71 research outputs found

    Reduction of volatile organic compounds emissions in crude oil industry by cleaner production principles.

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    Industrija prerade nafte predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih izvora lakoisparljivih organskih jedinjenja VOC (eng. Volatile Organic Compounds) u industrijskom sektoru. Cilј ovog naučnog istraživanja je postavlјanje osnova u tehnološkom projektovanju kojima se postiže smanjenje emisija VOC kroz definisanje proaktivne strategije kao važnog činioca čistije proizvodnje. Ova doktorska disertacija ispituje mogućnosti smanjenja difuznih VOC emisija i predlaže mere za njihovo smanjivanje. Štetne uticaje, koji su rezultat tehnoloških procesa u rafinerijama nafte, neophodno je najpre valjano kvantifikovati i zatim ublažiti primenom tehnika čistije proizvodnje. Metodom analize osetlјivosti ispitan je uticaj kritičnih parametara na kvantitet VOC emisija. Naučna metoda studije slučaja korišćena je za a) utvrđivanje kvantiteta i trenda kretanja gasovitih VOC emisija i b) radi utvrđivanja potrebe za definisanjem novih pristupa u ovoj oblasti. Studije slučaja, koje ispituju problem i njegovo rešenje u kontekstu realnog industrijskog okruženja, obuhvatile su procese manipulacije naftnim derivatima i njihov transport. Na osnovu rezultata studija slučaja predložene su metode za proaktivno delovanje u cilju smanjenja VOC emisija. Emisije iz skladišnih rezervoara sirove nafte iznose oko 0,5 kg/t za rezervoare sa fiksnim krovom, a 10–3 kg/t za rezervoare sa plutajućim krovom. Emisije dizela i mazuta su zanemarljivo male i iznose do 10–3 kg/t. Najmanje emisije isparljivih naftnih derivata javljaju se u slučaju rezervoara sa kupolastim krovom (oko 0,004 kg/t), a najviše u slučaju rezervoara sa fiksnim krovom (do 2,07 kg/t). Studija slučaja transporta nafte i naftnih derivata na reci Dunav u Republici Srbiji pokazala je porast emisija koje nastaju u toku pretakanja i plovidbe cca 22 puta u periodu 2006-2010. godina...Crude oil and its derivates are a significant source of VOC, i.e., volatile organic compounds. A goal of this research is to set a base for VOC emission reduction through engineering design and proactive actions as a cleaner production strategy. This doctoral dissertation analyses a possibilities of reducing diffuse VOC emissions and propose appropriate measures for it. Oil refinery VOC emissions need to be first quantified and then reduced by application of cleaner production principles. Influences of a particular parameter on obtained results are determined by the sensitivity analyses method. A case study as scientific method was used in order to: a) quantify and determine the gaseous VOC emissions trends and b) prepare the ground for a policy change in this area. Conducted case studies covered crude oil derivates manipulation processes (loading, wastewater treatment) and transport. Based on the results, proactive VOC emissions reduction measures are proposed. Diffuse emissions from crude oil fixed roof storage tank losses are cca. 0.5 kg per tone of crude oil. For floating roof, crude oil losses are 10-3 kg/t. Fuel oil (diesel fuel and heating oil) have the smallest evaporation losses, which are in order of magnitude 10–3 kg/tone. Liquids with higher Reid Vapour Pressure have very high evaporative losses for tanks with fixed roof, up to 2.07 kg/tone. A case study of petrochemicals river barge transportation on the Danube River in Serbia showed that evaporative losses have increased cca. 22 times in period 2006-2010 and, that vapour collection system can reduce VOC emissions by up to 3 times..


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    Poliklinički informacijski sustav kardiološke poliklinike omogućava kvalitetno upravljanje poslovnim procesima poliklinike. Medicinska sestra provodi zdravstvenu skrb za pacijenta uz podršku informacijskog sustava koji podržava identifikaciju i prijam pacijenata, naplatu participacije, fakturiranje obavljenih usluga, narudžbe pacijenata za neinvazivnu dijagnostiku te provođenje dijagnostike. Sestra na svakom pojedinom radilištu unosi osobne podatke pacijenta, nadopunjuje postojeće, a ima mogućnost stavljanja zabilješki kao i uvida u rezultate dijagnostičkih pretraga pacijenata i mišljenja liječnika za pacijente u poliklinici. Uz navedeno sestra evidentira pružene usluge i korišteni materijal te na temelju toga provodi fakturiranje i naplatu usluga. Podatci su dostupni na svim radilištima isključivo ovlaštenim osobama. Uvođenjem informacijskog sustava medicinske sestre na prijamnom šalteru i sestrinskoj ordinaciji evidentiraju administrativne podatke i podatke vezane za dijagnostičku obradu u trenutku kada oni nastaju i na mjestima gdje nastaju. Pristup podatcima je dozvoljen samo uz osobnu lozinku. Olakšava se evidencija dolazaka pacijenata na radilište, omogućava bolja komunikacija s pacijentom u slučaju da pacijenta treba kontaktirati, te je olakšana izrada izvješća kao i analiza podataka. Osim prednosti javljaju se i problemi poput nedovoljne edukacije osoblja i nedovoljne pouzdanosti informatičke infrastrukture koja u slučaju preopterećenosti može usporiti sustav, što oduzima vrijeme i zdravstvenim djelatnicima i pacijentima.The cardiologic polyclinic information system ensures effective management of business processes in the polyclinic. Medical nurse provides health care to a patient with the support of the information system, which enables recording the patient’s identity, admission, participation fee charges, billing for the services provided, patients’ orders for noninvasive diagnostic methods, and implementation of diagnostic methods. The nurse enters patient’s personal information at every work station, updates the existing records, and has an opportunity to add notes and insights to the results of patient’s diagnostic tests and doctors’ opinions for patients in the polyclinic. Additionally, the nurse records the services and supplies provided, and these entries are used for billing and service charges. This information is accessible at every work station to authorized persons exclusively. The implementation of the information system enables medical nurses working at the reception desk and in nurses’ consulting room to record administrative data and data related to diagnostic analysis at the moment and at the place they happen. A personal password is required to access these data. In this way, the patient admission recording is facilitated, and in case the patient needs to be contacted, communication with him/her is improved, and finally, writing reports and data analysis are simplified. Apart from the advantages, there also are problems such as inadequate staff education and insufficient reliability of the information infrastructure, which if overloaded, can slow down the system, and this is time consuming for both health workers and patients


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    Poliklinički informacijski sustav kardiološke poliklinike omogućava kvalitetno upravljanje poslovnim procesima poliklinike. Medicinska sestra provodi zdravstvenu skrb za pacijenta uz podršku informacijskog sustava koji podržava identifikaciju i prijam pacijenata, naplatu participacije, fakturiranje obavljenih usluga, narudžbe pacijenata za neinvazivnu dijagnostiku te provođenje dijagnostike. Sestra na svakom pojedinom radilištu unosi osobne podatke pacijenta, nadopunjuje postojeće, a ima mogućnost stavljanja zabilješki kao i uvida u rezultate dijagnostičkih pretraga pacijenata i mišljenja liječnika za pacijente u poliklinici. Uz navedeno sestra evidentira pružene usluge i korišteni materijal te na temelju toga provodi fakturiranje i naplatu usluga. Podatci su dostupni na svim radilištima isključivo ovlaštenim osobama. Uvođenjem informacijskog sustava medicinske sestre na prijamnom šalteru i sestrinskoj ordinaciji evidentiraju administrativne podatke i podatke vezane za dijagnostičku obradu u trenutku kada oni nastaju i na mjestima gdje nastaju. Pristup podatcima je dozvoljen samo uz osobnu lozinku. Olakšava se evidencija dolazaka pacijenata na radilište, omogućava bolja komunikacija s pacijentom u slučaju da pacijenta treba kontaktirati, te je olakšana izrada izvješća kao i analiza podataka. Osim prednosti javljaju se i problemi poput nedovoljne edukacije osoblja i nedovoljne pouzdanosti informatičke infrastrukture koja u slučaju preopterećenosti može usporiti sustav, što oduzima vrijeme i zdravstvenim djelatnicima i pacijentima.The cardiologic polyclinic information system ensures effective management of business processes in the polyclinic. Medical nurse provides health care to a patient with the support of the information system, which enables recording the patient’s identity, admission, participation fee charges, billing for the services provided, patients’ orders for noninvasive diagnostic methods, and implementation of diagnostic methods. The nurse enters patient’s personal information at every work station, updates the existing records, and has an opportunity to add notes and insights to the results of patient’s diagnostic tests and doctors’ opinions for patients in the polyclinic. Additionally, the nurse records the services and supplies provided, and these entries are used for billing and service charges. This information is accessible at every work station to authorized persons exclusively. The implementation of the information system enables medical nurses working at the reception desk and in nurses’ consulting room to record administrative data and data related to diagnostic analysis at the moment and at the place they happen. A personal password is required to access these data. In this way, the patient admission recording is facilitated, and in case the patient needs to be contacted, communication with him/her is improved, and finally, writing reports and data analysis are simplified. Apart from the advantages, there also are problems such as inadequate staff education and insufficient reliability of the information infrastructure, which if overloaded, can slow down the system, and this is time consuming for both health workers and patients

    Kvalitet života i politika oporezivanja u Evropskoj uniji

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    U radu su autori nastojali da usmjere svoju pažnju na međusobnu uslovlje-nost kvaliteta života i politike oporezivanja u Evropskoj uniji, i to ukazivanjem na činjenice koje se odnose na efekte harmonizacije pojedinih oblika opore-zivanja u okrilju Evropske unije i uticaj te harmonizacije na kvalitet života građana. U okviru Evropske unije izdvajaju se aktivnosti koje su okrenute ka uklanjanju prepreka u slobodnom kretanju ljudi, dobara i kapitala i slobodnom pružanju usluga. Bitno je razmotriti kakvi su normativni, a samim tim i insti-tucionalni okviri vođenja poreske politike u Evropskoj uniji, kao i uticaj te politike na kvalitet života građana u njenim državama. S druge strane, kakve reperkusije ti sistemi u okviru nacionalnih i nadnacionalnih okvira mogu imati na vođenje poreske politike u Srbiji, kao i u zemljama u okruženju, i njihov uticaj na različite aspekte kvaliteta života njenih građana. Posebno su opisani efekti harmonizacije posrednih poreza na kvalitet života

    Prolonged Alprazolam Treatment Alters Components of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in the Hippocampus of Male Wistar Rats—The Neuroadaptive Changes following Long-Term Benzodiazepine (Mis)Use

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    Alprazolam (ALP), a benzodiazepine (BDZ) used to treat anxiety, panic, and sleep disorders, is one of the most prescribed psychotropic drugs worldwide. The side effects associated with long-term (mis)use of ALP have become a major challenge in pharmacotherapy, emphasizing the unmet need to further investigate their underlying molecular mechanisms. Prolonged BDZ exposure may induce adaptive changes in the function of several receptors, including the primary target, gammaaminobutyric acid receptor type A (GABAAR), but also other neurotransmitter receptors such as glutamatergic. The present study investigated the potential effects of prolonged ALP treatment on components of glutamatergic neurotransmission, with special emphasis on N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) in the hippocampus of adult male Wistar rats. The study revealed behavioral changes consistent with potential onset of tolerance and involvement of the glutamatergic system in its development. Specifically, an increase in NMDAR subunits (NR1, NR2A, NR2B), a decrease in vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (vGlut1), and differential modulation of excitatory amino acid transporters 1 and 2 (EAAT1/2, in vivo and in vitro) were observed, alongside a decrease in α1-containing GABAAR following the treatment. By describing the development of compensatory actions in the glutamatergic system, the present study provides valuable information on neuroadaptive mechanisms following prolonged ALP intake

    Liječenje i ishod trudnoća kompliciranih infekcijom COVID-19: deskriptivna studija jednog centra

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    This study aims to describe the clinical characteristics, radiological and laboratory results, therapy and outcome of pregnancies complicated by COVID-19 infection. Methodology. A retrospective descriptive study included all pregnant women with COVID-19 who gave birth in our hospital from April 2020 to January 2022. Exclusion criteria were: incomplete or unclear medical documentation, suspected COVID-19 infection without confirmation by PCR or rapid Ag test, previously diagnosed autoimmune diseases, positive history of malignant diseases, and started oxygen support in another institution before admission to our hospital. Results. Our study included 186 pregnant women who gave birth at KBC “Dr. Dragiša Mišović – Dedinje” in the mentioned period. Of these, 69 had no symptoms of COVID-19 infection, and 67 developed a milder clinical picture. In comparison, 41 pregnant women were diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. A total of 38 pregnant women were admitted to the intensive care unit, of which 32 pregnant women needed oxygen support, 20 pregnant women were on an oxygen mask, 2 of them on a high-flow nasal canal, four pregnant women on non-invasive mechanical ventilation and six pregnant women on invasive mechanical ventilation. Of the total number of patients, 111 had a natural vaginal delivery, while 75 underwent cesarean section. Of 111 pregnant women who had a vaginal delivery, 92 (83%) received epidural analgesia, while 19 (17%) did not. Among pregnant women undergoing cesarean section, nine pregnant women (12%) received epidural anesthesia, 51 of them (68) received spinal anesthesia, while a cesarean section in 15 pregnant women (20%) was performed under general balanced anesthesia. Of 186 hospitalized and delivered pregnant women, 183 (98.4%) were discharged home in good general condition, while three (1.6%) had a fatal outcome. Conclusion. The clinical manifestations of pregnant women suffering from COVID-19 infection corresponded to the symptoms of the general population to the greatest extent. In contrast, the excessive use of antibiotics, even for asymptomatic patients, is very worrying.Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj opisati kliničke karakteristike, radiološke i laboratorijske nalaze, terapiju i ishod trudnoća kompliciranih infekcijom COVID-19. Metodologija. Retrospektivna deskriptivna studija obuhvatila je sve trudnice s COVID-19 koje su rodile u našoj bolnici od travnja 2020. do siječnja 2022. Kriteriji za isključenje bili su: nepotpuna ili nejasna medicinska dokumentacija, sumnja na infekciju COVID-19 bez potvrde PCR-om ili brzim Ag testom, prethodno dijagnosticirane autoimune bolesti, pozitivna anamneza malignih bolesti, te započeta potpora kisikom u drugoj ustanovi prije prijema u našu bolnicu. Rezultati. Našim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 186 trudnica koje su se u navedenom periodu porodile u KBC “Dr. Dragiša Mišović – Dedinje”. Od toga 69 nije imalo simptome infekcije COVID-19, a 67 je razvilo blažu kliničku sliku. Za usporedbu, kod 41 trudnice dijagnosticirana je obostrana upala pluća. Ukupno 38 trudnica primljeno je na jedinicu intenzivne njege, od čega su 32 trudnice trebale kisikovu potporu, 20 trudnica je bilo na kisikovoj maski, od toga 2 na visokoprotočnoj nazalnoj njezi, četiri trudnice na neinvazivnoj. mehaničkom ventilacijom i šest trudnica na invazivnoj mehaničkoj ventilaciji. Od ukupnog broja pacijentica, 111 je imalo prirodni vaginalni porod, a 75 je podvrgnuto carskom rezu. Od 111 trudnica koje su imale vaginalni porod, 92 (83%) dobile su epiduralnu analgeziju, a 19 (17%) nije. Od trudnica podvrgnutih carskom rezu, devet trudnica (12%) dobilo je epiduralnu anesteziju, njih 51 (68) spinalnu anesteziju, dok je carski rez u 15 trudnica (20%) obavljen u općoj uravnoteženoj anesteziji. Od 186 hospitaliziranih i porodilja, 183 (98,4%) otpuštene su kući u dobrom općem stanju, dok su tri (1,6%) imale smrtni ishod. Zaključak. Kliničke manifestacije trudnica oboljelih od infekcije COVID-19 u najvećoj su mjeri odgovarale simptomima opće populacije. Nasuprot tome, pretjerana uporaba antibiotika, čak i kod asimptomatskih pacijenata, vrlo je zabrinjavajuća

    Effect оf delamination оn physico-chemical properties оf kaolin

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    To provide the quality required for its use, raw kaolin must be subjected to certain processing procedures like delamination which is applied to the layered structure materials. The aim of this research is to determine the possibility of performing delamination in the extruder and to estimate the effects of this process on the physico-chemical properties of kaolin. The results showed that delamination can be efficiently realized in the extruder by shearing densely packed layers under the influence of friction force and added Na2 CO3 electrolyte. The crystal structure of the system was thus disrupted. This was confirmed by the Hinckley index (HI) decrease and by the dilatometric characteristics changes during heating. The particle size was reduced and, furthermore, new adsorption centers were formed, which led to an increase in the total cation exchange capacity (CEC). The plasticity of kaolin decreased with the increasing delamination degree, as well as the amount of water required for plastic processing, which is favorable in drying ceramic products

    The process of obtaining quartz sand size fraction -0.4 + 0.05 mm for use in water glass production

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    The paper presents the process of quartz sand processing from the „Bijela Stijena“-Skočić deposit in the plant „Kesogradnja d.o.o.“ at Kozluk near Zvornik, Republic of Srpska. Bearing in mind the fact that this quartz sand is used for water glass production in the company „Birač“ - Zvornik or „Alumina“ Zvornik, it was necessary to meet the quality requirements prescribed by that industrial production. Thus, the required size was -0.4+0.05 mm and the Fe2O3 content was maximum of 0.04%. Based on the laboratory tests, a technological scheme for the quartz raw material valorization was conceived in the separation of the company „Kesogradnja d.o.o.“. The obtained results showed that quartz sand for water glass size fraction -0.4+0.05 mm could be obtained in the plant. Also, by introducing a magnetic concentration after washing and grading, the Fe2O3 content was reduced from 0.131% as it is in the initial sample to 0.038% which meets the required conditions from the water glass producers

    Optimizacija mlevenja aktivne komponente i hidrofobizacija dobijenog sredstva za gašenje požara]

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    This work presents a grinding process of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) as an active component in a powder fire extinguisher (PFE). The aim was to determine the grinding time for reaching the optimal particle size of MAP necessary for permanent fire extinguishing. MAP grinding was performed by using a laboratory ceramic ball mill and a vibrating cup mill. The grinding process was controlled by sieving using a 100 µm sieve at precisely defined time intervals. The efficiency of a PFE depends on the share of the -100 µm fraction of the active component, which has to exceed 60 %. The optimal grain size with 64 % of fraction of particle size -100 µm was obtained after 33 min of grinding of ≈3000 µm mm grain size MAP by using a ball mill (single-stage grinding). In two-stage process, by grinding the same initial MAP sample (≈3000 µm) in the vibro mill for 10 min, powder with the upper limit grain size of 300 µm and the mean grain diameter of 120 µm was obtained. This sample with a reduced size was further ground in the ceramic ball mill yielding 67.5 % of the fraction of particle size -100 µm after 19 min. The total time of the two-stage grinding process was 29 min. By analyzing the grinding time of MAP required to get the lowest required share of the fraction of particle size -100 µm that provides the effectiveness of formed PFE it can be concluded that 64 % of this fraction was obtained after 33 min of single-stage grinding, while only after 26 min in the two-stage process. Thus, the grinding time was reduced by 7 min indicating certain energy savings. Stability and hydrophobicity of the obtained PFE were achieved by coating with magnesium stearate (MgSt) at the content of 2 % in a ball mill for 15 min. The coating was confirmed by the standardized procedure for verification of PFE hydrophobic properties in contact with water drops. To obtained PFE had component mass ratios of MAP:AS:CC:QS:MgSt=55:20:18:5:2 (AS-ammonium sulfate; CC-calcium carbonate, QS-quartz sand) and was further characterized by chemical and granulometric analyses. The fire extinguishing efficiency of the PFE was tested in controlled conditions, whereby fires were initiated by burning solid materials and flammable liquids. In both cases, immediate elimination of flames was achieved, thus proving the efficiency of the PFE obtained in this work for practical applications.U radu je prikazan postupak mlevenja monoamonijum fosfata (MAP) kao aktivne komponente u praškastom sredstvu za gašenje požara (SGP). Cilj je bio da se utvrdi vreme mlevenja MAP koje je potrebno za dobijanje optimalne granulacije za potpuno gašenje požara i eliminisanje plamena. MAP je mleven u laboratorijskom keramičkom mlinu sa kuglama i vibro mlinu sa prstenastim radnim elementima. Proces je kontrolisan prosejavanjem na situ 100 μm. Utvrđeno je da se mlevenjem granula MAP veličine ≈3000 μm u laboratorijskom mlinu sa kuglama optimalna krupnoća od 64 % frakcije čestica veličine -100 μm dobija nakon 33 min mlevenja. Za postizanje iste finoće proizvoda u dvostepenom mlevenju vreme je skraćeno na 26 min (10 min u vibro mlinu i 16 min u mlinu sa kuglama). Stabilnost i hidrofobnost SGP je postignuta oblaganjem magnezijum stearatom (MgSt) pri udelu od 2 % u mlinu sa kuglama u trajanju od 15 min. Efikasnost gašenja je testirana na poligonu u realnim uslovima. Na tačno određenom mestu za testiranje, u kontro-lisanim uslovima, izazvan je požar paljenjem čvrstih materijala i zapaljivih tečnosti. U oba slučaja je došlo do trenutne eliminacije plamena. Na taj način je potvrđena efikasnost formiranog SGP i mogućnost njegove upotrebe u praksi