4 research outputs found

    Cassava processing wastewater as a platform for third generation biodiesel production

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate third generation biodiesel production by microalgae Phormidium autumnale using cassava processing wastewater as a platform. Experiments were performed in a heterotrophic bubble column bioreactor. The study focused on the evaluation of the bioreactor (batch and fed-batch) of different operational modes and the analysis of biofuel quality. Results indicate that fed-batch cultivations improved system performance, elevating biomass and oil productions to 12.0 g L−1 and 1.19 g L−1, respectively. The composition of this oil is predominantly saturated (60 %) and monounsaturated (39 %), resulting in a biodiesel that complys with U.S., European and Brazilian standards. The technological route developed indicates potential for sustainable production of bulk oil and biodiesel, through the minimization of water and chemical demands required to support such a process

    Third Generation Biodiesel Production From Microalgae [produção De Biodiesel De Terceira Geração A Partir De Microalgas]

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the third generation biodiesel produced from heterotrophic cultivation of the microalgae Phormidium sp. employing cassava starch as source of organic carbon. An experimental design was performed to determine the optimal conditions of temperature and C/N ratio. From the best growing conditions, was developed cultivations in batch and fed-batch in a bioreactor and evaluated the biodiesel quality. The results indicate that the temperature of 30ºC and the C/N ratio of 68 are the ideal conditions of the process. The highest biomass productivity (50.41mgL−1h-1) and lipid productivity (7.49mgL−1h-1) were obtained in batch cultivations. The fatty acids most representative were caproic acid (65.29%) and oleic acid (23.88%). The fuel properties of biodiesel: ester content of 99.9%, cetane number of 54.88, iodine value of 21.47gI100g−1, unsaturation degree of 23.88% and a cold filter plugging point of 39.21ºC, comply with the main international and national standards.452349355(2003) Provisional Brazilian Biodiesel Standard ANP, 21p. , 255, Brasil, Total de(2005) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1325p. , 21ed. Baltimore, Maryland: Prot CityBlend Stock for Distillate Fuels. United States of America (2002) The biodiesel handbook, 332p. , In: KNOTHE, G. et al. (Ed.). 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    Magnetic Nanoparticles: Current Trends and Future Aspects in Diagnostics and Nanomedicine

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