360 research outputs found

    Botulinum toxin therapy: functional silencing of salivary disorders.

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    Botulinum toxin (BTX) is a neurotoxic protein produced by Clostridium botulinum, an anaerobic bacterium. BTX therapy is a safe and effective treatment when used for functional silencing of the salivary glands in disorders such as sialoceles and salivary fistulas that may have a post-traumatic or post-operative origin. BTX injections can be considered in sialoceles and salivary fistulas after the failure of or together with conservative treatments (e.g. antibiotics, pressure dressings, or serial aspirations). BTX treatment has a promising role in chronic sialadenitis. BTX therapy is highly successful in the treatment of gustatory sweating (Frey\u2019s syndrome), and could be considered the gold standard treatment for this neurological disorder

    Pastas dentífricas branqueadoras: a evidência científica - revisão bibliográfica

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    A estética do sorriso é muito valorizada pela sociedade, sendo a alteração da cor dentária uma das queixas comummente relatadas por pacientes que procuram tratamento estético. Os fabricantes de produtos para higiene oral estão cientes da insatisfação do consumidor com a cor dentária e desenvolveram uma vasta seleção de pastas dentífricas, visando solucionar o problema. Pretende-se com esta Dissertação, reunir e analisar a informação científica relacionada com os métodos de ação das pastas branqueadoras atualmente disponíveis no mercado, assim como relatar os principais efeitos e consequências associados. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados PubMed/Medline e Science Direct. Apesar da abundância de estudos disponíveis, destaca-se a necessidade da realização de novas pesquisas que visem reduzir o impacto das desvantagens associadas ao uso não controlado destes dentífricos, relacionadas nomeadamente com a determinação de adequados níveis de abrasividade e de concentrações mais eficazes e seguras.Smile aesthetics is highly valued by society and change in tooth color is one of the complaints commonly reported by patients seeking aesthetic treatment. Oral hygiene products’ manufacturers are aware of consumer dissatisfaction with tooth color and have developed a wide selection of toothpaste to solve the issue. The aim of this Dissertation is to gather and analyze scientific information related to the action methods of whitening toothpastes currently available on the market, as well as to report the main effects and associated consequences. To achieve this, a literature review was carried out in the PubMed / Medline and Science Direct databases. Despite the abundance of available studies, there is a need for further research to reduce the impact of disadvantages associated with the uncontrolled use of these toothpastes, namely related to the determination of adequate levels of abrasiveness and more effective and safe concentrations

    Parotid fistula secondary to suppurative parotitis in a 13-year-old girl: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The most common cause of parotid fistula is trauma, followed by malignancy, operative complications (parotidectomy or rhytidectomy) and infection. Acute suppurative parotitis can rarely produce parotid fistula. There are various treatment options available, however it is necessary to standardize the treatment according to the duration of history and the patient's general condition.</p> <p>Case report</p> <p>A 13-year-old Indo-Caucasian girl presented to us with a two-year history of clear watery discharge from a wound just above and behind the angle of her right jaw. A diagnosis of salivary (parotid) fistula was made based on clinical examination and investigations. The parotid fistula was successfully managed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Parotid fistula secondary to suppurative parotitis is rare and difficult to manage successfully. Meticulous dissection, complete excision of the fistulous tract with closure of the parotid fascia and layered closure of the incision followed by application of a post-operative pressure bandage, anticholinergic agents and antibiotics contribute significantly to the successful management of this difficult clinical condition.</p

    Correlation between Apnea Severity and Sagittal Cephalometric Features in a Population of Patients with Polysomnographically Diagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Background and Objective: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder featuring a repeated closure of the upper airway during sleep. Craniofacial anatomy is a potential risk and worsening factor for OSA. This study aims to assess the relationship between cephalometric features of craniofacial morphology and OSA severity in a population of patients with OSA. Material and Methods: A sample of forty-two patients (n = 42, M = 76%, mean age = 57.8 ± 10.8) with a polysomnographically (PSG) confirmed diagnosis of OSA were recruited and underwent cephalometric evaluation of 16 cephalometric variables. In addition, the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation (SatMin), Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), and body mass index (BMI) were assessed. Then t-tests were performed to compare the values of all cephalometric variables between two AHI severity-based groups (mild-to-moderate = AHI ≤ 30; severe = AHI &gt; 30). Single- and multiple-variable regression analyses were performed to assess the associations between AHI scores and cephalometric features. Results: Mean AHI, SatMin, and BMI were 31.4 ev/h, 78.7%, and 28.1, respectively. The cephalometric variables were not significantly different between the two OSA-severity groups (p &gt; 0.05). Multiple-variable regression analyses showed that gonial angle and nasopharynx space were negatively associated with AHI, explaining 24.6% of the total variance. Conclusion: This investigation reported that severity of AHI scores in patients with OSA showed a negative correlation with gonial angle and nasopharynx space. As a general remark, although maxillofacial anatomy can be a predisposing factor for OSA, disease severity depends mainly upon other variables

    Dysphagia in neurological diseases: a literature review

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    none4sirestrictedPanebianco, M; Rosario, Marchese-Ragona; Masiero, S; Restivo, DA.Panebianco, M; MARCHESE RAGONA, Rosario; Masiero, S; Restivo, Da

    Predittori di efficacia nel trattamento dell'otite esterna maligna fungina: una review sistematica

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    Obiettivo dello studio è stato riassumere i dati della letteratura sugli aspetti clinici e la gestione abituale dell’otite esterna maligna fungina (OEMF), ed identificare possibili fattori predittivi di esito positivo del trattamento. Gli articoli sono stati inizialmente selezionati sulla base del titolo e degli abstract. Sono poi stati recuperati ed analizzati per intero seguendo criteri predeterminati. È stata stilata una lista di riferimento degli articoli selezionati per cercare eventuali pubblicazioni mancati. Gli studi raccolti sono stati infine valutati metodologicamente. Dei 143 articoli iniziali, ne sono stati selezionati 14 focalizzati sulla gestione dell’OEMF. La maggior parte di questi ha dimostrato una correlazione tra l’efficacia del trattamento, inteso come risoluzione dei sintomi, ed alcune variabili cliniche e di gestione della patologia quali l’astensione da procedure chirurgiche invasive, l’assenza di paralisi facciale, l’Aspergillus spp come patogeno causante e l’assenza di segni radiologici alla diagnosi e nel corso del follow-up. L’efficacia del trattamento dipende dalla valutazione dello stato dei nervi cranici, dal patogeno alla base e dai segni radiologici, più precisamente: l’assenza di paralisi facciale, l’Aspergillus spp e l’imaging negativo alla diagnosi e durante il follow-up correlano con la risoluzione dei sintomi. L’evidenza che il trattamento farmacologico possa associarsi ad un miglior outcome rispetto a procedure chirurgiche invasive potrebbe semplicemente riflettere il fatto che pazienti affetti da una patologia più avanzata richiedono un approccio più aggressivo mentre le forme più lievi possono essere trattate in modo conservativo. È necessario quindi prestare attenzione nell’interpretazione dei dati a causa della necessità di ulteriori studi sull’argomento

    Successful treatment of long-standing post-stroke dysphagia with botulinum toxin and rehabilitation

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    Cricopharyngeal myotomy is the most common treatment used to restore normal swallowing in patients with persistent ( /6 months) cricopharyngeal muscle dysfunction post-stroke. We describe 2 patients whose dysphagia was due to cricopharyngeal muscle over-activity and who significantly improved after a percutaneous botulinum toxin injection in the cricopharyngeal muscle in combination with a rehabilitation treatment (dietary modifications, postural techniques, airflow protection manoeuvres). Swallowing was assessed clinically and by fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and videofluoroscopy; the degree of dysphagia was scored using the penetration-aspiration scale. Two months after the botulinum toxin injection the patients, who were previously fed via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, returned to independent oral feeding and at 6, 12 and 24 month follow-up, both were still able to maintain an adequate oral intake with no signs of aspiration (by videofluoroscopy) or clinical complications. No further botulinum toxin injections or rehabilitation treatments were required. Our findings strongly suggest that even longstanding dysphagia can improve dramatically in selected patients. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other reports with such a long follow-up

    β-Arrestin-1 expression and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in laryngeal carcinoma.

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    Aim: The novel primary end-point of the present study was to ascertain β-arrestin-1 expression in a cohort of consecutive patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) with information available on their cigarette-smoking habits. A secondary end-point was to conduct a preliminary clinical and pathological investigation into the possible role of β-arrestin-1 in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), identified by testing for E-cadherin, Zeb1, and Zeb2 expression, in the setting of LSCC. Methods: The expression of β-arrestin-1, E-cadherin, zeb1, and zeb2 was ascertained in 20 consecutive LSCCs. Results: Statistical analysis showed no significant associations between β-arrestin-1 and EMT (based on the expression of E-cadherin, Zeb1, and Zeb2). The combined effect of nicotine and β-arrestin-1 was significantly associated with a shorter disease-free survival ( P=0.01) in our series of LSCC. This latter result was also confirmed in an independent, publicly available LSCC cohort ( P=0.047). Conclusions: Further investigations on larger series (ideally in prospective settings) are needed before we can consider closer follow-up protocols and/or more aggressive treatments for patients with LSCC and a combination of nicotine exposure and β-arrestin-1 positivity in tumor cells at the time of their diagnosis. Further studies on how β-arrestin functions in cancer via different signaling pathways might reveal potential targets for the treatment of even advanced laryngeal malignancies

    Design of a study to investigate the mechanisms of obstructive sleep apnoea by means of drug-induced sleep endoscopy

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    Background Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is an independent risk factor of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Recurrent episodes of upper airways collapse during sleep causing blood oxygen desaturation, hypercapnia, and micro-arousals, are known to activate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). However, whether changes in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and endothelial activation also occur remains contentious. Methods Based on routine use of drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) for the work-up of OSA patients in our centre, we designed a prospective study to investigate the haemodynamic and humoral changes occurring during the apnoeic episodes reproduced in vivo in the course of DISE. Specifically, plasma aldosterone concentration and renin activity, C-terminal fragment of proendothelin-1, as a marker of endothelial damage, and free plasma catecholamines, will be measured at fixed times during DISE. The activity of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), a key catecholamine-inactivating enzyme that has been scantly investigated thus far owing to the lack of commercially available kits, will be also determined by a newly developed high performance liquid chromatography method, which is herein described. Results and conclusions The aim of this study is to provide novel information on the haemodynamic, hormonal, and SNS changes, and also on COMT activity modification concomitantly occurring during apnoea, thus contributing substantively to the understanding of the pathophysiology of OSA