.29-118.34; p <0.05); K colon-retto (OR 13.91; CI 95%: 0,62-312.62; p<0.1)]. La chemioterapia si associa ad effetti indesiderati che incidono sulla qualità della vita, ed un ottuso inquadramento per codici e tabelle che obbedisca ad una presunzione di obiettività e rigore valutativo, tradisce tutti i limiti e le difficoltà di un sistema che abbia al centro il dato biologico e non funzionale

    QualitĂ  della vita in chemioterapia ed implicazioni medico legali e medico sociali

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    La disabilità rappresenta un gravoso impegno per la macchina giudiziaria del nostro Paese per le difficoltà interpretative ed applicative della normativa da cui inevitabilmente soluzioni giurisprudenziali spesso non uniformi, che non è escluso che possano rappresentare un problema anche in termini di valutazione della condotta professionale del medico legale. E’ questo il caso del diritto al beneficio dell’indennità di accompagnamento nei pazienti oncologici sottoposti a chemioterapia. L’autore procede all’analisi di una casistica per verificare l’impiego della variabile considerata (chemioterapia) come criterio diagnostico per il riconoscimento del beneficio (indennità di accompagnamento). Il campione risulta composto da 63 pazienti (20/63 M e 43/63 F; età 18-87) selezionati sulla base di criteri di inclusione come malattia (tumore maligno), terapia (chemioterapia in atto) e domanda del beneficio inoltrata nel periodo 1 luglio 2013-30 giugno 2014. Il gruppo di controllo è composto da 58 pazienti oncologici (36/58 M e 22/58 F; età 30-85) non in chemioterapia. Dopo aver collezionato i dati dei verbali delle commissioni è stata calcolata l’associazione (Odds Ratio) tra chemioterapia e riconoscimento del beneficio, anche in funzione di variabili quali genere, età ed organo interessato. Lo studio conferma l’associazione statisticamente significativa (OR 5.28; CI 95%: 2.28-12.26; p 66 anni (OR 1.87; CI 95%: 0.60-5.85; p <0.5)] e non risulta condizionata dalla tipologia di organo interessato dalla neoplasia [es. K mammella (OR 12.38; CI 95%: 1.29-118.34; p <0.05); K colon-retto (OR 13.91; CI 95%: 0,62-312.62; p<0.1)]. La chemioterapia si associa ad effetti indesiderati che incidono sulla qualità della vita, ed un ottuso inquadramento per codici e tabelle che obbedisca ad una presunzione di obiettività e rigore valutativo, tradisce tutti i limiti e le difficoltà di un sistema che abbia al centro il dato biologico e non funzionale

    Cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure: from the case to review of literature

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    In response to an increased workload due to physiological or pathological stimuli, the heart may undergo a process of growth with increased muscle mass called cardiac hypertrophy. It is a particular mechanism of long term compensation used by the heart to adapt permanently to a greater workload. Although, through its peculiar structural, molecular and metabolic characteristics, in early stage the hypertrophy allows to maintain an adequate cardiac function, after a variable period of time, the same characteristics promote the evolution to contractile dysfunction and heart failure. The latter represents an important cause of death and so the cardiac hypertrophy increases the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In this paper we report a rare case of extremely high degree of concentric cardiac hypertrophy, with a heart weight of 1050 g and longitudinal diameter of 16.5 cm, transverse diameter of 16 cm and antero-posterior diameter of 9 cm. The thickness of the left ventricle free wall was 4.2 cm, of the septum 4.3 cm and at the apex level 3.5 cm. These data, compared with those described in scientific literature, indicate the exceptional nature of our necropsy finding of a huge cardiac hypertrophy. The analysis of the pathogenetic mechanisms, which may determinate the fatal event in case of cardiac hypertrophy, shows that in the described case the death cause can be the onset of heart failure in presence of cardiomegaly

    Early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases in workers: role of standard and advanced echocardiography

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) still remains the main cause of morbidity and mortality and consequently early diagnosis is of paramount importance. Working conditions can be regarded as an additional risk factor for CVD. Since different aspects of the job may affect vascular health differently, it is important to consider occupation from multiple perspectives to better assess occupational impacts on health. Standard echocardiography has several targets in the cardiac population, as the assessment of myocardial performance, valvular and/or congenital heart disease, and hemodynamics. Three-dimensional echocardiography gained attention recently as a viable clinical tool in assessing left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV), volume, and shape. Two-dimensional (2DSTE) and, more recently, three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (3DSTE) have also emerged as methods for detection of global and regional myocardial dysfunction in various cardiovascular diseases, and applied to the diagnosis of subtle LV and RV dysfunction. Although these novel echocardiographic imaging modalities have advanced our understanding of LV and RV mechanics, overlapping patterns often show challenges that limit their clinical utility. This review will describe the current state of standard and advanced echocardiography in early detection (secondary prevention) of CVD and address future directions for this potentially important diagnostic strategy

    Tradurre Lucrezio : ricostruzione dell’identità storica dell’autore messo in versi italiani da Alessandro Marchetti

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    Le mémoire présente une analyse de la traduction du De rerum natura de Lucrèce réalisée par le mathématicien et philosophe toscan Alessandro Marchetti. La problématique du travail, envisagée d’un point de vue historique, consiste à vérifier ce qui voulait dire traduire Lucrèce et son poème pour un savant du XVII siècle. La première partie du mémoire est dédiée à l’identité de Lucrèce développée de l’antiquité jusqu’à l’époque de Marchetti ; la deuxième présente le traducteur, son œuvre et son contexte ; la troisième recherche sur le texte des exemples pratiques de certains problèmes de traduction anticipés, pendant l’exposition théorique, dans les deux parties précédentes

    Terapia farmacologica e suicidio: l’esperienza del Gabapentin e della Quetiapina. Considerazioni medico-legali basate su una meta-analisi

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    Riassunto Il Gabapentin e la Quetiapina sono due farmaci appartenenti a due categorie farmaceutiche diverse e presentano diverse indicazioni terapeutiche. Essi condividono la negativa caratteristica di essere legati ad un possibile coinvolgimento in episodi di suicidio. Inoltre il recente uso off-label del Gabapentin per la terapia dei disturbi bipolari ha fatto sì che entrambi i farmaci possano essere impiegati per trattare la stessa patologia, aprendo la possibilità di una loro associazione nei pazienti refrattari alla monoterapia, con l’eventualità che i singoli effetti collaterali si sommino. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è stimare, attraverso l’analisi della letteratura scientifica disponibile, il legame esistente tra l’assunzione di Gabapentin e/o Quetiapina ed il rischio di ideazione e/o comportamenti suicidari, individuare un possibile meccanismo d’azione che possa spiegarlo e valutare il possibile utilizzo di questi farmaci come mezzo per porre in atto il suicidio. Il medico nel prescrivere Gabapentin o Quetiapina deve essere consapevole dei rischi che essi comportano e ne deve fornire al proprio paziente una completa informazione che gli consentano di prestare un consenso consapevole alla terapia. Inoltre, attraverso visite regolari, deve porre in atto un attento monitoraggio durante tutto l’arco del trattamento che gli consenta di rilevare segni di allarme e stabilire tutti gli accorgimenti, comportamentali e terapeutici, che permettano di ridurre o prevenire il rischio di comportamenti suicidari nei pazienti. Tutto ciò risulta ancor più importante alla luce della possibilità di una terapia di associazione con i due farmaci, sulla quale non esistono studi specifici. La gabapentine (Gabapentin) et la quétiapine (Quetiapina) sont deux médicaments appartenant à des catégories pharmaceutiques différentes ayant des indications thérapeutiques distinctes. Ils ont en commun la caractéristique négative d’être liés à une augmentation possible du risque de suicide. En outre, la prescription non conforme de médicaments (off-label use) comme la gabapentine, récemment choisie a fait que les deux médicaments peuvent être utilisés pour le traitement des troubles bipolaires, ouvrant la possibilité de faire prendre les deux aux patients jugés réfractaires à la monothérapie : le risque est que l’effet secondaire de l’un se somme à celui de l’autre. Grâce à l’analyse de la littérature scientifique, l’objectif de cette étude est : d’évaluer la relation entre l’assomption de la gabapentine et de la quétiapine et le risque d’idéation suicidaire et/ou de passage à l’acte ; d’identifier un mécanisme d’action pouvant expliquer ce risque ; évaluer l’usage de ces médicaments comme moyen de passage à l’acte dans la crise suicidaire. Le médecin qui prescrit la gabapentine (Gabapentin) ou la quétiapine (Quetiapina) doit être conscient de leurs risques et doit en informer le patient le plus complètement possible afin que ce dernier puisse donner, en toute conscience, un son consentement à la thérapie. En outre, par le biais de consultations régulières, le médecin doit effectuer un monitorage attentif du traitement pour détecter les signaux d’alarme et trouver les échappatoires, comportementales et thérapeutiques, pour réduire ou prévenir le risque suicidaire chez les patients. Tout cela est plus important encore, vu la possibilité de l’association de deux médicaments sur laquelle il n’existe aucune étude spécifique. Gabapentin and Quietiapina are two drugs belonging to two different pharmaceutical classes thus offering different therapeutic indications. They both share the negative feature of being related to a possible implication in suicidal events. Moreover, the latest off-label use of Gabapentin for the bipolar disorders therapy has allowed the use of both these drugs in the treatment of the same pathology, thus opening the possibility of their combination in treating those patients refractory to single-drug therapy. By doing in this way, there is the possibility of joining their separate side effects. The aim of this study is to assess, through the analysis of the available scientific literature, the tie between the administration of Gabapentin and/or Quietiapina and the risk of conceiving and/or practicing suicidal behaviours so that to recognize a possible action mechanism able to explain such behaviours. In this way researchers intend to estimate the possible use of these drugs as a means to commit suicide. When prescribing Gabapentin or Quietiapina, physicians must be aware of the risks of these drugs so that to accurately inform patients who have to give their conscious assent to the therapy. Moreover, through regular visits, caregivers have to implement an attentive monitoring throughout the whole therapy time in order to spot any signs alerting all possible therapeutic procedures necessary to prevent or reduce the risk of suicidal behaviours in patients. All these considerations appear to be more important in the light of the possibility of a therapy combining these two drugs, which has not yet been specifically studied

    Post vaccinal temporary sensorineural hearing loss

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    In our systematic research we identified four studies concerning the onset of neurological adverse events following vaccination and two excluding this association. A 33-year-old Italian man, belonging to the Italian Army was hospitalized because he suffered from vertigo, nausea and sudden right hearing loss not classified (NDD), that set in 24 h after the administration of tetanus-diphtheria and meningococcal vaccines. Some neurological events arising after vaccination are very difficult to treat. In our case, the functional recovery on low and medium frequencies was possible about 6 months after the morbid event

    Work-related allergic rhinitis: a contemporary review of the literature

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    Adverse health effects have been reported in workers exposed to inhaled allergens. Allergic rhinitis is a heterogeneous disorder that significantly affects daily activity, work productivity, sleep, learning, and quality of life in all generations. Occupational-ly-related hazards which contribute to the development of allergic rhinitis represent an important avoidable cause of morbidity. The occupational exposure to chemicals or biological agents is the cause of high incidences of allergic rhinitis and this risk is high when the organization and preparation are inadequate and there is a lacking or insufficient information, education and communication. The prevalence of work-related rhinitis, which encompasses both occupational rhinitis and work-exacerbated rhinitis, is estimated to be 31-61%. Data on occupational rhinitis itself are scarce. Although work-related asthma and allergies are a huge burden for society, investigation of oc-cupational exposures in early work life using an unexposed reference group is rare. Occupational allergic diseases are likely to worsen or become intractable as a result of continuous exposure to high concentrations of causative antigens, and are socioeco-nomically important diseases with which the patients might sometimes lose jobs due to work interruptions. It is important to adequately assess, communicate and manage risks in occupational chemical exposure settings with the aim to protect workers and the necessity to introduce periodic health examinations programs focusing on workers to monitor health and well-being and improve working conditions and the working environment

    Guidelines on the diagnosis, treatment and management of visceral and renal arteries aneurysms: a joint assessment by the Italian Societies of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SICVE) and Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM)

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    : The objective of these Guidelines is to provide recommendations for the classification, indication, treatment and management of patients suffering from aneurysmal pathology of the visceral and renal arteries. The methodology applied was the GRADE-SIGN version, and followed the instructions of the AGREE quality of reporting checklist. Clinical questions, structured according to the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome) model, were formulated, and systematic literature reviews were carried out according to them. Selected articles were evaluated through specific methodological checklists. Considered Judgments were compiled for each clinical question in which the characteristics of the body of available evidence were evaluated in order to establish recommendations. Overall, 79 clinical practice recommendations were proposed. Indications for treatment and therapeutic options were discussed for each arterial district, as well as follow-up and medical management, in both candidate patients for conservative therapy and patients who underwent treatment. The recommendations provided by these guidelines simplify and improve decision-making processes and diagnostic-therapeutic pathways of patients with visceral and renal arteries aneurysms. Their widespread use is recommended
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