233 research outputs found

    Efficacy and safety in the use of intraperitoneal hyperthermia chemotherapy and peritoneal cytoreductive surgery for pseudomyxoma peritonei from appendiceal neoplasm: A systematic review

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    The objective of this systematic review is to provide efficacy and safety data in the application of Intra-Abdominal Hyperthermia Chemotherapy (HIPEC) and Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) in patients with Peritoneal Pseudomyxoma (PMP) of origin in the cecal appendix. The databases Medline and Central Cochrane were consulted. Patients with PMP of origin in the cecal appendix, classified as low grade, high or indeterminate, submitted to HIPEC and CRS. The results were meta-analyzed using the Comprehensive Metanalysis software. Twenty-six studies were selected to support this review. For low-grade PMP outcome, 60-month risk of mortality, Disease-Free Survival (DFS), and adverse events was 28.8% (95% CI 25.9 to 32), 43% (95% CI 36.4 and 49.8), and 46.7% (95% CI 40.7 to 52.8); for high-grade PMP, 60-month risk of mortality, Disease-Free Survival (DFS) and adverse events was 55.9% (95% CI 51.9 to 59.6), 20.1% (95% CI 15.5 to 25.7) and 30% (95% CI 25.2 to 35.3); PMP indeterminate degree, 60-month risk of mortality, Disease-Free Survival (DFS) and adverse events was 32.6% (95% CI 30.5 to 34.7), 61.8% (95% CI 58.8 to 64.7) and 32.9% (95% CI 30.5 to 35.4). The authors conclude that the HIPEC technique and cytoreductive surgery can be applied to selected cases of patients with PMP of peritoneal origin with satisfactory results

    Does Evolution matter?: a case study in Brazil of the effects of an evolutionary-thinking academic atmosphere in postgraduate students' belief in God/religious belief

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    Although the theory of evolution is more than 150 years old, a substantial proportion of the world population does not mention it when explaining the origin of human beings. The usual alternative conception is offered by creationism, one of the main obstacles to full acceptance of evolution in many countries. National polls have demonstrated that schooling and religiosity are negatively correlated, with scientists being one of the least religious professionals. Herein we analyzed both (1) the profile of 1st semester undergraduate students and (2), thesis and dissertations, concerning religious and evolutionary thoughts from Biology and Veterinary Schools at the largest university of South America. We have shown that students of Biology are biased towards evolution before they enter university and also that the presence of an evolutionary-thinking academic atmosphere influences the deism/religiosity beliefs of postgraduate students.Embora a teoria da evolução tenha mais de 150 anos, uma proporção substancial da população mundial não se refere a ela para explicar a origem dos seres humanos. A alternativa conceitual usual é oferecida pelo criacionismo, um dos principais obstáculos à aceitação plena da Evolução em muitos países. Pesquisas nacionais demonstraram que nível de instrução e religiosidade estão correlacionados negativamente, com os cientistas como sendo um dos profissionais menos religiosos. Aqui analisamos tanto (1) o perfil dos calouros do 1º semestre de 2011 como (2) as teses e as dissertações, com relação à expressão de concepções religiosas e evolutivas, das faculdades de Biologia e Veterinária da maior universidade da América do Sul. Demonstramos que os estudantes de Biologia tendem ao evolucionismo antes mesmo de entrar na universidade e que a presença de uma atmosfera acadêmica evolucionista influencia a expressão de deísmo/religiosidade entre os estudantes de pós-graduação

    Sudden unexpected death in Parkinson's disease: Insights from clinical practice

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    Classified as the second most common neurodegenerative disorder associated with aging after Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most common movement disorder. In the last decade, despite advances in treatment, mortality rates linked with PD continued to reach significant figures. Available studies have shown that compared with healthy controls, patients with PD are accompanied by high rates of premature death. This is usually caused by factors such as pneumonia and cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Recently, it has been demonstrated that a significant proportion of patients with PD die suddenly. This is referred to as a sudden and unexpected death in PD (SUDPAR). Here, we focus on the magnitude of SUDPAR. Finally, it is important to learn more about SUDPAR for the implementation of effective prevention strategies

    Bioresorbable ureteral stents from natural origin polymers

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    In this work, stents were produced from natural originpolysaccharides. Alginate, gellan gum, and a blend ofthese with gelatin were used to produce hollow tube (stents)following a combination of templated gelation and criticalpoint carbon dioxide drying. Morphological analysis of thesurface of the stents was carried out by scanning electronmicroscopy. Indwelling time, encrustation, and stability ofthe stents in artificial urine solution was carried out up to 60days of immersion. In vitro studies carried out with simulatedurine demonstrated that the tubes present a high fluid uptakeability, about 1000%. Despite this, the materials are able tomaintain their shape and do not present an extensive swellingbehavior. The bioresorption profile was observed to behighly dependent on the composition of the stent and it canbe tuned. Complete dissolution of the materials may occurbetween 14 and 60 days. Additionally, no encrustation wasobserved within the tested timeframe. The ability to resistbacterial adherence was evaluated with Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and two Gram-negatives Escherichia coliDH5 alpha and Klebsiella oxytoca. For K. oxytoca, no differenceswere observed in comparison with a commercialstent (BiosoftVR duo, Porges), although, for S. aureus alltested compositions had a higher inhibition of bacterialadhesion compared to the commercial stents. In case ofE. coli, the addition of gelatin to the formulations reducedthe bacterial adhesion in a highly significant manner comparedto the commercial stents. The stents produced by thedeveloped technology fulfill the requirements for ureteralstents and will contribute in the development of biocompatible and bioresorbable urinary stents.Contract grant sponsor: the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013); contract grant number: REGPOT-CT2012-316331POLARIS Contract grant sponsor: Novel smart and biomimetic materials for innovative regenerative medicine approaches”; contract grant number: RL1 – ABMR – NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000016; North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Contract grant sponsor: FCT post-doc; contract grant numbers: SFRH/BPD/39333/2007, SFRH/BPD/90533/20


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    Atualmente a demanda por medicamentos à base de plantas medicinais é crescente. O uso de fitoterápicos vem aumentando em países em desenvolvimento, bem como em países desenvolvidos, como uma forma adicional para tratar e prevenir doenças. Dentre a diversidade da flora brasileira com potencial terapêutico, pode-se destacar a Euphorbia tirucalli L., sendo uma das plantas medicinais indicada para ser registrada como medicamento fitoterápico no Brasil. Estudos com esse fitoterápico vêm sendo realizado visando sua aplicação no tratamento do câncer, sendo que algumas pesquisas já mostram resultados satisfatórios. O Brasil, seguido da China, apresenta o maior número de patentes depositadas envolvendo essa espécie. Entretanto, considerando a nossa biodiversidade e a herança cultura indígena, no que diz respeito ao uso de plantas medicinais, os resultados ainda não são satisfatórios