18 research outputs found


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    This work aimed at studying, under continuous flooding, biochemicalmechanisms such as total protein concentration, proteic oxidation, and membrane lipidperoxidation in leaf and root of the maize BRS 4154 (Saracura) seedlings, after 1 (C1), 8(C8) and 16 (C16) selection cycles under intermittent flooding. The variety BR 107 wasused as control. Seeds of the selection cycles from Saracura: C1, C8 and C16, and controlBR 107 were sowed with the embryo facing up, 1 cm deep, in perforated 200 ml plasticcups filled with lowland soil. The treatments were composed of the periods 0 h (withoutflooding) 8, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h under continuous flooding, using distilledwater up to the soil surface. Protein oxidation and concentration, root and leaf lipid peroxidation were responsive to flooding, showing the same tendency in all genotypesanalyzed

    Transcriptome analysis of resistant soybean roots infected by Meloidogyne javanica

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    Soybean is an important crop for Brazilian agribusiness. However, many factors can limit its production, especially root-knot nematode infection. Studies on the mechanisms employed by the resistant soybean genotypes to prevent infection by these nematodes are of great interest for breeders. For these reasons, the aim of this work is to characterize the transcriptome of soybean line PI 595099-Meloidogyne javanica interaction through expression analysis. Two cDNA libraries were obtained using a pool of RNA from PI 595099 uninfected and M. javanica (J2) infected roots, collected at 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 144 and 192 h after inoculation. Around 800 ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) were sequenced and clustered into 195 clusters. In silico subtraction analysis identified eleven differentially expressed genes encoding putative proteins sharing amino acid sequence similarities by using BlastX: metallothionein, SLAH4 (SLAC1 Homologue 4), SLAH1 (SLAC1 Homologue 1), zinc-finger proteins, AN1-type proteins, auxin-repressed proteins, thioredoxin and nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF-2). Other genes were also found exclusively in nematode stressed soybean roots, such as NAC domain-containing proteins, MADS-box proteins, SOC1 (suppressor of overexpression of constans 1) proteins, thioredoxin-like protein 4-Coumarate-CoA ligase and the transcription factor (TF) MYBZ2. Among the genes identified in non-stressed roots only were Ser/Thr protein kinases, wound-induced basic protein, ethylene-responsive family protein, metallothionein-like protein cysteine proteinase inhibitor (cystatin) and Putative Kunitz trypsin protease inhibitor. An understanding of the roles of these differentially expressed genes will provide insights into the resistance mechanisms and candidate genes involved in soybean-M. javanica interaction and contribute to more effective control of this pathogen

    Spatial structure of subtidal macrobenthic associations in a subtropical tidal creek (Paraná State, Brazil)

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    Distribution and diversity patterns of subtidal macrobenthos were investigated along a subtropical tidal creek in Paranaguá Bay (SE Brazil) in May 1988. Cluster and ordination analyses distinguished two associations, clearly related to the alternance of high- and low-energy depositional environments and the hydrological gradient. The first group, restricted to the upper reaches of the creek and recurrent in other estuarine environments of the Brazilian coast, was made up by sedentary or tube-dwelling depositfeeders, like the polychaetes Laeonereis acuta and Heteromastus similis and the tanaidacean Kalliapseudes schubarti. The second group, present in the middle section of the creek, was comprised of mobile species with carnivore or suspension-feeding habits, like the polychaetes Hemipodus olivieri and Giycinde multidens and juveniles of the bivalve .nomalocardia brasiliana. Species richness was low compared to other estuarine subtidal associa tions of Paranaguá Bay. No clear trends were evident in species diversity or dominance patterns along the hydrological gradient.Padrões de distribuição e diversidade do macrobentos sublitoral foram investigados ao longo da Gamboa Perequê, na Baía de Paranaguá, em maio de 1988. Análises de classificação e ordenação evidenciaram duas associações principais, claramente condicionadas pelo gradiente hidrológico e pela alternância de ambientes deposicionais de alta e baixa energia. O primeiro grupo, restrito à zona superior da gamboa e recorrente em outros ambientes estuarinos da costa brasileira, é composto por espécies sedentárias ou tubícolas detritívoras, como os poliquetas Laeorsereis acuta e Heteramastus simalis e o tanaidáceo Kaülapseudes schubarti. O segundo grupo, presente no setor mediano, é composto por espécies móveis, de hábito carnívoro ou filtrador, como os poliquetas Hemlpodus olivieri e Glycinde mulisdens e juvenis do bivalvo Ânomaiocardia brasiliana. A riqueza de espécies foi baixa em comparação com outras associações sublitorais da Baía de Paranaguá. Padrões bem definidos de diversidade específica ou dominância numérica não foram evidenciados ao longo do gradiente hidrológico

    Abstracts of the International Congress of Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences & Human Development (2016)

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    The papers published in this book of abstracts / proceedings were submitted to the Scientific Commission of the International Congress of Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences & Human Development, held on 11 and 12 November 2016, at the University of Évora, Évora, Portugal, under the topic of Exercise and Health, Sports and Human Development. The content of the abstracts is solely and exclusively of its authors responsibility. The editors and the Scientific Committee of the International Congress of Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences & Human Development do not assume any responsibility for the opinions and statements expressed by the authors. Partial reproduction of the texts and their use without commercial purposes is allowed, provided the source / reference is duly mentioned

    Controle genético da qualidade da vagem em cruzamento de feijão-vagem e feijão-comum Genetic control of pod quality in a cross between snap beans and common bean

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os tipos principais de ações gênicas responsáveis pela expressão fenotípica de alguns caracteres de qualidade da vagem, em cruzamento de feijão-vagem e feijão-comum. Foram avaliadas duas populações segregantes (F2 e F2:3), além das linhagens parentais. Como genitora feminina, utilizou-se a cultivar de feijão-vagem Conquista Rasteiro e, como genitora masculina, a linhagem de feijão-comum H126. Foram avaliados: comprimento da vagem, largura entre as suturas, largura das valvas, formato da vagem e teor de fibra da vagem . Os efeitos não-aditivos destacaram-se em todas as características avaliadas. Embora tenha ocorrido predominância dos efeitos genéticos sobre os ambientais, nas características comprimento e formato da vagem e teor de fibra, a eficiência da seleção em plantas individuais tendeu a ser bastante baixa nas gerações segregantes pouco avançadas, em razão dos baixos valores da herdabilidade no sentido restrito, exceto para formato da vagem. O predomínio dos efeitos genéticos sobre os ambientais em todas as características em nível de família, associado a valores de herdabilidade no sentido restrito em famílias F2:3, indica a alta eficiência para a seleção de famílias nas gerações segregantes pouco avançadas, com relação a todas as características, exceto para comprimento e teor de fibra.<br>The objective of this work was to study the main gene actions involved in phenotypic expression of pod quality in a cross between snap beans and common bean. Two segregating populations (F2 and F2:3) and the parental lines were evaluated. The snap bean cultivar Conquista Rasteiro was used as the female parent, and the common bean line H126 as the male parent. Pod length, between-suture width, valve width, pod shape, and percentage of pod fiber were evaluated. Non-additive gene effects were important for all traits evaluated. Even though genetic effects were higher than the environmental ones for pod length, pod shape, and percentage of pod fiber, efficiency of selection in individual plants tended to be low in early segregating generations, as demonstrated by the low narrow-sense heritabilities for most traits, except for pod shape. At family level, genetic effects were higher than the environmental ones for all evaluated traits, and most traits presented high narrow-sense heritabilities, indicating high selection efficiency at family level in early segregating generations for all traits, except for pod length and percentage of fiber

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2013: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2013: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP