844 research outputs found

    Changes in MEG resting-state networks are related to cognitive decline in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients

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    OBJECTIVE: Integrity of resting-state functional brain networks (RSNs) is important for proper cognitive functioning. In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) cognitive decrements are commonly observed, possibly due to alterations in RSNs, which may vary according to microvascular complication status. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that functional connectivity in RSNs differs according to clinical status and correlates with cognition in T1DM patients, using an unbiased approach with high spatio-temporal resolution functional network.; METHODS: Resting-state magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data for T1DM patients with (n=42) and without (n=41) microvascular complications and 33 healthy participants were recorded. MEG time-series at source level were reconstructed using a recently developed atlas-based beamformer. Functional connectivity within classical frequency bands, estimated by the phase lag index (PLI), was calculated within eight commonly found RSNs. Neuropsychological tests were used to assess cognitive performance, and the relation with RSNs was evaluated.; RESULTS: Significant differences in terms of RSN functional connectivity between the three groups were observed in the lower alpha band, in the default-mode (DMN), executive control (ECN) and sensorimotor (SMN) RSNs. T1DM patients with microvascular complications showed the weakest functional connectivity in these networks relative to the other groups. For DMN, functional connectivity was higher in patients without microangiopathy relative to controls (all p<0.05). General cognitive performance for both patient groups was worse compared with healthy controls. Lower DMN alpha band functional connectivity correlated with poorer general cognitive ability in patients with microvascular complications.; DISCUSSION: Altered RSN functional connectivity was found in T1DM patients depending on clinical status. Lower DMN functional connectivity was related to poorer cognitive functioning. These results indicate that functional connectivity may play a key role in T1DM-related cognitive dysfunction

    Osservazione e modellazione del deflusso sottosuperficiale laterale saturo in un ripido versante naturale

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    I versanti sono unità morfologiche fondamentali che governano la risposta idrologica dei bacini idrografici durante le precipitazioni più intense. Nonostante la loro riconosciuta importanza idrologica, è ancora necessario condurre approfonditi studi, sia a carattere sperimentale che teoretico, per meglio comprendere i meccanismi di generazione e trasporto del deflusso sottosuperficiale laterale saturo nei versanti. In questo contributo sono presentati i risultati di un monitoraggio di lungo periodo del flusso laterale di falda intercettato per mezzo di una trincea drenante installata su d’un ripido versante naturale nel bacino del Lago di Baratz, Sardegna. I dati raccolti vengono utilizzati per sviluppare una relazione di tipo esponenziale tra la conducibilità idraulica laterale satura (KS) e lo spessore della falda (T), valida alla scala di versante. I flussi osservati e i livelli di falda sono simulati con un modello numerico orizzontale 1D, basato sulla soluzione simultanea della legge del moto e dell’equazione di bilancio idrico, e implementato tramite uno schema risolutivo alle differenza finite. Le principali assunzioni del modello sono che nel suolo il flusso sottosuperficiale saturo sia regolato dalla legge di Darcy, e che si verifichi sempre l’istantaneo raggiungimento di un profilo di equilibrio idrostatico del carico di suzione nella zona vadosa. Il modello richiede la specifica della curva di ritenzione idrica del suolo e della relazione KS(T) ottenute sperimentalmente. I risultati della simulazione indicano che il modello è in grado di riprodurre in modo adeguato i dati osservati. Il flusso di falda è ben riprodotto, sia in termini di tempi di risposta che di portate drenate. Pertanto, il modello sviluppato può essere un utile strumento di previsione della risposta idrologica in versanti naturali a forte pendenza

    Gastro-intestinal parasites of pigs in Sardinia: a copromicroscopical investigation

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    This paper illustrates a copromicroscopical investigation carried out in Sardinia to update epidemiological data on diffusion of gastro-intestinal parasites in swine. Results obtained lead to suggest the employment of copromicroscopic exam to monitorate parasites diffusion in swine breedings in order to set up correct prophylactic and therapeutically intervents


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    La conducibilità idraulica alla saturazione, KS, è un parametro fondamentale per la simulazione del flusso idrico nel suolo. La memoria illustra un approccio sperimentale per la stima della KS laterale alla scala di versante. La metodologia proposta è stata applicata in due aree contigue ricoperte, rispettivamente, da macchia mediterranea e prato. Sono stati registrati i livelli di falda e i deflussi idrici sottosuperficiali, e queste misure sono state usate per il calcolo della KS del suolo tramite l’equazione di Darcy. Il monitoraggio è stato effettuato durante il periodo piovoso compreso tra gennaio e giugno 2014. In aprile, inoltre, sono state eseguite prove di pioggia artificiale con intensità di 30 e 70 mm h-1. Durante le precipitazioni naturali, il valore massimo di KS stimato nel prato è stato di 2870 mm h-1, mentre è stato pari a 2400 mm h-1 nel corso delle prove di saturazione artificiale. Il valore massimo di KS pari 4000 mm h-1 è stato ottenuto, nella macchia, durante le prove di pioggia artificiale. Per contro, valori minori di KS sono stati ottenuti durante le piogge naturali a causa delle basse portate sottosuperficiali registrate. La metodologia proposta è risultata idonea per la stima di valori della conducibilità idraulica rappresentativi per le aree di interesse. Tali informazioni potranno garantire una maggiore attendibilità della modellizzazione dei processi idrologici a scala di versante e di bacino

    Effectiveness and Limitations of Unsupervised Home-Based Balance Rehabilitation with Nintendo Wii in People with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Balance training represents a critical part of the rehabilitation process of individuals living with multiple sclerosis (MS) since impaired postural control is a distinctive symptom of the disease. In recent years, the use of the Nintendo Wii system has become widespread among rehabilitation specialists for this purpose, but few studies have verified the effectiveness of such an approach using quantitative measures of balance. In this study, we analyzed the postural sway features of a cohort of twenty-seven individuals with MS before and after 5 weeks of unsupervised home-based balance training with the Wii system. Center of pressure (COP) time-series were recorded using a pressure platform and processed to calculate sway area, COP path length, displacements, and velocities in mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) directions. Although the results show a significant reduction in sway area, COP displacements, and velocity, such improvements are essentially restricted to the ML direction, as the Wii platform appears to properly stimulate the postural control system in the frontal plane but not in the sagittal one. Available Wii games, although somewhat beneficial, appear not fully suitable for rehabilitation in MS owing to scarce flexibility and adaptability to MS needs and thus specific software should be developed

    Large-scale lateral saturated soil hydraulic conductivity as a metric for the connectivity of subsurface flow paths at hillslope scale

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    Lateral saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks,l, is the soil property governing subsurface water transfer in hillslopes, and the key parameter in many numerical models simulating hydrological processes at the hillslope and catchment scales. Likewise, the hydrological connectivity of the lateral flow paths plays a significant role in determining the rate of the subsurface flow at various spatial scales. This study investigates the relationship between Ks,l and hydrological connectivity at the hillslope spatial scale. Ks,l was determined by the subsurface flow rates intercepted by drains and water table depths observed in a well network. The hydrological connectivity was evaluated by the synchronicity among water table peaks, and between these and the peaks of the drained flow. Rainfall and soil moisture were used to investigate the influence of the transient hydrological soil condition on connectivity and Ks,l. As the synchronicity of the water table response between wells increased, the lag times between the peaks of water levels and those of the drained subsurface flow decreased. Moreover, the most synchronic water table rises determined the highest drainage rates. The relationships between Ks,l and water table depths were highly non-linear, with a sharp increase in the values for water table levels close to the soil surface. Estimated Ks,l values for the full saturated soil were in the order of thousands of mm h−1, suggesting the activation of macropores in the root zone. The Ks,l values determined at the peak of the drainage events were correlated with the indicators of synchronicity. The sum of cumulative rainfall and antecedent soil moisture was correlated with the connectivity indicators and Ks,l. We suggest that, for simulating realistic processes at the hillslope scale, the hydrological connectivity could be implicitly considered in hydrological modelling through an evaluation of Ks,l at the same spatial scale

    Reshaping cortical connectivity in traumatic spinal cord injury: a novel effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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    Introduction: Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) represent a severe neuro-traumatic occurrence and an excruciating social burden. Though the hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) has been credited as a first line therapeutic resource for SCIs, its mechanism of action in the spine is only partially known, while the impingement upon other areas of the nervous system deserves additional investigation. In this study we deem to describe a novel effect of HBO2 in a subject affected by SCI who, along with the clinical improvement, showed a reshaped connectivity in cortical sensory-motor areas. Case presentation: A 45 years male presenting severe sensory-motor symptoms following a spinal lesion partially involving the C1 segment was successfully treated with HBO2 cycles. After the dramatic improvement reflected by an excellent optimization of the single performances, it has been investigated whether this result would reveal not only an intrinsic effect upon the spinal cord, but also a better connectivity strength in sensory-motor cortical regions. The results obtained by implementing EEG recordings with EEGLAB auto regressive vector plugins indeed suggest a substantial reshaping of cortico-cortical connectivity after HBO2. Discussion: These results show a correlation between positive clinical evolution and a new modulation of cortical connectivity. Though further clinical investigations would clarify as to whether HBO2 might be directly or epiphenomenally involved in this aspect of the network architecture, our report suggests that a comparison between clinical results and the study of brain connectivity represent a holistic approach in investigating the physiopathology of SCIs and in monitoring the treatment

    Impaired sense of smell in a Drosophila Parkinson's model.

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative disease characterized by the clinical triad: tremor, akinesia and rigidity. Several studies have suggested that PD patients show disturbances in olfaction at the earliest onset of the disease. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 32 is becoming a powerful model organism to study neurodegenerative diseases. We sought to use this system to explore olfactory dysfunction, if any, in PINK1 mutants, which is a model for PD. PINK1 mutants display many important diagnostic symptoms of the disease such as akinetic motor behavior. In the present study, we describe for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, neurophysiological and neuroanatomical results concerning the olfactory function in PINK1 mutant flies. Electroantennograms were recorded in response to synthetic and natural volatiles (essential oils) from groups of PINK1 mutant adults at three different time points in their life cycle: one from 3-5 day-old flies, from 15-20 and from 27-30 days. The results obtained were compared with the same age-groups of wild type flies. We found that mutant adults showed a decrease in the olfactory response to 1-hexanol, α-pinene and essential oil volatiles. This olfactory response in mutant adults decreased even more as the flies aged. Immunohistological analysis of the antennal lobes in these mutants revealed structural abnormalities, especially in the expression of Bruchpilot protein, a marker for synaptic active zones. The combination of electrophysiological and morphological results suggests that the altered synaptic organization may be due to a neurodegenerative process. Our results indicate that this model can be used as a tool for understanding PD pathogensis and pathophysiology. These results help to explore the potential of using olfaction as a means of monitoring PD progression and developing new treatments

    Increase in 20–50 Hz (gamma frequencies) power spectrum and synchronization after chronic vagal nerve stimulation

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    Objective: Though vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is an important option in pharmacoresistant epilepsy, its mechanism of action remains unclear. The observation that VNS desynchronised the EEG activity in animals suggested that this mechanism could be involved in VNS antiepileptic effects in humans. Indeed VNS decreases spiking bursts, whereas its effects on the EEG background remain uncertain. The objective of the present study is to investigate how VNS affects local and inter regional syncronization in different frequencies in pharmacoresistent partial epilepsy. Methods: Digital recordings acquired in 11 epileptic subjects 1 year and 1 week before VNS surgery were compared with that obtained 1 month and 1 year after VNS activation. Power spectrum and synchronization were then analyzed and compared with an epileptic group of 10 patients treated with AEDs only and with 9 non-epileptic patients. Results: VNS decreases the synchronization of theta frequencies (P!0.01), whereas it increases gamma power spectrum and synchronization (!0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Conclusions: The reduction of theta frequencies and the increase in power spectrum and synchronization of gamma bands can be related to VNS anticonvulsant mechanism. In addition, gamma modulation could also play a seizure-independent role in improving attentional performances. Significance: These results suggest that some antiepileptic mechanisms affected by VNS can be modulated by or be the reflection of EEG changes.2026-2036Pubblicat
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