635 research outputs found

    Open Superstring Star as a Continuous Moyal Product

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    By diagonalizing the three-string vertex and using a special coordinate representation the matter part of the open superstring star is identified with the continuous Moyal product of functions of anti-commuting variables. We show that in this representation the identity and sliver have simple expressions. The relation with the half-string fermionic variables in continuous basis is given.Comment: Latex, 19 pages; more comments added and notations are simplifie

    Branes as Stable Holomorphic Line Bundles On the Non-Commutative Torus

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    It was recently suggested by A. Kapustin that turning on a BB-field, and allowing some discrepancy between the left and and right-moving complex structures, must induce an identification of B-branes with holomorphic line bundles on a non-commutative complex torus. We translate the stability condition for the branes into this language and identify the stable topological branes with previously proposed non-commutative instanton equations. This involves certain topological identities whose derivation has become familiar in non-commutative field theory. It is crucial for these identities that the instantons are localized. We therefore explore the case of non-constant field strength, whose non-linearities are dealt with thanks to the rank-one Seiberg--Witten map.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Construction of the Vacuum String Field Theory on a non-BPS Brane

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    In the framework of the Sen conjectures a construction of vacuum superstring field theory on a non-BPS brane is discussed. A distinguished feature of this theory is a presence of a ghost kinetic operator mixing GSO+/- sectors. A candidate for such kinetic operator with zero cohomology is discussed.Comment: expression for the pure ghost kinetic operator corrected, Comments added; 21 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX 2

    Non-Linear/Non-Commutative Non-Abelian Monopoles

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    Using recently proposed non-linearly realized supersymmetry in non-Abelian gauge theory corrected to the order (alpha')^2, we derive the non-linear BPS equations in the background B-field for the U(2) monopoles and instantons. We show that these non-Abelian non-linear BPS equations coincide with the non-commutative anti-self-dual equations via the Seiberg-Witten map.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    ADHM/Nahm Construction of Localized Solitons in Noncommutative Gauge Theories

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    We study the relationship between ADHM/Nahm construction and ``solution generating technique'' of BPS solitons in noncommutative gauge theories. ADHM/Nahm construction and ``solution generating technique'' are the most strong ways to construct exact BPS solitons. Localized solitons are the solitons which are generated by the ``solution generating technique.'' The shift operators which play crucial roles in ``solution generating technique'' naturally appear in ADHM/Nahm construction and we can construct various exact localized solitons including new solitons: localized periodic instantons (=localized calorons) and localized doubly-periodic instantons. Nahm construction also gives rise to BPS fluxons straightforwardly from the appropriate input Nahm data which is expected from the D-brane picture of BPS fluxons. We also show that the Fourier-transformed soliton of the localized caloron in the zero-period limit exactly coincides with the BPS fluxon.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures; v3: minor changes, references added; v4: references added, version to appear in PR

    Modelling mucociliary clearance

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    Mathematical modelling of the fluid mechanics of mucociliary clearance (MCC) is reviewed and future challenges for researchers are discussed. The morphology of the bronchial and tracheal airway surface liquid (ASL) and ciliated epithelium are briefly introduced. The cilia beat cycle, beat frequency and metachronal coordination are described, along with the rheology of the mucous layer. Theoretical modelling of MCC from the late 1960s onwards is reviewed, and distinctions between ‘phenomenological’, ‘slender body theory’ and recent ‘fluid–structure interaction’ models are explained.\ud \ud The ASL consists of two layers, an overlying mucous layer and underlying watery periciliary layer (PCL) which bathes the cilia. Previous models have predicted very little transport of fluid in the PCL compared with the mucous layer. Fluorescent tracer transport experiments on human airway cultures conducted by Matsui et al. [Matsui, H., Randell, S.H., Peretti, S.W., Davis, C.W., Boucher, R.C., 1998. Coordinated clearance of periciliary liquid and mucus from airway surfaces. J. Clin. Invest. 102 (6), 1125–1131] apparently showed equal transport in both the PCL and mucous layer. Recent attempts to resolve this discrepancy by the present authors are reviewed, along with associated modelling findings. These findings have suggested new insights into the interaction of cilia with mucus due to pressure gradients associated with the flat PCL/mucus interface. This phenomenon complements previously known mechanisms for ciliary propulsion. Modelling results are related to clinical findings, in particular the increased MCC observed in patients with pseudohypoaldosteronism. Recent important advances by several groups in modelling the fluid–structure interaction by which the cilia movement and fluid transport emerge from specification of internal mechanics, viscous and elastic forces are reviewed. Finally, we discuss the limitations of existing work, and the challenges for the next generation of models, which may provide further insight into this complex and vital system

    Patterns in Open String Field Theory Solutions

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    In open string field theory the kinetic operator mixes matter and ghost sectors, and thus the ghost structure of classical solutions is not universal. Nevertheless, we have found from numerical analysis that certain ratios of expectation values for states involving pure ghost excitations appear to be universal. We give an analytic expression for these ratios and find good evidence that they are common to all known solutions of open string field theory, including the tachyon vacuum solution, lump solutions and string fields representing marginal deformations. We also draw attention to a close correspondence between the expectation values for the pure matter components in the tachyon vacuum solution and those in the solution of a simpler equation for a ghost number zero string field. Finally we observe that the action of L_0 on the tachyon condensate gives a state that is approximately factorized into a matter and a ghost part.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Circumbinary, not transitional: on the spiral arms, cavity, shadows, fast radial flows, streamers, and horseshoe in the HD 142527 disc

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    We present 3D hydrodynamical models of the HD142527 protoplanetary disc, a bright and well-studied disc that shows spirals and shadows in scattered light around a 100 au gas cavity, a large horseshoe dust structure in mm continuum emission, together with mysterious fast radial flows and streamers seen in gas kinematics. By considering several possible orbits consistent with the observed arc, we show that all of the main observational features can be explained by one mechanism - the interaction between the disc and the observed binary companion. We find that the spirals, shadows, and horseshoe are only produced in the correct position angles by a companion on an inclined and eccentric orbit approaching periastron - the 'red' family from Lacour et al. Dust-gas simulations show radial and azimuthal concentration of dust around the cavity, consistent with the observed horseshoe. The success of this model in the HD142527 disc suggests other mm-bright transition discs showing cavities, spirals, and dust asymmetries may also be explained by the interaction with central companions
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