21 research outputs found

    Connaissances du contenu et connaissances technologiques des enseignants en Informatique en milieu francophone

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    In this article we study the content and technological knowledge of teachers who teach or are preparing to teach computer science in a francophone environment. The research is based on the questionnaire elaborated with the reference to the TPACK model. The content knowledge is studied on the base of the five main domains of computer science (algorithms, languages and programming, machines and networks, data representation, and computer science and society) and the technological knowledge on the base of professional and educational programming languages currently used at school. The study presents a multiple correspondence analysis of the 339 responses that were collected and estimated as valid ones. The findings show that the knowledge declared by the teachers vary. The content knowledge can be grouped in 4 categories (from quite poor and badly structured knowledge to more complete knowledge with stronger links). The technological knowledge falls in two categories depending on the knowledge of professional and educative languages declared by teachers

    À la recherche du Sixième Sens attribué à Diderot

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    Dans une lettre à Madame de Graffigny du 21 février 1751, son correspondant principal, François-Antoine Devaux, poète et futur lecteur de Stanislas Leszczynski, duc de Lorraine, l’entretient d’ouvrages qu’elle lui a expédiés en deux exemplaires, l’un pour lui et l’autre pour le comte de Lucé, frère du chancelier de La Galaizière, et grand collectionneur de livres. « Voilà le mémoire des livres, écrit-il, que je garde pour moi. [...] Il y a même des morceaux sur mon mémoire que je ne garde que..

    Enjeux dans la création d'une communauté d'enseignants engagés dans l'apprentissage de l'informatique

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    International audienceL’accompagnement des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire en charge de l’enseignement de l’informatique est un enjeu majeur dans l’intégration effective de l’enseignement de l’informatique à l’école. La formation initiale et continue doit pouvoir permettre d’accompagner les enseignants dans leur propre apprentissage de l’informatique et les aider à développer leurs connaissances et leurs stratégies pédagogiques pour cet enseignement de l’informatique. Dans ce contexte, l’entraide et le développement d’un sentiment d’auto-efficacité doit permettre de sécuriser les enseignants intégrants des activités d’apprentissage de l’informatique à l’école. À cette fin, dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+ Communauté d’Apprentissage de l’Informatique (CAI), nous visons à développer une Communauté de Pratique (CoP) qui puissent permettre le partage, mais aussi le développement, de pratiques et de ressources pédagogiques co-construites autour de l’enseignement de l’informatique à l’école. Nous décrivons ici les enjeux de la création de cette CoP et les enjeux pour son développement et son évaluation

    Towards improving teaching and learning of algorithmics by means of resources design: a case of primary school education in France

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    International audienceThis article is devoted to the problem of design of resources in algorithmics for teachers of primary school in France. We investigate what elements should contain such resource in order to support the learning intended by authors of the resource, during its implementation by teachers who works in different contexts. To contribute to this question, we study the design principles of a particular resource in algorithmics. We follow this resource from the moment of its creation by a researcher and an experienced teacher to its appropriation and usage by three ordinary teachers. Paper describes how the results of analysis of lessons observations, interviews and collective discussions with teachers pointed to missing elements of the resource and, hence, contributed in its enhancement. The results of the study aim to bring some elements for improving the teaching of algorithmics by means of resources and, as a result, to support the learning of the involved concepts

    Task design for promoting pupils’ algorithmic thinking in problem-solving context without using computers

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    International audienceThe paper presents the task design aimed at the emergence of the algorithmic thinking of pupils in the problem-solving context without using computers. Discussing the results of the experimentations carried out at the grade 5th, it aims to offer an account of the conditions and constraints for effective algorithmic problem-solving as well as to identify mechanisms that emerge

    Towards improving teaching and learning of algorithmics by means of resources design: a case of primary school education in France

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    International audienceThis article is devoted to the problem of design of resources in algorithmics for teachers of primary school in France. We investigate what elements should contain such resource in order to support the learning intended by authors of the resource, during its implementation by teachers who works in different contexts. To contribute to this question, we study the design principles of a particular resource in algorithmics. We follow this resource from the moment of its creation by a researcher and an experienced teacher to its appropriation and usage by three ordinary teachers. Paper describes how the results of analysis of lessons observations, interviews and collective discussions with teachers pointed to missing elements of the resource and, hence, contributed in its enhancement. The results of the study aim to bring some elements for improving the teaching of algorithmics by means of resources and, as a result, to support the learning of the involved concepts

    Algorithmics in secondary school: A comparative study between Ukraine And France

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    International audienceThis article is focused on the teaching and learning of Algorithmics, a discipline at the intersection of Informatics and Mathematics. We focus on the didactic transposition of Algorithmics in secondary school in France and Ukraine. Based on epistemological and didactical frameworks, we identify the general characteristics of the approaches in the two countries, taking into account the organization of the content and the national contexts (in the course of Mathematics in France and in the course of Informatics in Ukraine). Our results give perspectives on understanding the place that Algorithmics can hold in the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Informatics

    Документальний підхід до дидактики

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    Element of a collectionThe ‘Documentation Approach to Didactics’ is an entry of the Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2018). This entry has been updated in 2020 (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2020). This article is a Ukrainian adaptation of this updated version. It is part of a collection, gathering such adaptations in 14 languages (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/DAD-MULTILINGUAL).The documentational approach to didactics is a theory in mathematics education. Its first aim is to understand teachers’ professional development by studying their interactions with the resources they use and design in/for their teaching. In this text we briefly describe the emergence of the approach, its theoretical sources, its main concepts and the associated methodology. We illustrate these aspects with examples from different research projects. This synthetic presentation is written for researchers, but also for non-specialists (e.g. master students) interested in a first discovery of the documentational approach.«Documentation Approach to Didactics» - стаття в Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2018). Поданий текст є українським адаптивним перекладом, що входить до зібрання перекладів на 14 мов (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/DAD-MULTILINGUAL), оновленої у 2020 р. версії зазначеної статті (Trouche, Gueudet & Pepin 2020).Документальний підхід до дидактики – теорія у дидактиці математики, метою якої є розкриття закономірностей професійного розвитку вчителів шляхом вивчення ресурсів, що вони використовують та розробляють для для організації навчального процесу. У статті висвітлені умови виникнення підходу, його теоретичне підґрунтя, ключові поняття та методологічна база. Основні аспекти підходу проілюстровано на прикладах з різних наукових проектів. Подана коротка характеристика підходу призначена насамперед для використання дослідниками, але може бути корисною й для неспеціалістів (наприклад, для студентів-магістрів), зацікавлених у вступі до документального підходу

    Proceedings of the Re(s)sources 2018 International Conference

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    International audienceThe development of the Internet and the abundance of digital resources, in addition to the emergence of new forms of teacher collective work, lead to new developments and uncertainties in teaching and learning of mathematics. These upheavals have given rise to new theoretical needs: how to analyze teachers’ work when they prepare for their teaching? How to conceptualize the relationships between individual and collective work? How to follow the related processes over the long term?Ten years ago these theoretical and practical needs led to the proposal of a new frame, the documentational approach to didactics, in the field of mathematics education (Gueudet & Trouche, 2009). This approach has developed in relation to other approaches in the field, in France and internationally. It has resulted in approximately twenty theses, crossed other theoretical frames throughout the development of research programs at the national level (ANR ReVEA in France for example) or international (European projects such as MC2, projects in Argentina, Brazil, China, Lebanon or Senegal). The initial field, mathematics at secondary school, has been expanded from Kindergarten to University, and to other fields of application: languages, biology, chemistry, physics.Alongside these developments the approach has been enriched by new concepts (“daughter resources”, “mother resources”, meta-resources, disciplinary affinity, documentational incident, documentational expertise or documentational trajectory); the methodology of reflective investigation has developed in several directions, in particular for the analysis of collective forms of documentation work. At the same time new questions have emerged, highlighting the need for new research programs. It is to take stock of these advances and questions that a three-day conference is organized in Lyon (France) in May 2018.The proceedings give access to the presentations of the main moments of Re(s)sources 2018 conference and of the Young Researchers’ Workshop, to the introductions of the lecturers, panelists and Working groups coordinators, and, essentially, to the whole set of accepted contributions

    Vers une cartographie des Situations d'Informatique débranchée

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    International audienceNous nous intéressons aux situations de médiation en informatique débranchée, qui sont conçues et proposées proposées dans divers lieux, en France, et dans d'autres pays (Royaume-Uni, Nouvelle-Zélande). Notre objectif est d'essayer de ”cartographier” ces situations, afin de mieux comprendre le mouvement de l'informatique débranchée et les ressources qu'il propose, en tenant compte de ses développements récents. Nous présentons d'abord le périmètre de notre étude et la collecte des situations de notre corpus. Puis nous présentons nos critères d'analyse et le codage des situations, suivant le public visé, les contenus abordés, les positionnements didactiques et les modalités matérielles de mise en œuvre, que nous avons appliqué à notre corpus. Les analyses nous permettent de faire de premières observations sur les spécificités des situations proposées et du mouvement de l'informatique débranchée, et d'esquisser une ”cartographie” des situations de notre corpus. Cela soulève aussi des questions concernant les thématiques dominantes abordées, les évolutions récentes, les spécificités liée à la visée de médiationet les perspectives pour des visées d'enseignement de l'informatique