23 research outputs found

    Association of exercise training and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activator improves baroreflex sensitivity of spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    The present study sought to determine cardiovascular effects of aerobic training associated with diminazene aceturate (DIZE), an activator of the angiotensin converting enzyme 2, in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Male SHRs (280–350 g) were either subjected to exercise training or not (sedentary group). The trained group was subjected to 8 weeks of aerobic training on a treadmill (five times a week, lasting 60 min at an intensity of 50–60% of maximum aerobic speed). In the last 15 days of the experimental protocol, these groups were redistributed into four groups: i) sedentary SHRs with daily treatment of 1 mg/kg DIZE (S+D1); ii) trained SHRs with daily treatment of 1 mg/kg DIZE (T+D1); iii) sedentary SHRs with daily treatment of vehicle (S+V); and iv) trained SHRs with daily treatment of vehicle (T+V). After treatment, SHRs were anesthetized and subjected to artery and femoral vein cannulation prior to the implantation of ECG electrode. After 24 h, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded; the baroreflex sensitivity and the effect of double autonomic blockade (DAB) were evaluated in non-anesthetized SHRs. DIZE treatment improved baroreflex sensitivity in the T+D1 group as compared with the T+V and S+D1 groups. The intrinsic heart rate (IHR) and MAP were reduced in T+D1 group as compared with T+V and S+D1 groups. Hence, we conclude that the association of exercise training with DIZE treatment improved baroreflex function and cardiovascular regulation

    Present status of the an GR DNA Bank in Brazil

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    Ex situ conservation include the cryopreservation of genetic material: semen, oocytes, embryos, somatic cells and DNA (FAO, 1998). Although, it is not possible to regenerate whole animals from isolated DNA, it has been proved that DNA banking was useful in population genetic studies and epidemiological investigations. The Animal Genetics Laboratory (AGL) at Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology - Cenargen, Brasília - DF, Brazil, works with genetic characterization of animal populations that belong to the Brazilian conservation program. At the same time, a DNA Bank is being set up, which already has samples from several animals species. The DNA was extracted from cryopreserved leukocyte pellets or buffy coats. After extraction it was quantified and checked for its integrity and quality. Each specimen extracted was divided in at least two samples. One of them was used for characterization studies (-20°C) while the other was stored at -80°C at the DNA bank. All animals that were collected received a code number and were catalogued in a data bank where all the available information was registered. The refinement of molecular biology techniques increase the usefulness of banked material that will provide a ready reservoir of valuable scientific information. At this time, the AGL DNA bank has specimens of several breeds of six domestic species. Most of these breeds are in risk of extinction and are involved in the Conservation Program of Embrapa/Cenargen. DNA banking is proving to be useful for characterization of domestic animal populations that are in Brazilian conservation program. In near future, it might be the method of choice when many representatives of a breed are to be stored

    O desencontro entre desejo e realidade: a "indústria" da cesariana entre mulheres de camadas médias no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Disagreement between desire and reality: cesarean "industry" among middle class women in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    O artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa que buscou apreender e compreender, através da percepção e experiência de mulheres de camadas médias, o desencontro entre o desejo pelo parto vaginal e o desfecho em cesariana. Quinze usuárias de planos privados de saúde foram entrevistadas sobre suas experiências e percepções relativas ao pré-natal e parto. Os resultados evidenciaram uma (sutil ou explícita) interferência do obstetra sobre a escolha das mulheres, influenciando o desfecho em cesariana e sugerindo que, para muitas mulheres, não está sendo possível escapar das "armadilhas" de um modelo biomédico mercantilizado, interventor e iatrogênico, institucionalizado e legitimado pela sociedade. A pesquisa pretende contribuir para ações que estimulem o exercício da cidadania feminina nos processos decisórios que envolvem as questões da saúde reprodutiva, preservando e garantindo a experiência do parto como um direito inalienável das mulheres, seus companheiros e familiares.<br>This paper presents results of a qualitative research that aimed to apprehend and understand, among middle class women´s perception and experience, the disagreement / distance / gap between primary vaginal labor option and a cesarean outcome. Fifteen women who had a private health insurance plan were interviewed about their experiences and perceptions related to their prenatal care and parturition process. Results showed a pervasive or explicit intervention of the obstetrician on women's choice, influencing on the cesarean outcome and suggesting that, for many women, it is still difficult to escape from the "trap" of the mercantilist, intervening and "iatrogenic" biomedical model, which is still firmly institutionalized and legitimated in our society. These results intend to collaborate with actions aimed to promote women's citizenship related to the right to make decisions on their reproductive choices, preserving and undertaking the parturition experience as unique and indefeasible right for all women, their partners and relatives