108 research outputs found

    Former heroin-dependent alcohol use disorder patients. prevalence, addiction history and clinical features

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    Aims: To examine the prevalence of former heroin dependence (FHA) in Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) patients; to compare the clinical characteristics of FHA-AUD patients versus AUD patients without any past use of heroin at alcohol treatment entry; to document the heroin dependence history of FHA-AUD patients, and review treatment strategies for this group. Methods: Retrospective case review of 448 consecutive AUD patients. Results: The annual entry of FHA-AUD showed stability over the study period of 3 years overall 60/ 448 (13.3%). FHA-AUD patients showed higher concomitant use of cocaine, benzodiazepines, cannabis and hallucinogens than other heroin addicts. They consumed higher amounts of alcohol at the beginning of their alcohol dependence history, and reached a high maximum level of alcohol consumption, than other AUD patients, and tended to have more physical disorders. The most important signals of FHA-AUD were polyabuse and older age at the time of presentation. FHA-AUD patients tended to have had a severe pattern of heroin dependence associated with inadequate agonist opiate treatment. Conclusions: The prevalence of FHA-AUD patients is not negligible. This may relate to previous inadequate treatment of heroin addiction contributing to the development of severe AUD. For these patients we propose a reconsideration of ‘soft’ (low dose) agonist opiate treatment

    Do Akiskal & Mallya's affective temperaments belong to the domain of pathology or to that of normality?

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    BACKGROUND: Kraepelin and Kretschmer hypothesized a continuum between full-blown affective pathology and premorbid temperaments. More recently Akiskal proposed a putative adaptive role for the four fundamental temperaments: the hyperthymic one characterized by emotional intensity, the cyclothymic one by emotional instability, the depressive one by a low energy level, and the irritable one by an excessive response to stimuli. Today it is widely debated whether affective temperaments belong to the domain of pathology or to that of normality. PURPOSE: To make clear, by applying an integrated model, the position of affective temperaments within the continuum between normality and pathology. METHODS: We reviewed several papers that explore the distribution of affective temperaments among the general population, and their involvement both in pathological conditions (somatic and psychiatric) and in human activities (professions and other occupations). RESULTS: Far from being intrinsically pathological conditions, affective temperaments seem to represent adaptive dispositions whose dysregulation can lead to full-blown affective pathology. All the temperamental types display some impact on people's lives by influencing personal skills and professional choices over a wide field of human activities. CONCLUSIONS: Affective temperaments are not problematic when they appear in a mild form, but when they occur in extreme form we have observed a gap between the hyperthymic temperament, which represents the most functional and desirable, and the cyclothymic, depressive, irritable and phobic anxious ones, which are closer to mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders, and imply a component of somatic diseases and life stressors

    The effectiveness of the combination fluoxetine-naltrexone in bulimia nervosa.

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    Four patients with DSM-IV bulimia nervosa were treated in a crossover trial with naltrexone alone, fluoxetine alone, and a fluoxetine-naltrexone combination. Three patients presented a complete remission when treated with the fluoxetine-naltrexone combination

    Do methadone and buprenorphine have the same impact on psychopathological symptoms of heroin addicts?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The idea that the impact of opioid agonist treatment is influenced by the psychopathological profile of heroin addicts has not yet been investigated, and is based on the concept of a specific therapeutic action displayed by opioid agents on psychopathological symptoms. In the present report we compared the effects of buprenorphine and methadone on the psychopathological symptoms of 213 patients (106 on buprenorphine and 107 on methadone) in a follow-up study lasting 12 months.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Drug addiction history was collected by means of the Drug Addiction History Rating Scale (DAH-RS) and psychopathological features were collected by means of the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90), using a special five-factor solution. Toxicological urinalyses were carried out for each patient during the treatment period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No statistically significant differences were detected in psychopathological symptoms, including 'worthlessness-being trapped', 'somatization', and 'panic-anxiety'. Methadone proved to be more effective on patients characterized by 'sensitivity-psychoticism', whereas buprenorphine was more effective on patients displaying a 'violence-suicide' symptomatology.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Heroin-dependent patients with psychiatric comorbidities may benefit from opioid agonist treatment not only because it targets their addictive problem, but also, precisely due to this, because it is effective against their mental disorder too.</p

    Psychomotor Symptoms in Chronic Cocaine Users: An Interpretative Model

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    According to the latest estimates, there are around 24.6 million cocaine users worldwide, and it is estimated that around a quarter of the population worldwide has used cocaine at some point in their lifetime. It follows that such widespread consumption represents a major risk for public health. Long\u2010term use of cocaine, in addition to being related to many cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, is increasingly associated with a higher incidence of psychomotor symptoms and neurodegenerative disorders. In recent years, numerous studies have shown an increased risk of antipsychotic\u2010induced extrapyramidal symptoms (EPSs) in patients with psychotic spectrum disorders comorbid with psychostimulant misuse, particularly of cocaine. In the present paper, we describe the case of a young patient on his first entry into a psychiatric setting with previous cocaine misuse who rapidly presented psychomotor symptoms and was poorly responsive to symptomatic therapy consisting of benzodiazepines and anticholinergics, in relation to the introduction of various antipsychotics (first, second, and third generation). Furthermore, we propose neurobiological mechanisms underlying the hypothesized increased vulnerability to psychomotor symptoms in chronic cocaine abusers. Specifically, we supposed that the chronic administration of cocaine produces important neurobiological changes, causing a complex dysregulation of various neurotransmitter systems, mainly affecting subcortical structures and the dopaminergic and glutamatergic pathways. We believe that a better understanding of these neurochemical and neurobiological processes could have useful clinical and therapeutic implications by providing important indications to increase the risk\u2013benefit ratio in pharmacological choice in patients with psychotic spectrum disorders comorbid with a substance use disorder

    Harm Reduction as "Continuum Care" in Alcohol Abuse Disorder

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    Alcohol abuse is one of the most important risk factors for health and is a major cause of death and morbidity. Despite this, only about one-tenth of individuals with alcohol abuse disorders receive therapeutic intervention and specific rehabilitation. Among the various dichotomies that limit an effective approach to the problem of alcohol use disorder treatment, one of the most prominent is integrated treatment versus harm reduction. For years, these two divergent strategies have been considered to be opposite poles of different philosophies of intervention. One is bound to the search for methods that aim to lead the subject to complete abstinence; the other prioritizes a progressive decline in substance use, with maximum reduction in the damage that is correlated with curtailing that use. Reduction of alcohol intake does not require any particular setting, but does require close collaboration between the general practitioner, specialized services for addiction, alcohology services and psychiatry. In patients who reach that target, significant savings in terms of health and social costs can be achieved. Harm reduction is a desirable target, even from an economic point of view. At the present state of neuroscientific knowledge, it is possible to go one step further in the logic that led to the integration of psychosocial and pharmacological approaches, by attempting to remove the shadows of social judgment that, at present, are aiming for a course of treatment that is directed towards absolute abstention


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    Background: Previous studies suggest that temperament features of adolescents may be good predictors of the development of future psychopathology in this population. The aim of the study was to adapt the content and validate the psychometric properties of the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego - Auto questionnaire in a sample of Serbian adolescents. Subjects and methods: The sample included 2113 adolescents, 56% girls and 44% boys, average age 16.73±0.47, attending 48 Serbian secondary schools. The base for the development of this scale included Serbian standardised versions as well as the TEMPSI, Interview version. Results: The final scale is comprised of 36 items, with six factors (depressive, cyclothymic, hyperthymic, irritable, and anxiouscognitive/ somatic) explaining 39.9% of the total variance, the internal consistency coefficient α=0.77, and the average test–retest coefficient (rho=0.84). The correlations among the temperaments ranged from weak to moderate, with the highest positive correlations between the depressive, cyclothymic and anxious scales. The highest values were detected on hyperthymic and the lowest on depressive temperament. Significantly higher scores of depressive, cyclothymic and anxious temperaments were detected in girls, whereas boys had higher scores on the hyperthymic scale. Conclusions: The scale has shown good psychometric properties, which encourages its further use in adolescent population. The results show certain specific features of this population, such as higher scores on all temperament types than the ones in student and adult population and a tendency of socially desirable answers

    The mental status of 1090 heroin addicts at entry into treatment: should depression be considered a 'dual diagnosis'?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mental symptoms are common in heroin addiction and may arise from issues of addiction and withdrawal, raising doubts about the patients truly having co-morbid psychiatric diagnoses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied the mental status of 1090 heroin addicts (831 males and 259 females aged between 16 and 51 years) at the beginning of treatment, and its relationship to relevant demographic and clinical data through the use of standardised instruments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 506 (46.42%) heroin addicts showed depressive-anxious symptomatology, 421 (38.62%) had psychomotor excitement and 163 (14.95%) demonstrated a psychotic state. Patients with depressive-anxious symptomatology on the whole had a less severe addictive illness compared to those demonstrating excited and psychotic symptoms. The presence of depressive-anxious features was felt to not necessarily be indicative of the presence of a dual diagnosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presence of depressive-anxious symptomatology in the clinical presentation in heroin addicts appears to be unrelated to 'dual diagnosis'.</p

    Item Reduction, Psychometric and Biometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Body Perception Questionnaire-Short Form (BPQ-SF): The BPQ-22

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    Body awareness disorders and reactivity are mentioned across a range of clinical problems. Constitutional differences in the control of the bodily state are thought to generate a vulnerability to psychological symptoms. Autonomic nervous system dysfunctions have been associated with anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress. Though interoception may be a transdiagnostic mechanism promoting the improvement of clinical symptomatology, few psychometrically sound, symptom-independent, self-report measures, informed by brain-body circuits, are available for research and clinical use. We validated the Italian version of the body perception questionnaire (BPQ)-short form and found that response categories could be collapsed from five to three and that the questionnaire retained a three-factor structure with items reduced from 46 to 22 (BPQ-22). The first factor was loaded by body awareness items; the second factor comprised some items from the body awareness scale and some from the subdiaphragmatic reactivity scale (but all related to bloating and digestive issues), and the third factor by supradiaphragmatic reactivity items. The BPQ-22 had sound psychometric properties, good convergent and discriminant validity and test-retest reliability and could be used in clinical and research settings in which the body perception assessment is of interest. Psychometric findings in light of the polyvagal theory are discussed