458 research outputs found

    Layer-averaged Euler and Navier-Stokes equations

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    In this paper we propose a strategy to approximate incompressible hydrostatic free surface Euler and Navier-Stokes models. The main advantage of the proposed models is that the water depth is a dynamical variable of the system and hence the model is formulated over a fixed domain.The proposed strategy extends previous works approximating the Euler and Navier-Stokes systems using a multilayer description. Here, the needed closure relations are obtained using an energy-based optimality criterion instead of an asymptotic expansion. Moreover, the layer-averaged description is successfully applied to the Navier-Stokes system with a general form of the Cauchy stress tensor

    Investigation of slow collisions for (quasi) symmetric heavy systems: what can be extracted from high resolution X-ray spectra

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    We present a new experiment on (quasi) symmetric collision systems at low-velocity, namely Ar17+^{17+} ions (v=0.53v=0.53 a.u.) on gaseous Ar and N2_2 targets, using low- and high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy. Thanks to an accurate efficiency calibration of the spectrometers, we extract absolute X-ray emission cross sections combining low-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and a complete determination of the ion beam - gas jet target overlap. Values with improved uncertainty are found in agreement with previous results \cite{Tawara2001}. Resolving the whole He-like Ar16+^{16+} Lyman series from n=2n=2 to 10 with our crystal spectrometer enables to determine precisely the distribution Pn{\mathcal{P}_n} of the electron capture probability and the preferential nprefn_{pref} level of the selective single-electron capture. Evaluation of cross sections for this process as well as for the contribution of multiple-capture is carried out. Their sensitivity to the \ell-distribution of nn levels populated by single-electron capture is clearly demonstrated, providing a stringent benchmark for theories. In addition, the hardness ratio is extracted and the influence of the decay of the metastable 1s2s 3S11s2s\ ^3 S_1 state on this ratio is discussed

    La décroissance bêta des produits de fission pour la non-prolifération et la puissance résiduelle des réacteurs nucléaires

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    Aujourd hui, l énergie nucléaire représente une partie non-négligeable du marché énergétique mondial, très probablement vouée à croître dans les prochaines décennies. Les réacteurs du futur devront notamment répondre à des critères supplémentaires économiques mais surtout de sûreté, de non-prolifération, de gestion optimisée du combustible et d une gestion responsable des déchets nucléaires. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des études concernant la non-prolifération des armes nucléaires sont abordées, dans le cadre de la recherche et développement d un nouvel outil potentiel de surveillance des réacteurs nucléaires ; la détection des antineutrinos des réacteurs. En effet, les propriétés de ces particules pourraient intéresser l Agence Internationale de l Energie Atomique (AIEA) en charge de l application du Traité de non-prolifération des armes nucléaires. L AIEA encourage ainsi ses états membres à mener une étude de faisabilité. Une première étude de non-prolifération est réalisée avec la simulation d un scénario proliférant utilisant un réacteur de type CANDU et de l émission en antineutrinos associée. Nous en déduisons une prédiction de la sensibilité d un détecteur d antineutrinos de taille modeste à la diversion d une quantité significative de plutonium. Une seconde étude est réalisée dans le cadre du projet Nucifer, détecteur d antineutrinos placé auprès du réacteur de recherche OSIRIS. Nucifer est un détecteur d antineutrinos dédié à la non-prolifération à l efficacité optimisée conçu pour être un démonstrateur pour l AIEA. La simulation du réacteur OSIRIS est développée ici pour le calcul de l émission d antineutrinos qui sera comparée aux données mesurées par le détecteur ainsi que pour caractériser le bruit de fond important émis par le réacteur détecté dans Nucifer. De façon générale, les antineutrinos des réacteurs sont émis lors des décroissances radioactives des produits de fission. Ces décroissances radioactives sont également à l origine de la puissance résiduelle émise après l arrêt d un réacteur nucléaire, dont l estimation est un enjeu de sûreté. Nous présenterons dans cette thèse un travail expérimental dont le but est de mesurer les propriétés de décroissance bêta de produits de fission importants pour la non-prolifération et la puissance résiduelle des réacteurs. Des premières mesures utilisant la technique de Spectroscopie par Absorption Totale (TAGS) ont été réalisées auprès du dispositif de l Université de Jyväskylä. Nous présenterons la technique employée, le dispositif expérimental ainsi qu une partie de l analyse de cette expérience.Today, nuclear energy represents a non-negligible part of the global energy market, most likely a rolling wheel to grow in the coming decades. Reactors of the future must face the criteria including additional economic but also safety, non-proliferation, optimized fuel management and responsible management of nuclear waste. In the framework of this thesis, studies on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons are discussed in the context of research and development of a new potential tool for monitoring nuclear reactors, the detection of reactor antineutrinos, because the properties of these particles may be of interest for the International Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA), in charge of the verification of the compliance by States with their safeguards obligations as well as on matters relating to international peace and security. The IAEA encouraged its member states to carry on a feasibility study. A first study of non-proliferation is performed with a simulation, using a proliferating scenario with a CANDU reactor and the associated antineutrinos emission. We derive a prediction of the sensitivity of an antineutrino detector of modest size for the purpose of the diversion of a significant amount of plutonium. A second study was realized as part of the Nucifer project, an antineutrino detector placed nearby the OSIRIS research reactor. The Nucifer antineutrino detector is dedicated to non-proliferation with an optimized efficiency, designed to be a demonstrator for the IAEA. The simulation of the OSIRIS reactor is developed here for calculating the emission of antineutrinos which will be compared with the data measured by the detector and also for characterizing the level of background noises emitted by the reactor detected in Nucifer. In general, the reactor antineutrinos are emitted during radioactive decay of fission products. These radioactive decays are also the cause of the decay heat emitted after the shutdown of a nuclear reactor of which the estimation is an issue of nuclear safety. In this thesis, we present an experimental work which aims to measure the properties of beta decay of fission products important to the non-proliferation and reactor decay heat. First steps using the technique of Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy (TAGS) were carried on at the radioactive beam facility of the University of Jyvaskyla. We will present the technique used, the experimental setup and part of the analysis of this experiment.NANTES-ENS Mines (441092314) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Hyperbolicity of a semi-Lagrangian formulation of the hydrostatic free-surface Euler system

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    By a semi-Lagrangian change of coordinates, the hydrostatic Euler equations describing free-surface sheared flows is rewritten as a system of quasilinear equations, where stability conditions can be determined by the analysis of its hyperbolic structure. This new system can be written as a quasi linear system in time and horizontal variables and involves no more vertical derivatives. However, the coefficients in front of the horizontal derivatives include an integral operator acting on the new vertical variable. The spectrum of these operators is studied in detail, in particular it includes a continuous part. Riemann invariants are then determined as conserved quantities along the characteristic curves. Examples of solutions are provided, in particular stationary solutions and solutions blowing-up in finite time. Eventually, we propose an exact multi-layer P0\mathbb{P}_0-discretization, which could be used to solve numerically this semi-Lagrangian system, and analyze the eigenvalues of the corresponding discretized operator to investigate the hyperbolic nature of the approximated system.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Solutions quasi-analytiques d’ondes propagatives dans les équations d’Euler à surface libre

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    International audienceThis note describes some quasi-analytical solutions for wave propagation in free surface Euler equations and linearized Euler equations. The obtained solutions vary from a sinusoidal form to a form with singularities. They allow a numerical validation of the free-surface Euler codes.Cette note décrit des solutions quasi analytiques correspondant à la propagation d'ondes dans les équations d'Euler et d'Euler linéarisées à surface libre. Les solutions obtenues varient d'une forme sinusoïdale à une forme présentant des singularités. Elles permettent de valider numériquement les codes de simulation des équations d'Euler à surface libre

    Agri-food business: Global challenges â Innovative solutions

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    The rise of a western-style middle class in many successful emerging economies like China currently is inducing deep structural changes on agricultural world markets and within the global agri-food business. As a result of both higher incomes and concerns over product safety and quality the global demand for high-quality and safe food products is increasing significantly. In order to meet the new required quality, globally minimum quality standards are rising and private standards emerging. All over the world these developments cause adjustments at the enterprise, chain and market levels. At the same time, the tremendously increasing demand for renewable energy has led to the emergence of a highly promising market for biomass production. This has far-reaching consequences for resource allocation in the agri-food business, for the environment, for the poor in developing countries and for agricultural policy reforms. The challenges increase with ongoing liberalisation, globalisation and standardisation, all of which change trade patterns for agricultural and food commodities, and influence production costs and commodity prices. The objective of the IAMO Forum is to show opportunities as well as risks for all participants of the food economy in the ongoing globalisation process: for small peasants in developing countries, farmers in Europe and globally active food enterprises and retailers. The success of enterprises depends on the ability to find innovative solutions with regard to the organisation of enterprises, chains, and markets, as well as future policy design. Concerning bio-energy strategies has to be identified to combat global warming most efficiently and concurrently attenuate the competition between "tank and table" on farmland. IAMO Forum 2008, as well as this book, would not have been possible without the engagement of many people and institutions. We thank the authors of the papers, as well as the referees. Furthermore we are highly indebted to MARLIES LOHR, NADINE GIEMSA and RONNY RECKE who in an outstanding way contributed to the organisation of the Forum. This is true as well for the IAMO administration, whose work we gratefully acknowledge. Many sponsors has funded the IAMO Forum 2008. We are very grateful to the German Research Foundation (DFG), The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Production in Germany, The Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Federal State Saxony-Anhalt, Germany and last but not least the City of Halle. Further Conference sponsors are the BIONADE Corporation, Gaensefurther Mineral Water, The Wine Growers Association of the Region Saale-Unstrut, Germany, Obsthof am SüÃen See GmbH, Monsanto Company, KWS Saat AG, Sachsen-Anhalt-Tours, Baumkuchen Salzwedel and the Hallesches Brauhaus.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Industrial Organization, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, Marketing, Political Economy,

    Magnetic properties changes of MnAs thin films irradiated with highly charged ions

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    We present the first investigation on the effect of highly charged ion bombardment on a manganese arsenide thin film. The MnAs films, 150 nm thick, are irradiated with 90 keV Ne9+^{9+} ions with a dose varying from 1.6×10121.6\times10^{12} to 1.6×10151.6\times10^{15} ions/cm2^2. The structural and magnetic properties of the film after irradiation are investigated using different techniques, namely, X-ray diffraction, magneto-optic Kerr effect and magnetic force microscope. Preliminary results are presented. From the study of the lattice spacing, we measure a change on the film structure that depends on the received dose, similarly to previous studies with other materials. Investigations on the surface show a strong modification of its magnetic properties