2,010 research outputs found

    There are costs and benefits to rotating the names ofcandidates on ballot papers

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    There is a small but comprehensive literature on the impact of candidate and party position of election outcomes, with a consensus that appearing in particular positions a ballot paper can influence voter choice. Here, Kamil Marcinkiewicz adds to this literature, arguing that while name position does have an impact, it is not a uniform phenomenon, with different impacts being felt in different electoral systems and indeed countries

    Evaluating Committed Actions during Acceptance and Commitment Training for Caregivers of People with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

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    Caregivers of people with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) often experience greater levels of psychological distress (i.e., stress, depression, anxiety) than caregivers of people without disabilities. Prolonged psychological distress can lead to caregiver isolation and negatively impact many aspects of quality of life. Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) has been successful in increasing psychological flexibility through mindfulness and behavioural strategies for caregivers of people with NDDs. Previous ACT research has focused mainly on improving self-reported internal states (e.g., forms of psychological distress like anxiety) versus observable actions (e.g., goal setting). Limited research has focused on the behavioural activation component of ACT (i.e., committed actions), in relation to perceived levels of internal states. Examining the effect of behavioural activation on caregivers’ psychological distress during ACT could be a crucial aspect in understanding the mechanisms that may improve life satisfaction for caregivers of people with NDDs. An ACT workshop in addition to self-monitoring forms and instructions for self-monitoring were delivered to 11 caregivers. Caregivers were asked to self- monitor their committed actions and share their results with the researcher. A quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the impact of ACT on caregivers’ committed actions before, during, and after the group-based intervention. The results indicated that the frequency of self- monitoring immediately increased from baseline to intervention, however the same frequency was not maintained at follow-up. Statistical analyses showed that decreases in caregivers’ parenting stress was trending towards significance across time. Strengths and limitations of this study are discussed and recommendations for future research are provided

    Terror laktacyjny w przestrzeni wirtualnej

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    The aim of paper is to show problem of putting social pressure on mothers to breastfeeding. The internet forum about terror lactation was analyzed. In research used qualitative analyses of context. The results of study had shown the ratio of mothers to breastfeed, forms of pressure on mothers and social groups which put this pressure. It was shown stereotypes which exist in virtual space about women and breastfeeding

    Efektywność finansowa powszechnych towarzystw emerytalnych

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    I discorsi polacchi ed inglesi sulla storia dell’Italia medioevale: uno studio di polisistema

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    The article deals with the problem of polysystem differences between Polish and English historical text dealing with Middle Ages. In the Polish literary tradition, the Renaissance poetics of translation favored free adaptations, totally independent of the originals. The British tradition of translation, codified at the end of the eighteenth century, did not allow paraphrase. On the contrary, translation should give a full transcript of the idea of the original text, while the style and manner of rendering should have the same character as in the original. As for the rhetoric of science, in the Polish language, it was first shaped by literary models of highly declensional Latin and then French models of purple prose. In the English language, scientific diction was based on inherent Germanic and Norman syntax-oriented models and openness to foreign patterns which was valued as a resistance against smooth reading and straightforward interpretations. The article analyses Henryk Samsonowicz’s introduction to Rozkwit średniowiecznej Europy [The Heyday of Medieval Europe] (2001) as well as the Polish translation of Chris Wickham’s Medieval Rome. Stability and Crisis of the City, 900–1150 (2015). The conclusion is that Polish and English scientific texts â€“ not only those treating about Italy in the Middle Ages â€“ belong to different genres. While ­Polish authors try to create linguistically transparent, smooth, and stylized essays belonging to belles-lettres, their English colleagues seem to be down-to-earth and precise, consciously preserving traces of cultural (Italian/ Roman) foreignness.L’articolo affronta il problema delle differenze di polisistema tra testi storici polacchi e inglesi che trattano del Medioevo. Nella tradizione letteraria polacca, le poetiche rinascimentali della traduzione prediligevano il libero adattamento, del tutto indipendente dall’originale. La tradizione britannica della traduzione, codificata alla fine del XVIII secolo non permetteva la parafrasi. Al contrario, la traduzione dovrebbe trasmettere totalmente l’idea del testo originale, mentre lo stile e il modo di renderle dovrebbero avere le stesse caratteristiche dell’originale. Per quanto riguarda la retorica della scienza, nella lingua polacca, essa è stata dapprima formata da modelli letterari latini altamente declinanti e in seguito da modelli francesi di prosa ornata. Nella lingua inglese, la dizione scientifica era basata su modelli orientati alla sintassi germanica e normanna e l’apertura verso modelli stranieri era valutata come una resistenza ad una lettura scorrevole e ad interpretazioni chiare. L’articolo analizza l’introduzione di Henryk Samsonowicz a Rozkwit średniowiecz-nej Europy [Lo splendore dell’Europa Medioevale] (2001), cosĂŹ come la traduzione polacca di Medieval Rome. Stability and Crisis of the City di Chris Wickham (2015). Si conclude che i testi scientifici polacchi ed inglesi â€“ non solo quelli che trattano dell’Italia nel Medioevo â€“ appartengono a generi diversi. Mentre gli autori polacchi cercano di creare saggi linguisicamente trasparenti, scorrevoli e stilizzati appartenenti alle belles-lettres, i loro colleghi inglesi sembrano essere piĂš concreti e precisi, conservando consapevolmente le tracce dell’alteritĂ  culturale (italiana/romana)

    Some Aspects of Application of VECM Analysis for Modeling Causal Relationships Between Spot and Futures Prices

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    The article is devoted to the issue of the application of econometric concept of cointegration and error correction models (VECM) to study the relationship between futures prices and spot prices. The author attempted to identify the determinants of the use of this methodology with respect to the relationship of spot and futures prices. In case of the prices of futures contracts and their underlying instruments causal modeling is associated with the need to deal with the multiple problems resulting from the specific nature of this dependency. These problems affect both the proper preparation of the data, as well as adaptation of the methods to the nature of the investigated phenomena. The article also points out the possible interpretation of the results of the VECM analysis in the context of the theory related to spot and futures prices [email protected] of Organization and Management, Lodz University of Technology5(71)11412
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