1,750 research outputs found

    Population structure in high shore littorinids: contrast between riprap and rocky shores

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    World Congress of Malacology, Ponta Delgada, July 22-28, 2013.The number of anthropogenic structures deployed in coastal areas has increased markedly in recent times and many studies have now shown that these structures seldom mimic the natural habitais they replace. To date, however, most such studies have focused on the numbers and relative abundance of species and little is known about how these structures affect the patterns of species aggregation and size structure, despite the fact that variations in these parameters may have important ecological consequences at population and community levels. Here we compare the relative abundance, patterns of aggregation and size structure of two high shore gastropod littorinids (Tectarius striatus and Melarhaphe neritoides) on riprap and adjacent rocky shores. While the relative abundance of T. striatus was similar on riprap and natural rocky shores, M. neritoides was significantly more abundant on rocky shores. At small spatial scales (cm’s) both littorinids specics showed more aggregated distributions on riprap. At larger scales (cm’s), both littorinids were also more aggregated on riprap although this was only significant for T. striatus. Habitat type influenced the size structure whith both species attaining a significantly larger size on riprap. Here we add to the wider literature by showing that anthropogenic structures can affect intertidal assemblages in ways other than richness or the relative abundance of organisms alone. The here documented variation in patterns of aggregation and size structure between habitats likely influence the population dynamics of these species and may have wider community level consequences

    Multivariate analysis of walker-assisted ambulation

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    In an aging society it is extremely important to develop devices which can support and aid the elderly in their daily life. Walkers play an important role, due to the large number of potential users, its simplicity and their ambulatory potential. However, there are no clinical evidences that prove the efficacy of such devices, mainly rollators that present forearm supports. In this context, the authors aim to propose a protocol for an innovative gait analysis that addresses some benefits and limitations of these devices on the rehabilitation process, by addressing a multivariate analysis of spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters assessed during normal and assisted ambulation with a walker with forearm supports. For the 3Dreconstruction of the body segments it was used a movement analysis system. Results showed that the effects of assisted gait can be explained through support, energy consumption, posture and balance characteristics. These results are very satisfactory since aspects regarding these characteristics enhance the rehabilitation potential of the use of walkers with forearm supports. These results will be used to advance towards an active robotic walker that will provide for safety and natural manoeuvrability and offer a certain degree of intelligence in assistance and decision-making

    Avaliação do stock de Abalones: uma pesca sustentável

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    Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores – que futuro? Tema Ciências Naturais e Ambiente", Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de Junho de 2013.A falta de informação anterior ao início de uma exploração de uma espécie alvo é ponto comum à maior parte das pescarias. A maioria dos estudos só é iniciada após indícios claros de efeitos de um excesso de pesca. No entanto, esta situação é indicadora de que a pesca já causou alterações drásticas na estrutura das populações alvo e que, consequentemente, já não existe um ponto de referência que informe a gestão e a recuperação dos mananciais. A exploração do abalone nos Açores é virtualmente inexistente, ao contrário de muitas outras regiões onde a sua captura tem levado à ruptura dos mananciais. A espécie existente nos Açores, Haliotis tuberculata, é um recurso com elevado interesse gastronómico e económico e existem indícios de que tem sido gradualmente introduzida na gastronomia regional. Nos Açores os mananciais de H. tuberculata podem, à partida, ser considerados virgens, mas não existe informação sobre a sua abundância, biologia e ecologia. Concomitantemente, não existe qualquer tipo de restrição ou legislação regional relativamente à exploração deste marisco. O presente projecto tem como objectivo avaliar o estado actual das populações de H. tuberculata providenciando um ponto de referência para estudos futuros e garantindo deste modo uma avaliação rigorosa dos impactos de uma potencial pescaria. Neste projecto examinam-se aspectos da biologia e da ecologia de H. tuberculata que providenciarão dados úteis para garantir uma exploração sustentável deste recurso. O presente estudo providenciará também recomendações para a gestão desta pescaria baseadas na revisão bibliográfica e na informação recolhida.ABSTRACT: A common drawback in predicting the consequences of harvest rates is that there is no a priori information regarding the status of exploited populations. Most studies are done only when there is a perceived impact upon the targeted populations. In most situations, this means that fishing has already caused dramatic reductions in populations sizes and changes in the population structure so that a reference state against which to compare and predict the resilience or recovery of target populations does not exist. In the Azores unlike there has been little impact on the stocks of the abalone Haliotis tuberculata. However, H. tuberculata is a valuable and highly regarded resource and there is now evidence that it is slowly being introduced into the regional gastronomy. Although Azorean abalone stocks may be considered relatively virgin, there is yet no information regarding the local abundance, biology or ecology of this species. Similarly, there is no regional legislation regarding the exploitation of this shellfish. The present project aims to provide a reference state to which future studies can be compared and thus accurately assess the impact of a potential fishery. This involves examining the biology and ecology of H. tuberculata, creating a dynamic population model that will inform the authorities and provide valuable information that fosters sustainable harvest rates. The present project will also provide recommendations for the future management of the fishery based on a literature review and the field information collected

    Avaliação da pinta-preta em progênies de mamoeiro no Estado do Ceará.

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    O mamoeiro é uma fruteira tropical de grande importância socioeconômica no Brasil e no mundo e o estado do Ceará destaca-se como o terceiro produtor brasileiro de mamão. A ocorrência de doenças é um dos fatores que contribuem para essa produtividade, por causarem perdas severas na cultura (VENTURA et al., 2003)

    Electrodeposition of WO3 Nanoparticles for Sensing Applications

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    The motivation of using metal oxides is mainly due to its charge storage capabilities, and electrocatalytic, electrochromic and photoelectrochemical properties. But comparing with bulk, nanostructured materials present several advantages related with the spatial confinement, large fraction of surface atoms, high surface energy, strong surface adsorption and increased surface to volume ratio, which greatly improves the performances of these materials. The deposition of this materials can be accomplished by a variety of physical and chemical techniques but nowadays, electrodeposited metal oxides are generally used in both laboratories and industries due to the flexibility to control structure and morphology of the oxide electrodes combined with a reduced cost. Tungsten oxide (WO3) is a well-studied semiconductor and is used for several applications as chromogenic material, sensor and catalyst. The major important features is its low cost and availability, improved stability, easy morphologic and structural control of the nanostructures, reversible change of conductivity, high sensitivity, selectivity and biocompatibility. For the electrodeposition of WO3, more than one method can be adopted: electrodeposition from a precursor solution, anodic oxidation, and electrodeposition of already produced nanoparticles; however, in this case the mechanism of the electrodeposition is not fully understood. In this chapter, a review of the latest published work of electrodeposited nanostructured metal oxides is provided to the reader, with a more detailed explanation of WO3 material applied in sensing devices