4 research outputs found

    Eggshells as agro‐industrial waste substitute for CaCO3 in glass foams: A study on obtaining lower thermal conductivity

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    In this work, discarded glass bottles (GB) and eggshells (ES) were used to produce foam glass designed for thermal insulation. The literature on the thermal conductivity of foam glasses produced with eggshells is sparse. This material was used as pore‐forming agent at 3% and 5% weight fractions to obtain a foam glass with low thermal conductivity. Homogenized powders were uniaxially pressed, and the compacts were fired at three temperatures (800, 850, and 900°C). Raw materials were characterized by chemical analysis and particle size distribution. The foam glasses were characterized by their porosity, phases, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity. The best insulating properties were obtained for the composition containing 5 wt% ES fired at 800°C. This sample displayed a porosity of 91.4% while its thermal conductivity was of 0.037 W/m.K, with a compressive strength of 1.12 ± 0.38 MPa. Crystalline phases were observed in samples fired at 850 and 900°C as a result of the devitrification process. The final properties of the materials are comparable to those of commercial foam glasses obtained from non‐renewable, more expensive raw materials, a great indicator that the studied compositions could be used as an environmentally friendly substitute

    Desenvolvimento de espumas vítreas a partir de garrafa e casca de ovo

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    Este trabalho tem como foco a produção de espumas vítreas a partir de materiais reciclados, fazendo uso dematéria-prima de fácil acesso local e alta incidência no mercado: garrafas de cerveja não retornáveis e cascade ovo, como agente espumante. Para tanto, investigou-se a influência da temperatura de queima, da granulometriado vidro precursor e do percentual de agente espumante na expansão volumétrica dos corpos cerâmicos.Esses foram formulados com 3% e 5% em massa de agente espumante, utilizando vidros com granulometriaspadronizadas por peneiras mesh #100, #200 e #325, conformados em uma prensa uniaxial com 40MPa. Os corpos de prova foram queimados nas temperaturas de 700 ºC, 800 ºC e 900 ºC com taxa de 2,5ºC/min. As espumas vítreas foram avaliadas por sua expansão volumétrica, densidade, diâmetros de poros eanálise de difração de raios- X (DRX). Verificou-se grande importância da granulometria do vidro e temperaturade queima na formação da fase vítrea ideal para favorecimento da expansão volumétrica das espumasvítreas. O percentual de agente espumante influenciou na expansão, de modo que com 3% de agente espumantese obteve os maiores valores de expansão volumétrica. Fases cristalinas foram observadas nas amostrasqueimadas a 800 °C e 900 °C como sinal de desvitrificação.Palavras-chave: Casca de ovo, expansão volumétrica, espumas vítreas

    Síntese por sol-gel de nanopartículas de ferrita de cobalto dopada com lantânio e sua caracterização microestrutural, e de propriedades ópticas e magnéticas

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado visando sintetizar nanopartículas de ferrita de cobalto dopadas com lantânio (CoLaxFe2-xO4) através do método solgel, utilizando uma temperatura de tratamento térmico de 300ºC. Nitrato de ferro e nitrato de cobalto foram empregados como fontes de cátions e ácido cítrico como complexante. Os materiais obtidos tiveram sua microestrutura e propriedades ópticas e magnéticas caracterizadas no intuito de observar a influência do teor de dopante nos produtos obtidos. Estudos de difratometria de raios X exibiram reflexões características de nanopartículas com estrutura cúbica de espinélio, sem formação de segunda fase. As ferritas apresentaram área superficial específica de aproximadamente 100 m².g-1. A média do tamanho de cristalito, confirmada por imagens de MET, indica que houve variação de 5 a 12 nm nas amostras. Nesse sentido, foi observada uma diminuição do tamanho de cristalito com o aumento do teor de lantânio, o que não era esperado. Espectros Raman indicaram um alto grau de inversão nos espinélios CoLa0,05Fe1,95O4 e CoLa0,1Fe1,975O4. A refletância difusa mostrou 90% de absorção na região do UV-visível. Foi observada uma diminuição no band gap das amostras dopadas, de 1,35 para 1,1 eV. Quanto às propriedades magnéticas, um significativo decréscimo de coercividade de 740 para 158 Oersted foi encontrado com o aumento do teor de lantânio (CoFe2O4 para CoLa0,025Fe1.975O4). A máxima magnetização (M*) obtida (definida para um campo aplicado de 20 kOe) decresceu de 44,6 para 29,0 emu.g−1. Estes resultados mostram que as nanopartículas produzidas apresentaram características ideais para aplicação, por exemplo, como adsorventes magnéticos na separação de contaminantes de água.The present work was carried out in order to synthesize lanthanumdoped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (CoLaxFe2-xO4) through the sol-gel method, using a heat treatment of 300ºC. Iron and cobalt nitrates were used as a source of cations and citric acid as a complexant. The obtained materials had their microstructure and magnetic properties characterized in order to observe the influence of the doping content on the obtained products. XRD patterns confirm the presence of cubic spinel CoFe2O4 nanoparticles without second phases.. Surface area increased from 74.3 to 109.3 m2.g−1 with the addition of La3+. The average crystallite size obtained via TEM images ranges between 5 nm and 12 nm A decrease in crystallite size was observed with increasing lanthanum content, which was not expected. Raman spectra indicate a tendency towards inversion of the spinel induced by the addition of the lanthanide. Diffuse reflectance showed 90% of absorption in the UV-Vis region. The optical band gap of the samples doped with La showed a progressive decrease from 1.35 to 1.1 eV, which was not expected. A significant decrease in coercivity from 740 to 158 Oe was observed with increase in La3+ (CoFe2O4 to CoLa0.025Fe1.975O4). Total magnetization (M* defined for maximum available field of 20 kOe) decayed from 44.6 to 29.0 emu.g−1. These results show that the produced nanoparticles are ideally suited as magnetic adsorbents in separation of pollutants from wastewater

    Correlation of synthesis parameters to the structural and magnetic properties of spinel cobalt ferrites (CoFe2O4) : an experimental and statistical study

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    Several studies have shown the exceptional responses of spinel cobalt ferrites as advanced ceramics. Nevertheless, there is still a gap in the literature regarding the effect of synthesis parameters on the properties of the spinel products. This work aims to correlate temperature and annealing time with the structural, optical, and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4. Precursors were prepared by sol–gel and thermally treated at 550, 650, and 750 °C for 2, 4, and 6 h. The microstructure was characterized by XRD, BET, SEM, and Raman spectroscopy. Treatment longer than 6 h at temperatures higher than 650 °C produced less inverted nanoparticles with larger crystallites. Although the initial annealing conditions did not influence the ferrites bandgap, VSM results showed an opposite response. The maximum in coercivity (1654.25 Oe) was obtained in the sample annealed in the shortest time (2 h) and at the lowest temperature (550 °C). Statistical analyses prove that despite not affecting the results in the same manner, both initial conditions affected the CoFe2O4 properties. Our results open up the possibility of improving the CoFe2O4 manufacturing process for commercial exploration