160 research outputs found
Potere imperiale e leggi barbariche: il Pactus legis Salicae
Il nucleo più antico del Pactus legis Salicaesi si può, forse, identificare con un atto unilaterale del potere romano, ossia con una lex data. La legge salica proporrebbe, allora, un compromesso tra il costume gentilizio dei Franchi, fondato sulla vendetta, e le esigenze dell’ordine pubblico romano. Attraverso il ricorso a compensazioni determinate da una tariffa o ad altri strumenti di composizione delle liti, il governo imperiale intendeva costringere i suoi laeti barbari a trovare soluzioni pacifiche alle loro controversie.
The most ancient nucleus of Pactus legis Salicae can be perhaps identified with an unilateral decision of Roman power that is with a lex data. The lex Salica, in the opinion of Jean-Pierre Poly, suggests a compromise between tribal traditions of Franks, based on revenge, and Roman order. Auctually the Roman government wanted its barbarian laeti to settle without bloodshed their quarrels, using fixed fines
Egizi e cittadinanza romana
[Egyptians and roman citizenship] In the 1st century AD, the Egyptians, in contrast to the vast majority of the peregrini who inhabited the other provinces of the Empire, were only admitted in exceptional cases to Alexandrian or Roman citizenship (see Plin. Epp. 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.10, Josephus’ Contra Apionem 2.40-41 [but cf. also 2.28-30 e 2.72] and the § 55 of the Gnōmōn of the Ídios Lógos). After Hadrian the Egyptian institutional pattern underwent a deep change. Between the 2nd and the 3rd century its institutions conformed to those of the other provinces. In 200 AD the administrative structure of the Egyptian metropoleis changed fundamentally when Severus ordered the creation of a boulé, or town council, in the capital of each name. It is therefore likely that in 212 AD the Egyptians as well benefited from the «divine gift». Yet neither the restrictions concerning their status nor the social structure of Egypt underwent essential changes
'Barbari' e civitas Romana. Dal 212 alle soglie del V secolo: una ricognizione delle fonti
EnTwo topics - undoubtedly contiguous, but not entirely homogeneous - are at the centre of this essay: Roman citizenship and the so-called dediticii on the one hand; on the other hand, the granting of civitas to barbarians either through military service and honourable discharge from the Army or through viritane grants. An obligatory starting point is the constitutio Antoniniana. Indeed, depending on whether one or another of the many interpretations of its provision is accepted, one can propose markedly divergent reconstructions of the history of Roman citizenship in the third and fourth centuries. After examining the hypotheses formulated by historians (in particular Ralph Mathisen, Pierangelo Catalano, Alessandro Barbero, Émilienne Demougeot), this essay attempts to identify the rules that governed access to Roman Citizenship in Late Antiquity.FrAu centre de cet article se trouvent deux sujets qui sont sans doute contigus, mais pas entièrement homogènes: d'un côté, la citoyenneté romaine et ce qu'on appelle les dediticii; de l'autre, l'octroi de la civitas aux barbares, soit par le service militaire et la honesta missio de l'armée, soit grâce à des concessions à titre personnel. Le point de départ obligatoire est la constitutio Antoniniana. En effet, selon que l'on accepte l'une ou l'autre des nombreuses interprétations de sa disposition, on peut proposer des reconstructions nettement divergentes de l'histoire de la citoyenneté romaine aux IIIe et IVe siècles. Après avoir examiné les hypothèses formulées par les historiens (en particulier Ralph Mathisen, Pierangelo Catalano, Alessandro Barbero, Émilienne Demougeot), cet article tente d'identifier les règles qui régissaient l'accès à la citoyenneté romaine dans l'Antiquité tardive
Tra Tiro e Roma. Una nota biografica su Ulpiano
Cnaeus Domitius Ulpianus was born around 165 AD in an aristocratic Tyre family (Syria Phoenicia). He took the first steps in studying law in Berytus or – more likely – in Rome. After he had served as adsessor of the praefectus praetorio Aemilius Papinianus, he began his own equestrian cursus honorum. It’s not likely that he has succeded Papinian as procurator a libellis between 205 and 209 AD. Maybe he held that position later, between 213 e il 217 AD. Forbidden by Elagabalus to have any kind of power, Ulpian became, at the end of march 222, praefectus annonae and, at the latest on the first december of the same year, praefectus praetorio, thus seizing, with the support of Julia Mamaea mother of Alexander, the reins of power. The jurist was killed by pretorians, with all probability in september 223 AD. His assasination turned the desire to reform Rome and the empire into nothing more but wishful thinking. Since then, Alexander and his officers resorted to living day by day
Exergames in childhood obesity treatment: A systematic review
In the last decade, active video games (exergames) have been proposed in obesity prevention and treatment as a potential tool to increase physical activity. This review was aimed to assess the possible role of exergames in reducing weight-related outcomes among overweight/obese children and/or adolescents. The databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and SPORTDiscus were interrogated to detect controlled studies involving healthy overweight/obese children and adolescents in interventions based exclusively on exergames. Out of a total of 648 articles found, 10 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. The included studies differ for duration, setting and type of intervention, frequency of active game sessions, and outcomes considered. Seven out of ten studies reported better outcomes in children/adolescents involved in the interventions, with significant differences between groups in four, while three studies found better outcomes in control groups. These results suggest a possible positive effect of active video games on weight-related outcomes in obese children and adolescents. However, further research is still needed to define if they can be effectively used in childhood obesity treatment and which may be the most effective approach. The potentiality of the new digital media in this field should be explored
Optimizing C-RAN Backhaul Topologies: A Resilience-Oriented Approach Using Graph Invariants
ABSTRACT: At the verge of the launch of the first commercial fifth generation (5G) system, trends in wireless and optical networks are proceeding toward increasingly dense deployments, supporting resilient interconnection for applications that carry higher and higher capacity and tighter latency requirements. These developments put increasing pressure on network backhaul and drive the need for a re-examination of traditional backhaul topologies. Challenges of impending networks cannot be tackled by star and ring approaches due to their lack of intrinsic survivability and resilience properties, respectively. In support of this re-examination, we propose a backhaul topology design method that formulates the topology optimization as a graph optimization problem by capturing both the objective and constraints of optimization in graph invariants. Our graph theoretic approach leverages well studied mathematical techniques to provide a more systematic alternative to traditional approaches to backhaul design. Specifically, herein, we optimize over some known graph invariants, such as maximum node degree, topology diameter, average distance, and edge betweenness, as well as over a new invariant called node Wiener impact, to achieve baseline backhaul topologies that match the needs for resilient future wireless and optical networks
Recensione a J.-P. Coriat, Les constitutions des Sévères. Regne de Septime Sévère. Volume I. Constitutions datées de la première période du règne (Juin 193-Automne 197 AP. J.-C.) et constitutions non datées de Septime Sévère cité comme seul auteur de la décision, Rome-Paris 2014.
Recensione alla palingenesi delle costituzioni di Settimio Severo emanate tra il 193 e il 197 e di quelle che sono attribuite a questo solo imperatore. Si esaminano i contenuti del volume di Jean.Pierre Coriat e si suggeriscono, per il futuro, nuove linee di ricerche volte ad approfondire lo studio dei rapporti tra legislazione imperiale e processo civile romano
Ulpiano e l'Impero, II, Studi sui libri de officio proconsulis e la loro fortuna tardoantica
Come avverte il suo sottotitolo, questo volume si sofferma, in particolare, sulle vicende della tradizione testuale dei libri de officio proconsulis dal III secolo all’età giustinianea. A tal fine, nel I capitolo, si prendono in esame tutte le testimonianze che attestano fortuna e circolazione di quest’opera nei secoli che vanno dalla sua stesura alla compilazione. In questa prospettiva si è concesso particolare rilievo a ad alcune testimonianze e, in specie, a Inschriften von Ephesos II, no. 217 e a Lact. div. inst. 5.11.18-19-5.12.1. Lo studio dei testi dei libri de officio proconsulis trasmessi dalla Collatio legum ha permesso di confrontarsi con le Textstufen di Franz Wieacker. A suo parere, la Collatio aprirebbe un ampio spiraglio su un esemplare databile agli inizi del IV secolo, e già, in parte, glossato, del de officio proconsulis, che si collocherebbe entro il medesimo ramo della tradizione della copia utilizzata dai compilatori giustinianei. Le conclusioni, cui si perviene in questo lavoro, non collimano però con le premesse delle Textstufen di Franz Wieacker. Il Wieacker ha senza dubbio inaugurato una storia della tradizione unitaria e globale, costruita sullo sfondo della rappresentazione d’insieme della cultura giuridica d’una intera epoca. Cionondimeno il centro della proposta storiografica delle Textstufen, con l’opzione di un massiccio rimaneggiamento dei testi severiani fin dalle prime edizioni «altopostclassiche», rimanda pur sempre dritto al cuore dell’interpolazionismo. Inoltre si può constatare che gli stessi confronti testuali sviluppati dal Wieacker mostrano l’assenza, nei libri de officio proconsulis, di una fitta coltre di alterazioni. Appaiono, pertanto, estremamente implausibili interventi editoriali tardoantichi, di III o IV secolo, volti a stravolgere la trama del pensiero giurisprudenziale più antico. È inverosimile attribuire agli editori d’età tetrarchica interventi glossematici tali da intaccare nel profondo i contenuti normativi degli scritti giurisprudenziali e, in particolare, dei libri de officio proconsulis ulpianei in presenza di tracce attestanti la prassi della recitatio processuale a partire dalla metà del III secolo.
Il capitolo II prende in esame i principali problemi posti dallo studio di altre opere del corpus pubblicistico ulpianeo: il liber singularis de officio consularium, il liber singularis de officio praefecti urbi, il liber singularis de officio curatoris rei publicae. L’appendice, attraverso una preliminare raccolta dei materiali, ridiscute i criteri ricostruttivi delle palingenesi dei libri de officio proconsulis del Rudorff e del Lenel
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